Can't Save structure content - c++

I have the next problem:
I created the structure:
struct Series : vector<Candle>
Security Sec;
int LookFor;
int TF;
int Corrector;
string ID;
int line;
Series (int _lookfor);
void Update();
Series::Series (int _lookfor)
for (int i = 1; i<=LookFor; i++)
Candle cantype = Candle(i);
So, then we call this construcor it fills object by candle-values. LookFor - is a number of candles in the vector-series.
After initialization i want update this serie (if there is more new candle, i want delete last one and insert new on the begining of vector-serie)
void Series::Update()
if (size()==LookFor)
if (newer(cantype,c1))
Candle cantype = Candle(1);
Candle c1 = at(0);
I need to initialize a vector of these series:
vector vec;
And constructor does its job, everithing is fine.
But then i update them:
for (size_t x =0; x<=size()-1;x++) vec[x].Update();
I have a problem: it cann't save changes in vector. In Update method everithing is fine, it inserts needed candle in itself, but then method is ended - the state of vector (each element of vec) has no changes. In method we see changes, but after it vector become after constructor-like, the state still the same.
Tell me, please, what am I doing wrong?

As others already mentioned, do not derive from these containers (could cause nasty errors like missing dtor calls and memory leaks, no virtual destructor is present in these containers). Instead, add the vector as a member or leave it as is, if you do private inheritance.
You may use the iterator interface for such containers:
for(std::vector<Series>::iterator sIt = vec.begin();sIt != vec.end();++sIt) sIt->Update();
For your task, consider using a deque or a list as a circular buffer instead of the vector for the Candles. It would perform better for insertions and therefore allows you to use push_front() instead of emplace() or insert().
Alternatively, you could hold an index of the vector element just past the last element (which should be the first) and just assign the new candle, et voilà, you've got a dense circular buffer.
There are implementations of such circular buffers, for example the one of boost:
Despite logic issues, which could prevent the modification in certain states, I can't see, why your code doesn't work at all, at least not when I went through the snippets you posted.


C++ N-last added items container

I try to find optimal data structure for next simple task: class which keeps N last added item values in built-in container. If object obtain N+1 item it should be added at the end of the container and first item should be removed from it. It like a simple queue, but class should have a method GetAverage, and other methods which must have access to every item. Unfortunately, std::queue doesn't have methods begin and end for this purpose.
It's a part of simple class interface:
class StatItem final
static int ITEMS_LIMIT;
StatItem() = default;
~StatItem() = default;
void Reset();
void Insert(int val);
int GetAverage() const;
std::queue<int> _items;
And part of desired implementation:
void StatItem::Reset()
std::queue<int> empty;
std::swap(_items, empty);
void StatItem::Insert(int val)
if (_items.size() == ITEMS_LIMIT)
int StatItem::GetAverage() const
const size_t itemCount{ _items.size() };
if (itemCount == 0) {
return 0;
const int sum = std::accumulate(_items.begin(), _items.end(), 0); // Error. std::queue doesn't have this methods
return sum / itemCount;
Any ideas?
I'm not sure about std::deque. Does it work effective and should I use it for this task or something different?
P.S.: ITEMS_LIMIT in my case about 100-500 items
The data structure you're looking for is a circular buffer. There is an implementation in the Boost library, however in this situation since it doesn't seem you need to remove items you can easily implement one using a std::vector or std::array.
You will need to keep track of the number of elements in the vector so far so that you can average correctly until you reach the element limit, and also the current insertion index which should just wrap when you reach that limit.
Using an array or vector will allow you to benefit from having a fixed element limit, as the elements will be stored in a single block of memory (good for fast memory access), and with both data structures you can make space for all elements you need on construction.
If you choose to use a std::vector, make sure to use the 'fill' constructor (, which will allow you to create the right number of elements from the beginning and avoid any extra allocations.

Moving the contents of one vector to another

So I have a vector:
vector<Enemy*> enemies;
This vector hold enemies, which are created dynamically throughout the game.
if(rand() % 1000 > 998)
Enemy * enemy = new Enemy(num_of_enemies);
The problem with this being is that the vector is ever growing even if the enemy has been deleted, which is slowing down my game.
Essentially I want to move the contents of the vector to a new one, but only the elements that actually hold an enemy.
I read that there was something called std::move but I'm not really sure how to implement it properly, or if it will successfully move the elements that contain enemies, and not just the whole vector.
Any help with code implementation of structuring would be greatly appreciated.
Here’s a complete workflow of how to handle spawning and despawning enemies. Note that there are no pointers at all involved.
Spawning an enemy:
if (if random_float_between_0_and_1() < 0.002)
Despawning enemies; according to your comment below, should look something like this:
auto last_iter = std::remove_if(enemies.begin(), enemies.end(), is_dead);
enemies.erase(last_iter, enemies.end());
Here, is_dead is a function that takes an Enemy const& and determines whether it collided with a player or the screen bounds:
bool is_dead(Enemy const& enemy) {
return outside_screen_area(enemy) or near_player(enemy);
The functions outside_screen_area and near_player should be straightforward for you to implement.
To understand how the code above works, consult the documentations of std::remove and std::vector::erase.
Another thing: implement the function random_float_between_0_and_1 in terms of the standard library random library that ships with C++11. Don’t use std::rand or modulo operations on integer random numbers, they work badly (i.e. they’re not truly uniformly distributed and will give skewed results).
The problem with this being is that the vector is ever growing even if the enemy has been deleted ...
Essentially I want to move the contents of the vector to a new one ...
It seems to me that a simpler approach would be to remove the pointers to deleted objects from the original vector instead of making a copy.
There is no difference between a pointer to a deleted object that no longer exists and a pointer to an existing object. Therefore you must keep track of the elements that must be removed from the vector. The simplest solution is to remove the element immediately after it has been deleted. This becomes much easier with smart pointers since removing the pointer also deletes the object automatically.
std::move won't help you with this problem.
You may want to consider not using manual dynamic allocation at all. You can instead store Enemy objects in the vector.
When the enemy is to be deleted I call the class destructor, and than [sic] I delete
delete expression calls the destructor. Calling it yourself also will have undefined behaviour.
First of all, I suggest you shouldn't use a data structure like std::vector if you want to remove a single element in a random position. The complexity of this operation is linear on the number of elements after the deleted element.
As I understand, you have a number of enemies moving around a 2D screen side by side with one (or many) player(s). If an enemy is hit by a player or goes out of the screen, it will be deleted. You just loop over the list of enemies to see these conditions fulfilled.
In this case, I recommend you to use std::map to manage your created enemy objects.
Suppose that your Enemy class has a function to check deletion conditions, e.g:
bool Enemy::willbeDeleted() /* if true then will be deleted */
then here is a class using std::map to manage your enemy objects:
#include <map>
class EnemyManager {
* Get the Enemy Manager
static EnemyManager& Instance();
* Delete the instance of EnemyManager
static void deleteInstance();
/* Create an enemy object */
void createEnemy();
/* Check all enemy objects and delete any fulfulling condition */
void checkEnemy();
virtual ~EnemyManager();
/* Make sure we can not call EnemyManager constructor directly */
EnemyManager(const EnemyManager& objManager);
/* Instance of EnemyManager */
static EnemyManager* enemyManager;
/* List of current enemy objects */
std::map<int, A*> enemyList_;
/* Identity of already-create object, it increases on creating a new object */
int enemyIndex_;
#include "EnemyManager.hpp"
#include <vector>
EnemyManager* EnemyManager::enemyManager = 0;
EnemyManager& EnemyManager::Instance()
if (0 == enemyManager)
enemyManager = new EnemyManager();
return *enemyManager;
void EnemyManager::deleteInstance()
if (0 != enemyManager) delete enemyManager;
EnemyManager::EnemyManager() : enemyList_(), enemyIndex_(0)
EnemyManager::~EnemyManager() {
/* Nothing todo */
void EnemyManager::createEnemy()
enemyList_[enemyIndex_] = new Enemy();
void EnemyManager::checkEnemy()
std::map<int, A*>::const_iterator itb = enemyList_.begin(),
ite = enemyList_.end(), it;
// Vector containing id of enemy object to delete
std::vector<int> enemyToDelete;
for (it = itb; it != ite; ++it)
if ((it->second)->willbeDeleted())
// Delete enemies and remove them from map
for (std::size_t idx = 0; idx < enemyToDelete.size(); ++idx)
delete enemyList_[enemyToDelete[idx]];
you can use this class as follow :
in main.cpp
EnemyManager& enemyManager = EnemyManager::Instance();
if(rand() % 1000 > 998)
/* Create new enemy */
/* Check all enemies */
There are two important functions: createEnemy controls the way to create a new Enemy object, checkEnemy verifies objects and deletes them if needed and the size of enemyList_ won't increase forever :)
I believe with this approach, deleting enemies won't slow down your program anymore.
One of a drawback of this approach is that the number of created objects can be limited by 2^(8*sizeof(enemyIndex_))

Own vector class for arduino (c++)

I added also void Clear()-method.
I'm asking about this Vector class.
void push_back(Data const &x) {
if (d_capacity == d_size) resize();
d_data[d_size++] = x;
}; // Adds new value. If needed, allocates more space
How to add "insert"-method to this Vector class (arduino use C++ but not have a standard vector methods)?
Vector<Sensor*> sensors;
I have a another class Sensor and I use vector like this.
push.back(new Sensor (1,1,"Sensor_1",2));
Is it possible to add values one by one to this vector class? And how to do it?
I like to ask also other question.
How can I call delete/call destructor for this Vector "sensors" so all pointers are deleted? Or sensors vector is deleted? I want to clear the data and then add data to it.
If you want to add an item to the end of the vector, use the push_back method you've quoted above. If you want to add an item somewhere else in the vector, you'll need to add your own method which re-sizes if necessary, shifts the elements above the insert location up one place and then copies the new element into the correct slot. Something like this (untested):
void insert_at(size_t idx, Data const &data) {
assert(idx < d_size);
if (d_capacity == d_size) {
for (size_t i = d_size; i > idx; --i) {
d_data[i] = std::move(d_data[i - 1]);
d_data[idx] = data;
As Nacho points out, you might be better off with a linked list if you're going to do a lot of these insert operations, especially if the data you're storing is large and/or has a complex move operator.

Can't push_back a class into an object vector inside a for loop

I cannot call a function that does a push_back into a vector
void GameState::InitialiseBullet(float x, float y, float vx, float vy)
Bullet* bullets = new Bullet();
bullets->SetSize(5.f, 20.f);
bullets->velocityX = vx;
bullets->velocityY = vy;
bullets->isActive = true;
when it is inside the following for loop
for (auto& object : gameObjects)
//Determine the type at runtime
if (dynamic_cast<Player*>(object) != 0)
//Process player-specific logic
PlayerLogic(dynamic_cast<Player*>(object), a_fTimeStep);
//Determine the type at runtime
if (dynamic_cast<Bullet*>(object) != 0)
//Process bullet-specific logic
BulletLogic(dynamic_cast<Bullet*>(object), a_fTimeStep);
if (dynamic_cast<Enemy*>(object) != 0)
//Process enemy-specific logic
Enemy* enemy = dynamic_cast<Enemy*>(object);
EnemyLogic(enemy, lowerAliens);
if (enemy->GetIsActive() == true)
allDead = false;
//Update and draw our objects
The piece of code that calls the function:
if (createBullet == true)
InitialiseBullet(bulletX, bulletY, 0, 500);
createBullet = false;
That code works when outside the for loop. However, I need the for loop to provide access to each of my player, enemy and bullet objects. Is there a way to push_back to a vector inside a for loop that is based on the same vector? I get a "Expression: Vector iterators incompatible" error when it's inside the loop. Any ideas? New to C++ programming.
It looks like you are pushing into the same vector you are iterating, that means, you are forcing items realocation and iterator invalidation; in other words - your data moves to different location and used iterator becomes invalid.
I rarely see situation where you really need to iterate and append same vector, so take a look into your code again.
If you really need to do that, iterate this way:
for (size_t i = 0; i < gameObjects.size(); ++i)
{/*Some code*/}
Also using this method you should use gameObjects[i]. instead of it->
It's just a vector of pointers, so it's not very big.
The objects being added is probably even smaller.
You could make a copy of the vector and iterate over the copy while inserting into the real one.
You could put new items into a new, empty vector while you iterate, and then splice them onto the real one at the end.
To delete objects, you could do either of those things, or you could simply set a flag "isZombie" and then remove all the zombies at the end.
These aren't the only answers, but they all work.
When using iterators to loop through your vector you can't in this 'for-loop' modify the vector.
A quick google gave me this; which seemd to fit your case pretty well.
Probably because the push_back ... caused an internal
reallocation in the vector thus all its iterators were invalidated.
Do I understand you right when I'm assuming your using iterators due to your error message.
One question you should ask yourself is why you would ever want to add instances to this vector, maybe you should rethink your design slightly to avoid this.

STL List copies a struct, but the copied values are offset by two memory addresses

I'm compiling using Code::Blocks on Windows 7 using the MinGW compiler (which I can only assume is the latest version; both Code::Blocks and MinGW were installed this past week). My issue crops up under a particular circumstance, and my attempts to write a simpler script that demonstrates the problem have failed (which implies that there is something wrong with my structure). Also, my apologies for how long this post is.
Currently, I'm rolling with one class, FXSDL, which will act as an SDL wrapper:
class FXSDL
virtual ~FXSDL();
int Initialize();
int Render();
FXID CreateCharacter(FXID hRefID, string fpImage, int wpxTile, int hpxTile, map<int, vector<int> > htAnims);
int SetAnim(FXID hRefID, FXID hAnimID);
FXID hPlayer;
list<FXSurface> m_lstFXObjects;
list<FXSurface>::iterator m_liFirst;
SDL_Surface* m_lpsfSDLScreen;
Uint32 m_tmOld;
Uint32 m_tmFrame;
The value type of my list is:
struct FXSurface
int wpxTile;
int hpxTile;
int wpxTotal;
int hpxTotal;
int cntTiles;
map<int, vector<int> > htAnims; // All animations
map<int, vector<int> >::iterator vCurr; // Currently active animation
vector<int>::iterator fiCurr; // Currently active frame
SDL_Surface* lpsfSDL;
SDL_Rect* lprcTiles; // Predefined frame positions
string* fpImage;
I've implemented very simple initialize and render function. The CreateCharacter function takes a few parameters, the most important of which is htAnims, a map of integer vectors (idea being: I define numeric ids with easy-to-remember representations, such as FXA_IDLE or FXA_WALK, as the key, and the series of number values representing frames for the animation as a vector). This could be fairly easily implemented as a multidimensional integer array, but animations are variable in length and I want to be able to add new anims (or redefine existing ones) without having to recast an array.
The CreateCharacter function is simple. It creates a new FXSurface, populates it with the required data, and pushes the new FXSurface onto the list:
FXID FXSDL::CreateCharacter(FXID hRefID, string fpImage, int wpxTile, int hpxTile, map<int, vector<int> > htAnims)
//list<FXSurface>::iterator lpsfTemp;
FXSurface lpsfTemp;
list<FXSurface>::iterator lpsfPos;
SDL_Rect* lprcCurr = NULL;
int cntTileW = 0;
int cntTileH = 0;
int cntCurr = 0;
// Start off by initializing our container struct
//lpsfTemp = new FXSurface();
lpsfTemp.lpsfSDL = IMG_Load(fpImage.c_str()); // Try to load the requested image
if(lpsfTemp.lpsfSDL != NULL) // If we didn't fail to
// Assign some variables for tracking
lpsfTemp.hRefID = hRefID;
lpsfTemp.fpImage = &fpImage;
lpsfTemp.wpxTotal = lpsfTemp.lpsfSDL->w;
lpsfTemp.hpxTotal = lpsfTemp.lpsfSDL->h;
// If a tile width was specified, use it
if(wpxTile != 0)
lpsfTemp.wpxTile = wpxTile;
lpsfTemp.hpxTile = hpxTile;
} // Otherwise, assume one tile
lpsfTemp.wpxTile = lpsfTemp.wpxTotal;
lpsfTemp.hpxTile = lpsfTemp.hpxTotal;
// Determine the tiles per row and column for later
cntTileW = lpsfTemp.wpxTotal / lpsfTemp.wpxTile;
cntTileH = lpsfTemp.hpxTotal / lpsfTemp.hpxTile;
// And the total number of tiles
lpsfTemp.cntTiles = cntTileW * cntTileH;
lpsfTemp.lprcTiles = new SDL_Rect[cntTileW*cntTileH];
// So we don't calculate this every time, determine each frame's coordinates and store them
for(int h = 0; h < cntTileH; h++)
for(int w = 0; w < cntTileW; w++)
cntCurr = (h*cntTileW)+w;
lprcCurr = new SDL_Rect;
lprcCurr->w = lpsfTemp.wpxTile;
lprcCurr->h = lpsfTemp.hpxTile;
lprcCurr->x = w*lpsfTemp.wpxTile;
lprcCurr->y = h*lpsfTemp.hpxTile;
lpsfTemp.lprcTiles[cntCurr] = *lprcCurr;
lprcCurr = NULL;
// Now acquire our list of animations and set the default
//lpsfTemp.htAnims = new map<int, vector<int> >(*htAnims);
lpsfTemp.htAnims = htAnims;
lpsfTemp.vCurr = lpsfTemp.htAnims.find(FXA_WALK_EAST);
lpsfTemp.fiCurr = lpsfTemp.vCurr->second.begin();
hRefID = 0;
return hRefID;
It is precisely as the object is pushed that the error occurs. I've stepped through the code numerous times. Initially, I was only able to tell that my iterators were unable to dereference to the FXSurface object. After using watches to identify the exact memory address that the iterator and list objects pointed to, and dereferencing the address, I noticed the reason for my segfaults: all the values which I put into the original FXSurface were pushed down two memory blocks when the list object copied it!
My process for doing this is simple. I set up a breakpoint at the return statement for CreateCharacter, which gives me a view of lpsfTemp (the FXSurface I later add to the list) and m_lstFXObjects (the list I add it to). I scroll through the members of m_lstFXObjects, which brings me to _M_node, which contains the memory address of the only object I have added so far. I add a watch to this address in the form of (FXSurface)-hex address here-
First, find the address:
(There should be a picture here showing the highlighted _M_node attribute containing the list item's address, but I can't post pictures, and I can only post one URL. The second one is by far more important. It's located at
Next, we cast and deference the address. This image shows both lpsfTemp and the copy in m_lstFXObjects; notice the discrepancy? - See? All the values are in the correct order, just offset by two listings
I had initially been storing fpImages as a char*, so I thought that may have been throwing things off, but now it's just a pointer and the problem persists. Perhaps this is due to the map<int, vector<int> > I store?
FXSDL has a destructor, but no copy constructor and no assignment operator. Yo you're using naked pointers, but violate the Rule of Three.
I'm not going to look any further.
Use smart pointers to manage resources. Do not put a naked resource into a type, except when that type's only intention is to manage this one resource. From another answer given yesterday:
As a rule of thumb: If you have to manually manage resources, wrap each into its own object.
At a glance, I'd say you're double-deleting lpsfSDL and/or lprcTiles. When you have raw pointers in your structure, you need to follow the rule-of-three (implement copy constructor, assignment operator, and destructor) to properly manage the memory.
These lines look wrong to me:
lprcCurr = new SDL_Rect;
lprcCurr->w = lpsfTemp.wpxTile;
lprcCurr->h = lpsfTemp.hpxTile;
lprcCurr->x = w*lpsfTemp.wpxTile;
lprcCurr->y = h*lpsfTemp.hpxTile;
lpsfTemp.lprcTiles[cntCurr] = *lprcCurr;
lprcCurr = NULL;
lpsfTemp.lprcTiles is a SDL_Rect*. lprcTemp.lprcTiles[cntCurr] is a SDL_Rect. You should be writing this, IMHO:
SDL_Rect tmpRect;
tmpRect.w = lpsfTemp.wpxTile;
tmpRect.h = lpsfTemp.hpxTile;
tmpRect.x = w*lpsfTemp.wpxTile;
tmpRect.y = h*lpsfTemp.hpxTile;
lpsfTemp.lprcTiles[cntCurr] = tmpRect;
Dump the lprcCurr entirely.
Now this code:
lpsfTemp.vCurr = lpsfTemp.htAnims.find(FXA_WALK_EAST);
lpsfTemp.fiCurr = lpsfTemp.vCurr->second.begin();
This is bad. These iterators are invalid as soon as the push_back completes. That push_back is making a copy of lpsfTemp. The map and vector members are going to copy themselves and those iterators will copy themselves but they will be pointing to lpsfTemp's members which are going to be destroyed as soon as CreateCharacter exits.
One way to fix that would be to push_back a FXSurface object at the beginning, use back() to get its reference and operate on that instead of lpsfTemp. Then the iterators would stay consistent and they should stay consistent since you are using a list which does not copy its objects around. If you were using a vector or deque or anything other than a list you would need to manage all those pointers and iterators in the copy constructor and assignment operator.
Another thing: Double and triple check your array bounds when you access that lprcTiles array. Any mistake there and you could be scribbling over who knows what.
I don't know if any of that will help you.