How do I assign numeric values to the alphabet in SAS - sas

I'm trying to convert a character string to a numeric variable and then sum the values of each character to use as a unique identifier for that field.
So for example, I would like A=1, B=2, C=3.....X=24 Y=25 Z=26.
Say my string is "CAB" so after running the code I would like the result to be an intermidiary column of numbers, where the value for CAB IS 3 1 2 and the result column would be derived by summing the string 3+1+2= 6 and show the value of the intermideate column, so the final value woud be 6.
Here is the sas code I used to convert the characters to numbers, but I need help with the result column.
CHAR_2_NUM=TRANSLATE(MY_VAR_CHAR, '1 2 3 ...24 25 26', 'A B C ...X Y Z');
Thanks in advance...I appreciate any help or suggestions.

RANK will give the ASCII numeric value underlying a character; so A=65, B=66, Z=90, a=97, z=122.
So this should work (if you want only the uppercase values - not a different value for a than A):
data test;
do _t=1 to length(Charval);
put _all_;
Another option (Based on the comments below), is to build an informat with the relationships between letter and value. My loop iterates over each character A to Z, you can then put whatever value you want for each letter as label (I just put 1,2,3,4... but label= will change that).
data fmts;
retain fmtname 'CHARNUM' type 'i';
do _t=65 to 90;
start=byte(_t); *the character, so byte(65)='A';
label=_t-64; *the resulting number;
proc format cntlin=fmts;
data test;
do _t=1 to length(Charval);
put _all_;
Finally, if you want to be able to construct this in the same datastep, you could construct the relationships in a hash table and look up the result. I can explain that if desired, though I'd like to see a more detailed example of what you want to do in terms of defining the relationship between a letter and its code.
If you need to see the intermediate values, you can do that by inserting a CAT function in the loop- I recommend CATX:
data test;
format intermed $100.;
do _t=1 to length(Charval);
intermed=catx('|',intermed,input(char(upcase(charval),_t),CHARNUM.)); *or the RANK portion from earlier;
put _all_;
That would give you 3|1|2, which you could then do math on via SCAN:
do _t = 1 to countc(intermed,'|')+1;
numval2 = sum(numval2,scan(intermed,_t,'|'));

Your method to try and translate is a good attempt, but it will not really work. Here is a simple solution:
set XYZ;
length CHAR_2_NUM $200;
CHAR_2_NUM = ' ';
do i=1 to length(MY_VAR_CHAR);
if i=1 then CHAR_2_NUM = substr(MY_VAR_CHAR,i,1);
else CHAR_2_NUM = trim(CHAR_2_NUM) || ' ' || substr(MY_VAR_CHAR,i,1);
NUM_CHAR + index(all_chars,substr(MY_VAR_CHAR,i,1));
drop i all_chars;
This takes advantage of the fact that the indexed position of each character of your source variable in the all_chars variable corresponds to the mapping you desired.
UPDATED to also create your CHAR_2_NUM variable, which I overlooked in the original question.

Another simple solution is based on the collate function:
To convert a variable called MyNumbers (in the range of 1 to 26) to English upper-case characters, one can use:
collate(64 + MyNumbers, 64 + MyNumbers)
To obtain lower-case characters, one can use:
collate(96 + MyNumbers, 96 + MyNumbers)
Here's a quick example:
data _null_;
do MyNumbers = 1 to 26;
MyLettersUpper = collate(64 + MyNumbers, 64 + MyNumbers);
MyLettersLower = collate(96 + MyNumbers, 96 + MyNumbers);
put MyNumbers MyLettersUpper MyLettersLower;
1 A a
2 B b
3 C c
4 D d
5 E e
6 F f
7 G g
8 H h
9 I i
10 J j
11 K k
12 L l
13 M m
14 N n
15 O o
16 P p
17 Q q
18 R r
19 S s
20 T t
21 U u
22 V v
23 W w
24 X x
25 Y y
26 Z z
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.03 seconds
cpu time 0.03 seconds


In the Data step of SAS, how can I get value of a Column with Column's name represented as a String?

In the Data Step of SAS, you get value of a Column by directly using its name, for example, like this,
name = col1;
But for some reason, I want to get value of a column where column is represented by a string. For example, like this,
name = get_value_of_column(cats("col", i))
Is this possible? And if so, how?
The DATA Step functions VVALUE and VVALUEX will return the formatted value of a variable.
VVALUE(<variable-name>) static, a step compilation time interaction
VVALUEX(<expression>) dynamic, a runtime expression resolving to a variable name
The actual value of the variable can be dynamically obtained via a _type_ array scan
Array Scan
data have;
input name $ x y z (s t u) ($) date: yymmdd10.;
format s t u $upcase. date yymmdd10.;
x 1 2 3 a b c 2020-10-01
y 2 3 4 b c d 2020-10-02
z 3 4 5 c d e 2020-10-03
s 4 5 6 hi ho silver 2020-10-04
t 5 6 7 aa bb cc 2020-10-05
u 6 7 8 -- ** !! 2020-10-06
date 7 8 9 ppp qqq rrr 2020-10-07
data want;
set have;
length u_vvalue name_vvaluex $20.;
u_vvalue = vvalue(u);
name_vvaluex = vvaluex(name);
array nums _numeric_;
array chars _character_;
/* NOTE:
* variable based arrays cause automatic variable _i_ to be in the PDV
* and _i_ will be automatically dropped from output data sets
do _i_ = 1 to dim(nums);
if upcase(name) = upcase(vname(nums(_i_))) then do;
name_numeric_raw = nums(_i_);
do _i_ = 1 to dim(chars);
if upcase(name) = upcase(vname(chars(_i_))) then do;
name_character_raw = chars(_i_);
If you perform an 'excessive' amount of dynamic value lookup in your DATA Step a transposition could possibly lead to simpler processing.

How to add a column of repeated numbers in SAS?

How to generate a repeating series of numbers in a column in SAS, from 1 to x?
Suppose x is 3.
Data is like:
name age
A 15
D 16
C 21
B 35
E 79
F 85
G 64
and I want to add a column named list, like this:
name age list
A 15 1
D 16 2
C 21 3
B 35 1
E 79 2
F 85 3
G 64 1
data class;
set sashelp.class;
if list>=3 then list=0;
Easiest way I can think of is to use mod and the iteration counter.
data want;
set have;
list = 1 + mod(_N_ - 1,3);
mod is the modulo function (gives the remainder after dividing).
So if you want that to vary based on some parameter, well, change the 3 to a parameter.
%let num_atwork = 2;
data want;
set have;
list = 1 + mod(_N_ - 1, &num_atwork.);

SAS for following scenario (most frequent observation)

Assume I have a data-set D1 as follows:
1 A R W
2 B T X
1 A S Y
2 C T E
3 D U I
1 T R W
2 C X X
I want to create a data-set D2 from this as follows
1 A R W
2 C T X
3 D U I
In other words, Data-set D2 consists of unique IDs from D1. For each ID in D2, the values of ATR1-ATR3 are selected as the most frequent (of the respective variable) among the records in D1 with the same ID. For example ID = 1 in D2 has ATR1 = A (most frequent).
I have one solution which is very clumsy. I simply sort copies of the data set `D1' three times (by ID and ATR1 e.g) and remove duplicates. I later merge the three data-sets to get what I want. However, I think there might be an elegant way to do this. I have about 20 such variables in the original data-set.
read and restructure so we end up with:
id attr_id value
1 1 A
1 2 R
1 3 W
data a(keep=id attr_id value);
length value $1;
array attrs_{*} $ 1 attr_1 - attr_3;
infile cards;
input id attr_1 - attr_3;
do attr_id=1 to dim(attrs_);
value = attrs_{attr_id};
1 A R W
2 B T X
1 A S Y
2 C T E
3 D U I
1 T R W
2 C X X
/* calculate frequencies of values per id and attr_id */
proc freq data=a noprint;
tables id*attr_id*value / out=freqs(keep=id attr_id value count);
/* sort so the most frequent value per id and attr_id ends up at the bottom of the group.
if there are ties then it's a matter of luck which value we get */
proc sort data = freqs;
by id attr_id count;
/* read and recreate the original structure. */
data b(keep=id attr_1 - attr_3);
retain attr_1 - attr_3;
array attrs_{*} $ 1 attr_1 - attr_3;
set freqs;
by id attr_id;
if then do;
do i=1 to dim(attrs_);
attrs_{i} = ' ';
if last.attr_id then do;
attrs_{attr_id} = value;
if then do;

how to select any 2 or more variables in SAS

I have a question to create a new variable.I have several variables named A,B,C,D,E,F,G.All variables are 0/1 binary variable.So I want to create a new variable which shows any 3 or more those variables equal to 1.
For example,
new_variable =0;
if ANY 3 or more variables(A,B,C,D,E,F,G) =1 then new_variable =1;
There's no way sort of a way to do the syntax like you have, but since you're smart and have 0/1 binaries, there's a very easy way if you think about it a sec, to see if 3 or more are 1.
if sum(of a b c d e f g) >= 3 then new_Variable=1;
Actually a bit simpler:
new_Variable = (sum(of a b c d e f g) GE 3);
as true=1 false=0 when you evaluate a boolean expression.
If your data are in an array or with a common prefix, there is a way to do that more easily:
new_variable = (sum(of arrayname[*]) GE 3);
new_variable = (sum(of varprefix:) GE 3);
where arrayname is your array or varprefix is the common prefix your variables (and only your variables) share.
Edit: There is, sort of, a way to do this in a similar kind of syntax. Using countc:
data have;
call streaminit(7);
array vars[7] a b c d e f g;
do _n_ = 1 to 20;
do _i = 1 to dim(vars);
vars[_i] = rand('Binomial',.2,1);
data want;
set have;
if countc(cats(of a--g),'1') ge 3;
If you had something other than 1/0, you could use catx to delimit them with a space or something, and then countw to look for the complete value; here, 11 will look like two 1s not eleven, if that were possible in the data.
There are a lot of other solutions, by the way; maybe some others will come and mention them. CALL SORTN and then look for the first instance of 1, for example.

How do i perform calculation about the last n observations

how can i perform calculation for the last n observation in a data set
For example if I have 10 observations I would like to create a variable that would sum the last 5 values of another variable. Please do not suggest that I lag 5 times or use module ( N ). I need a bit more elegant solution than that.
with the code below alpha is the data set that i have and bravo is the one i need.
data alpha;
input lima ## ;
cards ;
3 1 4 21 3 3 2 4 2 5
run ;
data bravo;
input lima juliet;
3 .
1 .
4 .
21 .
3 32
3 32
2 33
4 33
2 14
5 16
thank you in advance!
You can do this in the data step or using PROC EXPAND from SAS/ETS if available.
For the data step the idea is that you start with a cumulative sum (summ), but keep track of the number of values that were added so far (ninsum). Once that reaches 5, you start outputting the cumulative sum to the target variable (juliet), and from the next step you start subtracting the lagged-5 value to only store the sum of the last five values.
data beta;
set alpha;
retain summ ninsum 0;
summ + lima;
ninsum + 1;
l5 = lag5(lima);
if ninsum = 6 then do;
summ = summ - l5;
ninsum = ninsum - 1;
if ninsum = 5 then do;
juliet = summ;
proc print data=beta;
However there is a procedure that can do all kind of cumulative, moving window, etc calculations: PROC EXPAND, in which this is really just one line. We just tell it to calculate the backward moving sum in a window of width 5 and set the first 4 observations to missing (by default it will expand your series by 0's on the left).
proc expand data=alpha out=gamma;
convert lima = juliet / transformout=(movsum 5 trimleft 4);
proc print data=gamma;
If you want to do more complicated calculations, you need to carry the previous values in retained variables. I thought you wanted to avoid that, but here it is:
data epsilon;
set alpha;
array lags {5};
retain lags1 - lags5;
/* do whatever calculation is needed */
juliet = 0;
do i=1 to 5;
juliet = juliet + lags{i};
/* shift over lagged values, and add self at the beginning */
do i=5 to 2 by -1;
lags{i} = lags{i-1};
lags{1} = lima;
drop i;
proc print data=epsilon;
I can offer rather ugly solution:
run data step and add increasing number to each group.
run sql step and add column of max(group).
run another data step and check if value from (2)-(1) is less than 5. If so, assign to _num_to_sum_ variable (for example) the value that you want to sum, otherwise leave it blank or assign 0.
and last do a sql step with sum(_num_to_sum_) and group results by grouping variable from (1).
EDIT: I have added a live example of the concept in a bit more compacted way.
input var1 $ var2;
aaa 3
aaa 5
aaa 7
aaa 1
aaa 11
aaa 8
aaa 6
bbb 3
bbb 2
bbb 4
bbb 6
data step1;
set sourcetable;
by var1;
retain obs 0;
if first.var1 then obs = 0;
else obs = obs+1;
if obs >=5 then to_sum = var2;
proc sql;
create table rezults as
select distinct var1, sum(to_sum) as needed_summs
from step1
group by var1;
In case anyone reads this :)
I solved it the way I needed it to be solved. Although now I am more curious which of the two(the retain and my solution) is more optimal in terms of computing/processing time.
Here is my solution:
data bravo(keep = var1 summ);
set alpha;
do i=_n_ to _n_-4 by -1;
set alpha(rename=var1=var2) point=i;