Adding a text file to an exe generated by PyInstaller - python-2.7

I have a rather interesting problem I've been trying to find a way to solve, and as of the moment, I have not found a solution to. I currently have built a GUI program using Python, and more specifically using Tkinter, which will generate a file with a list of commands to be repeated by my program in the specified order while waiting however long is specified. It's basically used to create a macro, which is recorded in a file and can be ran later using another function in the program.
What I would like to add to my program is a manner in which to create an .exe file, which is a standalone file, that can run a script from within it. The reason I can not find a good way to do this though is because I need for it to be created on the fly. What I was thinking I'd like to do is generate an .exe(Standalone macro exe) with PyInstaller ahead of time, and package this in to my main .exe also using PyInstaller. When you choose the option to create a standalone macro, it would proceed to get the .exe(Standalone macro exe) which I had packaged in to my main .exe from the directory in which it was unpacked in to when the program was run, copy it to the desired location for the standalone exe to be saved to, and then copy the script the user wished to be run as a standalone and package it in to the standalone exe.
I have no idea how to go about this, because I'm not sure exactly how PyInstaller puts the files in to a .exe when it packages it. Because of that, I wouldn't know how to add a file to an existing .exe using python.
Basically what I need help with is how I might go about adding a text file to an .exe generated by PyInstaller.

Could you clarify something...are you thinking something like Perl's (25th birthday today) (camel book by Larry Wall, p44) handles or a Bash HERE document ?
Update (based on discussion below): This will integrate python files and other externalities into a single installable:


Clion - Can I debug across projects?

I have the following setup for my C++ application:
Project "Common" with 6 cpp source files. One of these cpp sources is named dataclasses.cpp. The output of this project is libgeneral.dylib, to be used in the next project below.
Project "Algorithm" with only one cpp source file. This project uses the libgeneral.dylib from above and outputs another dynamic library named libalgorithm.dylib, to be used in the project below.
Finally, project "CLI" has one cpp file source file and uses libalgorithm.dylib created above. It creates the executable cli.
(I created this structure because I plan on using parts of the code base in different applications in the future. In my mind, this structure keeps things modular and clean.)
I am able to compile/build everything and run the executable with a 0 return code. However, there is a computational error in the output triggered by running cli against certain data. I suspect the error is in dataclasses.cpp. So my plan was to open the file dataclasses.cpp in project CLI and mark a breakpoint at the right spot, and then run debug in CLI. But when I attempt that, the breakpoint appears as an empty white circle with a diagonal line and a message
The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No executable code is associated with this
Yet this is not true, the line I have chosen is definitely an executable line.
Note that I am able to successfully use breakpoints in the one source file that is used in project CLI.
CLion version: 2022.2
MacOS 12.2.1
Question: How can I debug dataclasses.cpp while running in project CLI? I would prefer to not add any new files in project Common; I want to keep this as a tightly defined library. Note that before the data reaches the relevant part of dataclasses.cpp, it has gone through multiple manipulations in the code within projects Algorithm and CLI. I know that ideally I should write test cases for everything in dataclasses.cpp, but I would like to solve this known issue quickly first.
A similar question was raised here, Can I debug libraries (DLLs) directly using CLion?, and the answer suggesting creating an executable in the library project, which I'd like to avoid. Plus the post is six years old and I'm hoping things have changed.

How to embed python into C++ aplication and then deploy/release?

I am currently working on a C++ gui application. The application uses the Python/C API to call some python scripts. The scripts are located in the solution directory, and I call them by simply providing the path. This is currently working fine while debugging the application or even running the generated .exe file, but I am wondering how this could work if I want to release and distribute the application onto a different computer for someone to use. How can these scripts be deployed with the application?
I also have a .ttf font file with the same situation. How can this resource file be deployed with the application?
In other words, I want to deploy/release a C++ application with the scripts and resource files.
FYI: the C++ application is a Visual Studio project.
Thanks for the help in advance, and let me know if any more information is needed!
I just wanted to clear up the way my project is working currently:
PyObject* pArgs = PyTuple_New(5); // I setup the arguments the python function needs
PyImport_ImportModule("requests"); // imports...
// make python call
PyObject* pResult = PyObject_CallObject(pFunc, pArgs);
So this is (for the most part) how I call the scripts with the C++ source code. The scripts are located in a folder that is located in the solution directory.
I hope this explains my problem a little better.
Just another little update... Using some answers to other similar questions got me to the following point:
I need to obtain a python library, compile and link it with my C++ application, and then bundle the dependencies with the application (How to distribute C++ application which calls Python?)
So I guess my question is now shifting to how I would be able to get this done. What are the specific steps to do this? I also got a link ( to an embedded distribution of a python environment (maybe this should somehow be used?). Also, I am able to statically link python into the application. I just don't know how to bundle and deploy the scripts I created and use in the application.
The parameter is "requests".
Put the py file aside exe file when distributing.
So, you need to make sure that the C++ application can still access the python libraries when its released and those libraries/dependencies arent necessarily available on other systems.
You'll need to, like another commenter suggested, use one of the importing modules utilities, like PyImport_ImportModule("library name").
You can see these utilities here:
You'll also need to either
Put the libraries that you want with the exe (in the same directory) or
put them in the system environment path ( which is probably less straightforward).
Hope that helps and that I understood you're question correctly.

Xcode run script during build

I'm working on a project which has a SQLite database, built by running "sqlite3 [db filename] < [schema filename]" from the Terminal on Mac OS X. I'd like to learn more about the projects system in Xcode, and ideally get it to run this Terminal command automatically when I build the project, additionally copying the created database into the output directory of the C++ project. I've been able to do similar things with Visual Studio before, and I get the impression from the options presented that I can do the same thing in Xcode.
I've added an external build target with the database schema files inside it (so they get source controlled too) and at first it was running with errors that too many arguments were being passed. However, I put single quotes around the arguments and now it runs. But I don't see any output. The file is not generated in the directory I set and I can't find it anywhere else. I was wondering if it took the single quotes as a single argument to sqlite3, but I can't find anything named that either.
I keep finding tutorials such as this one: but it appears that Xcode has changed since they were written and I'm having no luck on 5.0.1. I can't seem to get it to run shell scripts, (hopeful for a workaround) can't find the output of what appear to be successfully run commands, and cannot add Aggregate/External Build Tool projects to the dependencies of my code project, so even if I had it working, it would not rebuild the database with the source code.
I'm more after an outline of the best way to do this in 5.0.1, because I suspect my entire approach may be wrong here.
Thank you for your time.

How to incorporate this script into build process using VC++

I'm using VC++ and want to write a script that can scan my source-code and at some places where it sees a text like "abc" then extract characters of that text and generate a selective piece of code like ones below at build time:
first example of a piece of code :
second example of a piece of code:
I want to incorporate the script into build process as somebody has told me it is possible but don't know how, please tell how.
In the project properties of Visual Studio, you will have the option "Pre-Build Event" and "Post-Build Event".
At these configurations you can input programs that should be executed before and after your build. You can use project variables to identify your solution folder, project folder, binary, etc. If you are using a recent version of Visual Studio, there is a button below the text box that give you access to those variables.
Make sure that whatever you call at this configuration would be executed from the shell environment (cmd), otherwise you will receive a build error. Scripts will probably required that you input a call to the interpreter and pass the file as a parameter.
For example, let's say I need to run a Python script before I build my code. I would configure the Pre-Build Event as:
One good advice is to use DOS Batch files (.bat) to wrap around whatever you need to run and add those to your build events. There are plenty of tutorials over the net on how to create bat files, and they are fairly simple.

Embedding SVN Revision number at compile time in a Windows app

I'd like my .exe to have access to a resource string with my svn version. I can type this in by hand, but I'd prefer an automated way to embed this at compile time. Is there any such capability in Visual Studio 2008?
I wanted a similar availability and found $Rev$ to be insufficient because it was only updated for a file if that file's revision was changed (which meant it would have to be edited and committed very time: not something I wanted to do.) Instead, I wanted something that was based on the repository's revision number.
For the project I'm working on now, I wrote a Perl script that runs svnversion -n from the top-most directory of my working copy and outputs the most recent revision information to a .h file (I actually compare it to a saved reversion in a non-versioned file in my working copy so that I'm not overwriting current revision information at every compile but whether you chose to do so is up to you.) This .h file (or a number of files if necessary, depending on your approach) is referenced both in my application code and in the resource files to get the information where I'd like it.
This script is run as a pre-build step so that everything is up-to-date before the build kicks off and the appropriate files are automatically rebuilt by your build tool.
How about using SubWCRev the command line tool that ships with TortoiseSVN. You create a template file with tokens in it like $WCREV$ $WCDATE$ etc. Then have a pre-build step that run SubWCRev on your template file to create the actual source file that is fed to the compiler.
You can get SVN to embed it for you, if that will solve the problem. See the $Rev$ keyword on that page.
Have a look at svn keyword substitution here. There is another SO question here which I found through google!
antik's solution is the one we use. Be careful of using environment variables, the .h file ensures you can have a dependency which will cause any files that need it to be recompiled when the svn rev number changes.