Semantic Web Service repository - web-services

Does anybody know a good, public and large Web Services repository in which Web Services are semantically described (e.g., using OWL-S) that I could use in order to test some of my work?

I don't know of any large OWL-S repository, I dont think it has received much traction. I good resource might just be asking on the OWL-S API list; folks on there might know some services, or be hosting their own, that you could use.


WS-Security in Wildfly without Spring and without WS-SecurityPolicy

My client suggests that implementing a web service using WS-Policy entries inside the WSDL (using WS-SecurityPolicy standard, which seems to be the recommended way) might cause incompatibility issues with clients that call the web service. My first question is, are his concerns correct? If not, how can I prove to my client that it is safe to use WS? I could not find anything on the subject.
If compatibility issues can indeed occur, I need to find a different way to implement WS-Security requirements (like signing parts etc.) without Spring, using JavaEE APIs. I could not find anything on that subject either. The only thing I could find is about standalone web services but I do not want that, I want a web application and I need to use JavaEE APIs (so no Spring).
Any help will be appreciated.
If you have pre-existing clients already using this webservice, then yes it will break compatibility if you add WS-Security.
But if no one is using it, or it hasn't been developed yet, how will this cause compatibility issues?
Personally I see WS-Security as rather complex, particular in the area of signing and encryption, so if your client had said that some clients might not have the skills to implement the web service I would have been inclined to agree with him.

How can I discover existing web services?

I'm sure I sound like a total noob with this question, and I've looked at a couple posts that are basically asking the same question in the title, but the body didn't give anything helpful to my skill or knowledge level.
In this post the OP mentioned that they did some "digging and drilling" to find out that there was a web service in REST format. In another post I found that the OP was using "web console" to look at the activity of a website they were visiting.
I would really like to have more knowledge and methods for finding web services that I can reference and use is some of my new or updated applications, whether RESTful or not. In summary, how do I "dig and drill" to find that a site has a web service I can use programmatically?
The only sensible way to find web services that you can use is to ask.
If the service is intended for your use, then you will be told that.
If the service is not intended for your use, then you will be told that.
If you use a service that is not intended for your use, then that will generally be a bad thing.

Contract-First or Code-First?

Which approach (Contract-First/Code-First) should be used when creating Web services with Apache Axis2? If I choose the contract-first approach, which tool should I use to create wsdl? I am using the WSO2 platform.
Contract-first is the best approach IMHO. The reason is quite simple. When you code first and generate a WSDL, it might change. This may cause problems for other teams working on client code based on that WSDL.
In case of contract first, the WSDL will always be the subject of discussion between teams, and it will not just change because of code changes, but only when all parties agree.
It is best to use versioning in it as well.
You can create a WSDL in Eclipse, which also has excellent checks (requires internet access).
Definitlety contract first.
Interfaces are the way to go for strong typed web services.

Who is supporting SOAP API

I thought to practice SOAP API. I know it is a time for REST but I thought to give a try to SOAP. I somehow got API supporting SOAP but it has very difficult documentation. No, working examples are available.
Q1. So, do anyone know where I can learn SOAP. Do anyone has SOAP working example for Flickr API
Q2. Any service other than Flickr providing SOAP interface. I saw Google search api has closed new request for SOAP.
SOAP has been largely superseded by REST on the public Internet - as you have noted in your question and has been alluded to in comments.
There are still large users in the Intranet context, companies with an installed base of SOAP, Service Bus, and other concepts that you may well come across if you end up working at one of them. (There are still CORBA users out there also!) When you control both ends of the application, you may have less reason to be flexible using REST.
So if you are looking for useful public implementations you are mostly out of luck.
That said: do create your own services and try them out on your own. Define a service and implement it. Create a client in a different language. Create another client in a third language.
If you are looking for an educational experience, this will lead you down some of the same paths that has lead to REST use in wide-scale disparate systems (and may also shed light on why the public/private has split the way it has)
Good Luck

Ideal Web Service Framework for Security and Interoperability

I'm beginning a project right now that will require a pretty extensive web back end. Of the different calling conventions, we have found that the easier and more cost effective approach is to build a standard SOAP web service.
So now, we are in the process of looking at the different web service frameworks in order to determine which will meet the business needs:
I've only worked with WCF, which I was fairly content with, but I would like to explore all other options before I make a definite decision. In your experience, what do you feel is the best web service framework?
Web Services Interoperability Technology (Java)?
ActionWebService (Ruby)?
On a side note, we need a framework that can securely be accessed via iPhones, Windows Mobile Devices, and Blackberries.
Thanks in advance for your help.
WCF can be used to make both SOAP and RESTful Web Services. Interoperability is guaranteed as long as you stick to standards. But the more standards you put on it, less platform can catch up. In that sense REST on Basic Auth over https would be very light weight. Also see WS-I Basic Profile. Java vs .NET would be matter of taste, I think. WCF is not perfect, but it mostly seems to do the job.
One thing to consider about WCF is that it has a very rich extensibility model. Anything it doesn't do out of the box, you can teach it to do, with little or no change to your basic service.