Crash when deleting a pointer - c++

I have an assignment to create a PriorityQueue structure and I'm having trouble with this piece of code. When I compile it on my compilator everything's fine, but I tried submitting it to ideone and I get the following error:
"glibc detected *** ./prog: double free or corruption".
I was able to track the part that was giving me this error and I found out that what causes the crash is me trying to delete a pointer at the destructor of my class. The problem is that I don't know why I cant delete it. I don't know a lot about pointers but I thought that if I used new to allocate memory I had to delete it after using it and I think this is what I'm trying to do. Here is my code:
struct PriorityQueue
LinkedList queue; LinkNode *it,*node;
int sz;
it = NULL;
if(node != NULL) //this is causing the error.
delete [] node;
if(it != NULL)
delete [] it;
int size(){
return sz;
void enqueue(int x){
node = new LinkNode(x,NULL,NULL);
if(x <= queue.head->value ){
else if( x>= queue.tail->value ){
it = queue.head;
for(int k=0;k<sz;k++){
if( (x>= it->value) && (x <= it->next->value) ){
node->next= it->next;
node->previous = it;
it->next->previous = node;
it->next = node;
int dequeue_min(){
int min = queue.remove_head();
return min;
int dequeue_max(){
int max= queue.remove_tail();
return max;
int main()
PriorityQueue pq;
cout << pq.dequeue_min() << endl; // debe imprimir -6
cout << pq.dequeue_min() << endl; // debe imprimir 0
cout << pq.dequeue_min() << endl; // debe imprimir 2
cout << pq.dequeue_min() << endl; // debe imprimir 3
return 0;

it and node point to objects, not arrays.
You cannot use the array form of delete[] on them.

Using delete[] will try to remove a pointer whose object is an array of some sort. There is another type of delete, that allows for the deletion of pointers to single objects. (Hint: it's pretty intuitive)

You are deleting it and node using delete []. They are not arrays. You can only use delete [] syntax on arrays or arrays of your objects. Remember the rule of thumb to use the similar delete and new commands for the same data types. If you have allocated memory by new, delete by delete. If you have allocated memory by new [], delete it by deete [].

It seems that it and node not only point to objects rather than arrays, as Slaks pointed out, it seems they also potentially point to the same thing. As a side note, you don't need to check for null before calling delete[] p or delete p: If the pointer p is null, this expression will have no effect.
It is unrelated to your question but please also note that your priority queue as O(n) (with n being the size) complexity. Typically, when implementing a priority queue you want to get O(log(n)) complexity. The easiest strategy to implement such a priority queue is a d-heap which, conveniently, lives in an array and is actually easier to maintain than your linked list (I think, at least).


Why does this function give me a segmentation fault?

I am currently trying to create a linked list which has two elements, usernames and seconds. It is supposed to read from a file and save it into two vectors.
I'm not sure why, but when I attempt to collect the data and store it into a linked list, I get a segmentation fault.
I'm kind of in a rutt, I feel like this should work.
Here is my code for main.cpp:
// main.cpp
int main() {
//Collect initial leaderboard data into two parallel vectors
cout << "here";
vector<string> playerNames;
vector<unsigned> playerTimes;
collect_data(playerNames, playerTimes);
cout << "here";
//Create a LeaderBoard object based on the data in the parallel vectors
LeaderBoard players(playerNames, playerTimes);
cout << "Initial leaderboard from\n";
cout << endl;
return 0;
LeaderBoard :: LeaderBoard(const vector<string>& usernames, const vector<unsigned>& second) //Combines both vectors to linked list;
for (int i = 0; i < usernames.size(); i++)
nPlayers_ ++;
Player *ptr = new Player;
ptr = nullptr;
ptr->username = usernames[i];
ptr->seconds = second[i];
if (head_ == nullptr)
head_ = ptr;
tail_ = ptr;
while (tail_-> next != nullptr)
tail_ = tail_ -> next;
tail_->next = ptr;
tail_ = ptr;
Can someone help me, or lead me towards the right direction?
In this part
Player *ptr = new Player;
ptr = nullptr;
ptr->username = usernames[i];
ptr->seconds = second[i];
You are overwriting the pointer to newly created object by nullptr, then dereferencing the nullptr. This will lead to memory leak and Segmentation Fault.
The line
ptr = nullptr;
should be removed from here.
Also it seems you forgot to initialize ptr->next.
ptr->next = nullptr;
should be added after that part.
This code presents some issues.
First of all, you might ditch heap allocation on each iteration of the for loop, using only once the allocation, before entering the loop. This prevents errors such as:
Player *ptr = new Player;
ptr = nullptr;
which causes segmentation fault in your code.
Another problem might be that head_ and tail_ might also be nullptr, so you have to check carefully about both.
You are allocating something on the heap, without caring about deleting the data later.
Why don't you use a std::vectorstd::unique_ptr<Player> to collect all the player scores, so at the end of the program, everything will be deleted?
//Assuming there's a vector like this in Leaderboard.h:
#include <memory>
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Player>> players_{};
LeaderBoard::LeaderBoard(const vector<string>& usernames, const vector<unsigned>& second) //Combines both vectors to a final list;
for (int i = 0; i < usernames.size(); i++)
Player p{};
p.username = usernames[i];
p.seconds = second[i];
In this way, you ditch tricky pointer handling problems, allocation problems, segmentation fault all together. As nice result, you have a vector that can be used with a broad range of algorithms

How to store multiple queue in array?

I have a queue class where I implement the queue structure.
#include "queue.h"
Queue::Queue(int size){
front = rear = -1;
this->size = size;
Q = new int[size];
void Queue::enqueue(int x){
if (rear == size -1 ){
cout << " its full" << endl;
rear ++;
Q[rear] = x;
int Queue::dequeue(){
int x= -1;
if (rear == front){
cout << " its empty"<<endl;
front ++;
x = Q[front];
return x;
void Queue::Display(){
for(int i= front+1; i<=rear; i++){
cout << Q[i] << " ";
cout << endl;
bool Queue::isEmpty(){
return (size==0);
int Queue::peek()
if (isEmpty())
cout << "UnderFlow\nProgram Terminated\n";
return Q[front];
In main.cpp, I create multiple queues. I am trying to implement a scheduling algorithm where I need to process each queue in order. The problem starts when I try to go through each queue. I would like to use only one for loop to access the element of each queue rather than for loop for each of them.
queue[1..N] where N is the number of queues. In for loop, I want to check if queue[i].empty().
I found a solution to the problem. In the main.cpp, following code solved the issue.
Queue allQueues[4];
allQueues[0] = queue1;
allQueues[1] = queue2;
allQueues[2] = queue3;
allQueues[3] = queue4;
To access:
for(int i=0; i<4; i++){
if allQueues[i].empty(){
//do something
If you need to generate a specific number of instances of your Queue class that is fixed and known at compile time, your code solution will work. However, if you have a program where new Queue instances need to be created while the program is running, you need to use dynamic memory allocation on the heap.
One approach to this is to create an array or a vector of pointers to your Queue class in main.cpp. The std::vector is more flexible, and it's best to use a smart pointer to create each instance of Queue, although many academic courses won't allow use of the standard template library or of smart pointers, and in that case you need just a normal array of pointers to Queue and use new and delete appropriately.
const int SIZE = 100 //max number of Queue instances
Queue* allQueues[SIZE]; //array of uninitialized pointers to Queue
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) { //ensure all pointers are set to null
allQueues[i] = nullptr;
//To make a new Queue instance and insert it into the array:
allQueues[0] = new Queue();
//And when done with that Queue instance, to avoid memory leaks and dangling pointers:
delete allQueues[0];
allQueues[0] = nullptr;
(This is all much better done with std::array, or std::vector, and smart pointers).
Note also the memory usage, without this approach you have two full-sized instances of Queue for queue1, instead of the object itself and a pointer to that object. However, one can do the array of pointers thing using only automatic stack allocation as well, but in that case, you don't want to be creating new objects at runtime. For that, it's simple:
Queue* allQueues[4];
allQueues[0] = &queue1;
P.S. One problem with your solution is that when you do this assignment:
allQueues[0] = queue1;
You need a copy constructor in your class, or an overloaded '=' operator, to ensure that all of queue1's internals are correctly copied over into the the array of Queue objects, and avoid all the 'shallow copy' issues.
Queue::Queue(const Queue& copySource) {
this->size = copysource.size;
this->Q = new int[copysource.size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
this->Q[i] = copysource.Q[i];
Why can I access private variables in the copy constructor?

Why does my program return garbage when accessing the value of a pointer?

When the below code is run, I get garbage output. I have debugged it enough to figure out the error comes when I try to access hobbies[i]->hobby. Any help would be appreciated. I have been trying to figure out what is going on for hours.
int Graph::addUserToHobby(std::string hobby, std::string id){
int key = ((int)hobby[0] + (int)hobby[1])%HASHMAP_SIZE;
int collisions = 0;
while(hobbies[key] != NULL && hobbies[key]-> != 0 ){
if(key >= HASHMAP_SIZE){
key = 0;
if(hobbies[key] == NULL){
hobbylist hob;
hob.hobby = hobby;
hobbies[key] = &hob;
return collisions;
void Graph::displayHobbies(){
for(int i=0; i<HASHMAP_SIZE; i++){
if(hobbies[i] != NULL){
cout << hobbies[i]->hobby << ": ";
for(unsigned int j=0; j<hobbies[i]->list.size()-1; j++){
cout << hobbies[i]->list[j]->name << ", ";
cout << hobbies[i]->list[hobbies[i]->list.size()-1]->name << endl;
Focus your attention in that part of the code:
if(hobbies[key] == NULL) {
hobbylist hob;
hobbies[key] = &hob;
When hob gets out of scope (at the end of that if-statement's body), hobbies[key] will reference something that doesn't exist any more.
Later on in your program, as you correctly noticed, when you do cout << hobbies[i]->hobby;, you will request for hobby on something that has gone out of scope, which invokes Undefined Behavior (UB).
Some possible solutions:
Use an std::map, instead of the array of pointers you use
now. The container will automatically take care of the memory
management for you. (Recommended)
Use smart pointers (e.g. std::unique_ptr), instead of raw pointers. Read more in
What is a smart pointer and when should I use one?
Dynamically allocate hob, so that its lifetime is extended (that
means that when that if-statement's body terminates, hob's
lifetime won't terminate). This approach requires you to be
responsible for the memory management (you have to de-allocate every
piece of memory that you dynamically allocated before (call delete
as many times as you called new)).
In this part:
if(hobbies[key] == NULL){
hobbylist hob;
/* ... */
hobbies[key] = &hob;
hob is allocated on the stack and deleted after the if block. So the pointer you have in hobbies[key] is dangling. You can catch these sort of errors with valgrind.
Your issue is that you are populating your hobbies value with pointers to objects allocated on the stack.
These objects will have subsequently been destroyed. Perhaps you were meaning to allocate them on the heap with new?
hobbylist* hob = new hobbylist;
hobbies[key] = hob

Destructor, doesn't delete my object

I have big problem- namely my destructor doesn't delete object, in my code which i will paste underneath in main when i call l3.~list(); it removes only singly linked list(which is good), but it doesn't remove char* name, even though I am stating in my destructor delete [] name;. Any ideas whats wrong?
Here is the code;
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class list{
struct lista
int num;
char* word;
lista* next;
lista* head;
char* name;
list(char* name1){head=NULL;name=new char[strlen(name1)+1];strcpy(name,name1);}
char getChar(int key, int index);
void setChar(int key, int index, char c);
void insert(int number,char* txt);
void remove(int number);
void print();
list(const list &o);
list& operator=(const list &x);
void list::insert(int number,char* txt){
lista* ptr,*tmp;
lista* newlista=new lista;
newlista->word= new char[strlen(txt)+1];
else while(ptr!=NULL){
if(ptr->next!=NULL && strcmp(txt,ptr->next->word)<=0)
else if(ptr->next!=NULL && strcmp(txt,ptr->next->word)>0)
//next is empty
//txt mniejszy niz w 1szym elemencie
void list::print(){
lista *druk;
cout<<"txt: "<<druk->word<<" | "<<"num: "<<druk->num<<endl;
void list::remove(int number){
lista* ptr=head;
delete [] ptr->word;
delete ptr;
lista* ptr=head;
while(ptr->next!=NULL && ptr->next->num!=number)
cout<<number<<" element not found"<<endl;
lista* todelete=ptr->next;
delete [] todelete->word;
delete todelete;
list::list(const list &o)
lista *xtr = o.head;
head=NULL;// bez tego nie dziaƂa
lista *etr=head;// nastawic etr na head?
while (xtr)
lista* ntr = new lista;
if (!ntr)
cerr << "list::CopyConstructor: Allocation memory failure!";
cerr << endl;
ntr->num = xtr->num;
ntr->word= new char[strlen(xtr->word)+1];
ntr->next = NULL;
if (head)
etr->next = ntr;
head = ntr;
etr = ntr; // keep track of the last element in *this
xtr = xtr->next;
name = new char[strlen(];
list& list::operator=(const list &x)
return *this;
lista *etr=head;
while(etr) // removing list from this
delete head;
lista *xtr=x.head;
int copied=xtr->num;
lista *ntr= new lista;
ntr->word=new char[strlen(xtr->word)+1];
if (!ntr)
cerr << "list::operator=: Allocation memory failure!" << endl;
if (!head)
head = ntr;
etr->next = ntr;
etr = ntr; // keep track of the last element in *this
xtr = xtr->next;
char *name=new char[strlen(];
return *this;
cout<<"Object with name:"<<name<<" destroyed!"<<endl;
delete [] name;
lista *dtr=head;
while(dtr) // removing lista from this
delete [] head->word;
delete head;
void f();
void f(){
list o("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");
int main(){
list l1("lista1");
list l2(l1); // usage of CC - the same as list l2=l1;
list l3("asajnment");
l3.~list(); // here i use destructor on l3
l3.print(); // l3 is being printed with weird name, even though it should be destroyed
return 0;
Calling any method after invoking destructor results in undefined behaviour - it may or may nor work and it can produce strange results.
Also, you are not supposed to call the destructor directly:
When the object is allocated on stack, it is destroyed automatically when the scope ends. (Scope is the thing between braces {})
When the object is allocated on heap, using new, it should be destroyed using delete.
C++ destructors are not like deallocation functions as you might write in C. They're better: in the RAII idiom, you have destruction of your objects scheduled to the very moment they exit scope. That means you usually don't have to care for freeing resources at all: just wait until the object is no longer needed (because it can't be accessed), at that points it gets automatically removed (which includes calling the destructor, yes, and that's the only way in which it may be called safely). So well-written C++ is in many ways as good as garbage-collected languages, but without some of their drawbacks.
The easiest way to get the benefits of RAII is to use standard containers and smart pointers. In your case, replace lista* next with std::unique_ptr<lista> next and char* word with std::string word, and all is fine without the need to define a destructor at all.
There is so much wrong with this code that I don't know where to start...
use std::string
use a std::map to associate int values with the strings. This will pretty much already do what you want.
don't call the destructor for anything that was not new'd. To delete something use delete/delete[] and don't call the destructor directly. If you do use new, use the RAII idiom using managing objects such as std::unique_ptr or std::shared_ptr to avoid having to manually call delete/delete[] and to write exception safe code
Here is a somewhat improved version. Notice that there is not a single call to new/delete.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <cstdio>
class list
list( std::string n ) : name( n ) {}
~list() { std::cout << "~list:" << name << std::endl; }
void list::insert(int number, std::string const& txt ){
items.insert( std::make_pair(number,txt));
void list::remove(int number){
items.erase( number );
void print( ){
std::cout << name << ";" << std::endl;
for( Items::const_iterator it = items.begin(), end = items.end(); it != end; ++it )
std::cout << "num: " << it->first << " | " << "txt: " << it->second << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
typedef std::map<int,std::string> Items;
Items items;
std::string name;
int main()
list l1( "lista1" );
l1.insert( 5, "Endian");
l1.insert( 7, "Endianness");
l1.insert( 100, "Hexediting");
l1.insert( 34, ".mil");
// extra scope so the destructor of l2 is called before call to getchar
list l2( l1 );
l2.remove( 5 );
return 0;
One way of making sure that your members are not being accessed by mistake after destruction is to set all pointers to NULL after deleting them.
That way, you're assured that nobody can get to your sensitive data afterwards, because you're no longer pointing to it. And you can call the destructor again without bad side effects, because calling delete on a NULL pointer is allowed and does nothing.
If you print the memory state of your object after deleting it, you will see the value stay until you don't alloc a new object. The memory allocated for your program can only go bigger. When you delete data, they are not set to '0', just marked as free for the next alloc object.
EDIT: I mean if you create a new object with uninitialized values just after free, he can get back the old value stored in memory.

Memory leak in trivial stack implementation

I'm decently experienced with Python and Java, but I recently decided to learn C++. I decided to make a quick integer stack implementation, but it has a massive memory leak that I can't understand. When I pop the node, it doesn't seem to be releasing the memory even though I explicitly delete the old node upon poping it. When I run it, it uses 150mb of memory, but doesn't release any of it after I empty the stack. I would appreciate any help since this is my first foray into a language without garbage collection. This was compiled with gcc 4.3 on 64-bit Kubuntu.
//a trivial linked list based stack of integers
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Node
int num;
Node * next;
Node(int data, Node * next);
int getData();
Node * getNext();
Node::Node(int data, Node * next_node)
num = data;
next = next_node;
inline int Node::getData()
return num;
inline Node* Node::getNext()
return next;
class Stack
unsigned long int n;
Node * top;
Stack(int first);
void push(int data);
int pop();
int peek();
unsigned long int getSize();
void print();
void empty();
Stack::Stack(int first)
Node first_top (first, NULL);
top = &first_top;
n = 1;
top = NULL;
n = 0;
void Stack::push(int data)
Node* old_top = top;
Node* new_top = new Node(data,old_top);
top = new_top;
int Stack::pop()
Node* old_top = top;
int ret_num = old_top->getData();
top = old_top->getNext();
delete old_top;
return ret_num;
inline int Stack::peek()
return top->getData();
inline unsigned long int Stack::getSize()
return n;
void Stack::print()
Node* current = top;
cout << "Stack: [";
for(unsigned long int i = 0; i<n-1; i++)
cout << current->getData() << ", ";
current = current->getNext();
cout << current->getData() << "]" << endl;
void Stack::empty()
unsigned long int upper = n;
for(unsigned long int i = 0; i<upper; i++)
Stack createStackRange(int start, int end, int step = 1)
Stack stack = Stack();
for(int i = start; i <= end; i+=step)
return stack;
int main()
Stack s = createStackRange(0,5e6);
cout << s.peek() << endl;
cout << "emptying" <<endl;
cout << "emptied" <<endl;
cout << "The size of the stack is " << s.getSize()<<endl;
cout << "waiting..." << endl;
return 0;
How do you KNOW the memory isn't being released? The runtime library will manage allocations and may not release the memory back to the OS until the program terminates. If that's the case, the memory will be available for other allocations within your program during its execution.
However.... you seem to have other problems. My C++ is really rusty since I've been doing Java for 15 years, but in your Stack::Stack constructor you're allocating a Node instance on the system stack and then storing a reference to it in your "Stack". That Node instance goes out of scope when the constructor ends, leaving a dangling pointer.
Stack::Stack(int first)
Node first_top (first, NULL);
top = &first_top;
n = 1;
This is wrong , you cant assign address of a local object to class member( top ) , since local objects get destroyed when function returns.
Create a node on heap rather than stack , do something like this :
Stack::Stack(int first)
top = new Node(first, NULL);
n = 1;
And Make the concept of link list clear and use pen and paper if you can do so.
Your Stack::Push(int) operation seems buggy check it out what you have forget to do.
My suggestion is try to implement generic stack with the help of template ,so it will work for all data type .
When createStackRange() returns it'll return a copy of the Stack using the compiler-generated copy constructor which just makes a bitwise copy (i.e., it'll copy the pointer to the first node and the size.)
More seriously, you're missing the destructor for the Stack class. Ideally you'd have it walk the list and call delete on each Node. The Stack object created on the processor stack will automatically be cleaned up automatically when main() exits, but without a destructor, the nodes will still be allocated when the program ends. You probably want something like this for it:
while ( top )
Next *next = top->getNext();
delete top;
top = next;
The way to think of it is that the C++ compiler will automatically generate copy constructors and destructors for you, but they're normally shallow. If you need deep behavior you've got to do it implement it yourself somewhere.
After poring over the code, I couldn't find the leak so I compiled it and ran it in a debugger myself. I agree with Jim Garrision - I think you're seeing an artifact of the runtime rather than an actual leak, because I'm not seeing it on my side. The issues pointed out by NickLarsen and smith are both actual issues that you want to correct, but if you trace the code through, neither should actually be causing the problem you describe. The code smith singles out is never called in your example, and the code Nick singles out would cause other issues, but not the one you're seeing.
Creat a stub to test your code and user Memory Analysis tool like "Valgrind". This will find out memory leaks and corruptions for you.
check man-pages for more information.
Note that you should only roll your own stack for educational purposes. For any real code, you should use the stack implementation that comes with the C++ standard library...