How hide dialog MFC? - c++

I need to create dialog and button.When I click on button with arrow dialog hide, it should looks like dialog moves to top and in ahother case shows for user.
ShowWindow(SW_HIDE). I know about it. I guess to get CRect from window, change it and after that set it to ScreeToClient().
Probably somebody knows some examples with it or another ways?

To hide or show a window, you use ShowWindow() as you indicated. No rectangle needed.
Otherwise, please re-explain your question, I can't make head or tails of it.

Normally, if you need to show a dialog that contains settings (similar to the Visual Studio "Options" dialog) then what you would typically do is this:
List item.
Create a CDialog-derived class.
Create an instance of that class.
call DoModal on that object. This shows the dialog.
Do nothing else. Once DoModal returns the dialog has been closed.


MFC: Use a dialog's class for a second dialog

I have an dialog with several buttons and sliders on it and am adding another button that should close the dialog and open another that is essentially a mini version it.
I need access to the buttons in the first dialog in the second mini dialog (since they should have the same functionality).
Is there a way to use the class from the first dialog on the second so that I have access to those buttons? I've tried right clicking the dialog and adding a class, but it makes me make a new one instead of being able to use an existing one.
Thanks in advance!

Embedding dialogs in main dialog and switching them with button click in MFC

I have a design like below:
So basically, I want to embed three dialogs in the application main dialog and switch between them, for each button click i.e., button 1 will show dialog one , button 2 will hide dialog 1 and show dialog 2 .. and so on.
Each dialog will be having a different design and functions.
I tried using CPropertySheet class to Add pages but its GUI is different. It has either option for navigating the dialogs using next / back button , or from a tab control.
None of which is as per my requirement.
So I want to know is it possible to have a design like this in MFC ? If yes how? Which Class/ control should I use.
Any help will be appreciated.
What you can do is use a normal CDialog class, add your buttons to it and also create a frame/rect as a placeholder for where your embedded dialogs are to appear. The following piece of code will create and position your embedded dialog.
CRect rect;
CWnd *pHost = GetDlgItem(ID_OF_YOUR_FRAME_RECT);
pDialog->Create(ID_OF_YOUR_DIALOG, this);
On button clicks, you hide the previously shown dialog (SW_HIDE) and show your selected dialog(SW_SHOW) with ShowWindow(...).
If you create your embedded dialogs with IDD_FORMVIEW style in the add resource editor it'll have the proper styles for embedding.
Another option is probably to use an embedded PropertySheet and hide the tab row and programatically change the tabs on the button clicks. I just find it to be too much fuzz with borders, positioning, validation and such for my liking.
If you have the MFC Feature Pack, that first came with VS2008 SP1 and is in all later versions, you might like to consider CMFCPropertySheet. There are a number of examples on the linked page, that are very similar to your design.
For example, this:
What worked for me just using dialog based application is SetParent() method. Dont know why nobody mentioned it. It seems to work fine.
I am doing like below:
VERIFY(pDlg1.Create(PanelDlg::IDD, this));
VERIFY(pDlg2.Create(PanelDlg2::IDD, this));
VERIFY(pDlg3.Create(PanelDlg2::IDD, this));
::SetParent(pDlg1.GetSafeHwnd(), this->m_hWnd);
::SetParent(pDlg2.GetSafeHwnd(), this->m_hWnd);
::SetParent(pDlg3.GetSafeHwnd(), this->m_hWnd);
Now I can show or hide a child dialog at will (button clicks) as below:

MFC VSListBox change icons

Does anyone know if it is possible to change the icons on the MFC VSListBox Dialog Control?
Specifically I'm trying to change the folder icon to a '+' icon instead:
I haven't tried it myself, but CVSListBoxBase::AddButton() seems to be what you need.
CVSListBox derives from CVSListBoxBase, and when you call CVSListBoxBase::SetStandardButtons to set the buttons, it calls AddButton() for each button.
The documentation for CVSListBoxBase is unfinished, so you'll have to "play" with it, but you can read the code in afxvslistbox.cpp/.h

MFC Menu Item not properly invoking a modal dialog

I've created a simple Dialog box with a few controls (edit, text, etc) and saved
it to the resource folder in GME/GME.rc/Dialog
I added an auto-gen'd event handler which created a new class (Class.cpp
for the purposes of this example) Note: the Class::Class(CWnd *pParent) :
CDialogEx(Class::IDD, pParent) constructor is empty, I'm not sure if that's
relevant but I don't think it is..
There's a MESSAGE_MAP COMMAND(menu_item_id, &class::member_function())
invocation within the Class.cpp was auto-generated. It's wrapped in the
standard BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP macro stuff.
However: when the menu item is clicked, the item remains gray. The
properties for "enabled=true" and "gray=false" are both properly
configured. So, I assume this is error is due to the message handler isnt
Any help would be appreciated.
Without code, it's pretty darn hard to help. Are you sure you put the message handler for the menu id in either a CView, CFrame, CDocument, or CWinApp derived class? If you put the menu handler in your dialog class, it's not going to do you much good.
Dialogs do not contain the code to run through the list of ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI handlers that MFC uses to enable menu items. Ordinarily this is handled by CFrameWnd for example. Try calling UpdateDialogControls in your OnInitDialog function.
I see that your code is also missing the ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI macro for the menu item, even though the handler it would reference was created for you.
You add menu item handlers to the window that has the menu, which is usually the CMainFrame. Copy the message map and handler to the CMainFrame and see if that helps. I'm not sure what you're trying to do here - I assume you want to display 'Class' (maybe better to edit your post to call this 'ExampleDialog' or something...) when the menu item is clicked, right? Or did you somehow add a menu to your CDialogEx-derived class? If the last, I guess this is what Mark is referring to - 'how are you displaying the menu'? How are you manually adding a menu to your dialog?

How to hide a modal dialogbox in MFC application?

I have a hard time hiding a modal dialog box. What I am doing is - I am trying to design a UI for my own application in MFC, kind of a setup assistant.
In the 1st dialog box I have NEXT button, so when I click that it has to hide the 1st dialog box and move on to the 2nd dialog box, where I have some controls in 2nd dialog box.
How can I achieve that?
I have never tried to hide a Modal dialog...not sure how it can be done.
Anyway, it seems to me you don't need to hide the dialog but destroy the first one and create the second one. You can use EndDialog to terminate a modal dialog.
But MFC has its own mechanism to create your own wizard, have a look at this class CPropertySheet. I am sure you can find thousand of examples, this is one.
Hope it helps.
You can use ShowWindow() function to hide modal
Its default patametet is SW_SHOW which is equal true value 1 and
To hide modal use SW_HIDE value when you click next button
You just use ShowWindow(SW_HIDE) If you make prev button you should use modal pointer
Or next modal should child modal because you cannot have prev modal variable.
I wish you understand me for my english