How to get the CPU cycle count in x86_64 from C++? - c++

I saw this post on SO which contains C code to get the latest CPU Cycle count:
CPU Cycle count based profiling in C/C++ Linux x86_64
Is there a way I can use this code in C++ (windows and linux solutions welcome)? Although written in C (and C being a subset of C++) I am not too certain if this code would work in a C++ project and if not, how to translate it?
I am using x86-64
Found this function but cannot get VS2010 to recognise the assembler. Do I need to include anything? (I believe I have to swap uint64_t to long long for windows....?)
static inline uint64_t get_cycles()
uint64_t t;
__asm volatile ("rdtsc" : "=A"(t));
return t;
From above code I get the error:
"error C2400: inline assembler syntax error in 'opcode'; found 'data
Could someone please help?

Starting from GCC 4.5 and later, the __rdtsc() intrinsic is now supported by both MSVC and GCC.
But the include that's needed is different:
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <intrin.h>
#include <x86intrin.h>
Here's the original answer before GCC 4.5.
Pulled directly out of one of my projects:
#include <stdint.h>
// Windows
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <intrin.h>
uint64_t rdtsc(){
return __rdtsc();
// Linux/GCC
uint64_t rdtsc(){
unsigned int lo,hi;
__asm__ __volatile__ ("rdtsc" : "=a" (lo), "=d" (hi));
return ((uint64_t)hi << 32) | lo;
This GNU C Extended asm tells the compiler:
volatile: the outputs aren't a pure function of the inputs (so it has to re-run every time, not reuse an old result).
"=a"(lo) and "=d"(hi) : the output operands are fixed registers: EAX and EDX. (x86 machine constraints). The x86 rdtsc instruction puts its 64-bit result in EDX:EAX, so letting the compiler pick an output with "=r" wouldn't work: there's no way to ask the CPU for the result to go anywhere else.
((uint64_t)hi << 32) | lo - zero-extend both 32-bit halves to 64-bit (because lo and hi are unsigned), and logically shift + OR them together into a single 64-bit C variable. In 32-bit code, this is just a reinterpretation; the values still just stay in a pair of 32-bit registers. In 64-bit code you typically get an actual shift + OR asm instructions, unless the high half optimizes away.
(editor's note: this could probably be more efficient if you used unsigned long instead of unsigned int. Then the compiler would know that lo was already zero-extended into RAX. It wouldn't know that the upper half was zero, so | and + are equivalent if it wanted to merge a different way. The intrinsic should in theory give you the best of both worlds as far as letting the optimizer do a good job.) if you can avoid it. But hopefully this section is useful if you need to understand old code that uses inline asm so you can rewrite it with intrinsics. See also

Your inline asm is broken for x86-64. "=A" in 64-bit mode lets the compiler pick either RAX or RDX, not EDX:EAX. See this Q&A for more
You don't need inline asm for this. There's no benefit; compilers have built-ins for rdtsc and rdtscp, and (at least these days) all define a __rdtsc intrinsic if you include the right headers. But unlike almost all other cases (, there's no serious downside to asm, as long as you're using a good and safe implementation like #Mysticial's.
(One minor advantage to asm is if you want to time a small interval that's certainly going to be less than 2^32 counts, you can ignore the high half of the result. Compilers could do that optimization for you with a uint32_t time_low = __rdtsc() intrinsic, but in practice they sometimes still waste instructions doing shift / OR.)
Unfortunately MSVC disagrees with everyone else about which header to use for non-SIMD intrinsics.
Intel's intriniscs guide says _rdtsc (with one underscore) is in <immintrin.h>, but that doesn't work on gcc and clang. They only define SIMD intrinsics in <immintrin.h>, so we're stuck with <intrin.h> (MSVC) vs. <x86intrin.h> (everything else, including recent ICC). For compat with MSVC, and Intel's documentation, gcc and clang define both the one-underscore and two-underscore versions of the function.
Fun fact: the double-underscore version returns an unsigned 64-bit integer, while Intel documents _rdtsc() as returning (signed) __int64.
// valid C99 and C++
#include <stdint.h> // <cstdint> is preferred in C++, but stdint.h works.
#ifdef _MSC_VER
# include <intrin.h>
# include <x86intrin.h>
// optional wrapper if you don't want to just use __rdtsc() everywhere
uint64_t readTSC() {
// _mm_lfence(); // optionally wait for earlier insns to retire before reading the clock
uint64_t tsc = __rdtsc();
// _mm_lfence(); // optionally block later instructions until rdtsc retires
return tsc;
// requires a Nehalem or newer CPU. Not Core2 or earlier. IDK when AMD added it.
uint64_t readTSCp() {
unsigned dummy;
return __rdtscp(&dummy); // waits for earlier insns to retire, but allows later to start
Compiles with all 4 of the major compilers: gcc/clang/ICC/MSVC, for 32 or 64-bit. See the results on the Godbolt compiler explorer, including a couple test callers.
These intrinsics were new in gcc4.5 (from 2010) and clang3.5 (from 2014). gcc4.4 and clang 3.4 on Godbolt don't compile this, but gcc4.5.3 (April 2011) does. You might see inline asm in old code, but you can and should replace it with __rdtsc(). Compilers over a decade old usually make slower code than gcc6, gcc7, or gcc8, and have less useful error messages.
The MSVC intrinsic has (I think) existed far longer, because MSVC never supported inline asm for x86-64. ICC13 has __rdtsc in immintrin.h, but doesn't have an x86intrin.h at all. More recent ICC have x86intrin.h, at least the way Godbolt installs them for Linux they do.
You might want to define them as signed long long, especially if you want to subtract them and convert to float. int64_t -> float/double is more efficient than uint64_t on x86 without AVX512. Also, small negative results could be possible because of CPU migrations if TSCs aren't perfectly synced, and that probably makes more sense than huge unsigned numbers.
BTW, clang also has a portable __builtin_readcyclecounter() which works on any architecture. (Always returns zero on architectures without a cycle counter.) See the clang/LLVM language-extension docs
For more about using lfence (or cpuid) to improve repeatability of rdtsc and control exactly which instructions are / aren't in the timed interval by blocking out-of-order execution, see #HadiBrais' answer on clflush to invalidate cache line via C function and the comments for an example of the difference it makes.
See also Is LFENCE serializing on AMD processors? (TL:DR yes with Spectre mitigation enabled, otherwise kernels leave the relevant MSR unset so you should use cpuid to serialize.) It's always been defined as partially-serializing on Intel.
How to Benchmark Code Execution Times on Intel® IA-32 and IA-64
Instruction Set Architectures, an Intel white-paper from 2010.
rdtsc counts reference cycles, not CPU core clock cycles
It counts at a fixed frequency regardless of turbo / power-saving, so if you want uops-per-clock analysis, use performance counters. rdtsc is exactly correlated with wall-clock time (not counting system clock adjustments, so it's a perfect time source for steady_clock).
The TSC frequency used to always be equal to the CPU's rated frequency, i.e. the advertised sticker frequency. In some CPUs it's merely close, e.g. 2592 MHz on an i7-6700HQ 2.6 GHz Skylake, or 4008MHz on a 4000MHz i7-6700k. On even newer CPUs like i5-1035 Ice Lake, TSC = 1.5 GHz, base = 1.1 GHz, so disabling turbo won't even approximately work for TSC = core cycles on those CPUs.
If you use it for microbenchmarking, include a warm-up period first to make sure your CPU is already at max clock speed before you start timing. (And optionally disable turbo and tell your OS to prefer max clock speed to avoid CPU frequency shifts during your microbenchmark).
Microbenchmarking is hard: see Idiomatic way of performance evaluation? for other pitfalls.
Instead of TSC at all, you can use a library that gives you access to hardware performance counters. The complicated but low-overhead way is to program perf counters and use rdmsr in user-space, or simpler ways include tricks like perf stat for part of program if your timed region is long enough that you can attach a perf stat -p PID.
You usually will still want to keep the CPU clock fixed for microbenchmarks, though, unless you want to see how different loads will get Skylake to clock down when memory-bound or whatever. (Note that memory bandwidth / latency is mostly fixed, using a different clock than the cores. At idle clock speed, an L2 or L3 cache miss takes many fewer core clock cycles.)
Negative clock cycle measurements with back-to-back rdtsc? the history of RDTSC: originally CPUs didn't do power-saving, so the TSC was both real-time and core clocks. Then it evolved through various barely-useful steps into its current form of a useful low-overhead timesource decoupled from core clock cycles (constant_tsc), which doesn't stop when the clock halts (nonstop_tsc). Also some tips, e.g. don't take the mean time, take the median (there will be very high outliers).
std::chrono::clock, hardware clock and cycle count
Getting cpu cycles using RDTSC - why does the value of RDTSC always increase?
Lost Cycles on Intel? An inconsistency between rdtsc and CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.REF_TSC
measuring code execution times in C using RDTSC instruction lists some gotchas, including SMI (system-management interrupts) which you can't avoid even in kernel mode with cli), and virtualization of rdtsc under a VM. And of course basic stuff like regular interrupts being possible, so repeat your timing many times and throw away outliers.
Determine TSC frequency on Linux. Programatically querying the TSC frequency is hard and maybe not possible, especially in user-space, or may give a worse result than calibrating it. Calibrating it using another known time-source takes time. See that question for more about how hard it is to convert TSC to nanoseconds (and that it would be nice if you could ask the OS what the conversion ratio is, because the OS already did it at bootup).
If you're microbenchmarking with RDTSC for tuning purposes, your best bet is to just use ticks and skip even trying to convert to nanoseconds. Otherwise, use a high-resolution library time function like std::chrono or clock_gettime. See faster equivalent of gettimeofday for some discussion / comparison of timestamp functions, or reading a shared timestamp from memory to avoid rdtsc entirely if your precision requirement is low enough for a timer interrupt or thread to update it.
See also Calculate system time using rdtsc about finding the crystal frequency and multiplier.
CPU TSC fetch operation especially in multicore-multi-processor environment says that Nehalem and newer have the TSC synced and locked together for all cores in a package (along with the invariant = constant and nonstop TSC feature). See #amdn's answer there for some good info about multi-socket sync.
(And apparently usually reliable even for modern multi-socket systems as long as they have that feature, see #amdn's answer on the linked question, and more details below.)
CPUID features relevant to the TSC
Using the names that Linux /proc/cpuinfo uses for the CPU features, and other aliases for the same feature that you'll also find.
tsc - the TSC exists and rdtsc is supported. Baseline for x86-64.
rdtscp - rdtscp is supported.
tsc_deadline_timer CPUID.01H:ECX.TSC_Deadline[bit 24] = 1 - local APIC can be programmed to fire an interrupt when the TSC reaches a value you put in IA32_TSC_DEADLINE. Enables "tickless" kernels, I think, sleeping until the next thing that's supposed to happen.
constant_tsc: Support for the constant TSC feature is determined by checking the CPU family and model numbers. The TSC ticks at constant frequency regardless of changes in core clock speed. Without this, RDTSC does count core clock cycles.
nonstop_tsc: This feature is called the invariant TSC in the Intel SDM manual and is supported on processors with CPUID.80000007H:EDX[8]. The TSC keeps ticking even in deep sleep C-states. On all x86 processors, nonstop_tsc implies constant_tsc, but constant_tsc doesn't necessarily imply nonstop_tsc. No separate CPUID feature bit; on Intel and AMD the same invariant TSC CPUID bit implies both constant_tsc and nonstop_tsc features. See Linux's x86/kernel/cpu/intel.c detection code, and amd.c was similar.
Some of the processors (but not all) that are based on the Saltwell/Silvermont/Airmont even keep TSC ticking in ACPI S3 full-system sleep: nonstop_tsc_s3. This is called always-on TSC. (Although it seems the ones based on Airmont were never released.)
For more details on constant and invariant TSC, see: Can constant non-invariant tsc change frequency across cpu states?.
tsc_adjust: CPUID.(EAX=07H, ECX=0H):EBX.TSC_ADJUST (bit 1) The IA32_TSC_ADJUST MSR is available, allowing OSes to set an offset that's added to the TSC when rdtsc or rdtscp reads it. This allows effectively changing the TSC on some/all cores without desyncing it across logical cores. (Which would happen if software set the TSC to a new absolute value on each core; it's very hard to get the relevant WRMSR instruction executed at the same cycle on every core.)
constant_tsc and nonstop_tsc together make the TSC usable as a timesource for things like clock_gettime in user-space. (But OSes like Linux only use RDTSC to interpolate between ticks of a slower clock maintained with NTP, updating the scale / offset factors in timer interrupts. See On a cpu with constant_tsc and nonstop_tsc, why does my time drift?) On even older CPUs that don't support deep sleep states or frequency scaling, TSC as a timesource may still be usable
The comments in the Linux source code also indicate that constant_tsc / nonstop_tsc features (on Intel) implies "It is also reliable across cores and sockets. (but not across cabinets - we turn it off in that case explicitly.)"
The "across sockets" part is not accurate. In general, an invariant TSC only guarantees that the TSC is synchronized between cores within the same socket. On an Intel forum thread, Martin Dixon (Intel) points out that TSC invariance does not imply cross-socket synchronization. That requires the platform vendor to distribute RESET synchronously to all sockets. Apparently platform vendors do in practice do that, given the above Linux kernel comment. Answers on CPU TSC fetch operation especially in multicore-multi-processor environment also agree that all sockets on a single motherboard should start out in sync.
On a multi-socket shared memory system, there is no direct way to check whether the TSCs in all the cores are synced. The Linux kernel, by default performs boot-time and run-time checks to make sure that TSC can be used as a clock source. These checks involve determining whether the TSC is synced. The output of the command dmesg | grep 'clocksource' would tell you whether the kernel is using TSC as the clock source, which would only happen if the checks have passed. But even then, this would not be definitive proof that the TSC is synced across all sockets of the system. The kernel paramter tsc=reliable can be used to tell the kernel that it can blindly use the TSC as the clock source without doing any checks.
There are cases where cross-socket TSCs may NOT be in sync: (1) hotplugging a CPU, (2) when the sockets are spread out across different boards connected by extended node controllers, (3) a TSC may not be resynced after waking up from a C-state in which the TSC is powered-downed in some processors, and (4) different sockets have different CPU models installed.
An OS or hypervisor that changes the TSC directly instead of using the TSC_ADJUST offset can de-sync them, so in user-space it might not always be safe to assume that CPU migrations won't leave you reading a different clock. (This is why rdtscp produces a core-ID as an extra output, so you can detect when start/end times come from different clocks. It might have been introduced before the invariant TSC feature, or maybe they just wanted to account for every possibility.)
If you're using rdtsc directly, you may want to pin your program or thread to a core, e.g. with taskset -c 0 ./myprogram on Linux. Whether you need it for the TSC or not, CPU migration will normally lead to a lot of cache misses and mess up your test anyway, as well as taking extra time. (Although so will an interrupt).
How efficient is the asm from using the intrinsic?
It's about as good as you'd get from #Mysticial's GNU C inline asm, or better because it knows the upper bits of RAX are zeroed. The main reason you'd want to keep inline asm is for compat with crusty old compilers.
A non-inline version of the readTSC function itself compiles with MSVC for x86-64 like this:
unsigned __int64 readTSC(void) PROC ; readTSC
shl rdx, 32 ; 00000020H
or rax, rdx
ret 0
; return in RAX
For 32-bit calling conventions that return 64-bit integers in edx:eax, it's just rdtsc/ret. Not that it matters, you always want this to inline.
In a test caller that uses it twice and subtracts to time an interval:
uint64_t time_something() {
uint64_t start = readTSC();
// even when empty, back-to-back __rdtsc() don't optimize away
return readTSC() - start;
All 4 compilers make pretty similar code. This is GCC's 32-bit output:
# gcc8.2 -O3 -m32
push ebx # save a call-preserved reg: 32-bit only has 3 scratch regs
mov ecx, eax
mov ebx, edx # start in ebx:ecx
# timed region (empty)
sub eax, ecx
sbb edx, ebx # edx:eax -= ebx:ecx
pop ebx
ret # return value in edx:eax
This is MSVC's x86-64 output (with name-demangling applied). gcc/clang/ICC all emit identical code.
# MSVC 19 2017 -Ox
unsigned __int64 time_something(void) PROC ; time_something
shl rdx, 32 ; high <<= 32
or rax, rdx
mov rcx, rax ; missed optimization: lea rcx, [rdx+rax]
; rcx = start
;; timed region (empty)
shl rdx, 32
or rax, rdx ; rax = end
sub rax, rcx ; end -= start
ret 0
unsigned __int64 time_something(void) ENDP ; time_something
All 4 compilers use or+mov instead of lea to combine the low and high halves into a different register. I guess it's kind of a canned sequence that they fail to optimize.
But writing a shift/lea in inline asm yourself is hardly better. You'd deprive the compiler of the opportunity to ignore the high 32 bits of the result in EDX, if you're timing such a short interval that you only keep a 32-bit result. Or if the compiler decides to store the start time to memory, it could just use two 32-bit stores instead of shift/or / mov. If 1 extra uop as part of your timing bothers you, you'd better write your whole microbenchmark in pure asm.
However, we can maybe get the best of both worlds with a modified version of #Mysticial's code:
// More efficient than __rdtsc() in some case, but maybe worse in others
uint64_t rdtsc(){
// long and uintptr_t are 32-bit on the x32 ABI (32-bit pointers in 64-bit mode), so #ifdef would be better if we care about this trick there.
unsigned long lo,hi; // let the compiler know that zero-extension to 64 bits isn't required
__asm__ __volatile__ ("rdtsc" : "=a" (lo), "=d" (hi));
return ((uint64_t)hi << 32) + lo;
// + allows LEA or ADD instead of OR
On Godbolt, this does sometimes give better asm than __rdtsc() for gcc/clang/ICC, but other times it tricks compilers into using an extra register to save lo and hi separately, so clang can optimize into ((end_hi-start_hi)<<32) + (end_lo-start_lo). Hopefully if there's real register pressure, compilers will combine earlier. (gcc and ICC still save lo/hi separately, but don't optimize as well.)
But 32-bit gcc8 makes a mess of it, compiling even just the rdtsc() function itself with an actual add/adc with zeros instead of just returning the result in edx:eax like clang does. (gcc6 and earlier do ok with | instead of +, but definitely prefer the __rdtsc() intrinsic if you care about 32-bit code-gen from gcc).

VC++ uses an entirely different syntax for inline assembly -- but only in the 32-bit versions. The 64-bit compiler doesn't support inline assembly at all.
In this case, that's probably just as well -- rdtsc has (at least) two major problem when it comes to timing code sequences. First (like most instructions) it can be executed out of order, so if you're trying to time a short sequence of code, the rdtsc before and after that code might both be executed before it, or both after it, or what have you (I am fairly sure the two will always execute in order with respect to each other though, so at least the difference will never be negative).
Second, on a multi-core (or multiprocessor) system, one rdtsc might execute on one core/processor and the other on a different core/processor. In such a case, a negative result is entirely possible.
Generally speaking, if you want a precise timer under Windows, you're going to be better off using QueryPerformanceCounter.
If you really insist on using rdtsc, I believe you'll have to do it in a separate module written entirely in assembly language (or use a compiler intrinsic), then linked with your C or C++. I've never written that code for 64-bit mode, but in 32-bit mode it looks something like this:
xor eax, eax
xor eax, eax
xor eax, eax
; save eax, edx
; code you're going to time goes here
xor eax, eax
I know this looks strange, but it's actually right. You execute CPUID because it's a serializing instruction (can't be executed out of order) and is available in user mode. You execute it three times before you start timing because Intel documents the fact that the first execution can/will run at a different speed than the second (and what they recommend is three, so three it is).
Then you execute your code under test, another cpuid to force serialization, and the final rdtsc to get the time after the code finished.
Along with that, you want to use whatever means your OS supplies to force this all to run on one process/core. In most cases, you also want to force the code alignment -- changes in alignment can lead to fairly substantial differences in execution spee.
Finally you want to execute it a number of times -- and it's always possible it'll get interrupted in the middle of things (e.g., a task switch), so you need to be prepared for the possibility of an execution taking quite a bit longer than the rest -- e.g., 5 runs that take ~40-43 clock cycles apiece, and a sixth that takes 10000+ clock cycles. Clearly, in the latter case, you just throw out the outlier -- it's not from your code.
Summary: managing to execute the rdtsc instruction itself is (almost) the least of your worries. There's quite a bit more you need to do before you can get results from rdtsc that will actually mean anything.

For Windows, Visual Studio provides a convenient "compiler intrinsic" (i.e. a special function, which the compiler understands) that executes the RDTSC instruction for you and gives you back the result:
unsigned __int64 __rdtsc(void);

Linux perf_event_open system call with config = PERF_COUNT_HW_CPU_CYCLES
This Linux system call appears to be a cross architecture wrapper for performance events.
This answer similar: Quick way to count number of instructions executed in a C program but with PERF_COUNT_HW_CPU_CYCLES instead of PERF_COUNT_HW_INSTRUCTIONS. This answer will focus on PERF_COUNT_HW_CPU_CYCLES specifics, see that other answer for more generic information.
Here is an example based on the one provided at the end of the man page.
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <asm/unistd.h>
#include <linux/perf_event.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
static long
perf_event_open(struct perf_event_attr *hw_event, pid_t pid,
int cpu, int group_fd, unsigned long flags)
int ret;
ret = syscall(__NR_perf_event_open, hw_event, pid, cpu,
group_fd, flags);
return ret;
main(int argc, char **argv)
struct perf_event_attr pe;
long long count;
int fd;
uint64_t n;
if (argc > 1) {
n = strtoll(argv[1], NULL, 0);
} else {
n = 10000;
memset(&pe, 0, sizeof(struct perf_event_attr));
pe.size = sizeof(struct perf_event_attr);
pe.disabled = 1;
pe.exclude_kernel = 1;
// Don't count hypervisor events.
pe.exclude_hv = 1;
fd = perf_event_open(&pe, 0, -1, -1, 0);
if (fd == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error opening leader %llx\n", pe.config);
ioctl(fd, PERF_EVENT_IOC_RESET, 0);
ioctl(fd, PERF_EVENT_IOC_ENABLE, 0);
/* Loop n times, should be good enough for -O0. */
__asm__ (
"sub $1, %[n];\n"
"jne 1b;\n"
: [n] "+r" (n)
read(fd, &count, sizeof(long long));
printf("%lld\n", count);
The results seem reasonable, e.g. if I print cycles then recompile for instruction counts, we get about 1 cycle per iteration (2 instructions done in a single cycle) possibly due to effects such as superscalar execution, with slightly different results for each run presumably due to random memory access latencies.
You might also be interested in PERF_COUNT_HW_REF_CPU_CYCLES, which as the manpage documents:
Total cycles; not affected by CPU frequency scaling.
so this will give something closer to the real wall time if your frequency scaling is on. These were 2/3x larger than PERF_COUNT_HW_INSTRUCTIONS on my quick experiments, presumably because my non-stressed machine is frequency scaled now.


Why is memcpy with 16 byte twice as fast as memcpy with 1 byte?

I'm doing some performance measurements. When looking at memcpy, I found a curious effect with small byte sizes. In particular, the fastest byte count to use for my system is 16 bytes. Both smaller and larger sizes get slower. Here's a screenshot of my results from a larger test program.
I've minimized a complete program to reproduce the effect just for 1 and 16 bytes (note this is MSVC code to suppress inlining to prevent optimizer to nuke everything):
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
using dbl_ns = std::chrono::duration<double, std::nano>;
template<size_t n>
struct memcopy_perf {
uint8_t m_source[n]{};
uint8_t m_target[n]{};
__declspec(noinline) auto f() -> void
constexpr int repeats = 50'000;
const auto t0 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
for (int i = 0; i < repeats; ++i)
std::memcpy(m_target, m_source, n);
const auto t1 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
std::cout << "time per memcpy: " << dbl_ns(t1 - t0).count()/repeats << " ns\n";
int main()
return 0;
I would have hand-waved away a minimum at 8 bytes (maybe because of 16 bit on a 64 bit register size) or at 64 bytes (cache line size). But I'm somewhat puzzled at the 16 bytes. The effect is reproducible on my system and not a fluke.
Notes: I'm aware of the intricacies of performance measurements. Yes, this is in release mode. Yes, I made sure things are not optimized away. Yes, I'm aware there are libraries for this. Yes, n is too low, etc etc. This is a minimal example. I checked the asm, it calls memcpy.
I assume that MSVC 19 is used since there is not information about the MSVC version yet.
The benchmark is biased so it cannot actually help to tell which one is faster, especially for such a small timing.
Indeed, here is the assembly code of MSVC 19 with /O2 between the two calls to std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now:
mov cl, BYTE PTR [esi]
add esp, 4
mov eax, 50000 ; 0000c350H
npad 6
sub eax, 1 <--- This is what you measure !
jne SHORT $LL4#f
lea eax, DWORD PTR _t1$[esp+20]
mov BYTE PTR [esi+1], cl
push eax
One can see that you measure a nearly empty loop that is completely useless and more than half the instructions are not the ones meant to be measured. The only useful instructions are certainly:
mov cl, BYTE PTR [esi]
mov BYTE PTR [esi+1], cl
Even assuming that the compiler could generate such a code, the call to std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now certainly takes several dozens of nano seconds (since the usual solution to measure very small timing precisely is to use RDTSC and RDTSCP). This is far more than the time to execute such instruction. In fact, at such a granularity the notion of wall clock time vanishes. Instructions are typically executed in parallel in an out of order way and are also pipelined. At this scale one need to consider the latency of each instruction, their reciprocal throughput, their dependencies, etc.
An alternative solution is to reimplement the benchmark so the compiler cannot optimize this. But this is pretty hard to do since copying 1 byte is nearly free on modern x86 architectures (compared to the overhead of the related instructions needed to compute the addresses, loop, etc.).
AFAIK copying 1 byte on an AMD Zen2 processor has a reciprocal throughput of ~1 cycle (1 load + 1 store scheduled on both 2 load ports and 2 store ports) assuming data is in the L1 cache. The latency to read/write a value in the L1 cache is 4-5 cycles so the latency of the copy may be 8-10 cycles. For more information about this architecture please check this.
Best way to know is to check the resulting assembly. for example if 16 byte version is aligned on 16 then it uses aligned load/store operations and becomes faster than 4 byte / 1 byte version.
Maybe if it can not vectorize(use register) due to bad alignment, it falls back to do cache copy like mov operations on memory address instead of register.
The memcpy implementation is depend on many factors, such as:
OS: windows 10, linux, macos,...
Compiler: GCC 4.4, GCC 8.5, CL, cywin-gcc, clang...
CPU architecture: arm, arm64, x86, x86_64,....
So, with difference system, memcpy may have difference performance/behavior.
Example: SSE2, SSE3, AVX, AVX512 memcpy version be implmented on this system, but not on other system.
In your case, I think it's mainly caused by memory alignment. And with 1 byte copy, the un-alignment memory access is always happen (more read/write cycle).

Does any of current C++ compilers ever emit "rep movsb/w/d"?

This question made me wonder, if current modern compilers ever emit REP MOVSB/W/D instruction.
Based on this discussion, it seems that using REP MOVSB/W/D could be beneficial on current CPUs.
But no matter how I tried, I cannot made any of the current compilers (GCC 8, Clang 7, MSVC 2017 and ICC 18) to emit this instruction.
For this simple code, it could be reasonable to emit REP MOVSB:
void fn(char *dst, const char *src, int l) {
for (int i=0; i<l; i++) {
dst[i] = src[i];
But compilers emit a non-optimized simple byte-copy loop, or a huge unrolled loop (basically an inlined memmove). Do any of the compilers use this instruction?
GCC has x86 tuning options to control string-ops strategy and when to inline vs. library call. (See -mmemcpy-strategy=strategy
takes alg:max_size:dest_align triplets, but the brute-force way is -mstringop-strategy=rep_byte
I had to use __restrict to get gcc to recognize the memcpy pattern, instead of just doing normal auto-vectorization after an overlap check / fallback to a dumb byte loop. (Fun fact: gcc -O3 auto-vectorizes even with -mno-sse, using the full width of an integer register. So you only get a dumb byte loop if you compile with -Os (optimize for size) or -O2 (less than full optimization)).
Note that if src and dst overlap with dst > src, the result is not memmove. Instead, you'll get a repeating pattern with length = dst-src. rep movsb has to correctly implement the exact byte-copy semantics even in case of overlap, so it would still be valid (but slow on current CPUs: I think microcode would just fall back to a byte loop).
gcc only gets to rep movsb via recognizing a memcpy pattern and then choosing to inline memcpy as rep movsb. It doesn't go directly from byte-copy loop to rep movsb, and that's why possible aliasing defeats the optimization. (It might be interesting for -Os to consider using rep movs directly, though, when alias analysis can't prove it's a memcpy or memmove, on CPUs with fast rep movsb.)
void fn(char *__restrict dst, const char *__restrict src, int l) {
for (int i=0; i<l; i++) {
dst[i] = src[i];
This probably shouldn't "count" because I would probably not recommend those tuning options for any use-case other than "make the compiler use rep movs", so it's not that different from an intrinsic. I didn't check all the -mtune=silvermont / -mtune=skylake / -mtune=bdver2 (Bulldozer version 2 = Piledriver) / etc. tuning options, but I doubt any of them enable that. So this is an unrealistic test because nobody using -march=native would get this code-gen.
But the above C compiles with gcc8.1 -xc -O3 -Wall -mstringop-strategy=rep_byte -minline-all-stringops on the Godbolt compiler explorer to this asm for x86-64 System V:
test edx, edx
jle .L1 # rep movs treats the counter as unsigned, but the source uses signed
sub edx, 1 # what the heck, gcc? mov ecx,edx would be too easy?
lea ecx, [rdx+1]
rep movsb # dst=rdi and src=rsi
.L1: # matching the calling convention
Fun fact: the x86-64 SysV calling convention being optimized for inlining rep movs is not a coincidence (Why does Windows64 use a different calling convention from all other OSes on x86-64?). I think gcc favoured that when the calling convention was being designed, so it saved instructions.
rep_8byte does a bunch of setup to handle counts that aren't a multiple of 8, and maybe alignment, I didn't look carefully.
I also didn't check other compilers.
Inlining rep movsb would be a poor choice without an alignment guarantee, so it's good that compilers don't do it by default. (As long as they do something better.) Intel's optimization manual has a section on memcpy and memset with SIMD vectors vs. rep movs. See also, and other performance links in the x86 tag wiki.
(I doubt that gcc would do anything differently if you did dst=__builtin_assume_aligned(dst, 64); or any other way of communicating alignment to the compiler, though. e.g. alignas(64) on some arrays.)
Intel's IceLake microarchitecture will have a "short rep" feature that presumably reduces startup overhead for rep movs / rep stos, making them much more useful for small counts. (Currently rep string microcode has significant startup overhead: What setup does REP do?)
memmove / memcpy strategies:
BTW, glibc's memcpy uses a pretty nice strategy for small inputs that's insensitive to overlap: Two loads -> two stores that potentially overlap, for copies up to 2 registers wide. This means any input from 4..7 bytes branches the same way, for example.
Glibc's asm source has a nice comment describing the strategy:
For large inputs, it uses SSE XMM registers, AVX YMM registers, or rep movsb (after checking an internal config variable that's set based on CPU-detection when glibc initializes itself). I'm not sure which CPUs it will actually use rep movsb on, if any, but support is there for using it for large copies.
rep movsb might well be a pretty reasonable choice for small code-size and non-terrible scaling with count for a byte loop like this, with safe handling for the unlikely case of overlap.
Microcode startup overhead is a big problem with using it for copies that are usually small, though, on current CPUs.
It's probably better than a byte loop if the average copy size is maybe 8 to 16 bytes on current CPUs, and/or different counts cause branch mispredicts a lot. It's not good, but it's less bad.
Some kind of last-ditch peephole optimization for turning a byte-loop into a rep movsb might be a good idea, if compiling without auto-vectorization. (Or for compilers like MSVC that make a byte loop even at full optimization.)
It would be neat if compilers knew about it more directly, and considered using it for -Os (optimize for code-size more than speed) when tuning for CPUs with the Enhanced Rep Movs/Stos Byte (ERMSB) feature. (See also Enhanced REP MOVSB for memcpy for lots of good stuff about x86 memory bandwidth single threaded vs. all cores, NT stores that avoid RFO, and rep movs using an RFO-avoiding cache protocol...).
On older CPUs, rep movsb wasn't as good for large copies, so the recommended strategy was rep movsd or movsq with special handling for the last few counts. (Assuming you're going to use rep movs at all, e.g. in kernel code where you can't touch SIMD vector registers.)
The -mno-sse auto-vectorization using integer registers is much worse than rep movs for medium sized copies that are hot in L1d or L2 cache, so gcc should definitely use rep movsb or rep movsq after checking for overlap, not a qword copy loop, unless it expects small inputs (like 64 bytes) to be common.
The only advantage of a byte loop is small code size; it's pretty much the bottom of the barrel; a smart strategy like glibc's would be much better for small but unknown copy sizes. But that's too much code to inline, and a function call does have some cost (spilling call-clobbered registers and clobbering the red zone, plus the actual cost of the call / ret instructions and dynamic linking indirection).
Especially in a "cold" function that doesn't run often (so you don't want to spend a lot of code size on it, increasing your program's I-cache footprint, TLB locality, pages to be loaded from disk, etc). If writing asm by hand, you'd usually know more about the expected size distribution and be able to inline a fast-path with a fallback to something else.
Remember that compilers will make their decisions on potentially many loops in one program, and most code in most programs is outside of hot loops. It shouldn't bloat them all. This is why gcc defaults to -fno-unroll-loops unless profile-guided optimization is enabled. (Auto-vectorization is enabled at -O3, though, and can create a huge amount of code for some small loops like this one. It's quite silly that gcc spends huge amounts of code-size on loop prologues/epilogues, but tiny amounts on the actual loop; for all it knows the loop will run millions of iterations for each one time the code outside runs.)
Unfortunately it's not like gcc's auto-vectorized code is very efficient or compact. It spends a lot of code size on the loop cleanup code for the 16-byte SSE case (fully unrolling 15 byte-copies). With 32-byte AVX vectors, we get a rolled-up byte loop to handle the leftover elements. (For a 17 byte copy, this is pretty terrible vs. 1 XMM vector + 1 byte or glibc style overlapping 16-byte copies). With gcc7 and earlier, it does the same full unrolling until an alignment boundary as a loop prologue so it's twice as bloated.
IDK if profile-guided optimization would optimize gcc's strategy here, e.g. favouring smaller / simpler code when the count is small on every call, so auto-vectorized code wouldn't be reached. Or change strategy if the code is "cold" and only runs once or not at all per run of the whole program. Or if the count is usually 16 or 24 or something, then scalar for the last n % 32 bytes is terrible so ideally PGO would get it to special case smaller counts. (But I'm not too optimistic.)
I might report a GCC missed-optimization bug for this, about detecting memcpy after an overlap check instead of leaving it purely up to the auto-vectorizer. And/or about using rep movs for -Os, maybe with -mtune=icelake if more info becomes available about that uarch.
A lot of software gets compiled with only -O2, so a peephole for rep movs other than the auto-vectorizer could make a difference. (But the question is whether it's a positive or negative difference)!

Is mfence for rdtsc necessary on x86_64 platform?

unsigned int lo = 0;
unsigned int hi = 0;
__asm__ __volatile__ (
"mfence;rdtsc" : "=a"(lo), "=d"(hi) : : "memory"
mfence in the above code, is it necessary?
Based on my test, cpu reorder is not found.
The fragment of test code is included below.
inline uint64_t clock_cycles() {
unsigned int lo = 0;
unsigned int hi = 0;
__asm__ __volatile__ (
"rdtsc" : "=a"(lo), "=d"(hi)
return ((uint64_t)hi << 32) | lo;
unsigned t1 = clock_cycles();
unsigned t2 = clock_cycles();
assert(t2 > t1);
What you need to perform a sensible measurement with rdtsc is a serializing instruction.
As it is well known, a lot of people use cpuid before rdtsc.
rdtsc needs to be serialized from above and below (read: all instructions before it must be retired and it must be retired before the test code starts).
Unfortunately the second condition is often neglected because cpuid is a very bad choice for this task (it clobbers the output of rdtsc).
When looking for alternatives people think that instructions that have a "fence" in their names will do, but this is also untrue. Straight from Intel:
MFENCE does not serialize the instruction stream.
An instruction that is almost serializing and will do in any measurement where previous stores don't need to complete is lfence.
Simply put, lfence makes sure that no new instructions start before any prior instruction completes locally. See this answer of mine for a more detailed explanation on locality.
It also doesn't drain the Store Buffer like mfence does and doesn't clobbers the registers like cpuid does.
So lfence / rdtsc / lfence is a better crafted sequence of instructions than mfence / rdtsc, where mfence is pretty much useless unless you explicitly want the previous stores to be completed before the test begins/ends (but not before rdstc is executed!).
If your test to detect reordering is assert(t2 > t1) then I believe you will test nothing.
Leaving out the return and the call that may or may not prevent the CPU from seeing the second rdtsc in time for a reorder, it is unlikely (though possible!) that the CPU will reorder two rdtsc even if one is right after the other.
Imagine we have a rdtsc2 that is exactly like rdtsc but writes ecx:ebx1.
is highly likely that ecx:ebx > edx:eax because the CPU has no reason to execute rdtsc2 before rdtsc.
Reordering doesn't mean random ordering, it means look for other instruction if the current one cannot be executed.
But rdtsc has no dependency on any previous instruction, so it's unlikely to be delayed when encountered by the OoO core.
However peculiar internal micro-architectural details may invalidate my thesis, hence the likely word in my previous statement.
1 We don't need this altered instruction: register renaming will do it, but in case you are not familiar with it, this will help.
mfence is there to force serialization in CPU before rdtsc.
Usually you will find cpuid there (which is also serializing instruction).
Quote from Intel manuals about using rdtsc will make it clearer
Starting with the Intel Pentium processor, most Intel CPUs support
out-of-order execution of the code. The purpose is to optimize the
penalties due to the different instruction latencies. Unfortunately
this feature does not guarantee that the temporal sequence of the
single compiled C instructions will respect the sequence of the
instruction themselves as written in the source C file. When we call
the RDTSC instruction, we pretend that that instruction will be
executed exactly at the beginning and at the end of code being
measured (i.e., we don’t want to measure compiled code executed
outside of the RDTSC calls or executed in between the calls
The solution is to call a serializing instruction before
calling the RDTSC one. A serializing instruction is an instruction
that forces the CPU to complete every preceding instruction of the C
code before continuing the program execution. By doing so we guarantee
that only the code that is under measurement will be executed in
between the RDTSC calls and that no part of that code will be executed
outside the calls.
TL;DR version - without serializing instruction before rdtsc you have no idea when that instruction started to execute making measurements possibly incorrect.
HINT - use rdtscp when possible.
Based on my test, cpu reorder is not found.
Still no guarantee that it may happen - that's why original code had "memory" to indicate possible memory clobber preventing compiler from reordering it.

RDRAND and RDSEED intrinsics on various compilers?

Does Intel C++ compiler and/or GCC support the following Intel intrinsics, like MSVC does since 2012 / 2013?
#include <immintrin.h> // for the following intrinsics
int _rdrand16_step(uint16_t*);
int _rdrand32_step(uint32_t*);
int _rdrand64_step(uint64_t*);
int _rdseed16_step(uint16_t*);
int _rdseed32_step(uint32_t*);
int _rdseed64_step(uint64_t*);
And if these intrinsics are supported, since which version are they supported (with compile-time-constant please)?
Both GCC and Intel compiler support them. GCC support was introduced at the end of 2010. They require the header <immintrin.h>.
GCC support has been present since at least version 4.6, but there doesn't seem to be any specific compile-time constant - you can just check __GNUC_MAJOR__ > 4 || (__GNUC_MAJOR__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 6).
All the major compilers support Intel's intrinsics for rdrand and rdseed via <immintrin.h>.
Somewhat recent versions of some compilers are needed for rdseed, e.g. GCC9 (2019) or clang7 (2018), although those have been stable for a good while by now. If you'd rather use an older compiler, or not enable ISA-extension options like -march=skylake, a library1 wrapper function instead of the intrinsic is a good choice. (Inline asm is not necessary, I wouldn't recommend it unless you want to play with it.)
#include <immintrin.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gcc -march=native or haswell or znver1 or whatever, or manually enable -mrdrnd
uint64_t rdrand64(){
unsigned long long ret; // not uint64_t, GCC/clang wouldn't compile.
do{}while( !_rdrand64_step(&ret) ); // retry until success.
return ret;
// and equivalent for _rdseed64_step
// and 32 and 16-bit sizes with unsigned and unsigned short.
Some compilers define __RDRND__ when the instruction is enabled at compile-time. GCC/clang since they supported the intrinsic at all, but only much later ICC (19.0). And with ICC, -march=ivybridge doesn't imply -mrdrnd or define __RDRND__ until 2021.1.
ICX is LLVM-based and behaves like clang.
MSVC doesn't define any macros; its handling of intrinsics is designed around runtime feature detection only, unlike gcc/clang where the easy way is compile-time CPU feature options.
Why do{}while() instead of while(){}? Turns out ICC compiles to a less-dumb loop with do{}while(), not uselessly peeling a first iteration. Other compilers don't benefit from that hand-holding, and it's not a correctness problem for ICC.
Why unsigned long long instead of uint64_t? The type has to agree with the pointer type expected by the intrinsic, or C and especially C++ compilers will complain, regardless of the object-representations being identical (64-bit unsigned). On Linux for example, uint64_t is unsigned long, but GCC/clang's immintrin.h define int _rdrand64_step(unsigned long long*), same as on Windows. So you always need unsigned long long ret with GCC/clang. MSVC is a non-problem as it can (AFAIK) only target Windows, where unsigned long long is the only 64-bit unsigned type.
But ICC defines the intrinsic as taking unsigned long* when compiling for GNU/Linux, according to my testing on So to be portable to ICC, you actually need #ifdef __INTEL_COMPILER; even in C++ I don't know a way to use auto or other type-deduction to declare a variable that matches it.
Compiler versions to support intrinsics
Tested on Godbolt; its earliest version of MSVC is 2015, and ICC 2013, so I can't go back any further. Support for _rdrand16_step / 32 / 64 were all introduced at the same time in any given compiler. 64 requires 64-bit mode.
Ivy Bridge / Excavator
before 2015 (19.10)
before 13.0.1, but 19.0 for -mrdrnd defining __RDRND__. 2021.1 for -march=ivybridge to enable -mrdrnd
Broadwell / Zen 1
before 2015 (19.10)
before(?) 13.0.1, but 19.0 also added -mrdrnd and -mrdseed options)
The earliest GCC and clang versions don't recognize -march=ivybridge only -mrdrnd. (GCC 4.9 and clang 3.6 for Ivy Bridge, not that you specifically want to use IvyBridge if modern CPUs are more relevant. So use a non-ancient compiler and set a CPU option appropriate for CPUs you actually care about, or at least a -mtune= with a more recent CPU.)
Intel's new oneAPI / ICX compilers all support rdrand/rdseed, and are based on LLVM internals so they work similarly to clang for CPU options. (It doesn't define __INTEL_COMPILER, which is good because it's different from ICC.)
GCC and clang only let you use intrinsics for instructions you've told the compiler the target supports. Use -march=native if compiling for your own machine, or use -march=skylake or something to enable all the ISA extensions for the CPU you're targeting. But if you need your program to run on old CPUs and only use RDRAND or RDSEED after runtime detection, only those functions need __attribute__((target("rdrnd"))) or rdseed, and won't be able to inline into functions with different target options. Or using a separately-compiled library would be easier1.
-mrdrnd: enabled by -march=ivybridge or -march=znver1 (or bdver4 Exavator APUs) and later
-mrdseed: enabled by -march=broadwell or -march=znver1 or later
Normally if you're going to enable one CPU feature, it makes sense to enable others that CPUs of that generation will have, and to set tuning options. But rdrand isn't something the compiler will use on its own (unlike BMI2 shlx for more efficient variable-count shifts, or AVX/SSE for auto-vectorization and array/struct copying and init). So enabling -mrdrnd globally likely won't make your program crash on pre-Ivy Bridge CPUs, if you check CPU features and don't actually run code that uses _rdrand64_step on CPUs without the feature.
But if you are only going to run your code on some specific kind of CPU or later, gcc -O3 -march=haswell is a good choice. (-march also implies -mtune=haswell, and tuning for Ivy Bridge specifically is not what you want for modern CPUs. You could -march=ivybridge -mtune=skylake to set an older baseline of CPU features, but still tune for newer CPUs.)
Wrappers that compile everywhere
This is valid C++ and C. For C, you probably want static inline instead of inline so you don't need to manually instantiate an extern inline version in a .c in case a debug build decided not to inline. (Or use __attribute__((always_inline)) in GNU C.)
The 64-bit versions are only defined for x86-64 targets, because asm instructions can only use 64-bit operand-size in 64-bit mode. I didn't #ifdef __RDRND__ or #if defined(__i386__)||defined(__x86_64__), on the assumption that you'd only include this for x86(-64) builds at all, not cluttering the ifdefs more than necessary. It does only define the rdseed wrappers if that's enabled at compile time, or for MSVC where there's no way to enable them or to detect it.
There are some commented __attribute__((target("rdseed"))) examples you can uncomment if you want to do it that way instead of compiler options. rdrand16 / rdseed16 are intentionally omitted as not being normally useful. rdrand runs the same speed for different operand-sizes, and even pulls the same amount of data from the CPU's internal RNG buffer, optionally throwing away part of it for you.
#include <immintrin.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined (_M_X64)
// Figure out which 64-bit type the output arg uses
#ifdef __INTEL_COMPILER // Intel declares the output arg type differently from everyone(?) else
// ICC for Linux declares rdrand's output as unsigned long, but must be long long for a Windows ABI
typedef uint64_t intrin_u64;
// GCC/clang headers declare it as unsigned long long even for Linux where long is 64-bit, but uint64_t is unsigned long and not compatible
typedef unsigned long long intrin_u64;
//#if defined(__RDRND__) || defined(_MSC_VER) // conditional definition if you want
uint64_t rdrand64(){
intrin_u64 ret;
do{}while( !_rdrand64_step(&ret) ); // retry until success.
return ret;
#if defined(__RDSEED__) || defined(_MSC_VER)
uint64_t rdseed64(){
intrin_u64 ret;
do{}while( !_rdseed64_step(&ret) ); // retry until success.
return ret;
#endif // RDSEED
#endif // x86-64
uint32_t rdrand32(){
unsigned ret; // Intel documents this as unsigned int, not necessarily uint32_t
do{}while( !_rdrand32_step(&ret) ); // retry until success.
return ret;
#if defined(__RDSEED__) || defined(_MSC_VER)
uint32_t rdseed32(){
unsigned ret; // Intel documents this as unsigned int, not necessarily uint32_t
do{}while( !_rdseed32_step(&ret) ); // retry until success.
return ret;
The fact that Intel's intrinsics API is supported at all implies that unsigned int is a 32-bit type, regardless of whether uint32_t is defined as unsigned int or unsigned long if any compilers do that.
On the Godbolt compiler explorer we can see how these compile. Clang and MSVC do what we'd expect, just a 2-instruction loop until rdrand leaves CF=1
# clang 7.0 -O3 -march=broadwell MSVC -O2 does the same.
.LBB0_1: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1
rdrand rax
jae .LBB0_1 # synonym for jnc - jump if Not Carry
# same for other functions.
Unfortunately GCC is not so good, even current GCC12.1 makes weird asm:
# gcc 12.1 -O3 -march=broadwell
mov edx, 1
rdrand rax
mov QWORD PTR [rsp-8], rax # store into the red-zone where retval is allocated
cmovc eax, edx # materialize a 0 or 1 from CF. (rdrand zeros EAX when it clears CF=0, otherwise copy the 1)
test eax, eax # then test+branch on it
je .L2 # could have just been jnc after rdrand
mov rax, QWORD PTR [rsp-8] # reload retval
rdseed rax
mov QWORD PTR [rsp-8], rax # dead store into the red-zone
jnc .L7
ICC makes the same asm as long as we use a do{}while() retry loop; with a while() {} it's even worse, doing an rdrand and checking before entering the loop for the first time.
Footnote 1: rdrand/rdseed library wrappers
librdrand or Intel's libdrng have wrapper functions with retry loops like I showed, and ones that fill a buffer of bytes or array of uint32_t* or uint64_t*. (Consistently taking uint64_t*, no unsigned long long* on some targets).
A library is also a good choice if you're doing runtime CPU feature detection, so you don't have to mess around with __attribute__((target)) stuff. However you do it, that limits inlining of a function using the intrinsics anyway, so a small static library is equivalent.
libdrng also provides RdRand_isSupported() and RdSeed_isSupported(), so you don't need to do your own CPUID check.
But if you're going to build with -march= something newer than Ivy Bridge / Broadwell or Excavator / Zen1 anyway, inlining a 2-instruction retry loop (like clang compiles it to) is about the same code-size as a function call-site, but doesn't clobber any registers. rdrand is quite slow so that's probably not a big deal, but it also means no extra library dependency.
Performance / internals of rdrand / rdseed
For more details about the HW internals on Intel (not AMD's version), see Intel's docs. For the actual TRNG logic, see Understanding Intel's Ivy Bridge Random Number Generator - it's a metastable latch that settles to 0 or 1 due to thermal noise. Or at least Intel says it is; it's basically impossible to truly verify where the rdrand bits actually come from in a CPU you bought. Worst case, still much better than nothing if you're mixing it with other entropy sources, like Linux does for /dev/random.
For more on the fact that there's a buffer that cores pull from, see some SO answers from the engineer who designed the hardware and wrote librdrand, such as this and this about its exhaustion / performance characteristics on Ivy Bridge, the first generation to feature it.
Infinite retry count?
The asm instructions set the carry flag (CF) = 1 in FLAGS on success, when it put a random number in the destination register. Otherwise CF=0 and the output register = 0. You're intended to call it in a retry loop, that's (I assume) why the intrinsic has the word step in the name; it's one step of generating a single random number.
In theory, a microcode update could change things so it always indicates failure, e.g. if a problem is discovered in some CPU model that makes the RNG untrustworthy (by the standards of the CPU vendor). The hardware RNG also has some self-diagnostics, so it's in theory possible for a CPU to decide that the RNG is broken and not produce any outputs. I haven't heard of any CPUs ever doing this, but I haven't gone looking. And a future microcode update is always possible.
Either of these could lead to an infinite retry loop. That's not great, but unless you want to write a bunch of code to report on that situation, it's at least an observable behaviour that users could potentially deal with in the unlikely event it ever happened.
But occasional temporary failure is normal and expected, and must be handled. Preferably by retrying without telling the user about it.
If there wasn't a random number ready in its buffer, the CPU can report failure instead of stalling this core for potentially even longer. That design choice might be related to interrupt latency, or just keeping it simpler without having to build retrying into the microcode.
Ivy Bridge can't pull data from the DRNG faster than it can keep up, according to the designer, even with all cores looping rdrand, but later CPUs can. Therefore it is important to actually retry.
#jww has had some experience with deploying rdrand in libcrypto++, and found that with a retry count set too low, there were reports of occasional spurious failure. He's had good results from infinite retries, which is why I chose that for this answer. (I suspect he would have heard reports from users with broken CPUs that always fail, if that was a thing.)
Intel's library functions that include a retry loop take a retry count. That's likely to handle the permanent-failure case which, as I said, I don't think happens in any real CPUs yet. Without a limited retry count, you'd loop forever.
An infinite retry count allows a simple API returning the number by value, without silly limitations like OpenSSL's functions that use 0 as an error return: they can't randomly generate a 0!
If you did want a finite retry count, I'd suggest very high. Like maybe 1 million, so it takes maybe have a second or a second of spinning to give up on a broken CPU, with negligible chance of having one thread starve that long if it's repeatedly unlucky in contending for access to the internal queue. measured a throughput on Skylake of one per 3554 cycles on Skylake, one per 1352 on Alder Lake P-cores, 1230 on E-cores. One per 1809 cycles on Zen2. The Skylake version ran thousands of uops, the others were in the low double digits. Ivy Bridge had 110 cycle throughput, but in Haswell it was already up to 2436 cycles, but still a double-digit number of uops.
These abysmal performance numbers on recent Intel CPUs are probably due to microcode updates to work around problems that weren't anticipated when the HW was designed. Agner Fog measured one per 460 cycle throughput for rdrand and rdseed on Skylake when it was new, each costing 16 uops. The thousands of uops are probably extra buffer flushing hooked into the microcode for those instructions by recent updates. Agner measured Haswell at 17 uops, 320 cycles when it was new. See RdRand Performance As Bad As ~3% Original Speed With CrossTalk/SRBDS Mitigation on Phoronix:
As explained in the earlier article, mitigating CrossTalk involves locking the entire memory bus before updating the staging buffer and unlocking it after the contents have been cleared. This locking and serialization now involved for those instructions is very brutal on the performance, but thankfully most real-world workloads shouldn't be making too much use of these instructions.
Locking the memory bus sounds like it could hurt performance even of other cores, if it's like cache-line splits for locked instructions.
(Those cycle numbers are core clock cycle counts; if the DRNG doesn't run on the same clock as the core, those might vary by CPU model. I wonder if's testing is running rdrand on multiple cores of the same hardware, since Coffee Lake is twice the uops as Skylake, and 1.4x as many cycles per random number. Unless that's just higher clocks leading to more microcode retries?)
Microsoft compiler does not have intrinsics support for RDSEED and RDRAND instruction.
But, you may implement these instruction using NASM or MASM. Assembly code is available at:
For Intel Compiler, you can use header to determine the version. You can use following macros to determine the version and sub-version:
__INTEL_COMPILER //Major Version
For instance if you use ICC15.0 Update 3 compiler, it will show that you have
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Slow Instructions in Simple Loop on x86

I have a simple loop which I've written in C++ as I wanted to profile the performance of a multiply instruction on my CPU. I found some interesting nuances in the assembly code that was generated when I profiled it.
Here is the C++ program:
#define TESTS 10000000
#define BUFSIZE 1000
uint32_t buf_in1[BUFSIZE];
uint32_t buf_in2[BUFSIZE];
uint32_t volatile buf_out[BUFSIZE];
unsigned int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < BUFSIZE; i++) {
buf_in1[i] = i;
buf_in2[i] = i;
for (j = 0; j < TESTS; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < BUFSIZE; i++) {
buf_out[i] = buf_in1[i] * buf_in2[i];
I compiled with the following flags:
Code Generation:
It's compiled in visual studio 2012 under Win32 although I am running it on a 64 bit machine.
Note the volatile qualifier on buf_out. It's just to stop the compiler from optimising the loop away.
I ran this code through a profiler (AMD's CodeXL) and I see that the multiplication instruction doesn't take up the majority of the CPU time. About 30% is taken up by the imul instruction, but around 60% is also spent on two other instructions:
Note that the Timer column shows the number of timer ticks during which the profiler found the code on this instruction. The timer tick is 1ms so 2609 ticks is approximately 2609ms spent on that instruction.
The two instructions other than the multiply instruction which are taking up a lot of time are a mov instruction and the jb (jump if condition is met) instruction.
The mov instruction,
mov [esp+eax+00001f40h],ecx
is moving the result of the multiply (ecx) back into the buffer buf_out buffer at eax (which is the register representing i). This makes sense, but why does it take so much longer to do this than the other mov instruction? Ie this one:
mov ecx,[esp+eax+00000fa0h]
They both read from similar locations in memory, the arrays are 1000 uint32_t's long or 4000 bytes long. That's 4000*3 = 12kB. My L1 cache is 64kB so it should all easily fit in L1 as far as I can see...
Here are results showing my cache sizes etc. from Coreinfo:
As for the jump instruction:
jb $-1ah (0x903732)
I can't tell why it's taking up 33% of the program execution time either. My processor line size is 64 bytes and the jump only jumps backwards 0x1A bytes or 26 bytes. Could it be because this jump crosses a 64-byte boundry? (0x903740 is a 64 byte boundary)
So can anyone explain these behaviours?
As mentioned by Mystical, the timings you are looking at are not one to one the responsibility of the instructions it is shown against.
Modern processors run many instructions in parallel (the imul and the add 4 to eax can both run in parallel, also the math involved in the mov addressing uses the ALU too and can be computed before the imul completes).
The way most profilers compute their timing is by using timed interrupts and what you see are the instructions that happened to be the ones executed at the time of the interrupts.
To properly use a profiler, you want to run against large programs and see whether the program spends a lot of time. On a per instruction basis, it does not have much value.
If you really want to do speed tests, you want to use the CPU timer before and after your loops and see how you can ameliorate it one way or another to get it to run faster.
I wouldn't assume that it all fits in your L1, because the code you're debugging isn't the only thing using the CPU (unless you've booted your machine to run that code, which in fact will be your operating system).
Also note that there's a pattern there: The slowest operations all are requiring main memory access. Since this access time isn't controlled by the CPU, it's difficult to point out why isn't it faster. That will require hardware analysis.
Hope this helps.
Unfortunately, you have not given the amount of time needed for a single pass through your loop, but I assume that it's three CPU cycles. If that is true, the three instructions that happen to get time attributed to them are the three instructions which the processor is officially on when the clock ticks. The other three instructions are executed in parallel to the three officially time consuming instructions, hiding behind them.