Developing spotify audio plugins in c++ with Juce [closed] - c++

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Is this possible at all ?
I would like to use Juce to create spotify free and opensource audio plugins (EQ, limiter and stuff like that).
If I my understanding is correct, you can use libspotify to develop your own client, or you can use spotify API to interact with spotify's own client, but only in Javascript.
Is there any way (preferably cross platform), to develop a c++ plugin for the official spotify client ?

In a word, no — Spotify doesn't provide a native plugin API like that. However, you could properly apply filters to the audio after it's left Spotify — i.e., at the system level.

Actually, after some more research, there is a way but it's a bit of a hack and it's not cross-platform. You can create a proxy library for Direct Sound, which does the sound processing then forwards the audio to the real direct sound library.


How to overlay Chromium/Electron browser hosts on DirectX and OpenGL applications? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm trying to display info from the Spotify API as a overlay for DirectX and OpenGL games as there is a lot of people asking for it and I needed a project for school. I've got all the design elements working in a Electron application and I now just need to make it an overlay.
The application has a couple states: Playing, Paused, Control (frees cursor to allow in game song control with a couple buttons), Connect(for when audio is played via Spotify connect rather then on the host pc) and Stopped.
If possible I would also like to have the control state toggle with a key bind.
I've had a look online and can't find anything helpful, but I do know that Discord uses something like this. From what I can see, they use C++.
Edit: pergy commented with this: electron offscreen rendering which seems good enough.

OSX Native API Video Decoding C++ [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Recently, I completed an audio decoding task using Apple Core Audio C++ API.
Now I am interested in decoding and getting raw uncompressed data of frames of a video file again with native OSX API with C++ (the analog of DirectShow or Media Foundation on Windows OS).
I have looked at available APIs (AVFoundation, Core Video, etc.) but couldn't find the framework which will do the job and is accessible through C++.
So my question which is the most suitable framework to pick up for this task?
You can read raw video data from a file using AVFoundation's AVAssetReader.
You create an AVAssetReader, add a AVAssetReaderTrackOutput with nil output settings then call copyNextSampleBuffer() until finished.
However, unless you've got very specific needs, you're unlikely to find the raw codec video data very useful. Are you trying to display the video? In that case AVPlayerLayer / AVPlayer (AVFoundation once again) are probably what you're looking for. If you want something lower level, CoreMedia/VideoToolbox may be for you. AVFoundation is an objective c framework so you'll be using objective-c++, while CoreMedia and VideoToolbox are C frameworks.

How to compile C++ code for Roku? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have an android streaming client application which uses Java and cpp code. I want to port my application to Roku. I understand that Roku recommends only BrightScript for apps development.
1) According to this link (C/C++ development in Roku), gaming application can be written in cpp using marmalade and compiled for Roku.
2) But this link (How feasible is Roku app development with Marmalade?) clearly says marmalade can not be used for streaming application.
3) My questions are
(A) Is it possible to compile cpp for for roku?
(B) Where can I find the toolchain for building?
(C) If UI is developed using BrightScript, how can I call cpp functions from it?
You can't. Not independently from Roku Inc anyway - you will need a very close collaboration from them, which means you should be able to persuade their business development/partners department you are worth time and money. In other words, your company better be a household name.
You cannot "find" the C toolchain, it may only be bestowed to you by the Co on individual basis, after approval and under NDA.
If you don't have special relationship (project/contract) with Roku Inc, for non-games you can only develop in BrightScript. It's a mandate, not recommendation.
Specifically for your case, best option seems to be to use the already existing streaming formats/components the Roku API already provides. BrightScript is a script language, not fast enough to write a codec.
You have to use brightscript for Roku Streaming applications.

Looking to develop my own small C++ browser that basically will display HTML, Javascript, and Flash, where to start? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'm looking to start developing a browser (operating system isn't an issue, but preferring Linux or Windows). I'm just trying to figure out where to start. I know Visual Studio lets you drop a lightweight IE component into it, but I don't want IE's issues. I was hoping to start with a very basic mozilla build, but I cant seem to find one anywhere.
Does anyone know where I can find a good open source starting point OR how to start this on my own?
If you're not opposed to using Qt, then Qt's Webkit implementation could be a fairly clean start for cross-platform work:
Note in particular the "Fancy Browser" sample:
There are many customizations possible and ways of hooking the engine. There's also support for Flash, though I've not tried that:
Although you can use Qt with other compilers/IDEs, the quickest way to get started is with Qt Creator. After installing it there should only be a few clicks needed to get the QtWebkit examples building, on either Windows or Linux:

Looking for a VoIP service provider [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am looking for a VoIP service my application can use to call landlines and mobile phones.
What I need:
I would generate an audio file and send it to the service. The service would then place the call and play the audio file.
Other features that would be a plus:
TTS (I send text and the service converts it to audio for me)
Ability to receive DTMF responses
Any suggestions?
Try Twilio. It is amazingly easy to use and does all that you want: play audio files, say text, and gather DTMF input. They've even got some speech to text transcription now.
After quite a bit of digging I am going to give CallFire a try.
It looks very promising.
Try City Watch by Avtex. It does all those things.
For calling and playing audio files you could have a look at the Asterisk server. Altough this is not an external service which I think you're looking for, it could be used to connect to a VoIP-provider and play the file.
Use Axvoice, it's a low cost home phone service and you can surely integrate it with your application.
You can contact their live chat support for detailed info.