Strategy for wrapping multiple libraries in C++ - c++

I have a class Foo, which I do not implement directly, but wrap external libraries (e.g FooXternal1 or FooXternal2 )
One way that I have seen to do this, is using preprocessor directives as
#include "config.h"
#include "foo.h"
//implementation of class Foo using FooXternal1
//implementation of class Foo using FooXternal2
and a config.h is used to define these preprocessor flags (_FOOXTERNAL1_WRAPPER_ and _FOOEXTERNAL2_WRAPPER_).
I have the impression this is frowned upon by the C++ programmer community because it uses preprocessor directives, is hard to debug, etc. Further, it does not allow for the parallel existence of both implementations.
I thought about making Foo a base class and inheriting from it to allow for both implementations to exist in parallel with each other. But I ran into two problems:
Pure virtual functions: cannot instatiate an object of type 'Foo', which I need during use.
Virtual functions run the risk of running an object with no (proper) implementation.
Am I missing something? Is there a cleaner way to do this?
EDIT : To summarize, there are 3(.5?!) ways to doing the wrapping- 2(.5) are given by icepack, and the last by Sergey
1- Use factory methods
2- Use preprocessor directives
2.5- Use makefile or IDE to effectively do the work of the preprocessor directives
3.5- Use templates suggested by Sergay
I am working on an embedded system where resources are limited, I decided to use template<enum = default_library>, with template specialization. It is easy to understand for later users; at least thats what I think

If all method names of external implementations are similar, you can use templates. Let external implementations look like:
class FooX1
void Met1()
std::cout << "X1\n";
class FooX2
void Met1()
std::cout << "X2\n";
Then you can use several variants.
Variant 1. You can declare member of a template type and wrap all calls to external implementation, even with some preparations before the call. Don't forget to delete impl in ~Foo destructor.
template<typename FooX>
class FooVariant1
impl=new FooX();
void Met1Wrapper()
FooX *impl;
FooVariant1<FooX1> bar;
Variant 2. You can inherit from a template parameter. In this case you don't declare any members, but just call implementation's methods by their names.
template<typename FooX>
class FooVariant2 : public FooX
FooVariant2<FooX1> bar;
A disadvantage of using templates is that there is no easy way to change implementations in runtime. But in return you get much more optimal code, because types are generated in compile-time and there is no table of virtual functions, which can make the program slower.

If you want the 2 implementations to coexist at runtime, interface is the way to go (for example, you can use a factory method design pattern to instantiate the concrete object, like #n.m. has suggested).
If you can decide at compilation time what is the implementation that you need, you have several options:
Still use interface. This will allow an easy transition if in the future you'll need both implementations at runtime.
Use preprocessor directives. There is nothing wrong here as far as C++ is considered. It's a pure design issue.
Put the implementations in different files and configure your compiler to compile either one of them according to settings - this is actually similar to using preprocessor directives but it's cleaner and doesn't add garbage to your code (since the flags are in the solution/makefile/whatever your compiler uses).

The only thing I'd frown upon is including both implementations in the same source file. That might get confusing. Otherwise, this is one of the things preprocessor flags are good at, especially if you're not linking both libraries at the same time. It's just like supporting multiple operating systems. Provide a consistent interface in all cases and hide the implementation details somewhere else.
Does type Foo need to hold any information specific to each library? If not, you might be able to get away with this:
#include "Foo.h"
#include "Foo_impl1.cpp"
#elif defined _FOOXTERNAL2_WRAPPER_
#include "Foo_impl2.cpp"
#error "Warn about a missing define here"
This way you don't have to bother with virtual functions or inheritance and you still prevent any member functions from going unimplemented.

Keep Foo abstract. Provide a factory method
Foo* MakeFoo();
that allocates a new object of either type FooImpl1 or FooImpl2, and returns its address.
Wikipedia on Factory Method pattern.


Is it okay and/or normal to use #include to put large chunks of repetitive code into a separate file?

I have been dissecting some code and I saw something I haven't seen before, and I was wondering if it is a good/bad practice and if it is normal.
Basically there is a header file with a class definition for a class with a bunch (around 90) of pure virtual functions. There are a lot of these virtual functions, so they are all put into a separate file and then included in the class definition like so:
class Foo
virtual ~Foo() {};
#define FOO_VIRTUAL_IMPL = 0
#include "Foo_prototypes.h"
#if ! defined(FOO_VIRTUAL_IMPL)
virtual void doSomething() FOO_VIRTUAL_IMPL;
virtual void doSomethingElse() FOO_VIRTUAL_IMPL;
Is using the define macro like that also common (i.e. allowing the same
include file to be used for pure virtual and normal virtual functions)? Is this sort of stuff used often, or just for little hacks to save a little bit of time/effort?
I suppose these things made the code seem less readable to me, but it may just be because I am not used to these tricks and once I get used to them I will be better equipped to read this sort of code.
The code in question is Interactive Brokers' C++ API, if anyone cares to see it in context. Relevant files are: EWrapper.h and TestCppClient.h and EWrapper_prototypes.h.
Wellll, this isn't exactly what I'd call well-styled code. Yes, technically you can include headers in that kind of place, but it's not exactly standard, so I wouldn't recommend it. Just in general, "stay away from the dusty corners of a language". However, if you really want to do that kind of thing, you can. However, not following standard practices can have two effects.
Non-standard code is generally harder to read, so less people will be able or willing to contribute.
Non-standard code can have more bugs that aren't as noticed, just because it's not standard.
An example of the bugs I mentioned beforehand is the way FOO_VIRTUAL_IMPL works. #define's aren't limited to scope, so this would be visible to all your code. It would be really really easy to #define it in one header, and not define it at all in another header. This would cause all the virtual functions in the second header to be purely virtual, probably not what you intended.
EDIT: Also, as Caleth said, if your class requires that much repetitive code, it would be good to redesign your class entirely.
There are several issues here.
If you have a class with the same pure virtual functions over and over again, it's an interface by defintion. There is absolutely no reason not to wrap things up in a well-defined, named interface. Modern IDE's will support you when implementing those interfaces (so there is no need for macro-magic).
Generally, using macros is bad. We wouldn't accept macro-programming in any code-review. Check out the C++ ISO guideline for more info:
Macros are a major source of bugs. Macros don't obey the usual scope and type rules. Macros ensure that the human reader sees something different from what the compiler sees. Macros complicate tool building.
I'd be very wary of an #include that didn't appear at :: scope, especially given that it is a file ending .h.
I'm also wary of the #define, particularly as you don't then #undef it after the #include.
If you find yourself writing multiple classes that implement tens of virtual methods on one abstract base, I would first reconsider the class design. You can probably split your big interface out into a collection of related interfaces.
A safer implementation would be:
virtual void doSomething() FOO_VIRTUAL_IMPL;\
virtual void doSomethingElse() FOO_VIRTUAL_IMPL;
class Foo
virtual ~Foo() {};
class FooImpl : public Foo
virtual ~FooImpl() {};
FOO_PROTOTYPES( override );
Everything is in one header and avoids accidental use of the FOO_VIRTUAL_IMPL value defined in one header in another one.
However if your class has enough methods to make such constructs worthwhile its probably time to refactor your class into smaller classes.

Hiding library dependencies from library users

Consider I'm writting a static library. Let it has a class Foo
// mylib.h
#include <dependency_header_from_other_static_library.h>
class Foo {
// ...
type_from_dependent_library x;
As you can see this library (let call it mylib) depends on another library. It compiles well. But when user compile it's code (that uses Foo and includes mylib.h) and linking with my lib the compilation fails, because user need to have dependency_header_from_other_static_library.h header file to compile code as well.
I want to hide this dependency from the user. How this can be done? The one thing that comes to mind is a PIMPL idiom. Like:
// mylib.h
#include <dependency_header_from_other_static_library.h>
class Foo {
// ...
class FooImpl;
boost::shared_ptr<FooImpl> impl_;
// mylib_priv.h
class FooImpl {
// ...
type_from_dependent_library x;
But it requires me to duplicate the interface of the class Foo in FooImpl. And, is it an overkill to use PIMPL in my case?
When decoupling a header from other headers, there are a few approaches you might be able to use:
If the used library makes a promise about how it declares its types, you may be able to forward declare the needed types in your header. Of course, this still means you can only refer to these types as pointers or in function signatures in the header but this may be good enough. For example, if the used library promises to have a class LibraryType that you need to use, you can do something like this:
// Foo.h
class LibraryType;
class Foo {
// ...
LibraryType* data;
This may cut you the necessary slack to use the type without including its header and without jumping through a PImpl approach.
If the library doesn't make a promise about how it declares it types you may use void* to refer to the corresponding types. Of course, this means that whenever you access the data in your implementation, you'll need to cast the void* to the appropriate type. Since the type is statically known, using static_cast<LibraryType*> is perfectly fine, i.e., there isn't any overhead due to the cast, but it is still relatively painful to do.
The other alternative is, of course, to use the PImpl idiom. If you type provides any reasonably service, it will probably change the interface quite a bit and it shouldn't amount much to replicating the interface between the class itself and the privately declared type. Also, note that the private type is just a data container, i.e., it is reasonably to just make it a struct and have no protection to its accesses. The only real issue is that you need to make sure that the type's definition is visible at the point where the destructor is called. Using std::shared_ptr<T>(new T(/*...*)) arranges for this.
Effectively, all three approaches do the same thing although with slightly different techniques: they provide you an opaque handle to be used in the header file whose definition is only known to the implementation. This way, the client of the library doesn't need to include the corresponding header files. However, unless the symbols are resolved when building the library, it would still be necessary for the client to have access to the used library.

Is it possible to define a class in 2 or more file in C++?

I know it's possible to do class implementation in more than one file(yes, I know that this is bad idea), but I want to know if it's possible to write class definition in separate files without getting a redefinition error (maybe some tricks, or else...)
No, not the same class, but why would you?
You could define two classes with the same name in the same namespace (the same signature! That will actually be the same class at all, just defined in two ways) in two different header files and compile your program, if your source files don't include both headers. Your application could even be linked, but then at runtime things won't work as you expect (it'll be undefined behavior!), unless the classes are identical.
See Charles Bailey's answer for a more formal explanation.
If what you want is to have a single class defined by more than one file, in order to (for example) add some automatically generated functions to your class, you could #include a secondary file in the middle of your class.
/* automatically generated file - autofile.gen.h */
void f1( ) { /* ... */ }
void f2( ) { /* ... */ }
void f3( ) { /* ... */ }
/* ... */
/* your header file with your class to be expanded */
class C
/* ... */
#include "autofile.gen.h"
/* ... */
Not as nice and clean as the partial keyword in C#, but yes, you can split your class into multiple header files:
class MyClass
#include "my_class_aspect1.h"
#include "my_class_aspect2.h"
#include "my_class_aspect3.h"
#include "my_class_aspect1.inl"
#include "my_class_aspect2.inl"
#include "my_class_aspect3.inl"
Well sort of ...
If you have 1 header file as follows
class ClassDef
// blah, etc.
// more blah
and another as follows
// Yet more blah.
The class will effectively have been defined across 2 files.
Beyond that sort of trickery .. AFAIK, no you can't.
Yes, you can. Each definition must occur in a separate translation unit but there are heavy restrictions on multiple definitions.
Each definition must consist of the same sequence of tokens and in each definition corresponding names must refer to the same entity (or an entity within the definition of the class itself).
See 3.2 [basic.def.odr] / 5 of ISO 14882:2003 for full details.
Yes. Usually, people put the declaration part in .h file and then put the function body implementations in .cpp file
Put the declarations in a .h file, then implement in as many files as you want, but include the .h in each.
But, you cannot implement the same thing in more than one file
I know this is a late post, but a friend just asked me a similar question, so I thought I would post our discussion:
From what I understand you want to do ThinkingStiff, it's not possible in C++. I take it you want something like "partial class" in C#.
Keep in mind, "partial class" in .NET is necessary so you don't have to put your entire implementation in one big source file. Unlike C++, .NET does not allow your implementation to be separate from the declaration, therefore the need for "partial class". So, Rafid it's not a nice feature, it's a necessary one, and a reinvention of the wheel IMHO.
If your class definition is so large you need to split it across more than one source file, then it can probably be split into smaller, decoupled classes and the primary class can use the mediator design pattern that ties them all together.
If your desire is to hide private members, such as when developing a commercial library and you don't wish to give away intelectual property (or hints to that affect), then you can use pure abstract classes. This way, all that is in the header is simple class with all the public definitions (API) and a factory function for creating an instance of it. All the implementation details are in your source file(s).
Another alternative is similar to the above, but uses a normal class (not a pure virtual one), but still exposes only the public interface. In your source file(s), you do all the work inside a nameless namespace, which can include friend functions from your class definition when necessary, etc. A bit more work, but a reasonable technique.
I bolded those things you might want to lookup and consider when solving your problem.
This is one of the nice features of C#, but unfortunately it is not supported in C++.
Perhaps something like policy based design would do the trick? Multiple Inheritience gives you the possiblity to compose classes in ways you can't in other languages. of course there are gotchas associated with MI so make sure you know what you are doing.
The short answer is yes, it is possible. The correct answer is no, you should never even think about doing it (and you will be flogged by other programmers should you disregard that directive).
You can split the definitions of the member functions into other translation units, but not of the class itself. To do that, you'd need to do preprocessor trickery.
// header file with function declarations
class C {
void f(int foo, int bar);
int g();
// this goes into a seperate file
void C::f(int foo, int bar) {
// code ...
// this in yet another
void C::g() {
// code ...
There must be a reason why you want to split between two headers, so my guess is that you really want 2 classes that are joined together to form components of a single (3rd) class.

How to share classes between DLLs

I have an unmanaged Win32 C++ application that uses multiple C++ DLLs. The DLLs each need to use class Foo - definition and implementation.
Where do Foo.h and Foo.cpp live so that the DLLs link and don't end up duplicating code in memory?
Is this a reasonable thing to do?
There is a lot of good info in all the answers and comments below - not just the one I've marked as the answer. Thanks for everyone's input.
Providing functionality in the form of classes via a DLL is itself fine. You need to be careful that you seperate the interrface from the implementation, however. How careful depends on how your DLL will be used. For toy projects or utilities that remain internal, you may not need to even think about it. For DLLs that will be used by multiple clients under who-knows-which compiler, you need to be very careful.
class MyGizmo
std::string get_name() const;
std::string name_;
If MyGizmo is going to be used by 3rd parties, this class will cause you no end of headaches. Obviously, the private member variables are a problem, but the return type for get_name() is just as much of a problem. The reason is because std::string's implementation details are part of it's definition. The Standard dictates a minimum functionality set for std::string, but compiler writers are free to implement that however they choose. One might have a function named realloc() to handle the internal reallocation, while another may have a function named buy_node() or something. Same is true with data members. One implementation may use 3 size_t's and a char*, while another might use std::vector. The point is your compiler might think std::string is n bytes and has such-and-so members, while another compiler (or even another patch level of the same compiler) might think it looks totally different.
One solution to this is to use interfaces. In your DLL's public header, you declare an abstract class representing the useful facilities your DLL provides, and a means to create the class, such as:
class MyGizmo
static MyGizmo* Create();
virtual void get_name(char* buffer_alloc_by_caller, size_t size_of_buffer) const = 0;
virtual ~MyGizmo();
MyGizmo(); // nobody can create this except myself
...and then in your DLL's internals, you define a class that actually implements MyGizmo:
mygizmo.cpp :
class MyConcreteGizmo : public MyGizmo
void get_name(char* buf, size_t sz) const { /*...*/ }
~MyGizmo() { /*...*/ }
std::string name_;
MyGizmo* MyGizmo::Create()
return new MyConcreteGizmo;
This might seem like a pain and, well, it is. If your DLL is going to be only used internally by only one compiler, there may be no reason to go to the trouble. But if your DLL is going to be used my multiple compilers internally, or by external clients, doing this saves major headaches down the road.
Use __declspec dllexport to export the class to the DLL's export table, then include the header file in your other projects and link against the main DLL's export library file. That way the implementation is common.
Where does Foo live? in another dll.
Is it reasonable? not really.
If you declare a class like this:
class __declspec(dllexport) Foo { ...
then msvc will export every member function of the class. However the resulting dll is very fragile as any small change to the class definition without a corresponding rebuild of every consuming dll means that the consuming code will allocate the incorrect number of bytes for any stack and heap allocations not performed by factory functions. Likewise, inline methods will compile into consuming dlls and reference the old layout of the class.
If all the dlls are always rebuilt together, then go ahead. If not - don't :P

Designing a C++ library

I am in the process of designing a C++ static library.
I want to make the classes generic/configuarable so that they can support a number of data types(and I don't want to write any data type specific code in my library).
So I have templatized the classes.
But since the C++ "export" template feature is not supported by the compiler I am currently using, I am forced to provide the implementation of the classes in the header file.
I dont want to expose the implementation details of my Classes to the client code which is going to use my library.
Can you please provide me with some design alternatives to the above problem??
Prior to templates, type-agnostic C++ code had to be written using runtime polymorphism. But with templates as well, you can combine the two techniques.
For example, suppose you wanted to store values of any type, for later retrieval. Without templates, you'd have to do this:
struct PrintableThing
// declare abstract operations needed on the type
virtual void print(std::ostream &os) = 0;
// polymorphic base class needs virtual destructor
virtual ~PrintableThing() {}
class PrintableContainer
PrintableThing *printableThing;
// various other secret stuff
void store(PrintableThing *p);
The user of this library would have to write their own derived version of PrintableThing by hand to wrap around their own data and implement the print function on it.
But you can wrap a template-based layer around such a system:
template <T>
struct PrintableType : PrintableThing
T instance;
virtual void print(std::ostream &os)
{ os << instance; }
PrintableType(const T &i)
: instance(i) {}
And also add a method in the header of the library, in the declaration of the PrintableContainer class:
template <class T>
void store(const T &p)
store(new PrintableType(p));
This acts as the bridge between templates and runtime polymorphism, compile-time binding to the << operator to implement print, and to the copy-constructor also (and of course also forwarding to the nested instance's destructor).
In this way, you can write a library entirely based on runtime polymorphism, with the implementation capable of being hidden away in the source of the library, but with a little bit of template "sugar" added to make it convenient to use.
Whether this is worth the trouble will depend on your needs. It has a purely technical benefit in that runtime polymorphism is sometimes exactly what you need, in itself. On the downside, you will undoubtedly reduce the compiler's ability to inline effectively. On the upside, your compile times and binary code bloat may go down.
Examples are std::tr1::function and boost::any, which have a very clean, modern C++ template-based front end but work behind the scenes as runtime polymorphic containers.
I've got some news for you, buddy. Even with export, you'd still have to release all of your template code -- export just makes it that you don't have to put the definitions in a header file. You're totally stuck. The only technique you can use is split off some functions that are non-templates and put them into a different class. But that's ugly, and usually involves void* and placement new and delete. That's just the nature of the beast.
You can try to obfuscate your code - but you have little choice in C++03 asides from including template code in header files.
Vandevoorde does describe another technique in his book: Explicit instantiation - but that entails having to explicitly instantiate all possible useful combinations.
But for the most comprehensive review of this topic read chapter 6 from C++ Templates: The Complete Guide.
Edit (in response to your comment): You have two options for writing generic code without using templates:
1) Preprocessor - still requires header files
2) using void* - yuk - incredibly unsafe
So no, i do not recommend not using templates for solving problems that templates were specifically designed (albeit somewhat flawed) for.
One problem with templates is that they require compiled code. You never know how the end-user will specialize/instantiate your templates, so your dll-file would have to contain all possible template specializations in compiled form. This means that to export pair<X,Y> template you would have to force the compilication of pair<int,float>, pair<int,string>, pair<string,HWND> and so on... to infinity..
I guess more practical solution for you would be to un-template private/hidden code. You can create special internal functions that would only be compiled for single template specialization. In the following example internal_foo-function is never called from MyClass where A is not int.
template<class A>
class MyClass
int a;
float b;
A c;
int foo(string param1);
int internal_foo(string param1); // only called on MyClass<int> instances
__declspec(dllexport) int MyClass<int>::internal_foo(string param1)
... secret code ...
This of course is a hack. When using it you should be extra careful not to use member variable "c", because it's not always integer (even though internal_foo thinks that it is). And you can't even guard yourself with assertions. C++ allows you to shoot yourself in the foot, and gives you no indications about it until it's too late.
PS. I haven't tested this code so it might require some fine tuning. Not sure for example if __declspec(dllimport) is needed in order for compiler to find internal_foo function from dll-file...
With templates you cannot avoid shipping the code (unless your code only works with a fixed set of types, in which case you can explicitly instantiate). Where I work we have a library that must work on POD types (CORBA/DDS/HLA data definitions), so at the end we ship templates.
The templates delegate most of the code to non-templated code that is shipped in binary form. In some cases, work must be done directly in the types that were passed to the template, and cannot thus be delegated to non-templated code, so it is not a perfect solution, but it hides enough part of the code to make our CEO happy (the people in charge of the project would gladly provide all the code in templates).
As Neil points in a comment to the question, in the vast majority of cases there is nothing magical in the code that could not be rewritten by others.