I am trying to create a solid cylinder using triangle fan.
What I've done so far is this:
float base = 0.5;
float height = 20;
float radius = 2.0f;
for(float j=0; j<=height; j+=0.1)
for(int i=0; i<360; i++)
glVertex3f(radius*sin((float)i),j, radius*cos((float)i));
The problem appears in these 3 screenshots:
As you see in all 3 screenshots there appears to be some space and not a solid cylinder.
Is that ok?
First thing you should pay attention to (Edit: I slightly misread your code. You are doing fine with the triangle fan) is that a triangle fan works like this:
glVertex: Center point
for each outer point p
glVertex: p
For example:
/| ---___p1
/ | /
/ | /
p3/ | /
|\ | /
| \ | /
| \_O Center
| __---
Second thing is that a cylinder consists of three parts:
/ \
\__/ <---- circle on top (facing up)
| |
| |
| |
| | <---- tube in the middle
| |
| |
| |
\__/ <---- circle on the bottom (facing down)
So the algorithm you need is:
/* top triangle */
glVertex3f(0, height, 0); /* center */
for (i = 0; i <= 2 * PI; i += resolution)
glVertex3f(radius * cos(i), height, radius * sin(i));
/* bottom triangle: note: for is in reverse order */
glVertex3f(0, 0, 0); /* center */
for (i = 2 * PI; i >= 0; i -= resolution)
glVertex3f(radius * cos(i), 0, radius * sin(i));
/* close the loop back to 0 degrees */
glVertex3f(radius, height, 0);
/* middle tube */
for (i = 0; i <= 2 * PI; i += resolution)
glVertex3f(radius * cos(i), 0, radius * sin(i));
glVertex3f(radius * cos(i), height, radius * sin(i));
/* close the loop back to zero degrees */
glVertex3f(radius, 0, 0);
glVertex3f(radius, height, 0);
The way you were trying to do is first, not correct, since you are not actually making a cylinder, but stacking many circles, and second is inefficient since you are filling in space that is mostly invisible (the inside of the cylinder).
for(int i=0; i<360; i++)
The C standard library sin() and cos() functions take radians, not degrees.
Try converting (float)i to radians before you pass it to sin()/cos().
I'm trying to make a shooting tank in OpenGL on C++.
I've drawn the tank and he moves on sin shaped ground, and I want to keep the end of the cannon in variables named currX, currY. My display function is:
void display()
double dx, dy, beta;
glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); // clean frame buffer
// DrawSky();
DrawGround(); // draws a y = 0.075 * sin(x * 10) shaped ground
// rotation of 2*PI equals 2*PI*Radius of Wheel
// in our case the wheel is rotated each time by angle (in degrees)
dx = direction * 2 * PI * 0.03 * (angle / 360);
dy = 0.075 * sin(dx * 10);
beta = atan(0.075 * 10 * cos(dx * 10)); // derrivative
beta *= 180 / PI; // transforms beta to degrees
glTranslated(dx, dy, 0);
if (direction == 1)
glRotated(180, 0, 1, 0);
beta = -beta;
glScaled(0.3, 0.3, 1);
glRotated(beta, 0, 0, 1);
Now the problem is if I know that the tank cannon end was P = (-0.285,0.4175) before it was scaled and translated what will be the x,y of the cannon end at the end?
I've tried to multiply P by 0.3 which is the scaling factor in both x,y axis and its close to the end but not exactly there. What should I do?
should I calculate the currX,currY in the DrawTank or in the display?
in the image below the white point should be located at the end of the cannon.
I have a program that reads a 360 mono panorama and reads an IMU, drawing the correct part of the panorama based on the head location.
I am creating two windows, one per display, and do not want to rely on GLUT_STEREO. The draw() calls for each display are therefore independent, but right now they render the same thing, which is a gluSphere to represent the panorama. To draw the correct part of the sphere, IMU data (quaternion) becomes a rotation matrix, and that matrix is multiplied with the projection.
I wish to create a little bit of overlap with the two images, as shown with the following image:
For example, the red rectangle is my left display and the blue rectangle is my right display, but there is some overlap in the middle.
I was reading some article about stereo rendering, and I thought the solution would be to replace the call from gluPerspective() to glFrustum(), and simply modify both the left and right parameter at the same time. I thought subtracting some value to left/right parameter of glFrustum() on the display and adding some value to the left/right parameter of glFrustum() would do the trick. I modified the glutReshapeFunc() callback's projection matrix to do just that:
void resize(int width, int height)
glViewport(0, 0, width, height);
GLdouble near = 0.1;
GLdouble far = 100.0;
GLdouble aspect = (double) width / (double) height;
GLdouble top = tan(FOVY / 360 * M_PI) * near;
GLdouble bottom = -top;
GLdouble right = top * aspect;
GLdouble left = -right;
// TODO: Canned value for testing
left += 0.5;
right += 0.5;
glFrustum(left, right, bottom, top, near, far);
// gluPerspective(FOVY, aspect, near, far);
Unfortunately, this does not do what I expect (and I am really not sure why). I would think modifying both left and right parameter of glFrustum() would keep the same horizontal FOV but move it to the left or right. It seems to either stretch the image in or out.
I have played around with glTranslatef() on the ModelView or glLookAt(), but there place are not clear to me. Why is glFrustum() not having the right behavior please, and what am I missing?
Modify the frustum and the camera.
You need need two different camera matrices to simulate the eye separation and slightly different frustums to eliminate toe-in.
3D Stereo Rendering
Using OpenGL (and GLUT):
/* Misc stuff */
ratio = camera.screenwidth / (double)camera.screenheight;
radians = DTOR * camera.aperture / 2;
wd2 = near * tan(radians);
ndfl = near / camera.focallength;
/* Derive the two eye positions */
r.x *= camera.eyesep / 2.0;
r.y *= camera.eyesep / 2.0;
r.z *= camera.eyesep / 2.0;
left = - ratio * wd2 - 0.5 * camera.eyesep * ndfl;
right = ratio * wd2 - 0.5 * camera.eyesep * ndfl;
top = wd2;
bottom = - wd2;
gluLookAt(camera.vp.x + r.x,camera.vp.y + r.y,camera.vp.z + r.z,
camera.vp.x + r.x + camera.vd.x,
camera.vp.y + r.y + camera.vd.y,
camera.vp.z + r.z + camera.vd.z,
left = - ratio * wd2 + 0.5 * camera.eyesep * ndfl;
right = ratio * wd2 + 0.5 * camera.eyesep * ndfl;
top = wd2;
bottom = - wd2;
gluLookAt(camera.vp.x - r.x,camera.vp.y - r.y,camera.vp.z - r.z,
camera.vp.x - r.x + camera.vd.x,
camera.vp.y - r.y + camera.vd.y,
camera.vp.z - r.z + camera.vd.z,
Replace the glDrawBuffer() calls with appropriate FBO binds.
So I have this piece of code, which pretty much draws various 2D textures on the screen, though there are multiple sprites that have to be 'dissected' from the texture (spritesheet). The problem is that rotation is not working properly; while it rotates, it does not rotate on the center of the texture, which is what I am trying to do. I have narrowed it down to the translation being incorrect:
glTranslatef(x + sr->x/2 - sr->w/2,
y + sr->y/2 - sr->h/2,0);
glTranslatef(-x + -sr->x/2 - -sr->w/2,
-y + -sr->y/2 - -sr->h/2,0);
X and Y is the position that it's being drawn to, the sheet rect struct contains the position X and Y of the sprite being drawn from the texture, along with w and h, which are the width and heights of the 'sprite' from the texture. I've tried various other formulas, such as:
glTranslatef(x, y, 0);
The below three switching the negative sign to positive (x - y to x + y)
glTranslatef(sr->x/2 - sr->w/2, sr->y/2 - sr->h/2 0 );
glTranslatef(sr->x - sr->w/2, sr->y - sr->h/2, 0 );
glTranslatef(sr->x - sr->w, sr->y - sr->w, 0 );
It might also be helpful to say that:
is in use.
I've tried reading various tutorials, going through various forums, asking various people, but there doesn't seem to be a solution that works, nor can I find any useful resources that explain to me how I find the center of the image in order to translate it to '(0,0)'. I'm pretty new to OpenGL so a lot of this stuff takes awhile for me to digest.
Here's the entire function:
void Apply_Surface( float x, float y, Sheet_Container* source, Sheet_Rect* sr , float ang = 0, bool flipx = 0, bool flipy = 0, int e_x = -1, int e_y = -1 ) {
float imgwi,imghi;
// rotation
imghi = source->rh();
imgwi = source->rw();
Sheet_Rect t_shtrct(0,0,imgwi,imghi);
if ( sr == NULL ) // in case a sheet rect is not provided, assume it's width
//and height of texture with 0/0 x/y
sr = &t_shtrct;
int wid, hei;
glTranslatef(-sr->x + -sr->w,
-sr->y + -sr->h,0);
glTranslatef(sr->x + sr->w,
sr->y + sr->h,0);
// Yeah, out-dated way of drawing to the screen but it works for now.
GLfloat tex[] = {
(sr->x+sr->w * flipx) /imgwi, 1 - (sr->y+sr->h *!flipy )/imghi,
(sr->x+sr->w * flipx) /imgwi, 1 - (sr->y+sr->h * flipy)/imghi,
(sr->x+sr->w * !flipx) /imgwi, 1 - (sr->y+sr->h * flipy)/imghi,
(sr->x+sr->w * !flipx) /imgwi, 1 - (sr->y+sr->h *!flipy)/imghi
GLfloat vertices[] = { // vertices to put on screen
x, (y + sr->h),
x, y,
(x +sr->w), y,
(x +sr->w),(y +sr->h)
// index array
GLubyte index[6] = { 0,1,2, 2,3,0 };
float fx = (x/(float)screen_width)-(float)sr->w/2/(float)imgwi;
float fy = (y/(float)screen_height)-(float)sr->h/2/(float)imghi;
// activate arrays
// pass verteices and texture information
glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, vertices);
glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, tex);
glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, 6, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, index);
Sheet container class:
class Sheet_Container {
GLuint texture;
int width, height;
Sheet_Container(GLuint, int = -1,int = -1);
void Load(GLuint,int = -1,int = -1);
float rw();
float rh();
GLuint rt();
Sheet rect class:
struct Sheet_Rect {
float x, y, w, h;
Sheet_Rect(int xx,int yy,int ww,int hh);
Image loading function:
Sheet_Container Game_Info::Load_Image(const char* fil) {
ILuint t_id;
ilGenImages(1, &t_id);
int width = ilGetInteger(IL_IMAGE_WIDTH), height = ilGetInteger(IL_IMAGE_HEIGHT);
return Sheet_Container(ilutGLLoadImage(const_cast<char*>(fil)),width,height);
Your quad (two triangles) is centered at:
( x + sr->w / 2, y + sr->h / 2 )
You need to move that point to the origin, rotate, and then move it back:
glTranslatef ( (x + sr->w / 2.0f), (y + sr->h / 2.0f), 0.0f); // 3rd
glRotatef (0,0,0,1.f); // 2nd
glTranslatef (-(x + sr->w / 2.0f), -(y + sr->h / 2.0f), 0.0f); // 1st
Here is where I think you are getting tripped up. People naturally assume that OpenGL applies transformations in the order they appear (top-to-bottom), that is not the case. OpenGL effectively swaps the operands everytime it multiplies two matrices:
M1 x M2 x M3
(1) M2 * M1
(2) M3 * (M2 * M1) --> M3 * M2 * M1 (row-major / textbook math notation)
The technical term for this is post-multiplication, it all has to do with the way matrices are implemented in OpenGL (column-major). Suffice it to say, you should generally read glTranslatef, glRotatef, glScalef, etc. calls from bottom-to-top.
With that out of the way, your current rotation does not make any sense.
You are telling GL to rotate 0 degrees around an axis: <0,0,1> (the z-axis in other words). The axis is correct, but a 0 degree rotation is not going to do anything ;)
So I'm working with a 2d array, and I'm trying to display it on a widget using opengl. It seems to work fine, but it does not fill the widget properly. Rather than filling it evenly it's moved to the top right as seen in the image below. How can I get this to be centered?
int x = -0.1;
int y = -0.1;
float lengthX = 0.9 / ROW;
float lengthY = 0.9 / COLM;
for (int i = 0; i < ROW; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < COLM; j++) {
if (arr[i][j] == 1) {
glColor3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
} else {
glColor3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
// Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2
glVertex2f((-x) + 2 * i * lengthX, (-y) + 2 * j * lengthY);
glVertex2f(x + (2 * i + 1) * lengthX, (-y) + (2 * j + 1) * lengthX);
glVertex2f(x + (2 * i + 1) * lengthX, y + (2 * j + 1) * lengthY);
glVertex2f((-x) + 2 * i * lengthX, y + 2 * j * lengthY);
First off, your code is wrong with it's variables; Such as int x = -0.1.
Now, to fix the problem just add this to the beginning of your code:
glOrtho(0, 1, 1, 0, -1, 1);
The problem was that you're using the default matrix setup. Basically, it ranges from -1, -1 to 1, 1, instead of 0, 0, to 1, 1. I can't quite read your code, but if you can edit the glOrtho function's first 4 parameters (the last two shouldn't effect anything) to change the visible range of what you're drawing.
Just to explain a bit more, the first parameter sets the left side, the second right, the third bottom, and the fourth top. So glOrtho(0, 600, 800, 0) means setting a vertex to 0, 0 means it's showing on the top left, while a vertex set to 800, 600 will be showing on the bottom right.
Your setup was only showing a part of what it was supposed to show because the center of it, was the corner of your screen.
Here's the screenshot of what I am doing. Currently, I'm stuck from drawing a curved borders into this rectangle.
My first solution was: draw a quartered circle behind the rectangle, but if I adjust the opacity of the shape, as you can see, the quartered circle gets shown.
I know this is pretty basic for you guys but I'm not really good at math.
I did try to reuse the computed edges of the arc and add the size of border but I got this as a result.
I also think of bezier curves as a replacement but I think it is more efficient to just reuse the computed vertices and add all the missing ones. Also, I don't know how to compute for the curved points of bezier curves and finding the right amount of t would be very computationally expensive so I don't implement it.
Here's the code how I draw the inner quartered circle and I think I can just reuse it.
void drawArc(int x, int y,
int startAngle, int endAngle,
uint32_t radiusX, uint32_t radiusY,
int border_x, int border_y,
const rgb color,
const rgb bcX, const rgb bcY,
uint8_t opacity)
if (radiusX <= 0 || radiusY <= 0) return;
static constexpr float DTR = 3.14159 / 180;
float cx, cy;
int step;
static std::vector<float> verts;
static std::vector<uint8_t> colors;
if (startAngle < endAngle)
step = +1;
++ endAngle;
} else
step = -1;
-- endAngle;
while (startAngle != endAngle)
cx = cos(DTR * startAngle) * radiusX;
cy = sin(DTR * startAngle) * radiusY;
verts.push_back(x + cx);
verts.push_back(y - cy);
startAngle += step;
drawElements(GL_POLYGON, sizeof(arcIndices) / sizeof(arcIndices[0]), GL_FLOAT,
&verts[0], &colors[0], &arcIndices[0]);
if (border_x != 0 || border_y != 0)
//remove (x, y)
verts.erase(verts.begin(), verts.begin() + 2);
// float px, py;
// px = *(verts.begin() + 0);
// py = *(verts.begin() + 1);
// glPointSize(5);
// glBegin(GL_POINTS);
// glColor3ub(0,0,255);
// glVertex2i(px, py);
// px = *(verts.end() - 2);
// py = *(verts.end() - 1);
// glColor3ub(255,0,0);
// glVertex2i(px , py);
// glEnd();
//attempting to reuse the edges
//I think the last vertices are opposed
//that's why I got a crossed out lines??
for (int i = 0;i <= 90; ++i)
verts.push_back(verts[i + 0] + border_x);
verts.push_back(verts[i + 1] + border_y);
//91 = steps from 0-90 degree revolution
//182 = 91 * 2
unsigned int index[182 + 91 * 2];
for (int i = 0;i < 182 + 91 * 2; ++i)
index[i] = i;
drawElements(GL_LINE_LOOP, verts.size() / 2, GL_FLOAT,
&verts[0], &colors[0], &index[0]);
Can't I just reuse the pre-calculated (x,y) before?
Sorry for too much use of pictures
The red dots are pre-calculated (x, y) I'm referring to and just append the next arc base on this.
I'm gonna render many of this kind so I need as efficient as possible(w/o too much use to trigo functions).
And here is the result I got from using stencil buffer as what Andon M. Coleman suggested:
Btw, as you can see, I am trying to emulate my own UI using OpenGL :D
You expressed an interest in seeing how this could be solved using the stencil buffer yesterday, so I am following up with some basic pseudo-code.
glClearStencil (0x0);
glStencilFunc (GL_ALWAYS, 0x0, 0x0);
// Add 1 to stencil buffer at every location the object to be bordered is visible
glStencilOp (GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_INCR);
// Draw your grey object
// Only draw the red border where the grey object was never drawn (stencil = 0x0)
glStencilFunc (GL_EQUAL, 0x0, 0xff);
// Draw your red quarter circles
glDisable (GL_STENCIL_TEST);
Clearing the stencil buffer everytime you draw your outlined object is probably overkill. If you opt to clear the stencil buffer once per-frame instead, you can do some pretty interesting things. For instance, if you drew the outlines as a separate pass after all non-outlined shapes are drawn you could use this stencil buffer setup to outline the union (instead of including the intersection of objects as part of the drawn outline) of any overlapping objects.. this would allow you to construct more complicated shapes from your simple rounded rectangles.
Of course for this to work, your pixel format must have a stencil buffer. I will have to leave that part up to you, because the process of setting that up is implementation specific.
GL_POLYGON is only for convex polygons.
Link together the vertices on your inner and outer radii to form quads/triangles:
#include <GL/glut.h>
#include <cmath>
void Torus2d
float angle, // starting angle in radians
float length, // length of arc in radians, >0
float radius, // inner radius, >0
float width, // width of torus, >0
unsigned int samples // number of circle samples, >=3
if( samples < 3 ) samples = 3;
const float outer = radius + width;
glBegin( GL_QUAD_STRIP );
for( unsigned int i = 0; i <= samples; ++i )
float a = angle + ( i / (float)samples ) * length;
glVertex2f( radius * cos( a ), radius * sin( a ) );
glVertex2f( outer * cos( a ), outer * sin( a ) );
void display()
glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
double w = glutGet( GLUT_WINDOW_WIDTH );
double h = glutGet( GLUT_WINDOW_HEIGHT );
double ar = w / h;
glOrtho( -4 * ar, 4 * ar, -4, 4, -1, 1);
glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );
glColor3ub( 255, 0, 0 );
Torus2d( 0, 1.57079633, 2, 1, 20 );
int main( int argc, char **argv )
glutInit( &argc, argv );
glutInitDisplayMode( GLUT_RGBA | GLUT_DOUBLE );
glutInitWindowSize( 640, 480 );
glutCreateWindow( "GLUT" );
glutDisplayFunc( display );
return 0;