Using CAMEL in synchronization with PostgreSQL - web-services

I have Spring WS which is creating a record in database after SOAP request, and then it should wait till response appear. (i have two tables in DB - requestTable -record is created when request to WS came, and responseTable - records are created by independent source). When Method detect that record linked with request appear in responseTable, WS send proper response.
Problem lies in synchronization because i can't ( actually i can but i don't want to) create a wait for n seconds thread, i want to make it using CAMEL, I read somewhere that CAMEL implements method that is proper for this kind of situation abut now I can't find it again.
And i have a question for You: Do you have a hint how i can do that?

I will post the way i did this.
Solution with using JMS channel between WS and Database what is described here works great:
Transparent Asynchronous Remoting via JMS


Django(2.11) simultaneous (within 10ms) identical HTTP requests

Consider a POST/PUT REST API (using DRF).
If the server receives request1 and within a couple of ms request2 with identical everything to request1 (duplicate request), is there a way to avoid the request2 to be executed using some Django way? Or Should I deal with it manually by some state?
Any inputs would be much appreciated.
There isn't anything out of the box so you would need to write something your self potentially a piece of custom middleware ( would be best as then it would run over all of the requests. You would need to capture and exam the requests so you'd need a fast storage of some sort such as a memory store.
You could also look into the python asynco library -
Another possible solution would be using a FIFO message queue which is configured to support de-duplication based on content. This would turn the request into an deferred process though so it may not be suitable for your needs.

How to update progress bar while making a Django Rest api request?

My django rest app accepts request to scrape multiple pages for prices & compare them (which takes time ~5 seconds) then returns a list of the prices from each page as a json object.
I want to update the user with the current operation, for example if I scrape 3 pages I want to update the interface like this :
Searching 1/3
Searching 2/3
Searching 3/3
How can I do this?
I am using Angular 2 for my front end but this shouldn't make a big difference as it's a backend issue.
This isn't the only way, but this is how I do this in Django.
Things you'll need
Asynchronous worker procecess
This allows you to do work outside the context of the request-response cycle. The most common are either django-rq or Celery. I'd recommend django-rq for its simplicity, especially if all you're implementing is a progress indicator.
Caching layer (optional)
While you can use the database for persistence in this case, temporary cache key-value stores make more sense here as the progress information is ephemeral. The Memcached backend is built into Django, however I'd recommend switching to Redis as it's more fully featured, super fast, and since it's behind Django's caching abstraction, does not add complexity. (It's also a requirement for using the django-rq worker processes above)
Basically, we're going to send a request to the server to start the async worker, and poll a different progress-indicator endpoint which gives the current status of that worker's progress until it's finished (or failed).
Server side
Refactor the function you'd like to track the progress of into an async task function (using the #job decorator in the case of django-rq)
The initial POST endpoint should first generate a random unique ID to identify the request (possibly with uuid). Then, pass the POST data along with this unique ID to the async function (in django-rq this would look something like function_name.delay(payload, unique_id)). Since this is an async call, the interpreter does not wait for the task to finish and moves on immediately. Return a HttpResponse with a JSON payload that includes the unique ID.
Back in the async function, we need to set the progress using cache. At the very top of the function, we should add a cache.set(unique_id, 0) to show that there is zero progress so far. Using your own math implementation, as the progress approaches 100% completion, change this value to be closer to 1. If for some reason the operation fails, you can set this to -1.
Create a new endpoint to be polled by the browser to check the progress. This looks for a unique_id query parameter and uses this to look up the progress with cache.get(unique_id). Return a JSON object back with the progress amount.
Client side
After sending the POST request for the action and receiving a response, that response should include the unique_id. Immediately start polling the progress endpoint at a regular interval, setting the unique_id as a query parameter. The interval could be something like 1 second using setInterval(), with logic to prevent sending a new request if there is still a pending request.
When the progress received equals to 1 (or -1 for failures), you know the process is finished and you can stop polling
That's it! It's a bit of work just to get progress indicators, but once you've done it once it's much easier to re-use the pattern in other projects.
Another way to do this which I have not explored is via Webhooks / Channels. In this way, polling is not required, and the server simply sends the messages to the client directly.

Camel route POSTs to service that takes 20+ minutes to respond

I have an Apache Camel (version 2.15.3) route that is configured as follows (using a mix of XML and Java DSL):
Read a file from one of several folders on an FTP site.
Set a header to indicate which folder it was read from.
Do some processing and auditing.
Synchronously POST to an external REST service (jax-rs 1.1, Glassfish, Java EE 6).
The REST service takes a long time to do its job, 20+ minutes.
Receive the reply.
Do some more processing and auditing.
Write the response to one of several folders on an FTP site.
Use the header set at the start to know which folder to write to.
This is all configured in a single path of chained routes.
The problem is that the connection to the external REST service will timeout while the service is still processing. The infrastructure is a bit complex (edge servers, load balancers, Glassfish), and regardless I don't think increasing the timeout is the right solution.
How can I implement this route such that I avoid timeouts while still meeting all my requirements to (1) write the response to the appropriate FTP folder, (2) audit the transaction, and (3) meet other transaction/context-specific requirements?
I'm relatively new to Camel and REST, so maybe this is easy, but I don't know what Camel and REST tools and techniques to use.
(Questions and suggestions for improvement are welcome.)
Isn't it possible to break the two main steps a part and have two asynchronous operations?
I would do as follows.
Read a file from one of several folders on an FTP site.
Set a header to indicate which folder it was read from.
Save the header and file name and other relevant information in a cache. There is a camel component called camel-cache that is relatively easy to setup and you can store key-value or any other objects.
Do some processing and auditing. Asynchronously POST to an external REST service (jax-rs 1.1, Glassfish, Java EE 6). Note that we are posting asynchronously here.
Step 2.
Receive the reply.
Lookup the reply identifiers i.e. filename or some other identifier in cache to match the reply and then fetch the header.
Do some more processing and auditing.
Write the response to one of several folders on an FTP site.
This way, you don't need to wait and processing can take 20 min or longer. You just set your cache values to not expire for say 24h.
This is a typical asynchronous use case. Can the rest service give you a token id or some unique id immediately after you hit them ?
So that you can have a batch job or some other camel route which will pick up this id from a database/cache and hit the rest service again after 20 minutes.
This is the ideal solution I can think of, if the rest service can provision this.
You are right, waiting for 20 minutes on a synchronous call is a crazy idea. Also what is the estimated size of the file/payload which you are planning to post to the rest service ?

Django concurrency with celery

I am using django framework and ran into some performance problems.
There is a very heavy (which costs about 2 seconds) in my And let's call it heavy().
The client uses ajax to send a request, which is routed to heavy(), and waits for a json response.
The bad thing is that, I think heavy() is not concurrent. As shown in the image below, if there are two requests routed to heavy() at the same time, one must wait for another. In another word, heavy() is serial: it cannot take another request before returning from current request. The observation is tested and proven on my local machine.
I am trying to make the functions in concurrent and asynchronous. Ideally, when there are two requests coming to heavy(), heavy() should throw the job to some remote worker with a callback, and return. Then, heavy() can process another request. When the task is done, the callback can send the results back to client. The logic is demonstrated as below:
However, there is a problem: if heavy() wants to process another request, it must return; but if it returns something, the django framework will send a (fake)response to the client, and the client may not wait for another response. Moreover, the fake response doesn't contain the correct data. I have searched throught stackoverflow and find less useful tips. I wonder if anyone have tried this and knows a good way to solve this problem.
First make sure that 'inconcurrency' is actually caused by your heavy task. If you're using only one worker for django, you will be able to process only one request at a time, no matter what it will be. Consider having more workers for some concurrency, because it will affect also short requests.
For returning some information when task is done, you can do it in at least two ways:
sending AJAX requests periodicaly to fetch status of your task
using SSE or websocket to subscribe for actual result
Both of them will require to write some more JavaScript code for handling it. First one is really easy achievable, for second one you can use uWSGI capabilities, as described here. It can be handled asynchronously that way, independently of your django workers (django will just create connection and start task in celery, checking status and sending it to client will be handled by gevent.
To follow up on GwynBliedD's answer:
celery is commonly used to process tasks, it has very simple django integration. #GwynBlieD's first suggestion is very commonly implemented using celery and a celery result backend.
A common workflow Using celery is:
client hits heavy()
heavy() queues heavy() task asynchronously
heavy() returns future task ID to client (view returns very quickly because little work was actually performed)
client starts polling a status endpoint using the task ID
when task completes status returns result to client

Auditing Jetty Client requests and responses

I have a requirement to count the jetty transactions and measure the time it took to process the request and get back the response using JMX for our monitoring system.
I am using Jetty 8.1.7 and I can’t seem to find a proper way to do this. I basically need to identify when request is sent (due to Jetty Async approach this is triggered from thread A) and when the response is complete (as the oncompleteResponse is done in another thread).
I usually use ThreadLocal for such state in other areas I need similar functionality, but obviously this won’t work here.
Any ideas how to overcome?
To use jetty's async requests you basically have to subclass ContentExchange and override its methods. So you can add an extra field to it which would contain a timestamp of when the request was sent, and use it later in your onResponseComplete() method to measure the processing time. If you need to know the time when your request was actually sent to the server instead of when it was created you can override the onRequestCommitted() and onRequestComplete() methods.