How to test asynchronuous code - c++

I've written my own access layer to a game engine. There is a GameLoop which gets called every frame which lets me process my own code. I'm able to do specific things and to check if these things happened. In a very basic way it could look like this:
void cycle()
//set a specific value
Engine::setText("Hello World");
//read the value
std::string text = Engine::getText();
I want to test if my Engine-layer is working by writing automated tests. I have some experience in using the Boost Unittest Framework for simple comparison tests like this.
The problem is, that some things I want the engine to do are just processed after the call to cycle(). So calling Engine::getText() directly after Engine::setText(...) would return an empty string. If I would wait until the next call of cycle() the right value would be returned.
I now am wondering how I should write my tests if it is not possible to process them in the same cycle. Are there any best practices? Is it possible to use the "traditional testing" approach given by Boost Unittest Framework in such an environment? Are there perhaps other frameworks aimed at such a specialised case?
I'm using C++ for everything here, but I could imagine that there are answers unrelated to the programming language.
It is not possible to access the Engine outside of cycle()

In your example above, std::string text = Engine::getText(); is the code you want to remember from one cycle but execute in the next. You can save it for later execution. For example - using C++11 you could use a lambda to wrap the test into a simple function specified inline.

There are two options with you:
If the library that you have can be used synchronously or using c++11 futures like facility (which can indicate the readyness of the result) then in your test case you can do something as below
void testcycle()
//set a specific value
Engine::setText("Hello World");
while (!Engine::isResultReady());
//read the value
assert(Engine::getText() == "WHATEVERVALUEYOUEXPECT");
If you dont have the above the best you can do have a timeout (this is not a good option though because you may have spurious failures):
void testcycle()
//set a specific value
Engine::setText("Hello World");
while (Engine::getText() != "WHATEVERVALUEYOUEXPECT") {
wait(1 millisec);
if (total_wait_time > 1 sec) // you can put whatever max time


Design Pattern for invoking a Parser in a callback

I have an application that invokes callback function when a certain action is performed on the application.
Inside this callback function, I would like to invoke a Parser (a command line parser for instance).
This Parser would be running in a while loop and exits and comes back to the callback only when the user uses the command 'quit' on the command line.
Inside the while loop, the user always has access to the command line. Based on the user input on the command line, the Parser takes a unique action. For instance, it will set a variable and it goes to a database like so:
command-line>a 100
Here the parameter a in DB would be set to 100.
I want to model the Parser using Object-Oriented Design. Which Design Pattern can I use in this case?
First and foremost, most design patterns are obsoleted by the introduction of first-class functions. What you need is a dispatch table of names to actions, which is basically the Command pattern.
Assuming the following definitions:
using Tokens = std::vector<std::string>;
using Action = std::function<void(const Tokens&)>;
Tokens read_and_tokenize_line();
void larger_command(const Tokens&);
std::map<std::string, Action> dispatch_table = {
{"a", [&](const Tokens& tokens){ my_database->set("a", tokens[1]); }},
{"larger_command", &larger_command},
You could write your core loop as follows:
while (true) {
auto tokens = read_and_tokenize_line();
if (tokens[0] == "quit")
if (auto it = dispatch_table.find(tokens[0]); it != dispatch_table.end()) {
} else {
std::cerr << "command " << tokens[0] << " not known" << std::endl;
The main problem you have is that your parser run in a while loop and that will obviously block your UI. I assume this issue is the (unstated) problem you are trying to solve.
First, there exist parsers that don't need to run in a while loop. bison can generate such parsers when in push mode. By using this kind of parser you can still rely on your main GUI event loop and feed the parser with tokens inside a callback without blocking.
Then, if you are writing yourself a recursive-descent parser, you can generate a parser that will interrupt itself and save its state each time it needs some input. This is going to be very tricky as you have to save the whole state of the parser including its stack. The way to do it is to use an explicit stack (or many stacks, one for each operand type) for all functions and rewrite the function calls as a big loop inside a switch statement. This is (very) hard and not maintainable. You can start by reading this article (which deals with a simpler version of the problem).
Finally, you can use a background thread to host your parser's while loop. Send data to the parser using a pipe or a queue with a semaphore (if you can customize the input method). The issue here is that this background thread will (probably) not be able to update the UI because most framework are not thread-safe. So you will need a mechanism to send back information from the parser to the main UI thread (something like PostMessage.
Bison - push-parser interface, GNU,
Coroutines in C, Simon Tatham,
Win32 API - PostMessage, Microsoft,

Is there a way to specify an NUnit test as "extra credit"?

I have a few tests for an API, and I would like to be able to express certain tests that reflect "aspirational" or "extra credit" requirements - in other words, it's great if they pass, but fine if they don't. For instance:
public void RequiredTest()
// our client is using positive numbers in DoThing();
int result = DoThing(1);
Assert.That( /* result is correct */ );
public void OptionalTest()
// we do want to handle negative numbers, but our client is not yet using them
int result = DoThing(-1);
Assert.That( /* result is correct */ );
I know about the Ignore attribute, but I would like to be able to mark OptionalTest in such a way that it still runs on the CI server, but is fine if it does not pass - as soon as it does, I would like to take notice and perhaps make it a requirement. Is there any major unit test framework that supports this?
I would use a Warnings to achieve this. That way - your test will print a 'warning' output, but not be a failure, and not fail your CI build.
as soon as it does, I would like to take notice and perhaps make it a requirement.
This part's a slightly separate requirement! Depends a lot on how you want to 'take notice'! Consider looking at Custom Attributes - it may be possible to write an IWrapSetUpTearDown attribute, which sends an email when the relevant test passes. See the docs, here:
The latter is a more unusual requirement - I would expect to have to do something custom to fit your needs there!

c++ best way to realise global switches/flags to control program behaviour without tying the classes to a common point

Let me elaborate on the title:
I want to implement a system that would allow me to enable/disable/modify the general behavior of my program. Here are some examples:
I could switch off and on logging
I could change if my graphing program should use floating or pixel coordinates
I could change if my calculations should be based upon some method or some other method
I could enable/disable certain aspects like maybe a extension api
I could enable/disable some basic integrated profiler (if I had one)
These are some made-up examples.
Now I want to know what the most common solution for this sort of thing is.
I could imagine this working with some sort of singelton class that gets instanced globally or in some other globally available object. Another thing that would be possible would be just constexpr or other variables floating around in a namespace, again globally.
However doing something like that, globally, feels like bad practise.
second part of the question
This might sound like I cant decide what I want, but I want a way to modify all these switches/flags or whatever they are actually called in a single location, without tying any of my classes to it. I don't know if this is possible however.
Why don't I want to do that? Well I like to make my classes somewhat reusable and I don't like tying classes together, unless its required by the DRY principle and or inheritance. I basically couldn't get rid of the flags without modifying the possible hundreds of classes that used them.
What I have tried in the past
Having it all as compiler defines. This worked reasonably well, however I didnt like that I couldnt make it so if the flag file was gone there were some sort of default settings that would make the classes themselves still operational and changeable (through these default values)
Having it as a class and instancing it globally (system class). Worked ok, however I didnt like instancing anything globally. Also same problem as above
Instancing the system class locally and passing it to the classes on construction. This was kinda cool, since I could make multiple instruction sets. However at the same time that kinda ruined the point since it would lead to things that needed to have one flag set the same to have them set differently and therefore failing to properly work together. Also passing it on every construction was a pain.
A static class. This one worked ok for the longest time, however there is still the problem when there are missing dependencies.
Basically I am looking for a way to have a single "place" where I can mess with some values (bools, floats etc.) and that will change the behaviour of all classes using them for whatever, where said values either overwrite default values or get replaced by default values if said "place" isnt defined.
If a Singleton class does not work for you , maybe using a DI container may fit in your third approach? It may help with the construction and make the code more testable.
There are some DI frameworks for c++, like or which you can use.
If you decide to use switch/flags, pay attention for "cyclometric complexity".
If you do not change the skeleton of your algorithm but only his behaviour according to the objets in parameter, have a look at "template design pattern". This method allow you to define a generic algorithm and specify particular step for a particular situation.
Here's an approach I found useful; I don't know if it's what you're looking for, but maybe it will give you some ideas.
First, I created a BehaviorFlags.h file that declares the following function:
// Returns true iff the given feature/behavior flag was specified for us to use
bool IsBehaviorFlagEnabled(const char * flagName);
The idea being that any code in any of your classes could call this function to find out if a particular behavior should be enabled or not. For example, you might put this code at the top of your ExtensionsAPI.cpp file:
#include "BehaviorFlags.h"
static const enableExtensionAPI = IsBehaviorFlagEnabled("enable_extensions_api");
void DoTheExtensionsAPIStuff()
if (enableExtensionsAPI == false) return;
[... otherwise do the extensions API stuff ...]
Note that the IsBehaviorFlagEnabled() call is only executed once at program startup, for best run-time efficiency; but you also have the option of calling IsBehaviorFlagEnabled() on every call to DoTheExtensionsAPIStuff(), if run-time efficiency is less important that being able to change your program's behavior without having to restart your program.
As far as how the IsBehaviorFlagEnabled() function itself is implemented, it looks something like this (simplified version for demonstration purposes):
bool IsBehaviorFlagEnabled(const char * fileName)
// Note: a real implementation would find the user's home directory
// using the proper API and not just rely on ~ to expand to the home-dir path
std::string filePath = "~/MyProgram_Settings/";
filePath += fileName;
FILE * fpIn = fopen(filePath.c_str(), "r"); // i.e. does the file exist?
bool ret = (fpIn != NULL);
return ret;
The idea being that if you want to change your program's behavior, you can do so by creating a file (or folder) in the ~/MyProgram_Settings directory with the appropriate name. E.g. if you want to enable your Extensions API, you could just do a
touch ~/MyProgram_Settings/enable_extensions_api
... and then re-start your program, and now IsBehaviorFlagEnabled("enable_extensions_api") returns true and so your Extensions API is enabled.
The benefits I see of doing it this way (as opposed to parsing a .ini file at startup or something like that) are:
There's no need to modify any "central header file" or "registry file" every time you add a new behavior-flag.
You don't have to put a ParseINIFile() function at the top of main() in order for your flags-functionality to work correctly.
You don't have to use a text editor or memorize a .ini syntax to change the program's behavior
In a pinch (e.g. no shell access) you can create/remove settings simply using the "New Folder" and "Delete" functionality of the desktop's window manager.
The settings are persistent across runs of the program (i.e. no need to specify the same command line arguments every time)
The settings are persistent across reboots of the computer
The flags can be easily modified by a script (via e.g. touch ~/MyProgram_Settings/blah or rm -f ~/MyProgram_Settings/blah) -- much easier than getting a shell script to correctly modify a .ini file
If you have code in multiple different .cpp files that needs to be controlled by the same flag-file, you can just call IsBehaviorFlagEnabled("that_file") from each of them; no need to have every call site refer to the same global boolean variable if you don't want them to.
Extra credit: If you're using a bug-tracker and therefore have bug/feature ticket numbers assigned to various issues, you can creep the elegance a little bit further by also adding a class like this one:
/** This class encapsulates a feature that can be selectively disabled/enabled by putting an
* "enable_behavior_xxxx" or "disable_behavior_xxxx" file into the ~/MyProgram_Settings folder.
class ConditionalBehavior
/** Constructor.
* #param bugNumber Bug-Tracker ID number associated with this bug/feature.
* #param defaultState If true, this beheavior will be enabled by default (i.e. if no corresponding
* file exists in ~/MyProgram_Settings). If false, it will be disabled by default.
* #param switchAtVersion If specified, this feature's default-enabled state will be inverted if
* GetMyProgramVersion() returns any version number greater than this.
ConditionalBehavior(int bugNumber, bool defaultState, int switchAtVersion = -1)
if ((switchAtVersion >= 0)&&(GetMyProgramVersion() >= switchAtVersion)) _enabled = !_enabled;
std::string fn = defaultState ? "disable" : "enable";
fn += "_behavior_";
fn += to_string(bugNumber);
if ((IsBehaviorFlagEnabled(fn))
_enabled = !_enabled;
printf("Note: %s Behavior #%i\n", _enabled?"Enabling":"Disabling", bugNumber);
/** Returns true iff this feature should be enabled. */
bool IsEnabled() const {return _enabled;}
bool _enabled;
Then, in your ExtensionsAPI.cpp file, you might have something like this:
// Extensions API feature is tracker #4321; disabled by default for now
// but you can try it out via "touch ~/MyProgram_Settings/enable_feature_4321"
static const ConditionalBehavior _feature4321(4321, false);
// Also tracker #4222 is now enabled-by-default, but you can disable
// it manually via "touch ~/MyProgram_Settings/disable_feature_4222"
static const ConditionalBehavior _feature4222(4222, true);
void DoTheExtensionsAPIStuff()
if (_feature4321.IsEnabled() == false) return;
[... otherwise do the extensions API stuff ...]
... or if you know that you are planning to make your Extensions API enabled-by-default starting with version 4500 of your program, you can set it so that Extensions API will be enabled-by-default only if GetMyProgramVersion() returns 4500 or greater:
static ConditionalBehavior _feature4321(4321, false, 4500);
... also, if you wanted to get more elaborate, the API could be extended so that IsBehaviorFlagEnabled() can optionally return a string to the caller containing the contents of the file it found (if any), so that you could do shell commands like:
echo "opengl" > ~/MyProgram_Settings/graphics_renderer
... to tell your program to use OpenGL for its 3D graphics, or etc:
// In Renderer.cpp
std::string rendererType;
if (IsDebugFlagEnabled("graphics_renderer", &rendererType))
printf("The user wants me to use [%s] for rendering 3D graphics!\n", rendererType.c_str());
else printf("The user didn't specify what renderer to use.\n");

cppUnit: setUp function executed once for multiple testmethods

I've got an object Obj doing some (elaborate) computation and want to check weather the result (let's call it aComputed and bComputed) is correct or not. Therefore I want to split this task up into multiple test methods:
testA() { load aToBe; check if number aComputed = aToBe }
testB() { load bToBe; check if number bComputed = bToBe }
The problem is, that Obj is "executed" twice (which takes a lot of time) - one time per test. The question is: How can I manage that it's just "executed" once and the result is used used by both tests?
At the moment Obj is placed inside the setUp-function and saves the results to a private member of the test-class.
Thanks for helping!
There is no easy solution that allows you to split the code into two test methods. Each test method results in a new test object with an own set of local variables.
Obviously you could work around this problem through a static variable but in the long run this normally just causes issues and breaks the ideas behind the framework.
The better idea is to just write the two CPPUNIT_ASSERT in the same test method. If the results are part of the same calculation there is most likely not much value in splitting the checks into two independent test methods.

Suggested flow-control structure for order-dependant operations

I've run into the following issue which is not difficult to solve by any stretch of the imagination but I would like to know what the best / most elegant solution is.
I have the following method that the prototype of looks like this:
bool Team::isEveryoneDead(int teamOnTurn);
There are two teams available and depending on what instance of the team is currently on turn, I would like to check whether every Character in the team is dead in this very particular order:
Loop trough all the Characters in the team that's not on turn first. Should there be any character that's alive, stop looping (and goto step 2.). Should there be noone alive, terminate the function and return.
Now that I know that the team that's not on turn contains at least one character that's alive, loop trough the team that's currently on turn and check for the same thing. Should I find someone alive, stop looping and terminate / return.
The argument int teamOnTurn allows me to resolve the instance of Team that's currently on turn. The order in which i evaluate the "alive condition" is of great importance here.
Now, there are several approaches that can be taken, say hardcoding the order (since there are only 2 possible orders) and resolving the order by checking who's on turn and then executing the branch that already has the specific order like this:
bool Team::isEveryoneDead(int teamOnTurn) {
if (Team::Blue == teamOnTurn) {
} else {
This solution however wouldn't quite work for say 5! permutations for specific call-ordering for more items. What technique should one deploy to solve this with the utmost elegance :) ?
Thanks in advance, Scarlet.
Try creating another internal method that actually does the checking, and let the isEveryoneDead() method orchestrate the order in which the teams are checked, maybe something like this:
bool Team::isEveryoneDead(int teamOnTurn) {
bool isFound = isEveryoneDeadInternal( /* params for team not on turn */ );
if(isFound) {
isFound = isEveryoneDeadInternal( /* params for team on turn */ );
return isFound;
// This method know nothing about on turn or off turn
bool Team:isEveryoneDeadInternal() {
// Loop through all characters in the team, checking if any are alive
// When the first live character is found, return true
// else return false
This is a concept called DRY : Dont Repeat Yourself