django-notification. How can I use threading email send? - django

In my django application I am using django-notification to send notifications. However I noticed that in some cases (when sending multiple notifications) my web application is giving delayed responses. Although I am sending notifications through Ajax requests, I still think it would be best if I could implement mailtools library which provide threaded emails.
Has anyone implemented such a thing? Is it easy? How can I use ThreadedMailer from mailtools in django-notification?
or, is there another alternative?

Use Celery for this purpose. It's easy to setup with django and you can use the code you're using right now.
The ajax request puts the email into task queue and returns. You could return your task id if you want to check later if the task succeeded.
Celery only enables you to call your functions in backgound. Say in ajax view you called:
Now in you should define function:
def send_email(…)
And in the view you will call it by:
And that's it. The email will be sent by background worker deamon using your existing python code.
This doesn't make django-notification obsolete. Celery does completly different thing and can be used with any lib you can imagine.
The only change is task arguments have to be pickable. It means you have to pass db ids, not whole objects, etc.


Back end tasks and frontend separation

I use Django and Django Rest Framework for my internal API and I use Vue.js for my frontend. The backend (API) and the frontend are totally separated.
I need to run a background task (every time a user is created) and I am considering 2 solutions:
Call (with a post_save signal) a function that runs the task.
Note that this function will call a 3rd party API. The call might fail for various reasons and/or run during a long period ~20sec.
Create a background task
With Redis or RabbitMQ or django-background-tasks.
Which solution should I go for ?
If both solutions are acceptable, what would be the limitations/advantages of each one ?
You might need django celery. This is a great package for background tasks for django, you can choose either Redis or RabbitMQ as the broker, where the brokers doesn't matter much on my opinion.
Why can this be a good solution for your problem?
This is easy to install where you just need to install the django celery and redis(I prefer redis), configure some settings and you have now async functions.
You might need soon a scheduled task, where you just need to install its additional package.
You only need to build type function and attach a decorator for it to be async.
from celery import shared_task
def add(x,y):
return X+y
and call it anywhere in you code
you know how background task.

Django concurrency with celery

I am using django framework and ran into some performance problems.
There is a very heavy (which costs about 2 seconds) in my And let's call it heavy().
The client uses ajax to send a request, which is routed to heavy(), and waits for a json response.
The bad thing is that, I think heavy() is not concurrent. As shown in the image below, if there are two requests routed to heavy() at the same time, one must wait for another. In another word, heavy() is serial: it cannot take another request before returning from current request. The observation is tested and proven on my local machine.
I am trying to make the functions in concurrent and asynchronous. Ideally, when there are two requests coming to heavy(), heavy() should throw the job to some remote worker with a callback, and return. Then, heavy() can process another request. When the task is done, the callback can send the results back to client. The logic is demonstrated as below:
However, there is a problem: if heavy() wants to process another request, it must return; but if it returns something, the django framework will send a (fake)response to the client, and the client may not wait for another response. Moreover, the fake response doesn't contain the correct data. I have searched throught stackoverflow and find less useful tips. I wonder if anyone have tried this and knows a good way to solve this problem.
First make sure that 'inconcurrency' is actually caused by your heavy task. If you're using only one worker for django, you will be able to process only one request at a time, no matter what it will be. Consider having more workers for some concurrency, because it will affect also short requests.
For returning some information when task is done, you can do it in at least two ways:
sending AJAX requests periodicaly to fetch status of your task
using SSE or websocket to subscribe for actual result
Both of them will require to write some more JavaScript code for handling it. First one is really easy achievable, for second one you can use uWSGI capabilities, as described here. It can be handled asynchronously that way, independently of your django workers (django will just create connection and start task in celery, checking status and sending it to client will be handled by gevent.
To follow up on GwynBliedD's answer:
celery is commonly used to process tasks, it has very simple django integration. #GwynBlieD's first suggestion is very commonly implemented using celery and a celery result backend.
A common workflow Using celery is:
client hits heavy()
heavy() queues heavy() task asynchronously
heavy() returns future task ID to client (view returns very quickly because little work was actually performed)
client starts polling a status endpoint using the task ID
when task completes status returns result to client

Redirect to template after celery task complete

I use Celery with Django to put my pdf generation in background, while I display a loading page.
But when the task is complete (i.e. my pdf is generated), I want to redirect to the next view which is responsible to send mail and display a friendly confirmation message to the user.
I know i can get the task_postrun or task_success signal, but I can't redirect from there.
I searched for hours but didn't find any solution, any ideas ?
Thanks !
There are two ways:
Ask the server: save the task_id in the model where you are storing the PDF, and create an ajax view to check every X seconds if task is completed, the result of this view will determine if it should redirect or still wait for the PDF.
result = MyTask.AsyncResult(task_id)
Real-time web: another way is using pusher with pusher_client_python, when PDF generation is completed (in your PDF creation rutine), make a api call to pusher who will send a notification to the connected client (that one waiting for the result) and will redirect, this approach is more convenient because you don't have to be asking the server every X seconds. You will need to learn about sockets paradigm, but its very easy to implement.
Hope this helps.

Periodic tasks in Django/Celery - How to notify the user on screen?

I have now succesfully setup Django-celery to check after my existing tasks to remind the user by email when the task is due:
def check_for_tasks():
tasks = mdls.Task.objects.all()
now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=utc,second=00, microsecond=00)
for task in tasks:
if task.reminder_date_time == now:
So far so good, however what if I wanted to also display a popup to the user as a reminder?
Twitter bootstrap allows creating popups and displaying them from javascript:
The problem is though, how can a celery worker daemon run this javascript on the user's browser? Maybe I am going a complete wrong way and this is not possible at all. Therefore the question remains can a cronjob on celery ever be used to achieve a ui notification on the browser?
Well, you can't use the Django messages framework, because the task has no way to access the user's request, and you can't pass request objects to the workers neither, because they're unpickable.
But you could definitely use something like django-notifications. You could create notifications in your task and attach them to the user in question. Then, you could retrieve those messages from your view and handle them in your templates to your liking. The user would see the notification on their next request (or you could use AJAX polling for real-time-ish notifications or HTML5 websockets for real real-time [see django-websocket]).
Yes it is possible but it is not easy. Ways to do/emulate server to client communication:
The most trivial approach would be polling the server from javascript. Your celery task could create rows in your database that can be fetched by a url like /updates which checks for new updates, marks the rows as read and returns them.
long polling
Often referred to as comet. The client does a request to the server which pends until the server decides to return something. See django-comet for example.
To enable true server to client communication you need an open connection from the client to the server. django-socketio and django-websocket are examples of reusable apps that make this possible.
My advice judging by your question's context: either do some basic polling or stick with the emails.

creating a web url that listens to redis pubsub published message

OK I have a long polling from javascript that talks to a django view. The view looks as follows. It loses some messages that I publish from redis client in the channel. Also I should not be connecting to redis for every request (Perhaps the redis variables can be saved in session?)
If someone can point out the changes I need to make this view work with long polling, it would be awesome! Thank you!
def listen (request):
if request.session: 'request session: %s' %(request.session))
channel = request.GET.get('channel', None)
if channel:'not in cache - first time - constructing redis object')
r = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)
p = r.pubsub()'subscribing to channel: %s' %(channel))
p.psubscribe(channel)'subscribed to channel: %s' %(channel))
message = p.listen().next()'got msg %s' %(message))
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(message));
return HttpResponse('')
----Original question---
I am trying to create a chat application (using django, python) and am trying to avoid the polling mechanism. I have been struggling with this now - so any pointers would be really appreciated!
Since web sockets are not supported in most browsers, I think long polling is the right choice. Right now I am looking for something that scales better than regular polling and is easy to integrate with python django stack. Once I am done with this development, I plan to evaluate other python frameworks (tornado twister, gevent etc.) come to mind.
I did some research and liked the redis pubsub mechanism. The chat message gets published to a channel to which both users have already subscribed to. Following are my questions:
From what I understand, apache would not scale well since long polling would soon run into process/thread limits. Hence I have decided to switch to nginx. Is this rationale correct? Also are there any issues involved in nginx that I am worried about? In particular, I am worried about the latest version not supporting http 1.1 for proxy passing as mentioned in the blog post at
How do I create the client portion of the subscription of messages on the browser side? In my mind, it would be a url to which the javascript code would "long poll". So at the javascript level, the client would poll a url which gets "blocked" in a "non blocking way" at the server side. When a result (in this case a new chat message) appears, server returns the result. Javascript does what it needs to and then again polls the same url. Is this thinking correct? What happens in between the intervals when the javascript loop is pausing - do we loose any messages from the server side.
In essence, I want to create the following:
From redis, I publish a message to a channel "foo" (can use redis-cli also - easy to incorporate it later in python/django)
I want the same message to appear in two browser windows that use the same js code to poll. Assume that the browser code knows the channel name for test purpose
I publish a second message that again appears in two browser windows.
I am new to real time apps, so apologies for any question that may not make sense.
Thank you!
Well just answering your question partly and mentioning one option out of many: Gunicorn being used with an async worker class is a solution for long-polling/non-blocking requests that is really easy to setup!