Border around texture, OpenGL - c++

This is a code I use to draw rectangle in my program:
glTexCoord2f(0.0f, maxTexCoordHeight); glVertex2i(pos.x, pos.y + height);
glTexCoord2f(0.0f, 0.0f); glVertex2i(pos.x, pos.y);
glTexCoord2f(maxTexCoordWidth, 0.0f); glVertex2i(pos.x + width, pos.y);
glTexCoord2f(maxTexCoordWidth, maxTexCoordHeight); glVertex2i(pos.x + width, pos.y + height);
It draws just a simple rectangle with specified texture, e.g. like this:
I'd like to ask if it's possible in OpenGL to achieve border effect like this:
As you see inside this tile there's just a plain blue background which could be handled separately - just automatically resized texture. This can be achieved easily with a code snippet I gave, but the problem is with border.
If the border was supposed to be one color, I could try drawing empty, not-filled rectangle by using GL_LINES around my texture, but it's not.
Also if tiles were always with a fixed size, I could prepare a texure that would match it, but they HAVE TO be easily resizable without changing a bitmap file I use as texture.
So if it's not possible with basic OpenGL functions, what are the approaches to achieve this effect that would be most efficient and/or easy?
EDIT: It has to be 2D.

This is a classical problem of GUIs with OpenGL and is often solved using the 9-cell-pattern. In this, you add the effect to the original image (or define it by other opengl-parameters) and split the rendered quad in nine quads: three rows and three columns.
You then make the height of the upper and bottom row fixed, as you make the width of the left and the right column fixed. The center quad is scaled so that your object fits the rectangle you want to fit. You then map only the border parts of the texture to the quads forming the outer cells, while you map the center of the texture to the center quad.
Related to what was said in the comments, you could also use actual 3D effects by making the quad 3D. Noone forces you to use perspectivic projection in that case, you can stay with Orthogonal projection (2D-Mode). OpenGL will always do 3D-calculations anyways.

Aside from Jonas's answer, which is excellent, I want to add two more options.
The first one is to just make the texture look like your desired square. No fancy code necessary if you can do it in photoshop ;).
The second one is to complicate your drawing code a bit. If you look at your image you can see that every "side-slope" of your square can be drawn with two triangles. You can make your code draw 10 triangles instead of one square and use a different color for each group of two triangles:
draw() {
GLFloat i = <your_inset_here>;
//top border part, top left triangle
glVertex2f(pos.x, pos.y);
glVertex2f(pos.x + w, pos.y);
glVertex2f(pos.x + i, pos.y + i);
//top border part, bottom right triangle
glVertex2f(pos.x + w, pos.y);
glVertex2f(pos.x + w - i, pos.y + i);
glVertex2f(pos.x + i, pos.y + i);
//repeat this process with the other coordinates for the other three borders
// draw the middle square using {(pos.x+i,pos.y+i),(pos.x+w-i,pos.y+i),(pos.x+w-i,pos.y+h-i),(pos.x+i,pos.y+h-i)} as coordinates
You can further improve this by creating a function to draw an irregularly shaped quad with the give coordinates and a color and call that function 5 times.


OpenGL: Generating ellipse in code [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
OpenGL stretched shapes - aspect ratio
(1 answer)
Closed 7 years ago.
I have been trying to generate an ellipse using OpenGL and I have a feeling I have got something very wrong. I am trying to use an ellipse generating code but for simplicity, I have set the length of the major and minor axes equal. This should give me a circle but somehow that is not what is rendered with OpenGL and I am not sure what is wrong.
So the code is as follows:
glColor3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
// Draw center
glVertex2d(0, 0);
// This should generate a circle
for (GLfloat i = 0; i < 360; i++)
float x = cos(i*M_PI/180.f) * 0.5; // keep the axes radius same
float y = sin(i*M_PI/180.f) * 0.5;
glVertex2f(x, y);
This should generate a circle as far as I can think. However. I get something like the attached image, which is not a circle. I am not sure what I am doing wrong.
It is a circle in clip space. Note that the horizontal extent is half the screen's width and the vertical extent is half the screen's height. The viewport transformation that maps clip space (-1 to 1 on both axes) to screen space basically performs a scaling and translation, which causes the deformation of the circle.
To prevent this from happening, you need to set up an appropriate projection transform, e.g. with glOrtho.

Drawing a textured quad pixel-exact in 2D with OpenGL 3.3?

How to scroll a textured quad "pixel-exact" over the screen
using float-positions with GL_LINEAR-filtering?
If I try this task, I could always see a hard pixel-change
during the very smooth movement if a subpixels-coordinate is
greater or equal than 0.5.This looks like a really ugly stuttering.
I think the problem is here, that after scrolling 0.5 subpixels
the quad is so misaligned to the texture-coordinates, that OpenGL
takes now another neighbour pixel for texturing which is newly
interpolated and so the new drawn subpixel is not aligned to
the rendered subpixel before?!
Could be the solution here, to realign the texture-coordinates
on positions > 0.5f? Can somebody help me out with a function,
that deals with this problem and calculates the right uv-coordinates?
I think the uv-coordinates should moved to a new position
if the quads subpixel-position is >= 0.5f.
Here is a link to screenshot, that shows exact the hard pixel-jump
in x-direction (left) on x=0.5f in the last frame.
(zoom the screenshot with strg+mousewheel)
Here are the relevant code-fragments:
float calcTexPos(float fTexPos,float spriteX, float spriteY){return (fTexPos)/(64.0f);}
void addSpriteToLocalVerticeArray(Vertex * ptrVertexArrayLocal, Sprite *sprite, int *ptrSpriteVerticeCounter, float fCamX, float fCamY)
Sprite oSpriteTranslated = *sprite;
oSpriteTranslated.x = (sprite->x) - (fCamX);
oSpriteTranslated.y = (sprite->y) - (fCamY);
ptrVertexArrayLocal[(*ptrSpriteVerticeCounter)++] = Vertex(oSpriteTranslated.x,oSpriteTranslated.y,0.0f,calcTexPos(1,oSpriteTranslated.x,oSpriteTranslated.y),calcTexPos(62,oSpriteTranslated.x,oSpriteTranslated.y)); //Left Top
ptrVertexArrayLocal[(*ptrSpriteVerticeCounter)++] = Vertex(oSpriteTranslated.x,oSpriteTranslated.y-oSpriteTranslated.height,0.0f,calcTexPos(1,oSpriteTranslated.x,oSpriteTranslated.y),calcTexPos(31,oSpriteTranslated.x,oSpriteTranslated.y)); //Left Bottom
ptrVertexArrayLocal[(*ptrSpriteVerticeCounter)++] = Vertex(oSpriteTranslated.x+oSpriteTranslated.width,oSpriteTranslated.y-oSpriteTranslated.height,0.0f,calcTexPos(33,oSpriteTranslated.x,oSpriteTranslated.y),calcTexPos(31,oSpriteTranslated.x,oSpriteTranslated.y)); //Right Bottom
ptrVertexArrayLocal[(*ptrSpriteVerticeCounter)++] = Vertex(oSpriteTranslated.x+oSpriteTranslated.width,oSpriteTranslated.y-oSpriteTranslated.height,0.0f,calcTexPos(33,oSpriteTranslated.x,oSpriteTranslated.y),calcTexPos(31,oSpriteTranslated.x,oSpriteTranslated.y)); //Right Bottom
ptrVertexArrayLocal[(*ptrSpriteVerticeCounter)++] = Vertex(oSpriteTranslated.x+oSpriteTranslated.width,oSpriteTranslated.y,0.0f,calcTexPos(33,oSpriteTranslated.x,oSpriteTranslated.y),calcTexPos(62,oSpriteTranslated.x,oSpriteTranslated.y)); //Right Top
ptrVertexArrayLocal[(*ptrSpriteVerticeCounter)++] = Vertex(oSpriteTranslated.x,oSpriteTranslated.y,0.0f,calcTexPos(1,oSpriteTranslated.x,oSpriteTranslated.y),calcTexPos(62,oSpriteTranslated.x,oSpriteTranslated.y)); //Left Top
What I have tried that didn't work:
Adding an offset of 0.5f to my quad-coords. That moves the problem to the stage, that
now each full 1.0f subpixel-position a hard subpixel-change appears.
Changing the calcTexPos-Function: -> (2.0f*fTexPos+1.0f)/(2.0f*64.0f)
Checking, If MSAA is activated on the driver-panel
Added transparent borders to the texture instead of copied borders

LWJGL 3D picking

So I have been trying to understand the concept of 3D picking but as I can't find any video guides nor any concrete guides that actually speak English, it is proving to be very difficult. If anyone is well experienced with 3D picking in LWJGL, could you give me an example with line by line explanation of what everything means. I should mention that all I am trying to do it shoot the ray out of the center of the screen (not where the mouse is) and have it detect just a normal cube (rendered in 6 QUADS).
Though I am not an expert with 3D picking, I have done it before, so I will try to explain.
You mentioned that you want to shoot a ray, rather than go by mouse position; as long as this ray is parallel to the screen, this method will still work, just the same as it will for a random screen coordinate. If not, and you actually wish to shoot a ray out, angled in some direction, things get a little more complicated, but I will not go in to it (yet).
Now how about some code?
Object* picking3D(int screenX, int screenY){
//Disable any lighting or textures
//Render Scene
for(int i = 0; i < objectListSize; i++){
GLubyte blue = i%256;
GLubyte green = min((int)((float)i/256), 255);
GLubyte red = min((int)((float)i/256/256), 255);
glColor3ub(red, green, blue);
//Get the pixel
GLubyte pixelColors[3];
glReadPixels(screenX, screenY, 1, 1, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixelColors);
//Calculate index
int index = pixelsColors[0]*256*256 + pixelsColors[1]*256 + pixelColors[2];
//Return the object
return getObject(index);
Code Notes:
screenX is the x location of the pixel, and screenY is the y location of the pixel (in screen coordinates)
orientateCamera() simply calls any glTranslate, glRotate, glMultMatrix, etc. needed to position (and rotate) the camera in your scene
orientateObject(i) does the same as orientateCamera, except for object 'i' in your scene
when I 'calculate the index', I am really just undoing the math I performed during the rendering to get the index back
The idea behind this method is that each object will be rendered exactly how the user sees it, except that all of a model is a solid colour. Then, you check the colour of the pixel for the screen coordinate requested, and which ever model the colour is indexed to: that's your object!
I do recommend, however, adding a check for the background color (or your glClearColor), just in case you don't actually hit any objects.
Please ask for further explanation if necessary.

How to tell the size of font in pixels when rendered with openGL

I'm working on the editor for Bitfighter, where we use the default OpenGL stroked font. We generally render the text with a linewidth of 2, but this makes smaller fonts less readable. What I'd like to do is detect when the fontsize will fall below some threshold, and drop the linewidth to 1. The problem is, after all the transforms and such are applied, I don't know how to tell how tall (in pixels) a font of size <fontsize> will be rendered.
This is the actual inner rendering function:
if(---something--- < thresholdSizeInPixels)
float scalefactor = fontsize / 120;
glTranslatef(x, y + (fix ? 0 : size), 0);
glRotatef(angle * radiansToDegreesConversion, 0, 0, 1);
glScalef(scaleFactor, -scaleFactor, 1);
for(S32 i = 0; string[i]; i++)
Just before calling this, I want to check the height of the font, then drop the linewidth if necessary. What goes in the ---something--- spot?
Bitfighter is a pure old-school 2D game, so there are no fancy 3D transforms going on. All code is in C++.
My solution was to combine the first part Christian Rau's solution with a fragment of the second. Basically, I can get the current scaling factor with this:
static float modelview[16];
glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, modelview); // Fills modelview[]
float scalefact = modelview[0];
Then, I multiply scalefact by the fontsize in pixels, and multiply that by the ratio of windowHeight / canvasHeight to get the height in pixels that my text will be rendered.
That is...
textheight = scalefact * fontsize * widndowHeight / canvasHeight
And I liked also the idea of scaling the line thickness rather than stepping from 2 to 1 when a threshold is crossed. It all works very nicely now.
where we use the default OpenGL stroked font
OpenGL doesn't do fonts. There is no default OpenGL stroked font.
Maybe you are referring to GLUT and its glutStrokeCharacter function. Then please take note that GLUT is not part of OpenGL. It's an independent library, focused on providing a simplicistic framework for small OpenGL demos and tutorials.
To answer your question: GLUT Stroke Fonts are defined in terms of vertices, so the usual transformations apply. Since usually all transformations are linear, you can simply transform the vector (0, base_height, 0) through modelview and projection finally doing the perspective divide (gluProject does all this for you – GLU is not part OpenGL, too), the resulting vector is what you're looking for; take the vector length for scaling the width.
This should be determinable rather easily. The font's size in pixels just depends on the modelview transformation (actually only the scaling part), the projection transformation (which is a simple orthographic projection, I suppose) and the viewport settings, and of course on the size of an individual character of the font in untransformed form (what goes into the glVertex calls).
So you just take the font's basic size (lets consider the height only and call it height) and first do the modelview transformation (assuming the scaling shown in the code is the only one):
height *= scaleFactor;
Next we do the projection transformation:
height /= (top-bottom);
with top and bottom being the values you used when specifying the orthographic transformation (e.g. using glOrtho). And last but not least we do the viewport transformation:
height *= viewportHeight;
with viewportHeight being, you guessed it, the height of the viewport specified in the glViewport call. The resulting height should be the height of your font in pixels. You can use this to somehow scale the line width (without an if), as the line width parameter is in floats anyway, let OpenGL do the discretization.
If your transformation pipeline is more complicated, you could use a more general approach using the complete transformation matrices, perhaps with the help of gluProject to transform an object-space point to a screen-space point:
double x0, x1, y0, y1, z;
double modelview[16], projection[16];
int viewport[4];
glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, modelview);
glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, projection);
glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, viewport);
gluProject(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, modelview, projection, viewport, &x0, &y0, &z);
gluProject(fontWidth, fontHeight, 0.0, modelview, projection, viewport, &x1, &y1, &z);
x1 -= x0;
y1 -= y0;
fontScreenSize = sqrt(x1*x1 + y1*y1);
Here I took the diagonal of the character and not only the height, to better ignore rotations and we used the origin as reference value to ignore translations.
You might also find the answers to this question interesting, which give some more insight into OpenGL's transformation pipeline.

Is there a way to split one texture into an array of them using SOIL in C++?

I'm using SOIL in my project, and I need to take in a single texture, and than convert it into an array of textures using different parts of the first texture. (To use a sprite sheet).
I'm using SDL and OpenGL by the way.
The typical way to use sprite sheeting with a modern 3D api like OpenGL is to use texture coordinates to address different parts of your individual texture. While you can split it up it is much more resource friendly to use texture coordinates.
For example, if you had a simple sprite sheet with 3 frames horizontally, each 32 pixels by 32 pixels (for a total size of 96x32), you would use the following code to draw the 3rd frame:
// I assume you have bound your source texture
// This is the U coordinate's origin in texture space
float xStart = 64.0f / 96.0f;
// This is one frame width in texture space
float xIncrement = 32.0f / 96.0f;
glTexCoord2f(xStart, 0);
glVertex2f(-16.0f, 16.0f);
glTexCoord2f(xStart, 1.0f);
glVertex2f(-16.0f, -16.0f);
glTexCoord2f(xStart + xIncrement, 0);
glVertex2f(16.0f, 16.0f);
glTexCoord2f(xStart + xIncrement, 1.0f);
glVertex2f(16.0f, -16.0f);