How can I give labels to variables in Stata from macro - c++

I would like to create variables with a plugin, wich imports a database table.
I am using the following code to do this:
SF_macro_save("_vars", "var1 var2...");
SF_macro_save("_types", "type1 type2...");
SF_macro_save("_formats", "format1 format2...");
SF_macro_save("_obs", "obs1 obs2...");
This creates the variables well, but I don't know how to give labels to variables, or to values.
Which C++ function do I need to use to create labels? Or how can I call Stata functions from C++? (I am using Visual Studio 10 if it counts)
I would like to call this Stata functions from the plugin:
label variable var1 label1
label define var1_label 1 "label1" 2 "label2"
label values var1 var1_label

This is possible but it is not easy. Basically, you create a .do file in your code (C# example below) then execute the .do file. Here is an example that runs the .do file then puts the results in a SQL Server database using ODBC. You can do something similar with Stat/Transfer to load the data and variable labels into a database.
string m_stcmd_valuelabels = Server.MapPath("~/Data/Cmd/Stata/") + m_filename_noex + "";
using (StreamWriter m_sw_stcmd_valuelabels = new StreamWriter(m_stcmd_valuelabels, false))
m_sw_stcmd_valuelabels.WriteLine("set mem 500m");
m_sw_stcmd_valuelabels.WriteLine("set more off");
m_sw_stcmd_valuelabels.WriteLine("use \"" + m_fullpath.Replace(".zip", ".dta") + "\"");
m_sw_stcmd_valuelabels.WriteLine("valtovar _all, dis");
m_sw_stcmd_valuelabels.WriteLine("ren lname varname");
m_sw_stcmd_valuelabels.WriteLine("drop trunc");
m_sw_stcmd_valuelabels.WriteLine("odbc insert, dsn(\"MyData\") table(\"" + m_filename_noex + "_valuelabels\") create " + m_statadsn_conn);
string str_PathValueLabels = Server.MapPath("~/Data/Stata12/StataMP-64.exe");
ProcessStartInfo processInfoValueLabels = new ProcessStartInfo("\"" + str_PathValueLabels + "\"");
processInfoValueLabels.Arguments = " /e do \"" + m_stcmd_valuelabels + "\"";
processInfoValueLabels.UseShellExecute = false;
processInfoValueLabels.ErrorDialog = false;
Process batchProcessValueLabels = new Process();
batchProcessValueLabels.StartInfo = processInfoValueLabels;

You can't do that from the plugin. You can't create variables, labels. etc.. from your dll, the dataset must be defined before you call the plugin, as you probably already know. You can store data values back into the variables, but there's no adding "columns" if you will. You can store the desired names in the macros, but it will fall on your ".do" file to assign them to the variables in Stata, sorry.


Photoshop Action with save as unique name step

I have a need to create an action that will:
1. copy a selected part (selected by hand) of an image in an already opened file
2. paste selection into new file
3. save new file as jpg file, but not with default file name of "untitled.jpg" - instead use a unique name or use a auto-increment suffix
Because the action will be run multiple times on different selections from the same image, saving each selection with a unique name or auto-incremented suffix would save the step of manually supplying the filename each time a different selection is saved.
I can create an action that gets to the save-as step, but don't know if it is possible to modify the default save as name as described above. Is it possible?
No. Tried it before with no success. You have to save manually.
Don't think this is possible with an action but you can write a script do to it.
I have created a script for similar work. It uses a technique to generate unique filenames and save the file.
* Author: Nishant Kumar
* Description: This script iterates through a template to create
* jpg images with id card numbers.
* Date: 08-03-2015
//current id count
var id_count = 0;
//total no of id cards to produce
var total_id_cards = 42;
//no. of cards per sheet
var card_per_sheet = 21;
//Save path related to current file
var save_path = app.activeDocument.path;
//do an iteration, number the cards and save file
//iterate 24 nos in each document
for(var i = 0; i<card_per_sheet; i++){
app.activeDocument.layers[i].textItem.contents = id_count;
//Create a jpg document with standard options
jpgSaveOptions = new JPEGSaveOptions();
jpgSaveOptions.embedColorProfile = true;
jpgSaveOptions.formatOptions = FormatOptions.STANDARDBASELINE;
jpgSaveOptions.matte = MatteType.NONE;
jpgSaveOptions.quality = 12;
//Save jpg with incremental file names (1.jpg, 2.jpg), make sure the path exists
jpgFile = new File( save_path + "/output/" + id_count/card_per_sheet + ".jpeg" );
app.activeDocument.saveAs(jpgFile, jpgSaveOptions, true, Extension.LOWERCASE);
}while(id_count < total_id_cards);
I know this is old, but still. You can use the following script.
How to use a script:
Copy the following script in notepad, and save it in directory similar to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS2\Presets\Scripts" with the extension JSX.
To run the scrip in photoshop, go to File > Scripts > "Your Script".
#target photoshop
function main(){
if(!documents.length) return;
var Name =[^.]+$/, '');
Name = Name.replace(/\d+$/,'');
var savePath = activeDocument.path;
alert("You must save this document first!");
var fileList= savePath.getFiles(Name +"*.jpg").sort().reverse();
var Suffix = 0;
Suffix = Number(fileList[0].name.replace(/\.[^\.]+$/, '').match(/\d+$/));
Suffix= zeroPad(Suffix + 1, 4);
var saveFile = File(savePath + "/" + Name + "_" + Suffix + ".jpg");
function SaveJPG(saveFile){
//Create a jpg document with standard options
jpgSaveOptions = new JPEGSaveOptions();
jpgSaveOptions.embedColorProfile = true;
jpgSaveOptions.formatOptions = FormatOptions.STANDARDBASELINE;
jpgSaveOptions.matte = MatteType.NONE;
jpgSaveOptions.quality = 12;
//Save jpg with incremental file names (1.jpg, 2.jpg), make sure the path exists
activeDocument.saveAs(saveFile, jpgSaveOptions, true, Extension.LOWERCASE);
function zeroPad(n, s) {
n = n.toString();
while (n.length < s) n = '0' + n;
return n;

Lua: pass context into loadstring?

I'm trying to pass context into a dynamic expression that I evaluate every iteration of a for loop. I understand that the load string only evaluates within a global context meaning local variables are inaccessible. In my case I work around this limitation by converting a local into a global for the purpose of the string evaluation. Here's what I have:
require 'cosmo'
model = { { player = "Cliff", age = 35, gender = "male" }, { player = "Ally", age = 36, gender = "female" }, { player = "Jasmine", age = 13, gender = "female" }, { player = "Lauren", age = 6.5, gender = "female" } }
values = { eval = function(args)
output = ''
condition = assert(loadstring('return ' .. args.condition))
for _, it in ipairs(model) do
each = it
if condition() then
output = output .. each.player .. ' age: ' .. each.age .. ' ' .. '\n'
return output
end }
template = "$eval{ condition = 'each.age < 30' }"
result = cosmo.fill(template, values)
print (result)
My ultimate goal (other than mastering Lua) is to build out an XSLT like tempting engine where I could do something like:
apply_templates{ match = each.age > 30}[[<parent-player>$each.player</parent-player>]]
apply_templates{ match = each.age > 30}[[<child-player>$each.player</child-player>]]
...And generate different outputs. Currently I'm stuck on my above hawkish means of sharing a local context thru a global. Does anyone here have better insight on how I'd go about doing what I'm attempting to do?
It's worth noting that setfenv was removed from Lua 5.2 and loadstring is deprecated. 5.2 is pretty new so you won't have to worry about it for a while, but it is possible to write a load routine that works for both versions:
local function load_code(code, environment)
if setfenv and loadstring then
local f = assert(loadstring(code))
return f
return assert(load(code, nil,"t",environment))
local context = {}
context.string = string
context.table = table
-- etc. add libraries/functions that are safe for your application.
-- see:
local condition = load_code("return " .. args.condition, context)
Version 5.2's load handles both the old loadstring behavior and sets the environment (context, in your example). Version 5.2 also changes the concept of environments, so loadstring may be the least of your worries. Still, it's something to consider to possibly save yourself some work down the road.
You can change the context of a function with setfenv(). This allows you to basically sandbox the loaded function into its own private environment. Something like the following should work:
local context = {}
local condition = assert(loadstring('return ' .. args.condition))
setfenv(condition, context)
for _, it in ipairs(model) do
context['each'] = it
if condition() then
-- ...
This will also prevent the condition value from being able to access any data you don't want it to, or more crucially, modifying any data you don't want it to. Note, however, that you'll need to expose any top-level bindings into the context table that you want condition to be able to access (e.g. if you want it to have access to the math package then you'll need to stick that into context). Alternatively, if you don't have any problem with condition having global access and you simply want to deal with not making your local a global, you can use a metatable on context to have it pass unknown indexes through to _G:
setmetatable(context, { __index = _G })

Error in Update query [Using String.Format]

I am trying to write an update statement for inserting data from gridview to sql server 2005 database.but it is showing me an error, Please tell me how to solve.
cmdUpdate.CommandText = String.Format("Update Products SET ProductName=
{0},UnitsInStock={1},UnitsOnOrder={2},ReorderLevel={3} WHERE ProductID={4} AND
SupplierID={5}", "productname.Text, unitsinstock.Text, unitsonorder.Text,
recorderlevel.Text, employeeid.Text, supplierid.Text");
Error is-
Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list.
Your syntax for string.Format is incorrect - each parameter after the string template should be on their own, without the double quotes surrounding them all...
This will work (notice I've removed the double quotes from just before 'productname.Text' and after 'supplierid.Text'):
String.Format("Update Products SET ProductName={0}, UnitsInStock={1}, UnitsOnOrder={2}, ReorderLevel={3} WHERE ProductID={4} AND SupplierID={5}",
productname.Text, unitsinstock.Text, unitsonorder.Text,
recorderlevel.Text, employeeid.Text, supplierid.Text);
You missed the arguments,
For instance,
str=String.Format("{0} {1}",arg1,arg2);
Do not use hard-coded sql strings. Try to learn/use parameterized queries.
string ConnectionString = "put_connection_string";
using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString))
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand())
string sql = "Update Products SET
WHERE ProductID=ProductID AND SupplierID=#SupplierID";
cmd.CommandText = sql;
cmd.Connection = con;
cmd.Parameters.Add("#ProductName", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 50).Value =productname.Text;
cmd.Parameters.Add("#UnitsInStock", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int).Value =unitsinstock.Text;
cmd.Parameters.Add("#UnitsOnOrder", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int).Value =unitsonorder.Text;
cmd.Parameters.Add("#ReorderLevel ", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int).Value =recorderlevel.Text;
cmd.Parameters.Add("#ProductID", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int).Value =producteid.Text;
cmd.Parameters.Add("#SupplierID", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int).Value =supplierid.Text;
EDIT: What is C# using block?
If the type implements IDisposable, it automatically disposes it
Provides a convenient syntax that ensures the correct use of IDisposable objects.
Avoiding Problems with the Using Statement

T4 Templates : Reading resulting columns of a stored procedure table

I am learning T4 templates right now, and all examples I got on internet is about using the tables for code generation. I want to use stored procedure result columns to generate automated UI, is it possible? OR I have to create view for same query? in that case, how to read from view?
Thanks in advance.
I got the solution and here is how you can generate a rad grid directly from the sp name
'requires: <## assembly name="System.Data" #>
dim Server as new Server(".\sqlexpress")
dim database as new Database(server, "xxxx")
dim strSpName as String= "sp_xxxx"
Dim dt as System.Data.DataTable= database.ExecuteWithResults("exec sp_GetEquipment").Tables(0)
dim ctlName as String = "grdEqp"
<telerik:RadGrid ID="grd" runat="server" Skin="Web20" AutoGenerateColumns="false">
For Each column As System.Data.DataColumn In dt.Columns
#><telerik:GridBoundColumn DataField="<#=column.ColumnName #>" HeaderText="<#=column.ColumnName #>"/>
If you don't actually want to execute the stored procedure as various stored procedures have a number of different parameters passed then you could use the sp_describe_first_result_set system stored procedure to return the columns of the result set assuming there is just one.
/// <summary>
/// Returns table for which stored procedures need to be generated.
/// </summary>
string TableName = "usp_getNominalCode";
string SchemaName = "Financial";
DataTable DataTable
if (_table == null)
Server server = new Server(new ServerConnection(new SqlConnection(this.ConnectionString)));
SqlConnectionStringBuilder connectionStringBuilder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(this.ConnectionString);
Database database = new Database(server, connectionStringBuilder.InitialCatalog);
DataSet storedProcedureColumns = database.ExecuteWithResults("sp_describe_first_result_set #tsql= " + "'[" + SchemaName + "]" + ".[" + TableName + "]'");
_table = storedProcedureColumns.Tables[0];
return _table;
DataTable _table;
You can then query this table for it's structure like the other answer but it'll be a little more generic

Using Conversion Studio by To-Increase to import Notes into Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009

Currently, I'm using Conversion Studio to bring in a CSV file and store the contents in an AX table. This part is working. I have a block defined and the fields are correctly mapped.
The CSV file contains several comments columns, such as Comments-1, Comments-2, etc. There are a fixed number of these. The public comments are labeled as Comments-1...5, and the private comments are labeled as Private-Comment-1...5.
The desired result would be to bring the data into the AX table (as is currently working) and either concatenate the comment fields or store them as separate comments into the DocuRef table as internal or external notes.
Would it not require just setting up a new block in the Conversion Studio project that I already have setup? Can you point me to a resource that maybe shows a similar procedure or how to do this?
Thanks in advance!
After chasing the rabbit down the deepest of rabbit holes, I discovered that the easiest way to do this is like so:
Override the onEntityCommit method of your Document Handler (that extends AppDataDocumentHandler), like so:
AppEntityAction onEntityCommit(AppDocumentBlock documentBlock, AppBlock fromBlock, AppEntity toEntity)
AppEntityAction ret;
int64 recId; // Should point to the record currently being imported into CMCTRS
ret = super(documentBlock, fromBlock, toEntity);
recId = toEntity.getRecord().recId;
// Do whatever you need to do with the recId now
return ret;
Here is my method to insert the notes, in case you need that too:
private static boolean insertNote(RefTableId _tableId, int64 _docuRefId, str _note, str _name, boolean _isPublic)
DocuRef docuRef;
boolean insertResult = false;
if (_docuRefId)
docuRef.RefCompanyId = curext();
docuRef.RefTableId = _tableId;
docuRef.RefRecId = _docuRefId;
docuRef.TypeId = 'Note';
docuRef.Name = _name;
docuRef.Notes = _note;
docuRef.Restriction = (_isPublic) ? DocuRestriction::External : DocuRestriction::Internal;
insertResult = true;
error("Could not insert " + ((_isPublic) ? "public" : "private") + " comment:\n\n\t\"" + _note + "\"");
return insertResult;