What does (.+_)* mean when using Henry Spencer regular expression library? - regex

With reference to Henry spencer regex library I want to know the difference between (.+_)* and (.)*.
(.+_)* tries to match the string from back as well. From my understanding . matches any single character, .+ will mean non zero occurrences of that character. _ will mean space or { or } or , etc.
Parentheses imply that any one can be considered for a match and the final * signifies 0 or more occurrences.
I feel (.)* would also achieve the same thing. The + after . might be redundant.
Can someone explain me the subtle difference between the two?

For example, aa aa will be matched by (.+_)* but not by (._)* because the latter expects only one character before the space.

I don't recall that underscore has any special meaning. The special thing about Henry Spencer regex library is that it combines both regex engine techniques - deterministic and non-determinstic.
This has a pro and a con.
The pro is that you regexps will be the fastest possible, simply built, while in other engines you might to use look a head and advanced regexp techniques (like making it fail early if there is no match) to achieve the same speed.
The con is that the entire regexp will be either greedy or non greedy. That is, if you used the * or + withouth a following a ?, then the entire regexp will be greedy, even though you use ? after that. If the first time you use a * or + you follow it by a ?, then the entire regexp will be non greedy.
This makes it a slightly trickier to craft the regexp, but really slightly.
The Henry Speced library is the engine behind tcl's regexp command, which makes this language very efficient for regexps.

As I know the _ doesn't have a special meaning, it is just a "_". See regular-expressions.info
Your two regexes are not the same.
(._)* will match one character followed by an underscore (if the underscore has a special meaning in your implementation replace "underscore" by that meaning), this sequence will be matched 0 or more times, e.g. "a_%_._?_"
(.+_)* will match at least one character followed by an underscore, this sequence will be matched 0 or more times, e.g. "abc45_%_.;,:_?#'+*~_"
(.+_)* will match everything that can be matched by (._)* but not the other way round.


Regex (.*) without matching the second case

Given the following sample input text:
{{A1|def|ghi|jkl}}hello world. {{A2|mno}}bye world.
How can I create a regex pattern to only matching the first instance of {{ ... }} (i.e. only {{A1|def|ghi|jkl}}). A1 and A2 are fixed inputs and def, ghi, jkl, and mno could be anything.
I've tried this:
But that returns everything ({{A1|def|ghi|jkl}}hello world. {{A2|mno}}).
Note that def or ghi or jkl or mno could be numbers, English letters or other languages (e.g. Chinese/Japanese/Korean).
It's a little unclear what you are trying to accomplish. At first, I thought that your problem was just that you were getting the entire thing when all you really wanted was the A1 or A2 part. If so, here's the answer:
Since you didn't specify which flavor of regex you are using, it's hard to say for sure. If you are using a version which supports look-arounds, you could do something like this:
Here's the meaning of the pattern:
(?<={{) - This is a positive look-behind expression which means that it asserts that any match must be preceded by certain characters. In this case, the characters are {{.
\w+ - This is the actual part that we are matching. In this case, it's one or more word characters. \w is a special character class. This varies, though, depending on which regex engine you are using. Something like [A-Z][0-9] may be more appropriate, depending on your needs.
(?=(\|[^|}]*)+}}) - This is a positive look-ahead expression. That means that it asserts that any match must be followed by some particular pattern of characters. In this case, it's looking for matches to be followed by (\|[^|}]*)+}}.
However, if look-arounds are not possible, then you can match it with a capturing group, like this:
If you do it that way, you'll need to read the value of the first group for each match.
As far as only finding the first match goes, that really depends on which tool or language you are using. Most regex engines only find the first match by default and only find additional matches when a global modifier is specified (often /g at the end).
However, now, after having edited your question, and trying better to understand what you meant, I think that your real problem is greediness. The repetitions, such as *, in regex are greedy by default. That means they will capture as much text as they possibly can and still have it match. In this case, you don't want it to find the longest possible match. In this case, you want it to find the shortest possible match. You could do that simply by making the repetitions lazy (i.e. non-greedy). To do that, simply add a ? after the *. For instance:
However, that's not very efficient. If this pattern is going to be used often or on large inputs it would be better to use a more restrictive character class, such as [^}|] instead of ., so that the lazy modifier is unnecessary. For example:
Or, more simply:
The problem with your pattern is simply that you've made all of the * quantifiers greedy. They're matching as much of the string as they can (while still allowing the whole pattern to match). Just make them non-greedy *?:

How does the ? make a quantifier lazy in regex

I've been looking into regex lately and figured that the ? operator makes the *,+, or ? lazy. My question is how does it do that? Is it that *? for example is a special operator, or does the ? have an effect on the * ? In other words, does regex recognize *? as one operator in itself, or does regex recognize *? as the two separate operators * and ? ? If it is the case that *? is being recognized as two separate operators, how does the ? affect the * to make it lazy. If ? means that the * is optional, shouldn't this mean that the * doesn't have to exists at all. If so, then in a statement .*? wouldn't regex just match separate letters and the whole string instead of the shorter string? Please explain, I'm desperate to understand.Many thanks.
? can mean a lot of different things in different contexts.
Following a normal regex token (a character, a shorthand, a character class, a group...), it means "Match the previous item 0-1 times".
Following a quantifier like ?, *, +, {n,m}, it takes on a different meaning: "Make the previous quantifier lazy instead of greedy (if that's the default; that can be changed, though - for example in PHP, the /U modifier makes all quantifiers lazy by default, so the additional ? makes them greedy).
Right after an opening parenthesis, it marks the start of a special construct like for example
a) (?s): mode modifiers ("turn on dotall mode")
b) (?:...): make the group non-capturing
c) (?=...) or (?!...): lookahead assertion
d) (?<=...) or (?<!...): lookbehind assertion
e) (?>...): atomic group
f) (?<foo>...): named capturing group
g) (?#comment): inline comments, ignored by the regex engine
h) (?(?=if)then|else): conditionals
and others. Not all constructs are available in all regex flavors.
Within a character class ([?]), it simply matches a verbatim ?.
I think a little history will make it easier to understand. When the Larry Wall wanted to grow regex syntax to support new features, his options were severely limited. He couldn't just decree (for example) that % is now a metacharacter that supports new feature "XYZ". That would break the millions of existing regexes that happened to use % to match a literal percent sign.
What he could do is take an already-defined metacharacter and use it in such a way that its original function wouldn't make sense. For example, any regex that contained two quantifiers in a row would be invalid, so it was safe to say a ? after another quantifier now turns it into a reluctant quantifier (a much better name than "lazy" IMO; non-greedy good too). So the answer to your question is that ? doesn't modify the *, *? is a single entity: a reluctant quantifier. The same is true of the + in possessive quantifiers (*+, {0,2}+ etc.).
A similar process occurred with group syntax. It would never make sense to have a quantifier after an unescaped opening parenthesis, so it was safe to say (? now marks the beginning of a special group construct. But the question mark alone would only support one new feature, so the ? itself to be followed has to be followed by at least one more character to indicate which kind of group it is ((?:...), (?<!...), etc.). Again, the (?: is a single entity: the opening delimiter of a non-capturing group.
I don't know offhand why he used the question mark both times. I do know Perl 6 Rules (a bottom-up rewrite of Perl 5 regexes) has done away with all that crap and uses an infinitely more sensible syntax.
Imagine you have the following text:
The following regexs will return:
/B(A+)/ => 'BAAAAAAAA'
/B(A+?)/ => 'BA'
/B(A*)/ => 'BAAAAAAAA'
/B(A*?)/ => 'B'
The addition of the "?" to the + and * operators make them "lazy" - i.e. they will match the absolute minimum required for the expression to be true. Whereas by default the * and + operators are "greedy" and try and match AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE for the expression to be true.
Remember + means "one or more" so the minimum will be "one if possible, more if absolutely necessary" whereas the maximum will be "all if possible, one if absolutely necessary".
And * means "zero or more" so the minimum will be "nothing if possible, more if absolutely necessary" whereas the maximum will be "all if possible, zero if absolutely necessary".
This very much depends on the implementation, I guess. But since every quantifier I am aware of can be modified with ? it might be reasonable to implement it that way.

Regexp Question - Negating a captured character

I'm looking for a regular expression that allows for either single-quoted or double-quoted strings, and allows the opposite quote character within the string. For example, the following would both be legal strings:
"hello 'there' world"
'hello "there" world'
The regexp I'm using uses negative lookahead and is as follows:
This would work I think, but what about if the language didn't support negative lookahead. Is there any other way to do this? Without alternation?
I know I can use alternation. This was more of just a hypothetical question. Say I had 20 different characters in the initial character class. I wouldn't want to write out 20 different alternations. I'm trying to actually negate the captured character, without using lookahead, lookbehind, or alternation.
This is actually much simpler than you may have realized. You don't really need the negative look-ahead. What you want to do is a non-greedy (or lazy) match like this:
The ? character after the .* is the important part. It says, consume the minimum possible characters before hitting the next part of the regex. So, you get either kind of quote, and then you go after 0-M characters until you encounter a character matching whichever quote you first ran into. You can learn more about greedy matching vs. non-greedy here and here.
On a successful match, the $+ variable will hold the contents of whichever alternate matched.
In the general case, regexps are not really the answer. You might be interested in something like Text::ParseWords, which tokenizes text, accounting for nested quotes, backslashed quotes, backslashed spaces, and other oddities.

Regex to *not* match any characters

I know it is quite some weird goal here but for a quick and dirty fix for one of our system we do need to not filter any input and let the corruption go into the system.
My current regex for this is "\^.*"
The problem with that is that it does not match characters as planned ... but for one match it does work. The string that make it not work is ^#jj (basically anything that has ^ ... ).
What would be the best way to not match any characters now ? I was thinking of removing the \  but only doing this will transform the "not" into a "start with" ...
The ^ character doesn't mean "not" except inside a character class ([]). If you want to not match anything, you could use a negative lookahead that matches anything: (?!.*).
A simple and cheap regex that will never match anything is to match against something that is simply unmatchable, for example: \b\B.
It's simply impossible for this regex to match, since it's a contradiction.
regular-expressions.info\Word Boundaries
\B is the negated version of \b. \B matches at every position where \b does not.
Another very well supported and fast pattern that would fail to match anything that is guaranteed to be constant time:
$unmatchable pattern $anything goes here etc.
$ of course indicates the end-of-line. No characters could possibly go after $ so no further state transitions could possibly be made. The additional advantage are that your pattern is intuitive, self-descriptive and readable as well!
tldr; The most portable and efficient regex to never match anything is $- (end of line followed by a char)
Impossible regex
The most reliable solution is to create an impossible regex. There are many impossible regexes but not all are as good.
First you want to avoid "lookahead" solutions because some regex engines don't support it.
Then you want to make sure your "impossible regex" is efficient and won't take too much computation steps to match... nothing.
I found that $- has a constant computation time ( O(1) ) and only takes two steps to compute regardless of the size of your text (https://regex101.com/r/yjcs1Z/3).
For comparison:
$^ and $. both take 36 steps to compute -> O(1)
\b\B takes 1507 steps on my sample and increase with the number of character in your string -> O(n)
Empty regex (alternative solution)
If your regex engine accepts it, the best and simplest regex to never match anything might be: an empty regex .
Instead of trying to not match any characters, why not just match all characters? ^.*$ should do the trick. If you have to not match any characters then try ^\j$ (Assuming of course, that your regular expression engine will not throw an error when you provide it an invalid character class. If it does, try ^()$. A quick test with RegexBuddy suggests that this might work.
^ is only not when it's in class (such as [^a-z] meaning anything but a-z). You've turned it into a literal ^ with the backslash.
What you're trying to do is [^]*, but that's not legal. You could try something like
" {10000}"
which would match exactly 10,000 spaces, if that's longer than your maximum input, it should never be matched.
Try this, it matches only if the string is empty.
Interesting ... the most obvious and simple variant:
requiring usually only one computation step (failing directly at the start and being computational expensive only if the matched string begins with a long series of ~) is not mentioned among all the other answers ... for 12 years.
You want to match nothing at all? Neg lookarounds seems obvious, but can be slow, perhaps ^$ (matches empty string only) as an alternative?

How can I match a quote-delimited string with a regex?

If I'm trying to match a quote-delimited string with a regex, which of the following is "better" (where "better" means both more efficient and less likely to do something unexpected):
/"[^"]+"/ # match quote, then everything that's not a quote, then a quote
/".+?"/ # match quote, then *anything* (non-greedy), then a quote
Assume for this question that empty strings (i.e. "") are not an issue. It seems to me (no regex newbie, but certainly no expert) that these will be equivalent.
Update: Upon reflection, I think changing the + characters to * will handle empty strings correctly anyway.
You should use number one, because number two is bad practice. Consider that the developer who comes after you wants to match strings that are followed by an exclamation point. Should he use:
The difference appears when you have the subject:
"one" "two"!
The first regex matches:
while the second regex matches:
"one" "two"!
Always be as specific as you can. Use the negated character class when you can.
Another difference is that [^"]* can span across lines, while .* doesn't unless you use single line mode. [^"\n]* excludes the line breaks too.
As for backtracking, the second regex backtracks for each and every character in every string that it matches. If the closing quote is missing, both regexes will backtrack through the entire file. Only the order in which then backtrack is different. Thus, in theory, the first regex is faster. In practice, you won't notice the difference.
More complicated, but it handles escaped quotes and also escaped backslashes (escaped backslashes followed by a quote is not a problem)
"hello\"world" matches "hello\"world"
"hello\\"world" matches "hello\\"
I would suggest:
But only because it handles escaped quote chars and allows both the ' and " to be the quote char. I would also suggest looking at this article that goes into this problem in depth:
However, unless you have a serious performance issue or cannot be sure of embedded quotes, go with the simpler and more readable:
I must admit that non-greedy patterns are not the basic Unix-style 'ed' regular expression, but they are getting pretty common. I still am not used to group operators like (?:stuff).
I'd say the second one is better, because it fails faster when the terminating " is missing. The first one will backtrack over the string, a potentially expensive operation. An alternative regexp if you are using perl 5.10 would be /"[^"]++"/. It conveys the same meaning as version 1 does, but is as fast as version two.
I'd go for number two since it's much easier to read. But I'd still like to match empty strings so I would use:
From a performance perspective (extremely heavy, long-running loop over long strings), I could imagine that
is faster than
because the latter would do an additional check for each step: peeking at the next character. The former would be able to mindlessly roll over the string.
As I said, in real-world scenarios this would hardly be noticeable. Therefore I would go with number two (if my current regex flavor supports it, that is) because it is much more readable. Otherwise with number one, of course.
Using the negated character class prevents matching when the boundary character (doublequotes, in your example) is present elsewhere in the input.
Your example #1:
/"[^"]+"/ # match quote, then everything that's not a quote, then a quote
matches only the smallest pair of matched quotes -- excellent, and most of the time that's all you'll need. However, if you have nested quotes, and you're interested in the largest pair of matched quotes (or in all the matched quotes), you're in a much more complicated situation.
Luckily Damian Conway is ready with the rescue: Text::Balanced is there for you, if you find that there are multiple matched quote marks. It also has the virtue of matching other paired punctuation, e.g. parentheses.
I prefer the first regex, but it's certainly a matter of taste.
The first one might be more efficient?
Search for double-quote
add double-quote to group
for each char:
if double-quote:
add to group
add double-quote to group
Vs something a bit more complicated involving back-tracking?
Considering that I didn't even know about the "*?" thing until today, and I've been using regular expressions for 20+ years, I'd vote in favour of the first. It certainly makes it clear what you're trying to do - you're trying to match a string that doesn't include quotes.