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What’s the point in defaulting functions in C++11?
C++11 introduced defaulted methods (e.g. void myMethod() = default;).
What does it do to methods (how do methods behave after being defaulted). How do I use them properly (what are its uses)?
There are a number of class members that are considered "special member functions" by the C++ standard. These are:
The default constructor (a constructor that can be called with no parameters).
The copy constructor (a constructor that can be called with one parameter that is the object type as an lvalue reference).
The copy assignment operator (an operator= overload that can be called with one parameter that is the object type as either an lvalue reference or a value).
The move constructor (a constructor that can be called with one parameter that is the object type as an rvalue reference).
The move assignment operator (an operator= overload that can be called with one parameter that is the object type as either an rvalue reference or a value).
The destructor.
These member functions are special in that the language does special things with them on types. Another thing that makes them special is that the compiler can provide definitions for them if you do not. These are the only functions that you can use the = default; syntax on.
The issue is that the compiler will only provide a definition under certain conditions. That is, there are conditions under which a definition will not be provided.
I won't go over the entire list, but one example is what others have mentioned. If you provide a constructor for a type that is not a special constructor (ie: not one of the constructors mentioned above), a default constructor will not be automatically generated. Therefore, this type:
struct NoDefault
NoDefault(float f);
NoDefault cannot be default constructed. Therefore, it cannot be used in any context where default construction is needed. You can't do NoDefault() to create a temporary. You can't create arrays of NoDefault (since those are default constructed). You cannot create a std::vector<NoDefault> and call the sizing constructor without providing a value to copy from, or any other operation that requires that the type be DefaultConstructible.
However, you could do this:
struct UserDefault
UserDefault() {}
UserDefault(float f);
That would fix everything, right?
That is not the same thing as this:
struct StdDefault
StdDefault() = default;
StdDefault(float f);
Why? Because StdDefault is a trivial type. What does that mean? I won't explain the whole thing, but go here for the details. Making types trivial is often a useful feature to have, when you can do it.
One of the requirements of a trivial type is that it does not have a user-provided default constructor. UserDefault has a provided one, even though it does the exact same thing as the compiler-generated one would. Therefore, UserDefault is not trivial. StdDefault is a trivial type because = default syntax means that the compiler will generate it. So it's not user-provided.
The = default syntax tells the compiler, "generate this function anyway, even if you normally wouldn't." This is important to ensure that a class is a trivial type, since you cannot actually implement special members the way the compiler can. It allows you to force the compiler to generate the function even when it wouldn't.
This is very useful in many circumstances. For example:
class UniqueThing
UniqueThing() : m_ptr(new SomeType()) {}
UniqueThing(const UniqueThing &ptr) : m_ptr(new SomeType(*ptr)) {}
UniqueThing &operator =(const UniqueThing &ptr)
m_ptr.reset(new SomeType(*ptr)); return *this;
std::unique_ptr<SomeType> m_ptr;
We must write every one of these functions to make the class copy the contents of the unique_ptr; there's no way to avoid that. But we also want this to be moveable, and the move constructor/assignment operators won't automatically be generated for us. It'd silly to re-implement them (and error-prone if we add more members), so we can use the = default syntax:
class UniqueThing
UniqueThing() : m_ptr(new SomeType()) {}
UniqueThing(const UniqueThing &ptr) : m_ptr(new SomeType(*ptr)) {}
UniqueThing(UniqueThing &&ptr) = default;
UniqueThing &operator =(const UniqueThing &ptr)
m_ptr.reset(new SomeType(*ptr)); return *this;
UniqueThing &operator =(UniqueThing &&ptr) = default;
std::unique_ptr<SomeType> m_ptr;
Actually, default can only apply to special methods - i.e. constructors, destructors, assignment operator:
8.4.2 Explicitly-defaulted functions [dcl.fct.def.default]
1 A function definition of the form:
attribute-specifier-seqopt decl-specifier-seqopt declarator = default ;
is called an explicitly-defaulted definition. A function that is explicitly defaulted shall
— be a special member function,
— have the same declared function type (except for possibly differing ref-qualifiers and except that in
the case of a copy constructor or copy assignment operator, the parameter type may be “reference to
non-const T”, where T is the name of the member function’s class) as if it had been implicitly declared,
— not have default arguments.
They behave the same as if the compiler generated them and are useful for cases like:
class Foo{
Foo(int) {}
here, the default constructor doesn't exist, so Foo f; wouldn't be valid. However, you can tell the compiler that you want a default constructor without the need to implement it yourself:
class Foo{
Foo() = default;
Foo(int) {}
EDIT: Pointed out by #Nicol Bolas in the comments, this truly doesn't explain why you'd prefer this over Foo() {}. What I'm guessing is: if you have a class w/ implementations separated in an implementation file, your class definition (if you don't use =default) would look like:
class Foo{
What I'm assuming is that the =default is meant to provide an idiomatic way of telling you "we're not doing anything special in the constructor". With the above class definition, the default constructor could very well not value-initialize the class members. With the =default you have that guarantee just by looking at the header.
Using = default on a constructor or copy-constructor means that the compiler will generate that function for you during compile-time. This happens normally when you exclude the respective functions from your class/struct. And in the case where you define your own constructor, this new syntax allows you to explicitly tell the compiler to default-construct the constructor where it normally won't. Take for instance:
struct S {
int main() {
S s1; // 1
S s2(s1); // 2
The compiler will generate both a copy-constructor and a default-constructor, thus allowing us to instantiate an S object like we did (1) and copy s2 into s1 (2). But if we define our own constructor, we find that we are unable to instantiate in the same way:
struct S {
int main() {
S s; // illegal
S s(5); // legal
This fails because S has been given a custom-defined constructor, and the compiler won't generate the default one. But if we still want the compiler to give us one, we can explicitly convey this using default:
struct S {
S() = default;
S(const S &) = default;
int main() {
S s; // legal
S s(5); // legal
S s2(s); // legal
Note, however, that only certain functions with certain function-signatures can be overloaded. It follows that this will fail because it is neither a copy-constructor nor a default-constructor or a move or assignment operator:
struct S {
S(int) = default; // error
We are also able to explicitly define the assignment operator (just like the default/copy-constructor, a default one is generated for us when we do not write out our own). So take for example:
struct S {
int operator=(int) {
// do our own stuff
int main() {
S s;
s = 4;
This compiles, but it won't work for us in the general case where we want to assign another S object into s. This is because since we wrote our own, the compiler doesn't provide one for us. This is where default comes into play:
struct S {
int operator=(int) {
// do our own stuff
S & operator=(const S &) = default;
int main() {
S s1, s2;
s1 = s2; // legal
But technically it's superfluous to define the assignment operator, copy, or move constructor as default when there is no other function "overriding" it as the compiler will provide one for you in that case anyway. The only case in which it won't provide you one is where you define your own one (or variation thereof). But as a matter of preference, asking the compiler to provide a default function using the new aforementioned syntax is more explicit and easier to see and understand if intentionally left out for the compiler.
As far as I know, in C++ default constructors are declared (and defined if needed) implicitly if there is no user-defined default constructors. However, a user can declare a default constructor explicitly with the default keyword. In this post the answers are mainly about the difference between the implicit and default terms, but I didn't see an explanation about whether there is some difference between declaring a constructor as default and not declaring it at all.
As an example:
class Entity_default {
int x;
Entity_default() = default;
class Entity_implicit {
int x;
In the example above, I declare a constructor for Entity_default as default and let the compiler declare a default constructor implicitly for Entity_implicit. I assume I do call these constructors later on. Is there any difference between these constructors in practice?
To the best of my knowledge, there is no functional or theoretical difference, both are still "trivial."
Uses of an explicit default constructors:
To ensure it exists when it would not otherwise be created, i.e. if a different constructor exists
You can default it in a different compilation unit:
Header file:
struct Foo
std::string bar;
Foo() noexcept;
Source file:
Foo::Foo() noexcept = default;
Foo::~Foo() = default;
Useful if you don't want an inline constructor to save code size or ensure ABI compatibility. Note that at this point, it is no longer a trivial object.
I have a class like this:
class A{
init(const std::string& s=""){/*do something*/}
A(const A&){init();}
A(const std::string& s){init(s);}
Does it cover all the forms that constructors may be called?
What I am trying to do is, any object creation must call the init() function at first i.e I need to define all the constructors that may be called implicitly or explicitly.
A(const A&)
once you have defined A(A const&) the compiler will not synthesize any other constructors. The only callable constructors will be the ones you declare.
The same is true of A(A&&), as an aside.
It sounds like you have a slight misunderstanding of C++ constructors.
Under specific circumstances classes have certain constructors implicitly declared with defaulted definitions. To avoid constructors that don't call your init() function does not require you to declare these constructors. You can instead follow certain rules that prevent them from being implicitly declared, or you can define some in-class initialization which ensures that the default definitions do the extra initialization you want.
The default constructor is only implicitly declared as defaulted if there are no user-declared constructors.
A copy constructor is only implicitly declared as defaulted if there are no user-declared move constructors or move-assignment operators (and of course no user-declared copy constructor).
A move constructor is only implicitly declared if there are no user-declared copy constructors, copy assignment operators, move constructors, move assignment operators, or destructors (and if the default definition for a move constructor would be valid).
So you could ensure that object construction always calls your init() function by declaring some subset of members that suppresses implicit declarations of any other constructors.
(This slideshow has a handy reference on the conditions for implicit declarations of the special member functions.)
Following the above rules: Declaring this copy constructor, for example, suppresses the default constructor, the move constructor, and the implicitly declared copy constructor. This therefore ensures that no objects of this class can be constructed without calling the init() member function.
struct S {
S(S const &) { init(); }
void init() {}
You can also simply use C++11 in-class initialization, which executes even in default definitions, to ensure init() is called for all construction.
struct S {
int x = init();
int init() { return 10; }
// ... whatever constructors you want to define
So long as your user-declared constructors don't explicitly initialize x, then all the constructors, both user-declared and implicitly declared, will call init().
I have a hack that does this, but it isn't the most clear on intent.
class A{
bool init(...){...; return true; }
bool initialized = init(...);
// your constructors.
Do keep in mind that the parameters to init have not to be dependent on the parameters of the constructor.
For this case, it might be worth considering using implementation inheritance:
class base {
base(std::string const &s="") { /* equivalent of your `init` */ }
// Or possibly use overloading:
// base() { /* whatever */ }
// base(std::string const &) { /* whatever */ }
class A : public base {
A(const std::string& s) : base(s) {}
A(const A&, const std::string& s) : base(s) {}
Since A is derived from base, every ctor for A must invoke base's constructor. If you don't use the member initializer list to pass a parameter, it'll be invoked automatically with the default parameter--but creating an A without invoking the base ctor is essentially impossible.
I think you'd better define the move constructor A(A&&), I'm not sure about the policies on automatically generate constructor of different compilers, though C++11 has the explicit definition.
see more info here
I don't understand why would I ever do this:
struct S {
int a;
S(int aa) : a(aa) {}
S() = default;
Why not just say:
S() {} // instead of S() = default;
why bring in a new syntax for that?
A defaulted default constructor is specifically defined as being the same as a user-defined default constructor with no initialization list and an empty compound statement.
§12.1/6 [class.ctor] A default constructor that is defaulted and not defined as deleted is implicitly defined when it is odr-used to create an object of its class type or when it is explicitly defaulted after its first declaration. The implicitly-defined default constructor performs the set of initializations of the class that would be performed by a user-written default constructor for that class with no ctor-initializer (12.6.2) and an empty compound-statement. [...]
However, while both constructors will behave the same, providing an empty implementation does affect some properties of the class. Giving a user-defined constructor, even though it does nothing, makes the type not an aggregate and also not trivial. If you want your class to be an aggregate or a trivial type (or by transitivity, a POD type), then you need to use = default.
§8.5.1/1 [dcl.init.aggr] An aggregate is an array or a class with no user-provided constructors, [and...]
§12.1/5 [class.ctor] A default constructor is trivial if it is not user-provided and [...]
§9/6 [class] A trivial class is a class that has a trivial default constructor and [...]
To demonstrate:
#include <type_traits>
struct X {
X() = default;
struct Y {
Y() { };
int main() {
static_assert(std::is_trivial<X>::value, "X should be trivial");
static_assert(std::is_pod<X>::value, "X should be POD");
static_assert(!std::is_trivial<Y>::value, "Y should not be trivial");
static_assert(!std::is_pod<Y>::value, "Y should not be POD");
Additionally, explicitly defaulting a constructor will make it constexpr if the implicit constructor would have been and will also give it the same exception specification that the implicit constructor would have had. In the case you've given, the implicit constructor would not have been constexpr (because it would leave a data member uninitialized) and it would also have an empty exception specification, so there is no difference. But yes, in the general case you could manually specify constexpr and the exception specification to match the implicit constructor.
Using = default does bring some uniformity, because it can also be used with copy/move constructors and destructors. An empty copy constructor, for example, will not do the same as a defaulted copy constructor (which will perform member-wise copy of its members). Using the = default (or = delete) syntax uniformly for each of these special member functions makes your code easier to read by explicitly stating your intent.
I have an example that will show the difference:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class A
int x;
class B
int x;
int main()
int x = 5;
new(&x)A(); // Call for empty constructor, which does nothing
cout << x << endl;
new(&x)B; // Call for default constructor
cout << x << endl;
new(&x)B(); // Call for default constructor + Value initialization
cout << x << endl;
return 0;
As we can see the call for empty A() constructor does not initialize the members, while B() does it.
n2210 provides some reasons:
The management of defaults has several problems:
Constructor definitions are coupled; declaring any constructor suppresses the default constructor.
The destructor default is inappropriate to polymorphic classes, requiring an explicit definition.
Once a default is suppressed, there is no means to resurrect it.
Default implementations are often more efficient than manually specified implementations.
Non-default implementations are non-trivial, which affects type semantics, e.g. makes a type non-POD.
There is no means to prohibit a special member function or global operator without declaring a (non-trivial) substitute.
type::type() = default;
type::type() { x = 3; }
In some cases, the class body can change without requiring a change in member function definition because the default changes with
declaration of additional members.
See Rule-of-Three becomes Rule-of-Five with C++11?:
Note that move constructor and move assignment operator won't be
generated for a class that explicitly declares any of the other
special member functions, that copy constructor and copy assignment
operator won't be generated for a class that explicitly declares a
move constructor or move assignment operator, and that a class with a
explicitly declared destructor and implicitly defined copy constructor
or implicitly defined copy assignment operator is considered
It's a matter of semantics in some cases. It's not very obvious with default constructors, but it becomes obvious with other compiler-generated member functions.
For the default constructor, it would have been possible to make any default constructor with an empty body be considered a candidate for being a trivial constructor, same as using =default. After all, the old empty default constructors were legal C++.
struct S {
int a;
S() {} // legal C++
Whether or not the compiler understands this constructor to be trivial is irrelevant in most cases outside of optimizations (manual or compiler ones).
However, this attempt to treat empty function bodies as "default" breaks down entirely for other types of member functions. Consider the copy constructor:
struct S {
int a;
S() {}
S(const S&) {} // legal, but semantically wrong
In the above case, the copy constructor written with an empty body is now wrong. It's no longer actually copying anything. This is a very different set of semantics than the default copy constructor semantics. The desired behavior requires you to write some code:
struct S {
int a;
S() {}
S(const S& src) : a(src.a) {} // fixed
Even with this simple case, however, it's becoming much more of a burden for the compiler to verify that the copy constructor is identical to the one it would generate itself or for it to see that the copy constructor is trivial (equivalent to a memcpy, basically). The compiler would have to check each member initializer expression and ensure it's identical to the expression to access the source's corresponding member and nothing else, make sure no members are left with non-trivial default construction, etc. It's backwards in a way of the process the compiler would use to verify that it's own generated versions of this function is trivial.
Consider then the copy assignment operator which can get even hairier, especially in the non-trivial case. It's a ton of boiler-plate that you don't want to have to write for many classes but you're be forced to anyway in C++03:
struct T {
std::shared_ptr<int> b;
T(); // the usual definitions
T(const T&);
T& operator=(const T& src) {
if (this != &src) // not actually needed for this simple example
b = src.b; // non-trivial operation
return *this;
That is a simple case, but it's already more code than you would ever want to be forced to write for such a simple type as T (especially once we toss move operations into the mix). We can't rely on an empty body meaning "fill in the defaults" because the empty body is already perfectly valid and has a clear meaning. In fact, if the empty body were used to denote "fill in the defaults" then there'd be no way to explicitly make a no-op copy constructor or the like.
It's again a matter of consistency. The empty body means "do nothing" but for things like copy constructors you really don't want "do nothing" but rather "do all the things you'd normally do if not suppressed." Hence =default. It's necessary for overcoming suppressed compiler-generated member functions like copy/move constructors and assignment operators. It's then just "obvious" to make it work for the default constructor as well.
It might have been nice to make default constructor with empty bodies and trivial member/base constructors also be considered trivial just as they would have been with =default if only to make older code more optimal in some cases, but most low-level code relying on trivial default constructors for optimizations also relies on trivial copy constructors. If you're going to have to go and "fix" all your old copy constructors, it's really not much of a stretch to have to fix all your old default constructors, either. It's also much clearer and more obvious using an explicit =default to denote your intentions.
There are a few other things that compiler-generated member functions will do that you'd have to explicitly make changes to support, as well. Supporting constexpr for default constructors is one example. It's just easier mentally to use =default than having to mark up functions with all the other special keywords and such that are implied by =default and that was one of the themes of C++11: make the language easier. It's still got plenty of warts and back-compat compromises but it's clear that it's a big step forward from C++03 when it comes to ease-of-use.
Due to the deprecation of std::is_pod and its alternative std::is_trivial && std::is_standard_layout, the snippet from #JosephMansfield 's answer becomes:
#include <type_traits>
struct X {
X() = default;
struct Y {
Y() {}
int main() {
static_assert(std::is_trivial_v<X>, "X should be trivial");
static_assert(std::is_standard_layout_v<X>, "X should be standard layout");
static_assert(!std::is_trivial_v<Y>, "Y should not be trivial");
static_assert(std::is_standard_layout_v<Y>, "Y should be standard layout");
Note that the Y is still of standard layout.
There is a signicant difference when creating an object via new T(). In case of defaulted constructor aggregate initialization will take place, initializing all member values to default values. This will not happen in case of empty constructor. (won't happen with new T either)
Consider the following class:
struct T {
T() = default;
T(int x, int c) : s(c) {
for (int i = 0; i < s; i++) {
d[i] = x;
T(const T& o) {
s = o.s;
for (int i = 0; i < s; i++) {
d[i] = o.d[i];
void push(int x) { d[s++] = x; }
int pop() { return d[--s]; }
int s = 0;
int d[1<<20];
new T() will initialize all members to zero, including the 4 MiB array (memset to 0 in case of gcc). This is obviously not desired in this case, defining an empty constructor T() {} would prevent that.
In fact I tripped on such case once, when CLion suggested to replace T() {} with T() = default. It resulted in significant performance drop and hours of debugging/benchmarking.
So I prefer to use an empty constructor after all, unless I really want to be able to use aggregate initialization.
If the class doesn't have the constructor, will the compiler make one default constructor for it ?
Programmers new to C++ often have two common misunderstandings:
That a default constructor is synthesized for every class that does
not define one
from the book Inside the C++ Object Model
I am at a loss...
This is well explained in the section from which this quote is taken. I will not paraphrase it in its entirety, but here is a short summary of the section content.
First of all, you need to understand the following terms: implicitly-declared, implicitly-defined, trivial, non-trivial and synthesized (a term that is used by Stanley Lippman, but is not used in the standard).
A constructor is implicitly-declared for a class if there is no user-declared constructor in this class. For example, this class struct T { }; does not declare any constructor, so the compiler implicitly declares a default constructor. On the other hand, this class struct T { T(int); }; declares a constructor, so the compiler will not declare an implicit default constructor. You will not be able to create an instance of T without parameters, unless you define your own default constructor.
An implicitly-declared constructor is implicitly-defined when it is used, i.e. when an instance is created without parameters. Assuming the following class struct T { };, the line T t; will trigger the definition of T::T(). Otherwise, you would have a linker error since the constructor would be declared but not defined. However, an implicitly-defined constructor does not necessarily have any code associated with it! A default constructor is synthesized (meaning that some code is created for it) by the compiler only under certain circumstances.
trivial constructor
An implicitly-declared default constructor is trivial when:
its class has no virtual functions and no virtual base classes and
its base classes have trivial constructors and
all its non-static members have trivial constructors.
In this case, the default compiler has nothing to do, so there is no code synthesized for it. For instance, in the following code
struct Trivial
int i;
char * pc;
int main()
Trivial t;
the construction of t does not involve any operations (you can see that by looking at the generated assembly: no constructor is called to construct t).
On the other hand, if the class does not meet the three requirements stated above, its implicitly-declared default constructor will be non-trivial, meaning that it will involve some operations that must be performed in order to respect the language semantics. In this case, the compiler will synthesize an implementation of the constructor performing these operations.
For instance, consider the following class:
struct NonTrivial
virtual void foo();
Since it has a virtual member function, its default constructor must set the virtual table pointer to the correct value (assuming the implementation use a virtual method table, of course).
Similarly, the constructor of this class
struct NonTrivial
std::string s;
must call the string default constructor, as it is not trivial. To perform these operations, the compiler generates the code for the default constructor, and calls it anytime you create an instance without parameters. You can check this by looking at the assembly corresponding to this instantiation NonTrivial n; (you should see a function call, unless the constructor has been inlined).
When you don't provide any constructor for your class, the compiler implicitly declares a default one. If you try to use it, the compiler implicitly defines it, if it can (it is not always possible, for instance when a class has a non-default-constructible member). However, this implicit definition does not imply the generation of any code. The compiler needs to generate code for the constructor (synthesize it) only if it is non-trivial, meaning that it involves certain operations needed to implement the language semantics.
Stanley B Lippman's "Inside the C++ object model" and this answer deals with (a possible) implementation of C++, not its semantics. As a consequence, none of the above can be generalized to all compilers: as far as I know, an implementation is perfectly allowed to generate code even for a trivial constructor. From the C++ user point of view, all that matters is the "implicitly-declared/defined` aspect (and also the trivial/non-trivial distinction, as it has some implications (for instance, an object of a class with non-trivial constructor cannot be a member of a union)).
I think the misconception is:
That a default constructor is synthesized for every class that does not define one
That people think the default constructor, which accepts no arguments, will always be generated if you don't declare it yourself.
However, this is not true, because if you declare any constructor yourself, the default one will not be automatically created.
class MyClass {
MyClass(int x) {}; // No default constructor will be generated now
This will lead to problems like when beginners expect to use MyClass like this:
MyClass mc;
Which won't work because there is no default constructor that accepts no args.
edit as OP is still a little confused.
Imagine that my MyClass above was this:
class MyClass {
int main() {
MyClass m;
That would compile, because the compiler will autogenerate the default constructor MyClass() because MyClass was used.
Now take a look at this:
#include <iostream>
class MyClass {
int main() {
std::cout << "exiting\n";
If this were the only code around, the compiler wouldn't even bother generating the default constructor, because MyClass is never used.
Now this:
#include <iostream>
class MyClass {
MyClass(int x = 5) { _x = x; }
int _x;
int main() {
MyClass m;
std::cout << m._x;
The compiler doesn't generate default constructor MyClass(), because the class already has a constructor defined by me. This will work, and MyClass(int x = 5) works as your default constructor because it can accept no arguments, but it wasn't generated by the compiler.
And finally, where beginners might run into a problem:
class MyClass() {
MyClass(int x) { _x = x; }
int _x;
int main() {
MyClass m;
The above will throw you an error during compilation, because MyClass m needs a default constructor (no arguments) to work, but you already declared a constructor that takes an int. The compiler will not generate a no-argument constructor in this situation either.
A default constructor is synthesized for every class that does not define one if:
The code using the class needs one & only if
There is no other constructor explicitly defined for the class by you.
All the upvoted answers thus far seem to say approximately the same thing:
A default constructor is synthesized for every class that does not have any user-defined constructor.
which is a modification of the statement in the question, which means
A default constructor is synthesized for every class that does not have a user-defined default constructor.
The difference is important, but the statement is still wrong.
A correct statement would be:
A default constructor is synthesized for every class that does not have any user-defined constructor and for which all sub-objects are default-constructible in the context of the class.
Here are some clear counter-examples to the first statement:
struct NoDefaultConstructor
class Surprise1
NoDefaultConstructor m;
} s1; // fails, no default constructor exists for Surprise1
class Surprise1 has no user-defined constructors, but no default constructor is synthesized.
It doesn't matter whether the subobject is a member or a base:
class Surprise2 : public NoDefaultConstructor
} s2; // fails, no default constructor exists for Surprise2
Even if all subobjects are default-constructible, the default constructor has to be accessible from the composite class:
class NonPublicConstructor
class Surprise3
NonPublicConstructor m;
} s3; // fails, no default constructor exists for Surprise3
Yes a default constructor is always there by default if you don't define a constructor of your own (see the default constructor section here).
The following sentense are got from the book "Inside the C++ object model" , written by Stanley B. Lippman.
There are four characteristics of a class under which the compiler
needs to synthesize a default constructor for classes that declare no
constructor at all. The Standard refers to these as implicit,
nontrivial default constructors. The synthesized constructor fulfills
only an implementation need. It does this by invoking member object or
base class default constructors or initializing the virtual function
or virtual base class mechanism for each object. Classes that do not
exhibit these characteristics and that declare no constructor at all
are said to have implicit, trivial default constructors. In practice,
these trivial default constructors are not synthesized. ...
Programmers new to C++ often have two common misunderstandings:
That a default constructor is synthesized for every class that does
not define one
That the compiler-synthesized default constructor provides explicit
default initializers for each data member declared within the class
As you have seen, neither of these is true.
While learning the concept of "copying members", the book gives the following statement.
In addition, a default assignment cannot be generated if a nonstatic member is a reference, a const,or a user-defined type without a copy assignment.
I do not quite understand what does this statement really want to deliver? Or which kind of scenario does this statement refer to? Thanks.
This statement has to do with the compiler automatically generating the default assignment operator function for a class you write (i.e. user-defined type). The default assignment works by copying all the members over to a new instance. This statement covers three cases where a default assignment would not be able to be generated:
1) When a member is a reference (i.e. refers to an instance of a variable, like a pointer)
class Foop {
int& reference;
2) When a member variable is constant
class Foople {
const int someConst;
3) When some other class does not have a copy-constructor and you have a member variable of that type, obviously it cannot be copied using the default method (which uses copy-constructors)
class Uncopyable {
Uncopyable(Uncopyable const& other);
class Fleep {
Uncopyable uncopyable;
In these cases, you would need to write your own assignment operator (or possibly do without).
If you have a member in your class which is not static (shared between all instances of class), and is either
a reference (high level pointer)
a constant
a user-defined type with dynamic data (the same as the class we're talking about)
The default = operator and copy constructor is no longer valid and you should write manual versions of those.
class ClassA
int& _myReferenceMember;
const int _myConstant;
ClassB _objWhereClassBHasNoCopyConstructor;
Above are examples of the three cases you described. And as you quoted, you must write a custom copy constructor (if you want a copy constructor at all) in such a case, or change your member variables.
It refers to the distinction between:
class A { int a; };
class B { int& a; };
For class A, the compiler will generate an implicit assignment operator (=), but in the case of B, it cannot. This is because references in C++ don't have pointer semantics. i.e. you cannot change what a reference point to after it is constructed, hence, the implicit copy constructor would not be able to copy that member. The same thing goes for const members (which are explicitly marked as being immutable) and members which don't have a assignment operators (implicit or explicit).
The default assignment operator for A would essentially do this:
class A
A& operator=(A const& a_) { a = a_.a; }
int a;