n-dimensional interpolation c++ algorithm - c++

How can I implement n-dimensional interpolation in C++? In ideal case I would like to have it generic on actual kernel so that I can switch between e.g., linear and polynomial interpolation (perhaps as a start: linear interpolation). This article ( http://pimiddy.wordpress.com/2011/01/20/n-dimensional-interpolation/ ) discusses this stuff but I have two problems:
1) I could not understand how to implement the "interpolate" method shown in the article in C++
2) More importantly I want to use it in a scenario where you have "multiple independent variables (X)" and "1 dependent variable (Y)" and somehow interpolate on both (?)
For example, if n=3 (i.e. 3-dimensional) and I have the following data:
#X1 X2 X3 Y
10 10 10 3.45
10 10 20 4.52
10 20 15 5.75
20 10 15 5.13
How could I know value of Y (dependent variable) for a particular combination of X (independent variables): 17 17 17
I know there exists other ways such as decision trees and SVM but here I am here interested in interpolation.

You can take a look at a set of interpolation alrogithms (including C++ implementation) at alglib.
Also it should be noted that neural networks (backpropagation nets, for example) are treated as good interpolators.
If your question is about the specific article, it's out of my knowledge.


How to cluster questionnaire items together to create 1 variable? When I run multivariate linear model no output is given? what analyses should i use?

I am using SPSS!
I thought I had 2 IVs, motivations and values) and 1 DV (circular use of material)... But then a friend of mine extplained to me that I had to break em down. Motivations became: 6 types of different motivations (from amotivation to intrinsic motivation, so ordered) and values became 4 types of values (no order). Circular use is divided into ten types of circular use (from highest form of circularity to lowest form of circularity). ALSO, I have a moderating variable, homeownership: 4 types (no order)
All motivations have been measured with 7-point likert scale, all values with a 5-point likert scale and circularity with a 7-point likert scale. Homeownership has been measured with 2 dichotomous questions.
I have multiple questions.
For the 6 types of motivations I have 4 or 5 statements that have measured 1 type (in total 26 statements). How do I cluster these 4 statements in such a way that I can make 1 variable to use for the analyses? (Same for the values: 4 statements per type of value that I want to combine to create 4 types of values as 4 seperate variables to do the analyses with)
What analyses should I use than? Like I am typing it out right now I have 10 IVs and 10DVs and 1 moderating variable. And how to perform them?

Implementing a constraint based on previous variable's value in GNU Mathprog/AMPL

I have a binary program and one of my variables, x_it is defined on two sets, being I: Set of objects and T: Set of the weeks of the year, thus x_it is a binary variable standing for whether object i is assigned to something on week t. The constraint I failed to implement in AMPL/GNU Mathprog is that if x_it equals to 1 then x_i(t+1) and x_i(t+2) also should take value of 1. Is there a way to implement this constraint in a simple mathematical programming language?
The implication you want to implement is:
x(i,t) = 1 ==> x(i,t+1) = 1, x(i,t+2) = 1
AMPL supports implications (with the ==> operator), so we can write this directly. MathProg does not.
A simple way to implement the implication as straightforward linear inequalities is:
x(i,t+1) >= x(i,t)
x(i,t+2) >= x(i,t)
This can easily be expressed in AMPL, MathProg, or any modeling tool.
This is the pure, naive translation of the question. This means however that once a single x(i,t)=1 all following x(i,t+1),x(i,t+2),x(i,t+3)..=1. That could have been accomplished by just the constraint x(i,t+1) >= x(i,t).
A better interpretation would be: we don't want very short run lengths. I.e. patterns: 010 and 0110 are not allowed. This is sometimes called a minimum up-time in machine scheduling and can be modeled in different ways.
Forbid the patterns 010 and 0110:
(1-x(i,t-1))+x(i,t)+(1-x(i,t+1)) <= 2
(1-x(i,t-1))+x(i,t)+x(i,t+1)+(1-x(i,t+2)) <= 3
The pattern 01 implies 0111:
x(i,t+1)+x(i,t+2) >= 2*(x(i,t)-x(i,t-1))
Both these approaches will prevent patterns 010 and 0110 to occur.

Univac Math pack subroutines in old-school FORTRAN (pre-77)

I have been looking at an engineering paper here which describes an old FORTRAN code for solving pipe flow equations (it's dated 1974, before FORTRAN was standardised as Fortran 77). On page 42 of this document the old code calls the following subroutine:
CALL GJR(A,51,50,NP,NPP,$98,JC,V)
It's a bit of a long shot, but do any veterans or ancient code buffs recall this system subroutine and it's input arguments? I'm having trouble finding any information about it.
If I can adapt the old code my current application I may rewrite this in C++ or VBA, and will be looking for an equivalent function in these languages.
I'll add to this answer if I find anything more detailed, but I have a place to start looking for the arguments to GJR.
This function is part of the Sperry UNIVAC MATH-PACK library - a full list of functions in the library can be found in http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a170611.pdf GJR is described as "determinant; inverse; solution of simultaneous equations". Marginally helpful.
A better description comes from http://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/jres/74B/jresv74Bn4p251_A1b.pdf
A FORTRAN subroutine, one of the Univac 1108 Math Pack programs,
available on the library tapes at the University of Maryland computing
center. It solves simultaneous equations, computes a determinant, or
inverts a matrix or any combination of the three above by using a
Gauss-Jordan elimination technique with column pivoting.
This is slightly more useful, but what we really want is "MATH-PACK, Programmer Reference", UP-7542 Rev. 1 from Sperry-UNIVAC (Unisys) I find a lot of references to this document but no full-text PDF of the document itself.
I'd take a look at the arguments in the function call, how they are set up and how the results are used, then look for equivalent routines in LAPACK or BLAS. See http://www.netlib.org/lapack/
I have a few books on piping networks including "Analysis of Flow in Pipe Networks" by Jeppson (same author as in the original PDF hosted by USU) https://books.google.com/books/about/Analysis_of_flow_in_pipe_networks.html?id=peZSAAAAMAAJ - I'll see if I can dig that up. The book may have a more portable matrix solver than the proprietary Sperry-UNIVAC library.
From p. 41 of http://ngds.egi.utah.edu/files/GL04099/GL04099_1.pdf I found documentation for the CGJR function, the complex version of GJR from the same library. It is likely the only difference in the arguments is variable type (COMPLEX instead of REAL):
CGJR is a subroutine which solves simultaneous equations, computes a determinant, inverts a matrix, or does any combination of these three operations, by using a Gauss-Jordan elimination technique with column pivoting.
The procedure for using CGJR is as follows:
Calling statement: CALL CGJR(A,NC,NR,N,MC,$K,JC,V)
A is the matrix whose inverse or determinant is to be determined. If simultaneous equations are solved, the last MC-N columns of the matrix are the constant vectors of the equations to be solved. On output, if the inverse is computed, it is stored in the first N columns of A. If simultaneous equations are solved, the last MC-N columns contain the solution vectors. A is a complex array.
NC is an integer representing the maximum number of columns of the array A.
NR is an integer representing the maximum number of rows of the array A.
N is an integer representing the number of rows of the array A to be operated on.
MC is the number of columns of the array A, representing the coefficient matrix if simultaneous equations are being solved; otherwise it is a dummy variable.
K is a statement number in the calling program to which control is returned if an overflow or singularity is detected.
1) If an overflow is detected, JC(1) is set to the negative of the last correctly completed row of the reduction and control is then returned to statement number K in the calling program.
2) If a singularity is detected, JC(1)is set to the number of the last correctly completed row, and V is set to (0.,0.) if the determinant was to be computed. Control is then returned to statement number K in the calling program.
JC is a one dimensional permutation array of N elements which is used for permuting the rows and columns of A if an inverse is being computed .. If an inverse is not computed, this array must have at least one cell for the error return identification. On output, JC(1) is N if control is returned normally.
V is a complex variable. On input REAL(V) is the option indicator, set as follows:
invert matrix
compute determinant
do 1. and 2.
solve system of equations
do 1. and 4.
do 2. and 4.
do 1., 2. and 4.
Notes on usage of row dimension arguments N and NR:
The arguments N and NR refer to the row dimensions of the A matrix.
N gives the number of rows operated on by the subroutine, while NR
refers to the total number of rows in the matrix as dimensioned by the
calling program. NR is used only in the dimension statement of the
subroutine. Through proper use of these parameters, the user may specify that only a submatrix, instead of the entire matrix, be operated on by the subroutine.
In your application (pipe flow), look at how matrix A and vector V are populated before the call to GJR and how they are used after the call.
You may be able to replace the call to GJR with a call to LAPACK's SGESV or DGESV without much difficulty.
Aside: The Fortran community really needs a drop-in 'Rosetta library' that wraps LAPACK, etc. for replacing legacy/proprietary IBM, UNIVAC, and Numerical Recipes math functions. The perfect case would be that maintainers would replace legacy functions with de facto standard math functions but in the real world, many of these older programs are un(der)maintained and there simply isn't the will (or, as in this case, the ability) to update them.
Update 2:
I started work on a compatibility library for the Sperry MATH-PACK and STAT-PACK routines as well as a few other legacy libraries, posted at https://bitbucket.org/apthorpe/alfc
Further, I located my copy of Jeppson's Analysis of Flow in Pipe Networks which is a slightly more legible version of the PDF of Steady Flow Analysis of Pipe Networks: An Instructional Manual and modernized the codes listed in the text. I have posted those at https://bitbucket.org/apthorpe/jeppson_pipeflow
Note that I found a number of errors in both the code listings and in the example problems given for many of the codes. If you're trying to learn how to write a pipe flow solver based on Jeppson's paper or text, I'd strongly suggest reviewing my updated codes and test cases because they will save you hours of effort trying to understand why the code doesn't work and why you can't replicate the example cases. This took a fair amount of forensic computing to sort out.
Update 3:
The source to CGJR and DGJR can be found in http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a110089.pdf. DGJR is the closest to what you want, though it references more routines that aren't available (proprietary UNIVAC error-handling routines). It should be easy to convert `DGJR' to single precision and skip the proprietary calls. Otherwise, use the compatibility library mentioned above.

Computing the Jacobian matrix in C++ (symbolic math)

Let’s assume that I need the Jacobian matrix for the following set of ODE:
dxdt[ 0 ] = -90.0 * x[0] - 50.0 * x[1];
dxdt[ 1 ] = x[0] + 3*x[1];
dxdt[ 2 ] = x[1] + 50*x[2];
In Matlab/Octave this would be pretty easy:
syms x0 x1 x2;
f = [-90.0*x0-50.0*x1, x0+3*x1, x1+50*x2]
v=[x0, x1, x2]
fp = jacobian(f,v)
This would results with following output matrix:
[-90 -50 0 ]
[ 1 3 0 ]
[ 0 1 50]
What I need
Now I want to reproduce the same results in C++. I can’t compute the Jacobian before and hard-code it, as it will depend for example on user inputs and time. So my question is: How to do this? Usually for mathematics operations, I use the Boost library, however in this case I can’t find any solution. There’s only short note about this in implicit systems, but the following code doesn’t work:
sys.second( x , jacobi , t )
It also requests the time (t), so it probably doesn’t generate an analytic form of solution. Do I misunderstand the documentations? Or should I use another function? I would prefer to stay within Boost, as I need the Jacobian as ublas::matrix and I want to avoid conversion.
More specific I will use Jacobian inside rosenbrock4 ODE solver. Example here - lines 47-52. I need automatic generation of this structure as the ODE set may be changed later and I want to avoid manually rewriting Jacobian ever time. Also some variables inside ODE definitions are not constant in time.
I know this is long after the fact, but I have recently been wanting to do the same thing and have come across many auto differentiation (AD) libraries that do this pretty well. I have mostly been using Eigen's AD because I am already using Eigen everywhere. Here's an example of how you can use Eigen's AD to get the jacobian like you asked.
There's also a long list of c++ AD libraries on autodiff.org.
Hope this helps someone!
The Jacobian is based on derivatives of the function. If the function f is only known at run-time (and there are no constraints such as linearity), you have to automatise the differentiation. If you want this to happen exactly (as opposed to a numerical estimation), you need to use symbolic computation. Look for example here and here for libraries supporting this.
Note that the Jacobian usually depends on the state and the time, so it’s impossible to represent it as a constant matrix (such as in your example), unless your problem is so boring that you can solve it analytically anyway.

library for matrices in c++

I have a lot of elements in a matrix and when I access them manually it takes a pretty long time to eliminate all the bugs arising from wrong indexing... Is there a suitable library that can keep track of e.g the neighbors,the numbering, if an element is in the outer edge or not and so on.
11 12 13 14
21 22 23 24
31 32 33 34
41 42 43 44
Now what I would like to do is write a function that says something like
for every Neighbor to element at index 12(which would be 41)
do something
I would like this to only recognize the elements at index 8 (31) and 13 (42).
Right now I'm using vectors (vector<vector<int>>V;)but the code gets pretty difficult and clumsy both to write and read since I have these annoying if statements in every single function.
for (int i=0;i<MatrixSIZE;i++)
if ((i+1)%rowSize!=0){//check that it's not in the outer edge.
//Do something
What approach would you suggest?
Can boost::MultiArray help me here in some way? Are there any other similar?
So i'm looking more for a template that can easily access the elements than a template that can do matrix arithmetichs.
Try LAPACK, a linear algebra package.
There is this: http://osl.iu.edu/research/mtl/
or this: http://www.robertnz.net/nm_intro.htm
If you Google it a bit, there's quite a few matrix libraries out there for C++.
This might inspire you:
Matrix classes in c++
Is it used in a larger program ? If not, it would be more adapted to use R to deal with matrices.
If it's in a larger program, you can use a lib such as MTL.