Is it possible to initialise two classes, that require pointers to each other, at the same time? - c++

I am making a snake game. I have two classes, snake and food. When I call snake->move() it needs to check that there are no collisions and for this purpose it needs to know what food's position is and therefore requires a pointer to food. food has a function that moves it to a new random position, move->setNewPosition(), which needs to know the position of snake so that it doesn't collide with the snake when it moves. For this purpose, it requires a pointer to snake.
Therefore, for both classes, I would need to supply a pointer to the other class which must be initialised. But to initialise the other class I need to initialise the other class and so on. Is there any way to initialise two classes, that require pointers to each other, at the same time?
If not, what would be a better way of structuring my program that would allow me to check the coordinates of the other class?

If i don't misunderstand you, create init function that call before game loop starts:
void initSnake()
auto snake = new Snake();
auto food = new Food();

They just need the facility to find the location of other snakes and food items when their movement functions are invoked. There's no need to know of their existence at initialisation time!
You can therefore have a collection of snakes and a collection of food items, and pass a reference to those collections to any newly created snakes and food items. Just create those collections first.
You could do this via another class, perhaps, which could also act as a factory.
class GameManager;
class Snake
friend class GameManager;
int getX() { return _x; }
int getY() { return _y; }
void setPosition(int x, y) { /* ... */ }
Snake(GameManager* manager, int x, int y) : _manager(manager), _x(x), _y(y) {}
GameManager* _manager;
int _x, _y;
class GameManager
const std::vector<Snake*>& Snakes() { return _snakes; }
Snake* SpawnSnake(int x, int y)
Snake* newSnake = new Snake(this, x, y);
return snake;
std::vector<Snake*> _snakes;
(Just an example. Code not tested to see if it actually compiles. E&OE)
The GameManager ensures that all created snakes are found in the snakes vector because the Snake constructor is private. Each snake can call _manager.Snakes() to get a vector containing all the other snakes in the game which it can then query individually for their positions. This is easily generalised to support food items as well.
This has the small advantage over the "construct-initialise" pattern suggested in other answers in that it ensures that when you get a new Snake object it is actually ready for use... this example isn't quite RAII, but it would require a minimum of effort to make it reasonably exception-safe.

You can define one base class for them, which has these methods:
virtual void setPosition(const int x, const int y)
virtual void getPosition(int &x, int &y) const
Snake should use them too, just override them if you need to. Now both classes can call each other's setPosition and getPosition directly if you give the other object as a parameter with type Base.
An other way would be; In your main()-function, or wherever you define your snake:
int main()
Snake* s = new Snake;
Food* f = new Food;
Snake->setLocation(0,0); // Wherever you want the snake to start from
And whenever you create a new food, give it snake's location: f->setRandomLocation(snake->getLocation()) where the parameter would be coordinates where NOT to place it.

One alternative would be to have a Manager class which both of them send their requests to, which would make more sense (but doesn't solve your particular problem).
Nevertheless, if you have class A and class B, and each one needs the other, you can do the following:
A *a = new A;
B *b = new B;
// check a and b to make sure they are not NULL

Mmn, not sure how your game works but I assume there would be a lot of food objects?
Maybe an idea would be to create a Collision class that accepts a Snake player and stores all the Food players in the game.
So the Collision constructor might look like this
Collison(Snake &snake, Vector<Food*> &foods)
The Collision class would also have an collision update to loop that you call somewhere in your code.. This loop would check if the snake object collides with a food object.. and you can do whatever you want.. remove the food from the foods vector change the food position, whatever.
collison.UpdateCollisions() ;

I would suggest breaking the cyclic dependency, instead of hammering it in: make both moving functions take the environment (i.e. a list of things it can collide with) as a parameter.


Circular issue: accessing set of objects from within its own member function

I am simulating a set of spheres interacting with each other.
For this reason I made a class sphere that stores its position x-y-z and has a method update() that updates its position.
class cSphere {
double x; double y; double z;
void update()
This update function, however, depends on the positions of the other spheres. I am not sure how to best handle this circular problem.
What I tried first was to create a std::vector *vec_spheres in my main() as a global variable and access it within update() by defining extern std::vector *vec_spheres in cSphere.h. This does of course not work though.
I am now thinking about creating a singleton class that returns a pointer to *vec_spheres but that also seems hacky.
Thanks for your advice!
In the light of LawOfDemeter I don't suggest making that knowledge the responsability of cSphere::update.
Instead, make a higher entity (cSphereSimulation, PhysicsEngine, ...?) that knows how to calculate the new positions of all spheres.
In pseudo code:
struct cSimulation
std::vector<cSpheres> _spheres;
void update()
// calculations using all positions...
for (auto& sphere : _spheres)
// ...

Accessing variables of a template from another class

I have an issue with a small game program I'm trying to write. I created a template class "Board" that holds a 2D array of type "T" so that I can use the board for different types of games. The issue is that the array (T board[SIZE][SIZE]) needs to be modified during the game. Another class "Othello" has a "Board" of type "Tile" which is a struct that contains two variables, "Player" (defined by another class) to state which player is in control of the tile, and two bool variables "black" and "white" to state if either player can move there. So this is basically what it looks like:
int SIZE = 8;
template<class T>
class Board {
// class functions
T board[SIZE][SIZE]
class Othello {
// class functions
// function helpers
struct Tile {
Player current; // current tile holder (BLACK, WHITE, NEUTRAL)
bool black; // can black capture?
bool white; // can white capture?
unsigned location; // number of the tile, counted from left to right
Board<Tile> othelloBoard; // board for the game
int bCounter; // counter for black units
int wCounter; // counter for white units
User playerOne; // information for first player
User playerTwo; // information for second player
The issue is that I can't modify the "Board" directly through the "Othello" class (I can't access the board through the Othello class, so othelloBoard.board[x][y].current = WHITE; for instance doesn't work), but I can't define a modifier function within "Board" since the type can be anything. I can't seem to wrap my head around how I would go about doing this. Maybe I'm missing something really simple. This isn't a school project, I'm revisiting an old project from my first C++ course and trying to rebuild it myself. Thanks for any help!
The question is: what is a Board? And what abstraction does it provide (if any)? You didn't show the class function here so I don't really now. As you seem to try to use it, it seems pretty useless. Anyway with a very shallow encapsulation, you can just provide accessors for Tiles:
template<class T, int SIZE = 8>
class Board {
T &tileAt(int x, int y) {
assert(x>=0 && x < SIZE && y>=0 && y<SIZE);
return board(x, y);
// class functions
T board[SIZE][SIZE]
(note that I moved the SIZE as a template parameters, so that your future Tic-Tac-Toe game can instantiate another version of the template changing the size)

Accessing child function, while using parent class

I am doing an assignment for the university course and me and my partner have a problem. Program we are making is a game.
We have several classes, which all inherit from the base class, called Creature. These are all enemies player needs to deal with and they all run their own AIs. There are 4 different types of child classes, all within namespace Creature(Including parent, Creature), with one class having special functions that only it needs. This class is called Bunny.
Now, my job is to call AI functions as needed. Problem is, I do not always know what class I am calling out, as such, when I ask the game board to tell me what Creature I get.
All enemies are saved as pointers like so, in game board squares:
struct Square
// Pointers to Morso class, where the enemy is saved
Creature::Creature* creature;
//Undeeded stuff removed
Now, this is all and fine until we need to access to special functions. Pupu will multiply if certain conditions are filled. As such, with in Pupu there are few functions I need to call to make sure it carries out it's act correctly.
However, here comes the problem.
I call our board class to give me the creature that is in the coordinates I give to it.
void GameEngine::GameEngine::runAI()
Creature::Creature* creature= NULL;
for(unsigned int y = 0; y < dimY; y++)
for(unsigned int x = 0; x < dimX; x++)
Coordinate target;
creature= board_->returnCreature(target);
//If there is a creature in the target, run its AI
if(creature!= NULL)
//If it is, check special procedures
if(creature->returnType() == "bunny")
}//for x
}//for y
Now, :
void GameEngine::GameEngine::bunnyReproduce(Ccreature::Creature* creature)
//Checks that it really is a bunny
if( creature->returnType() != "bunny"){ return; }
//Check is there another bunny near
The problem is, creature, at this point, can't call for checkForMate, which is public member of Bunny, but not Creature. Do we need to make virtual function into Creature?
I tried making checkForMate into Creature::Bunny, but since the original value I try to give to it is Creature class, I can't do so. Do we need to to create an empty virtual function in Creature class and then override it it Bunnyclass?
I am running Qt Creator 2.7.0, with QT 5.0.2.
You should add virtual function reproduce to Creature class and implement it in Bunny or any other creature you may later add to the game. So that any creature will reproduce itself in it's own way. You don't even need to check creature type in this case. Since if you have some non reproducible creatures, you may just implement reproduce as empty method that will do nothing.
Ideally, your engine shouldn't need to care at all what kind of creature it's working with.
If you want the bunny to reproduce on each ai() step, why not do it in the bunny's ai()?
After all, shouldn't it be the bunny's responsibility to decide when to reproduce, rather than some almighty external Engine?
void Creature::Bunny::ai()
if (niceMateNearby())

Parent - Child Relation in C++

Consider the below C++ code
class B;
class A{
B* mB;
class B{
We have a Object A that contains (has a) Object B. The parent being A and child being B. Now if I want A to make B do doSomethingImportant() , I see that adding A as a friend of B is the only way to do it.
friend class A inside class B. This would enable A's functions to access B's private function.
I find this approach a little weird since creates a loophole in the Data_Hiding concept. Is there a better way to establish a parent-child relationship between the object ? or is this the best way ?
Adding my actual motivation for this question
class elevator{
//The Lift box the elevator controls
liftboxControlUnit & mLiftBoxCtrlUnit;
elevator(int Level=1, int NoOfBanks =1 );
//Triggers the search to move to the next floor if required
void moveLiftToNext();
//Adds request to the queue
void addRequest(int FloorNumber){
//Add the request to the queue. The single button outside the elevator door
//For Emergency. Should be accessible to everyone !
void setEmergency();
void unsetEmergency();
typedef enum Direction{
class liftboxControlUnit{
//The request for various floors
set<int> mRequestQueue;
//The various banks for the whole system
vector<Bank> mBanks;
//The total number of levels. Remains the same for one building
const int mTotalLevel;
//Instruction to move the box to certain level
void processRequest(){
//Do the logic to move the box.
//can passed to the elevator
void addRequest(int x){
//Can be set by elevator class
void setEmergency(){
//Do the required
//Set Emergency on all Banks
void unsetEmergency(){
//UnsetEmegency on all banks
void emergencyListener(){
//Listen to all the banks if emergency has been set
void BankFreeListener(){
//Listen to the banks if any is free
//If so then
liftboxControlUnit(int TotalLevels, int NoOfBanks): mTotalLevel(TotalLevels){
for(int i=0 ; i lessthan NoOfBanks; ++ i)
friend class elevator;
class Bank{
//The dailpad inside the bank
dailpad & mpad;
//Current Location
int mPresentLevel;
//Current direction of movement
direction mDirection;
//Currently moving
bool mEngaged;
//Manipulate the bank
void move(int NoOfMoves){
//Move the elevator
int getPresentLevel() const;
int getDirection() const;
void setPresentLevel(int);
void setDirection(direction);
//Manipulate the engaged flag
bool isEngaged() const;
bool setEngaged();
bool unsetEngaged();
//For emergency
void reset();
//Dailpad Listener
void dailpadListener(){
Bank(int StartingLevel, direction Direction): mPresentLevel(StartingLevel),
//For emergency . Should be available for all.
void SetEmergency();
void UnsetEmergency();
bool isEmergency();
friend class liftboxControlUnit;
class dailpad{
//Some DS to represent the state . probably a 2D Array.
void renderDisplay();
void getCommand(int x){
//Depending on the value we can do the following
//Make necessary changes to the display
friend class Bank;
IMO, for this task you should probably nest the "lift box" class inside of the controller class:
class lift_controller {
class lift_box {
std::vector<lift_box> bank;
To the outside world, there need be no evidence that lift_box exists at all. It communicates exclusively with the lift_controller, and all outside communication with a lift_box goes through the lift_controller.
In this case (only lift_controller has access to lift_box at all), it seems clear (at least to me) that any operations the lift_controller may need to invoke on a lift_box should just be made public functions of lift_box. To enforce nobody else having access to lift_box, ensure that the definition of lift_box is in the private: section of lift_controller.
Edit: I should add that quite a bit of the design you've edited into your question above makes little or no sense to me. Just for example, you have things like direction and present level for the bank. Unless I'm completely misunderstanding what you mean by a bank, this seems like a clear error to me -- the bank isn't at a particular level or moving in a particular direction. Rather, each individual elevator in the bank is at some level and (potentially) moving in some direction.
You seem to want class A to only be able to access one private function in B, B::doSomethingImportant() and no other private functions.
This usually means that B::doSomethingImportant() should really be public. Like this, A will not be able to access other private data members of B.
Further, if you do not want other classes to access B::doSomethingImportant(), they should not hold a pointer to B but instead, a hold a pointer to an interface (abstract super class) of B that does not expose B::doSomethingImportant().
Or perhaps other classes only read data from B. In that case they can hold B const * which will not allow them to call B::doSomethingImportant() unless they do a const_cast.

Best way to alias methods of member object? "Passthrough methods"

Consider the following code:
class Rectangle
// Constructors
Rectangle(){ init(0,0); }
Rectangle(int h, int w){ init(h,w); }
// Methods
void init(int h, int w)
_h = h;
_w = w;
// Getters / Setters
double get_h(void){ return _h; }
double get_w(void){ return _w; }
void set_h(double h){ _h = h; }
void set_w(double w){ _w = w; }
std::string get_name(void){ return _name; }
void set_name(std::string name){ _name = name; }
// Private Members
int _h, _w;
std::string _name;
class House
std::string get_b_name(void){ return _base.get_name() };
std::string get_r_name(void){ return _roof.get_name() };
void set_b_name(std::string name){ _base.set_name(name); }
void set_r_name(std::string name){ _roof.set_name(name); }
// Private Members
Rectangle _base;
Triangle _roof;
This code works fine.
My question deals with the "passthrough" functions in the House class, enclosed by the PASSTHROUGHS tags. Is this the best way to do this? The arguments and return types will always match and there is no "intelligence" in these passthrough functions other than to make things cleaner and more straightforward.
My instinct would be something like one of the following:
get_b_name = _base.get_name;
// OR
std::string get_b_name(void) = _base.get_name;
... but neither seem to work unfortunately and it was only wishful thinking in the first place. If there are no easier options, telling me that is fine too. Thanks!
The problem, I think, is conceptual. Your design is quite un-object oriented in that the house does not represent an entity, but rather provides a bit of glue around the components. From that standpoint, it would make more sense to provide accessors to the elements, rather than pass-through functions:
class House {
Rectangle _base;
Triangle _roof;
const Rectangle& base() const {
return _base;
const Triangle& roof() const {
return _roof;
I imagine that this is just a toy example, but the same reasoning applies: a class should represent an entity on which a set of operations are preformed, in some cases those operations might be implemented in terms of internal subobjects, but they are still operations on the type, and how they are gathered is an implementation detail.
class House {
Thermostat t;
int temperature() const {
return t.temperature();
From the user point of view the house has a temperature that can be read, and in this particular implementation, it is read from a thermostat that is a member. But that is an implementation detail. You might want to later install more thermostats in the house and substitute the single reading by an average of the readings, but that will not change the fact that the entity House (in this model) has a temperature.
That is, you should not be thinking in implementing pass-through functions, but rather on implementing features of the type. If the implementation happens to be a single forwarding to an internal method, that is fine.
But if the type contains internal members and it makes sense to access properties of the members, consider that it might be that you actual type should just provide access to its internal members. Consider that you want to move a piano inside the house, then you might just provide access to the door member and let the user check:
class House {
Door d;
Door const & door() const {
return d;
bool can_enter_piano( House const & h, Piano const & p ) {
return h.door().width() > p.size();
There is no need to provide House::get_door_width(), and House::get_door_color() so that you can describe the entrance to a friend, and House::get_door_handle() so that they can know when they arrive...
That's possibly because your design is contradictory. Why on earth would you make a public member variable, then write a function that just forwards to one of that variable's functions? As a user of your class, I'd just call the function on the public variable myself. You're just confusing me by providing two ways to do the same thing. Or write getters and setters for a Rectangle class? That thing is just a bunch of variables, and doesn't need any getters and setters. You're not exactly going to inherit from it, and you can't really change the internal logic and maintain the same semantics, so it's very meaningless to not just make the variables public.
The Rectangle class needs a very healthy dose of YAGNI, and the House class just needs to look at itself again. The fact that there's no intelligence in the "passthrough" methods should be a huge alarm bell telling you that they are quite probably redundant and not helpful- especially since you can't change the public variables without breaking your interface anyway, it's not like the getters and setters are decreasing coupling or anything like that.
Methods should perform logic, or in the very least case, exist where logic might have to be done.