How to Perform remote build in Jenkins - build

I am new to Jenkins. Please help me with my requirement.
I'm running Jenkins in Windows environment. I have a development box where Jenkins is running successfully. Now, I have to do a build in another windows machine (say QA box) from the dev box. Can anyone suggest me please how to do this?

Solution is quite simple.
Step 1: Create and configure the slave node (QA BOX) with Jenkins.
Goto Manage Jenkins
Click on Manage Nodes
New Node Configuration
Step 2: There may be several ways to complete this task.
Configure the jobs according to the new machine (IP, Ports or any other dependencies). A good practice is keeping the build scripts separate for machine or keeping the separate properties files for different machines.
Configuer Jobs According to the new slave configuration.
Keep in mind any dependency over File Structure, IPs and Ports.
Step 3: Run the jobs and debug for any dependencies regarding the machine.
If you encounter any trouble. Go through the logs and find the related problem.

Create a test node for your QA BOX
Configure a Job to:
Update the latest code to the remote test node, example SVN
Configure the build setting for the remote test node build, example using ANT


Selenium cloud execution on a machine without code or IDE

I set up my Selenium project (Maven, Java, TestNG) in GitHub repo and it is connected to Jenkins. I am able to execute the Maven project via Jenkins and do the testing. This requires all dependant tools (Maven,Java,Jenkins) set up in my local machine.
But we have a requirement to do this in the cloud. I know we can use Selenium Grid-Docker, BrowserStack or GCP to execute the tests in the cloud but what we need is to have everything installed in the cloud and any external user with access being able to execute any test via UI or executable file without installing anything in user's local machine.
Is this possible at all? If yes,how?
I searched a lot and couldn't find anything. One of my friends said it can be done using AWS but doesn't know how. I just need guidance on the path to take here and I'm willing to learn and implement it myself.
Solved this my deploying code to AWS-EC2.
Here's what I did.
I created a TestNG-Maven project and uploaded to GitHub. Then created a AWS-EC2 t2.micro linux instance and installed Chrome and Jenkins in it. I accessed Jenkins from my local machine and connected it to GitHub repo. From Jenkins when I build the project everything was getting downloaded in EC2 and execution happened in EC2. This will be chrome-headless execution.

What is the best practice to zip the build results, by build scripts or build tools?

I'm writing my only build scripts and setup jenkins, Jenkins provide plugins to zip the build results, meanwhile I can zip the result in my own build scripts and call that scripts from Jenkins. Which way is better?
If you are in a corporate environment where a number of teams share the same Jenkins master, each plugin you add increases the probability of a plugin failure as and when you upgrade Jenkins. In addition, a bad plugin can bring down your entire CI server. So, in a common master scenario, be very conservative on adding plugins, don't add a plugin unless it is absolutely necessary. For something as simple as creating zips, any build tool worth its salt has a task that can zip contents in a given folder. Read through Maven and Gradle for a start.

Builds are not running after the teamcity instance changed

Hi I am Teamcity Developer.
Now i Have a task to move Teamcity instance to another server.
So far i moved the instance to another one but i am having a problem with running the builds.
You can see below the builds are in incompatible agents.
SNapshot of my builds in Build agent
Please can anyone suggest the way to get builds run on time.
Your JDK does not seems to be recognized.
You should ensure it has been properly installed on every targeted agent.
To visualize your environment settings, you can click on your agent, Agent Parameters and Environment Variable tab.
Inside the C:\BuildAgent\conf\ file you can declare new variables, like :
env.JDK_18=C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\\
And, once it has been done, restart your TeamCity Agent Service.

Does a Jenkins Master need Perforce installed

We have a Jenkins master/slave configuration and Perforce is installed on all masters. We just had an unrelated incident occur that made us renew our .p4tickets on all masters and slaves and we came to find that perforce had been removed by someone on our team about a week ago without telling anyone.
Our jobs are setup to wipe completely new the workspaces on the slaves every time a build occurs so that we can issue a p4 sync every time. We build several times a day. Perforce is installed both on the masters and the slaves.
The problem is that the master that had Perforce missing has been doing builds successfully for a week now.
I have been operating under the thought that with the architecture we have, Perforce is doing a push from the Master to the Slave since the jobs are kept on the Master. Is this incorrect?
You don't need the Perforce client on the Jenkins master unless it's set up to run builds that need to pull code from Perforce. If all your builds run on slaves, you don't need Perforce on the master.
If you are using the new p4 plugin you don't need to install any p4 clients on the Master or the Slave. The p4 plugin uses a native p4java API to talk directly to the Perforce Server.

How could I automate build deploy in jenkins?

We are using jenkins for CI. we get late night builds. Is there any way to automate the build deploy as soon as we get a mail or intimation ? Any suggestions would be appreciated..
One mechanism to deploy off of a build on Jenkins is to use artifacts to place the latest binary in a known location, and then kick off a new job (only on success of the compile/test phase) which uses (private key protected) ssh or scp to copy the artifacts to the test/production machine and then perform the install.
We use a similar mechanism for some automated testing that we do. The tricky part is getting the shell command to handle the ssh keys, so we do the following:
eval `ssh-agent -s`
ssh-add ~/.ssh/your_private_key_here
As long as that private key is on the Jenkins server and the public key is on the server you're trying to push to, you can then use ssh and scp commands in the rest of the script to perform functions on the server in question.
If you prefer to run the process entirely from the target server end, you can create a small script that runs on the server that checks for new files in the artifact directory of your Jenkins server build. Thanks to the latest path, you don't have to know the build number to do this. To find the specific path, you can log in to your Jenkins server (once you've saved at least one artifact), and find the project you are using and look at the Last Successful Artifacts, which will be URLs to the last successful builds of the artifacts. These URLs remain constant and always point at the most recent successful build, so you don't have to worry about them changing unless the project name or server name changes.
NOTE: there are security holes here that you can drive a truck through if you are doing this for anything other than a deployment to test. In the case of the first mechanism, your build server has an ssh key that gives it access (potentially destructive) to the target. In the case of the second mechanism, you are trusting that the Jenkins server will only serve up binaries that are good for you. However, for test environments, push to stage, etc. these techniques will work well.
These are the ways I know:
With a script:
In the Jenkins configurations, you can execute windows/shell commands after the execution of your maven goals. In my case, I have a Glassfish on a Linux, and via ssh I execute the asadmin parameters for the deployment. I have installed an instance in the server, and the process that I follow is: stop instance, undeploy app, deploy app, start instance (commands).
With a Maven Deploy Plugin:
This plugin takes a war/ear file and deploys that to a running remote application server at the end of a build. The list of currently supported containers include:
Tomcat 4.x/5.x/6.x/7.x
JBoss 3.x/4.x
Glassfish 2.x/3.x
With Cargo:
The Deploy Plugin is based on this. You must edit your pom.xml and execute the goals of deploy with maven.
In tomcat, configuration with jenkins and tomcat:
Install and download the jenkins on your server and start the server go to jenkins portal after that create the project using 'New Item' and select the pom.xml and create the maven project.
Now go to your project and click on Configure and select the "Restrict where this project can be run" and add master in your Level Expression.
select the "Source Code Management" clisck on git and configure your git repository and credential and branch name.
Select the "Build" add Root pom : pom.xml and Goals and options : clean install -DskipTests
select the "Post-build Actions" and select the "Deploy war/ear to a container"
WAR/EAR files : target/test.war
Context path : test
Containers select tomcat and add Credentials
Tomcat URL : example : http://localhost:8080/
Update the 'apache-tomcat-8.5.5\webapps\manager\META-INF\context.xlm file. uncomment the Value tag. and restart server
context.xml file
Before :
<Context antiResourceLocking="false" privileged="true">
<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteAddrValve"
allow="192\.168\.0\.9|127\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+|::1|0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1" />
After change :
<Context antiResourceLocking="false" privileged="true" >
for auto deployment: go to 'apache-tomcat-8.5.5\conf\context.xml' and add antiResourceLocking="true" in 'Context' tag