Making only the outer vector in vector<vector<int>> fixed - c++

I want to create a vector<vector<int>> where the outer vector is fixed (always containing the same vectors), but the inner vectors can be changed. For example:
int n = 2; //decided at runtime
vector<vector<int>> outer(n); //outer vector contains n empty vectors
outer.push_back(vector<int>()); //modifying outer vector - this should be error
auto outer_it = outer.begin();
(*outer_it).push_back(3); //modifying inner vector. should work (which it does).
I tried doing simply const vector<vector<int>>, but that makes even the inner vectors const.
Is my only option to create my own custom FixedVectors class, or are there better ways out there to do this?

by definition,
Vectors are sequence containers representing arrays that can change in
size. Just like arrays, vectors use contiguous storage locations for
their elements, which means that their elements can also be accessed
using offsets on regular pointers to its elements, and just as
efficiently as in arrays. But unlike arrays, their size can change
dynamically, with their storage being handled automatically by the
if you aren't looking to have a data structure that changes in size, a vector probably isn't the best choice for an outer layer, How about using an array of vectors. This way the array is of a fixed size and cannot be modified, while still having the freedom of having its size declared in runtime.
vector<int> *outer;
int VectSize;
cout >> "size of vector array?"
cin >> VectSize;
outer = new vector<int>[VectSize]; //array created with fixed size
outer.push_back() //not happening

Wrap the outer vector into a class which just provides at, begin, end and operator []. Let the class take only have one constructor taking its capacity.
This most probably the best way.

const vector<unique_ptr<vector<int>>> outer = something(n);
For the something, you might write a function, like this:
vector<unique_ptr<vector<int>>> something(int n)
vector<unique_ptr<vector<int>>> v(n);
for (auto & p : v)
p.reset(new vector<int>);
return v;


C++ N nested vectors at runtime

In C++ (with or without boost), how can I create an N dimensional vectors where N is determined at runtime?
Something along the lines of:
PROCEDURE buildNVectors(int n)
std::vector < n dimensional std::vector > *structure = new std::vector< n dimensional std::vector >()
If passed 1, a vector would be allocated. If passed 2, a 2d nested matrix would be allocated. If passed 3, a 3d cube is allocated. etc.
Unfortunately you will not be able to do this. A std::vector is a template type and as such it's type must be known at compile time. Since it's type is used to determine what dimensions it has you can only set that at compile time.
The good news is you can make your own class that uses a single dimension vector as the data storage and then you can fake that it has extra dimensions using math. This does make it tricky to access the vector though. Since you will not know how many dimensions the vector has you need to have a way to index into the container with an arbitrary number of elements. What you could do is overload the function call operator operator with a std::intializer_list which would allow you to index into it with something like
A real rough sketch of what you could have would be
class dynmic_vector
std::vector<int> data;
int multiply(std::initializer_list<int> dims)
int sum = 1;
for (auto e : dims)
sum *= e;
return sum;
dynmic_vector(std::initializer_list<int> dims) : data(multiply(dims)) {}
int & operator()(std::initializer_list<int> indexs)
// code here to translate the values in indexes into a 1d position
Or better yet, just use a boost::multi_array

Replace vector of vector with flat memory structure

I have the following type:
std::vector<std::vector<int>> indicies
where the size of the inner vector is always 2. The problem is, that vectors are non-contiguous in memory. I would like to replace the inner vector with something contiguous so that I can cast the flattened array:
int *array_a = (int *) &(a[0][0])
It would be nice if the new type has the [] operator, so that I don't have to change the whole code. (I could also implement it myself if necessary). My ideas are either:
std::vector<std::array<int, 2>>
std::vector<std::pair<int, int>>
How do these look in memory? I wrote a small test:
#include <iostream>
#include <array>
#include <vector>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
using namespace std;
vector<array<int, 2>> a(100);
cout << sizeof(array<int, 2>) << endl;
for(auto i = 0; i < 10; i++){
for(auto j = 0; j < 2; j++){
cout << "a[" << i << "][" << j << "] "
<<&(a[i][j]) << endl;
return 0;
which results in:
a[0][0] 0x1b72c20
a[0][1] 0x1b72c24
a[1][0] 0x1b72c28
a[1][1] 0x1b72c2c
a[2][0] 0x1b72c30
a[2][1] 0x1b72c34
a[3][0] 0x1b72c38
a[3][1] 0x1b72c3c
a[4][0] 0x1b72c40
a[4][1] 0x1b72c44
a[5][0] 0x1b72c48
a[5][1] 0x1b72c4c
a[6][0] 0x1b72c50
a[6][1] 0x1b72c54
a[7][0] 0x1b72c58
a[7][1] 0x1b72c5c
a[8][0] 0x1b72c60
a[8][1] 0x1b72c64
a[9][0] 0x1b72c68
a[9][1] 0x1b72c6c
It seems to work in this case. Is this behavior in the standard or just a lucky coincidence? Is there a better way to do this?
An array<int,2> is going to be a struct containing an array int[2]; the standard does not directly mandate it, but there really is no other sane and practical way to do it.
See 23.3.7 [array] within the standard. There is nothing in the standard I can find that requires sizeof(std::array<char, 10>)==1024 to be false. It would be a ridiculous QOI (quality of implementation); every implementation I have seen has sizeof(std::array<T,N>) == N*sizeof(T), and anything else I would consider hostile.
Arrays must be contiguous containers which are aggregates that can be initialized by up to N arguments of types convertible to T.
The standard permits padding after such an array. I am aware of 0 compilers who insert such padding.
A buffer of contiguous std::array<int,2> is not guaranteed to be safely accessed as a flat buffer of int. In fact, aliasing rules almost certainly ban such access as undefined behaviour. You cannot even do this with a int[3][7]! See this SO question and answer, and here, and here.
Most compilers will make what you describe work, but the optimizer might decide that access through an int* and through the array<int,2>* cannot access the same memory, and generate insane results. It does not seem worth it.
A standards compliant approach would be to write an array view type (that takes two pointers and forms an iterable range with [] overloaded). Then write a 2d view of a flat buffer, with the lower dimension either a runtime or compile time value. Its [] would then return an array view.
There is going to be code in boost and other "standard extension" libraries to do this for you.
Merge the 2d view with a type owning a vector, and you get your 2d vector.
The only behaviour difference is that when the old vector of vector code copies the lower dimension (like auto inner=outer[i]) it copies data, afer it will instead create a view.
Is there a better way to do this?
I recently finished yet-another-version of Game-of-Life.
The game board is 2d, and yes, the vector of vectors has wasted space in it.
In my recent effort I chose to try a 1d vector for the 2d game board.
typedef std::vector<Cell_t*> GameBoard_t;
Then I created a simple indexing function, for when use of row/col added to the code's readability:
inline size_t gbIndx(int row, int col)
{ return ((row * MAXCOL) + col); }
Example: accessing row 27, col 33:
Cell_t* cell = gameBoard[ gbIndx(27, 33) ];
All the Cell_t* in gameBoard are now packed back to back (definition of vector) and trivial to access (initialize, display, etc) in row/col order using gbIndx().
In addition, I could use the simple index for various efforts:
void setAliveRandom(const GameBoard_t& gameBoard)
GameBoard_t myVec(m_gameBoard); // copy cell vector
time_t seed = std::chrono::system_clock::
// randomize copy's element order
std::shuffle (myVec.begin(), myVec.end(), std::default_random_engine(seed));
int count = 0;
for ( auto it : myVec )
if (count & 1) it->setAlive(); // touch odd elements
count += 1;
I was surprised by how often I did not need row/col indexing.
As far as I know, std::vector are contiguous in memory. Take a look at this questions:
Why is std::vector contiguous?,
Are std::vector elements guaranteed to be contiguous?
In case you have to resize an inner vector, you wouldn't have the whole structure contiguous, but the inner vectors would still be it. If you use a vector of vectors, though, you'd have a fully contiguous structure (and I edit here, sorry I misunderstood your question) meaning that the pointers that point to your inner vectors will also be contiguous.
If you want to implement a structure that is always contiguous, from the first element of the first vector to the last element of the last vector, you can implement it as a custom class that has a vector<int> and elems_per_vector that indicates the number of elements in each inner vector.
Then, you can overload the operator(), so to access to a(i,j) you are actually accessing a.vector[a.elems_per_vector*i+j]. To insert new elements, though, and in order to keep the inner vectors at constant size between them, you'll have to make as many inserts as inner vectors you have.

getting certain component of all elements in vector

I have stored some elements of a struct, let's call it myStruct, in a vector.
Now I want to get a certain component of this struct of all the elements in my vector.
Is there a possibility to do this fast, without using a for-loop? Is there an equivalent solution for deque?
struct myStruct{
int a;
int b;
vector<myStruct> vec;
//creating some data and push back to vector
myStruct ms0,ms1;
ms0.a = 5;
ms1.a = 10;
//now I want to get the component a of ms0 and ms1
You could use two vectors, one storing component a, one storing component b, instead of one vector storing pairs (a, b).
If this doesn't work for you, you can do something like (this is C++11 or higher):
std::for_each(vec.begin(), vec.end(),
[] (myStruct &v) {std::cout << v.a << '\n';} );
But this is not (in terms of complexity) better than a for loop.
Vectors are sequence containers, more specifically arrays that can change their size dynamically, thus to access all of their elements it will take time proportional to their size, n. Thus the answer to your first question:
Is there a possibility to do this fast, without using a for-loop?
is: No
As for the second question:
Is there an equivalent solution for deque?
Yes, there is and it will look the same as the one posted, with the small difference in the container which instead of vector<myStruct> vec; will be std::deque<int> mydeque;
Internally vector uses arrays so you can directly access its elements using [] operator,
cout<< vec[0].a << vec[1].a;

Change from static array to vector

here's my code:
vector<int> Edge[1000000]; //size of array must be very high
scanf("%d%d",&N,&M );
//N = size of workable index numbers for Edge
for( i=1;i<=M;i++){
scanf("%d%d",&u,&v );
Edge[u].push_back( v );
But as you can see, it's a static array of vectors.
If i change it to this:
vector<vector<int>> Edge;
How can i do that for cycle and pushback? I need to create a vector of N+1 size and each position is also a vector.
I need to create a vector of N+1 size and each position is also a vector.
Considering that you know the size of the external container at compile time, you can also use std::array to store the vectors:
std::array<std::vector<int>, N + 1> Edge;
If you don't know the size at compile time, you could use:
std::vector<std::vector<int>> Edge;
but as a general rule of thumb, tend to avoid vectors of vectors, as they don't usually work nicely.
You can construct vectors of a given size by passing an int to their constructor. Then afterwards you can use a loop to initialize the subvectors.
int size;
vector<vector<int>> Edge(size); //Initializes Outer Array to have 'size' elements
for(auto i:Edge)
// i is a vector within Edge
The advantage is that you don't have to push back. If you still wanted to push_back in order (not have to track an iterator/int) you could use vector.reserve() instead.

std::vector and contiguous memory of multidimensional arrays

I know that the standard does not force std::vector to allocate contiguous memory blocks, but all implementations obey this nevertheless.
Suppose I wish to create a vector of a multidimensional, static array. Consider 2 dimensions for simplicity, and a vector of length N. That is I wish to create a vector with N elements of, say, int[5].
Can I be certain that all N*5 integers are now contiguous in memory? So that I in principle could access all of the integers simply by knowing the address of the first element? Is this implementation dependent?
For reference the way I currently create a 2D array in a contiguous memory block is by first making a (dynamic) array of float* of length N, allocating all N*5 floats in one array and then copying the address of every 5th element into the first array of float*.
The standard does require the memory of an std::vector to be
contiguous. On the other hand, if you write something like:
std::vector<std::vector<double> > v;
the global memory (all of the v[i][j]) will not be contiguous. The
usual way of creating 2D arrays is to use a single
std::vector<double> v;
and calculate the indexes, exactly as you suggest doing with float.
(You can also create a second std::vector<float*> with the addresses
if you want. I've always just recalculated the indexes, however.)
Elements of a Vector are gauranteed to be contiguous as per C++ standard.
Quotes from the standard are as follows:
From n2798 (draft of C++0x):
23.2.6 Class template vector [vector]
1 A vector is a sequence container that supports random access iterators. In addition, it supports (amortized) constant time insert and erase operations at the end; insert and erase in the middle take linear time. Storage management is handled automatically, though hints can be given to improve efficiency. The elements of a vector are stored contiguously, meaning that if v is a vector where T is some type other than bool, then it obeys the identity &v[n] == &v[0] + n for all 0 <= n < v.size().
C++03 standard (
The elements of a vector are stored contiguously, meaning that if v is a vector where T is some type other than bool, then it obeys the identity &v[n] == &v[0] + n for all 0 <= n < v.size().
Also, see here what Herb Sutter's views on the same.
As #Als already pointed out, yes, std::vector (now) guarantees contiguous allocation. I would not, however, simulate a 2D matrix with an array of pointers. Instead, I'd recommend one of two approaches. The simpler by (by far) is to just use operator() for subscripting, and do a multiplication to convert the 2D input to a linear address in your vector:
template <class T>
class matrix2D {
std::vector<T> data;
int columns;
T &operator()(int x, int y) {
return data[y * columns + x];
matrix2D(int x, int y) : data(x*y), columns(x) {}
If, for whatever reason, you want to use matrix[a][b] style addressing, you can use a proxy class to handle the conversion. Though it was for a 3D matrix instead of 2D, I posted a demonstration of this technique in previous answer.
For reference the way I currently create a 2D array in a contiguous memory block is by first making a (dynamic) array of float* of length N, allocating all N*5 floats in one array and then copying the address of every 5th element into the first array of float*.
That's not a 2D array, that's an array of pointers. If you want a real 2D array, this is how it's done:
float (*p)[5] = new float[N][5];
p [0] [0] = 42; // access first element
p[N-1][4] = 42; // access last element
delete[] p;
Note there is only a single allocation. May I suggest reading more about using arrays in C++?
Under the hood, a vector may look approximately like (p-code):
class vector<T> {
T *data;
size_t s;
Now if you make a vector<vector<T> >, there will be a layout like this
vector<vector<T>> --> data {
or in "inlined" form
vector<vector<T>> --> data {
{data0, s0},
{data1, s1},
{data2, s2}
Yes, the vector-vector therefore uses contiguous memory, but no, not as you'd like it. It most probably stores an array of pointers (and some other variables) to external places.
The standard only requires that the data of a vector is contiguous, but not the vector as a whole.
A simple class to create, as you call it, a 2D array, would be something like:
template <class T> 2DArray {
T *m_data;
int m_stride;
2DArray(int dimY, int dimX) : m_stride(dimX) : m_data(new[] T[dimX * dimY]) {}
~2DArray() { delete[] m_data; }
T* operator[](int row) { return m_data + m_stride * row; }
It's possible to use this like:
2DArray<int> myArray(30,20);
for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++)
myArray[i][j] = i + j;
Or even pass &myArray[0][0] as address to low-level functions that take some sort of "flat buffers".
But as you see, it turns naive expectations around in that it's myarray[y][x].
Generically, if you interface with code that requires some sort of classical C-style flat array, then why not just use that ?
Edit: As said, the above is simple. No bounds check attempts whatsoever. Just like, "an array".