c++ simpleini example on getting a ini file from a directory? - c++

hi could someone help me i'm trying getting the liberty simpleini for c++ to read/write a file from a different directory but so far nothing is working.
using windows 7
#include "SimpleIni.h"
#include <stdio.h>
int main( int argc, char** argv)
CSimpleIniA ini;
ini.SetValue("test", "default", "1");
//tried ini.SaveFile("c:\test\test.ini");
//tried ini.LoadFile("c:\test\test.ini");
const char * set = ini.GetValue("test", "default", "");
printf( "value = %s", set ); // should load from c:\test\test.ini
return 0;
source http://code.jellycan.com/simpleini-doc/html/index.html

The problem is in that it doesn't create directories.
You should create "c:\test" directory first on your own and then start application.
I started with your code and it didn't work, then I created "test" folder on drive C and it began to.


Giving file location from parent of the parent folder in C++

I'm a newbie to C++ and I know its a basic question but couldnt find a satisfactory answer from anywhere so I'll read the file location from parent folder but I dont know how.
Executed file is in
The file I need to open is in
But I want to do this dynamically. So config of the text.exe should give a path to A then into E and F. Because this program can be located anywhere and I dont want to give a path starting from C:\
Any help would be appriciated. I'm using QT too if it helps. Thanks
I am looking for something like
in html
This is my code but its not working
QSettings setting("config.ini",QSettings::IniFormat);
QString prolocation = setting.value("ProDir","../../../E/F/pro.exe").toString();
QProcess process;
And config file is:
(bla bla other settings)
Here is a working Qt solution
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QDir>
#include <cassert>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// Init + get app path
QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
QString appPath = app.applicationDirPath();
qInfo() << appPath;
// App path manips
QDir dir(appPath);
// Goes up two times... your C\D dirs
bool ok;
ok = dir.cdUp();
ok = dir.cdUp();
qInfo() << dir.path();
// Goes to picaud/Temp again
// -> in your case /E/F dirs
ok = dir.cd("picaud");
ok = dir.cd("Temp");
qInfo() << dir.path();
which prints:
In your case, like you already use Qt I think this is the simplest approach. You can still use the C++ standard filesystem but this requires either to use C++17 or to use the Boost initial implementation.
You also can use QUrl::resolved
Calling resolved() with ".." returns a QUrl whose directory is one level higher than the original. Similarly, calling resolved() with "../.." removes two levels from the path. If relative is "/", the path becomes "/".
QUrl oBase("file:///home/A/B/");
QString oResolvedFile = oBase.resolved(QUrl("../../other/file.pdf")).toString();
// Test
QFile oLocalFile(QUrl(oResolvedFile).toLocalFile());
if (oLocalFile.exists())
// your file

C++ ifstream fails to read on BSD Machine

I have a problem with reading lines from a .txt file in C++.
The code is compiled with gmake on a FreeBSD environment.
So here is my code
int main(int argc, char **argv)
std::string temp_value_line;
std::string filename = "values.txt";
std::ifstream open_file(filename.c_str());
if (!open_file.is_open()) {
sys_err("Failed to load values from values.txt");
return 0;
int counter = 0;
while (!open_file.eof())
open_file >> temp_value_line;
str_to_number(common_value[counter], temp_value_line.c_str());
sys_log(0, "values loaded succsefully");
After building and running the application, there is the specified error message in my error log, so the file is not opened.
I already checked if there is a permissions or naming problem like "values.txt.txt" but everything seems to be okay. I am able to read/modify the file via console editor.
Thanks in advance.

Geting the file size of a system application on windows in C++

I am trying to get the file size of a system application on windows. To test this i have created a test application that tries to get the file size of smss.exe in C:\Windows\System32\smss.exe but it fails with error: ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND. The file does actually exist (i have checked). I've also tried different methods for getting the file size, with: FindFirstFile, CreateFile and GetFileSizeEx. But all return the same error. I would also like to read the file contents.
What am i doing wrong?
The code:
// Test.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <iostream>
__int64 getFileSize(LPWSTR filePath)
if (!GetFileAttributesEx(filePath, GetFileExInfoStandard, &fad))
_tprintf(TEXT("\n CAnt get file size for file %s error %d"), filePath, GetLastError());
return 0;
size.HighPart = fad.nFileSizeHigh;
size.LowPart = fad.nFileSizeLow;
return size.QuadPart;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
_tprintf(TEXT("File size %d "), getFileSize(L"C:\\Windows\\System32\\smss.exe"));
As your application is 32-bit, the system redirects your path to go to SysWOW64 instead, where there is no smss.exe. While you have discovered that Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection disables this redirection, also consider that having a 64-bit program would also do the trick.
Getting the size of a file is already answered here (can't yet add a comment to your question, so I need to write it as an answer):
How can I get a file's size in C++?
std::ifstream::pos_type filesize(const char* filename)
std::ifstream in(filename, std::ifstream::in | std::ifstream::binary);
in.seekg(0, std::ifstream::end);
return in.tellg();

Octave c++ and VS2010

I'm trying to Use Octave with Visual C++.
I have downloaded octave-3.6.1-vs2010-setup-1.exe. Created a new project, added octave include folder to include path, octinterp.lib and octave.lib to lib path, and I added Octave bin folder as running directory.
The program compiles and runs fine except feval function that causes the exception:
Microsoft C++ exception: octave_execution_exception at memory location 0x0012faef
and on Octave side:
Invalid resizing operation or ambiguous assignment to an out-of-bounds array element.
What am I doing wrong?
Code for a standalone program:
#include <octave/octave.h>
#include <octave/oct.h>
#include <octave/parse.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (octave_main (argc, argv, true))
ColumnVector NumRands(2);
NumRands(0) = 10;
NumRands(1) = 1;
octave_value_list f_arg, f_ret;
f_arg(0) = octave_value(NumRands);
f_ret = feval("rand",f_arg,1);
Matrix unis(f_ret(0).matrix_value());
error ("Octave interpreter initialization failed");
return 0;
Thanks in advance.
I tried it myself, and the problem seems to originate from the feval line.
Now I don't have an explanation as to why, but the problem was solved by simply switching to the "Release" configuration instead of the "Debug" configuration.
I am using the Octave3.6.1_vs2010 build, with VS2010 on WinXP.
Here is the code I tested:
#include <iostream>
#include <octave/oct.h>
#include <octave/octave.h>
#include <octave/parse.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// Init Octave interpreter
if (!octave_main(argc, argv, true)) {
error("Octave interpreter initialization failed");
// x = rand(10,1)
ColumnVector sz(2);
sz(0) = 10; sz(1) = 1;
octave_value_list in = octave_value(sz);
octave_value_list out = feval("rand", in, 1);
// print random numbers
if (!error_state && out.length () > 0) {
Matrix x( out(0).matrix_value() );
std::cout << "x = \n" << x << std::endl;
return 0;
with an output:
x =
I'd guess that its actually stopped pointing at the next line and the error actually lies at this line:
f_arg(0) = octave_value(NumRands);
You seem to be attempting to get a value (which value?) from a vector and then assigning it to element 0 of a vector that has not been defined as a vector.
I don't really know though ... I've never tried writing octave code like that. I'm just trying to work it out by translating the code to standard matlab/octave code and that line seems really odd to me ...

Program cannot open file, but the file is already there

I am writing a program that will open an image file, but strange thing happened. This is the output from cmd:
C:\Users\Karl\Pictures>testcvconsole mypic.jpg
fopen is null
strerror(errno)==No such file or directory
Are there something I should consider when fopen simply failed to open my file when the file is right there along side with the executable file in the same directory?
This is on Windows 7, Visual Studios Express 2010. C++.
EDIT: code below
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
int goMain(int argc, char** argv);
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
goMain(argc, (char**)argv);
return 0;
int goMain( int argc, char** argv ){
if (argv[1] != NULL){
printf("argv[0]==%S\nargv[1]==%S\n", argv[0], argv[1]);
if (fopen(argv[1], "r") == NULL){
printf("fopen is null\n");
return 0;
I have tried
char *workingDir =_getcwd(NULL, 0);
printf("workingDir == %S", workingDir);
as TomK has suggested and it returned:
workingDir ==
Nothing at all. Hmm...
I am getting something. I tried
argv[1] = "C:/Users/Karl/Pictures/mypic.jpg";
And fopen can open it. This statement above is inserted right before the fopen.
Make absolutely sure they are in the same directory. I'm saying this because you're using Visual Studio, for which the "same" directory isn't always so clear, because it depends on how you execute the executable through the IDE.
C:\Users\Karl\Pictures>testcvconsole mypic.jpg
Are you sure mypic.jpg is located in C:\Users\Karl\Pictures ?
Can u check whether the working directory is correct?
#include <direct.h>
char *workingDir =_getcwd(NULL, 0);
Can you run your application with admin privileges?
Usually the .exe is created in sub-directory either Debug or Release - try giving the absolute path to the image ...
I've had this problem, and it turned out that Visual Studio's runtime wasn't setting the current directory. I never figured out the problem: instead I simply used an absolute path. Without the absolute path, your program is looking in C:\. You can also try using ".\\mypic.jpg" or GetCurrentDirectory().