Unit test that ensures method A called after method B - unit-testing

I have a code which interacts with some object and then should call finish() method on it.
void completeTransaction(PaymentTransaction transaction) {
PaymentTransaction is some third-party class which behaviour after finish() is undefined — it may throw an exception or just fail silently.
I need to write a unit test which passes then and only then:
recordTransaction(transaction.getId()) called
transaction.finish() called
transaction.finish() called after recordTransaction(transaction.getId())
Test satisfying the above conditions should prohibit code like this:
void completeTransaction(PaymentTransaction transaction) {
recordTransaction(transaction.getId()); //oops
Test case for the first condition:
void testCompleteTransaction_TransactionRecorded() {
// assert that recordTransaction(transaction.getId())
// called with correct argument
completeTransaction(PaymentTransaction transaction)
For the second one:
void testCompleteTransaction_TransactionCompleted() {
// assert that transaction.finish() called
I wonder how can I enforce the 3rd condition via test case.

You could pass in a fake PaymentTransaction that overrides finish() and getId() such that finish() throws an exception if some internal flag isn't set when getId() is called.
public class FakePaymentTransaction {
private bool _getIdWasCalled = false;
public override void finish () {
if (!_getIdWasCalled) {
throw new Exception ("getId wasn't called first!");
public override /* your return type */ getId() {
_getIdWasCalled = true;
// Some other logic to return your specified return type
Now when you pass it into your SUT, you will see if the calls were made in the right order.

What you want is a mock that can verify the order of calls was as expected. You can roll your own for the specific case as suggested in James D'Angelo's answer or you could create a more generic one that works similarly.
Or you can use facilities supplied by a good mocking framework.
Mockito has, for example, an InOrder verifier that can verify the order of calls of mocked methods from a single mock or multiple mocks.

Your test case makes no sense:
Methods are called in the order you have them in the code:
In an Unit test you should not only call some methods, you should test for a correct result.
but if you want to have some fun:
public testNonsenseTest() {
int i = 0;
PaymentTransaction transaction = new PaymentTransaction();
int transactionId = transaction.getId());
assertEquals(1, i);
assertEquals(2, i);


How to set expectation on a mocked method which is called inside another mocked method C++

I am a beginner with google testing framework and have looked up for the solution to this question on SO, but could not find any solutions with respect to C++. Anyway here is what i am trying to do. I have a state machine(service) which is called inside a client code.
class IStateMachine
bool Run(const std::string& action) = 0;
bool IsTxnValid(const std::string& action)= 0;
class StateMachine : public IStateMachine
bool Run(const std::string& action) override;
bool IsTxnValid(const std::string& action) override;
bool StateMachine::IsTxnValid(const std::string& action)
//Checks whether the given action is valid for the given state.
bool StateMachine::Run(const std::string& action)
if(IsTxnValid(action)) // #E
//Do processing
return true;
return false;
//Client.h contains a class Client which has function called RunService.
void RunService();
std::unique_ptr<IStateMachine> service_; // Initialised to a non null value in either ctr or
// factory.
bool Client::RunService(std::string&action)
if(!service_->Run(action)) //Run in turn calls IsTxnValid().
return false;
return true;
Now i am writing a test case to test the functioning of RunService. I am expecting that if Client::IsTxnValid(param) returns false, then so should RunService.
I have successfully set up the testing recipe and could get the basic tests running. Here is the relevant test i have written. On running this test the i get the error, that IsTransitionValid is never called.
TEST_F(ClientTest, RunService)
EXPECT_CALL(*p_service, Run("some_action")); // #A
// EXPECT_CALL(*p_service, Run(testing::_)).WillOnce(::testing::Return(true)); //#B
EXPECT_CALL(*p_service,IsTransitionValid(testing::_)).WillOnce(::testing::Return(false)); //#C : This never gets called.
EXPECT_EQ(false, x_client->RunService());
How do i correctly call IsTransitionValid ?
You don't need to set this expectation. I'd go even further: you should not even depend on the implementation of Run in IStateMachine: you should only care about what input it is provided with (parameters, checked with matchers) and what output it can return (so basically only the contract between these two classes) and that's the beauty of it!
It is an implementation detail of StateMachine class (the real implementation) what is done when Run is called. The only thing you need to check in your test is to act upon the result of Run. Using triple A rule (arrange, act, assert): you arrange the test case conditions (using EXPECT_CALLs), then you act (calling RunService) and then you assert (checking the result of RunService).
The technical details:
When you create a mock by inheriting from class Foo:
class Foo {
virtual ~Foo() = default;
virtual void bar() = 0;
By defining:
class FooMock : public Foo {
MOCK_METHOD0( bar, void());
gmock will add bar (the method to override) and gmock_bar (internal detail of gmock) methods to FooMock class. bar has empty implementation in this case. FooImpl and FooMock share the interface, but have different implementations - hence no call to IsTxnValid is made in Run: the mock class just doesn't know (nor care) how Run is implemented in StateMachine. Remember: in your testcase you interact with StateMachineMock and you only care about the interaction with its public interface, the contract between these two classes and how they cooperate together.
That being said, you of course need to utest the StateMachine class. It may depend on yet another interfaces in its implementations: that will be tested with different set of mocks. But Client should not know about this.

Java - Unit testing a void method using Matchers

I am trying to test a void method such as following:
public void onApplicationEvent(ApplicationEvent myEvent) {
if (myEvent instanceof ApplicationEnvironmentPreparedEvent) {
ConfigurableEnvironment myEnv= ((ApplicationEnvironmentPreparedEvent) myEvent).getEnvironment();
I am using Matchers and here is the unit test (which obviously is not testing anything)
public void testOnApplicationEvent() {
Two issues:
1. The error I get from the build is "Invalid use of Matchers" and test doesn't pass in my Jenkins build (but passes in idea IDE)
2. How to test these methods to keep the test coverage percentage up to a desired level
1 - This issue because any is used incorrectly. Refer the Mockito guide for details. Below my example does not use any and the problem will be gone.
2 - To cover 2 branches of if I would recommend below test cases.
public void onApplicationEventShouldSetEnvironmentWhenApplicationEnvironmentPreparedEvent() {
ConfigurableEnvironment actualEnvironment = null;
// Given a listener with overridden setSystemVariables() to store passed env.
LoggingListener loggingListener = new LoggingListener() {
void setSystemVariables(ConfigurableEnvironment var){
actualEnvironment = var;
// Given some dummy environment which is delivered by an event.
ConfigurableEnvironment expectedEnvironment = new ConfigurableEnvironment();
// Given a mocked event with above dummy environment.
ApplicationEvent mockedEvent = Mockito(ApplicationEnvironmentPreparedEvent.class);
// When call a method under test
// Then make sure the given environment was passed and set correctly
assertSame(expectedEnvironment, actualEnvironment);
public void onApplicationEventShouldSkipNotApplicationEnvironmentPreparedEvent() {
// Given a listener with overridden setSystemVariables() to fail the test if called.
LoggingListener loggingListener = new LoggingListener() {
void setSystemVariables(ConfigurableEnvironment var){
fail("This method should not be called");
// Given a mocked other (not ApplicationEnvironmentPreparedEvent) event.
ApplicationEvent mockedEvent = Mockito(UnknownEvent.class);
// When call a method under test
// Then make sure an environment was not asked at all.
Mockito.verify(mockedEvent.getEnvironment(), never);
Note, this is not compilable code, because I don't know your full production code, so treat this as an idea to apply it on your real code with corresponding modifications.

How to verify to call or not to call a method

class MockView extends Mock implements ContactListViewContract {
void onLoadContactsComplete(List<Contact> items) {
void onLoadContactsError() {}
void main() {
test('ContactListPresenter test', () {
MockView view = new MockView();
ContactListPresenter presenter = new ContactListPresenter(view);
I want to make sure when presenter.loadContacts() is called from the code, then verify view.onLoadContactsComplete is called also but getting an error:
Used on a non-mockito object
Is there a possibility to do this with Mockito?
abstract class ContactListViewContract {
void onLoadContactsComplete(List<Contact> items);
void onLoadContactsError();
here the onLoadContactsComplete method is called
class ContactListPresenter {
ContactListViewContract _view;
ContactRepository _repository;
_repository = new Injector().contactRepository;
void loadContacts(){
assert(_view != null);
.then((contacts) {
_view.onLoadContactsComplete(contacts); // here the onLoadContactsComplete method is called
}).catchError((onError) {
Mocked Repository. Fetch mocked data.
class MockContactRepository implements ContactRepository{
Future<List<Contact>> fetch(){
return new Future.value(kContacts);
when calling verify method you need call the actual method on the mock
test('ContactListPresenter test', () async {
MockView view = new MockView();
ContactListPresenter presenter = new ContactListPresenter(view);
await untilCalled(view.onLoadContactsComplete(typed(any)));
//completes when view.onLoadContactsComplete(any) is called
If the method was not called once, the test will fail.
Mockito provides native support for both
To test that your method has been called at least once you can use
verify(<your-method-with-expected-params>) this will verify that your method has called (no matter how many times). To verify that it has been called for a specific number of times you can chain it with .called(<number-of-calls-expected>)
To test that your method hasn't been called you should use verifyNever(<your-method-with-expected-params>) this will validate that your method hasn't been invoked
Make sure that the method passed to both verify and verifyNever are the methods which have been Mocked by Mockito.
You can use never and verifyZeroInteractions
//interaction with mockOne
//ordinary interaction
//we never interaction into the mock
verify(mockOne, never()).add("two");
//verify we don't use in the mock
verifyZeroInteractions(mockTwo, mockThree);
*mark verifyZeroInteractions as deprecated in mockito-kotlin, too
introduce an alias for verifyNoInteractions

GMock: Overriding a default expectation

In GMock, is it possible to replace a previously set expectation?
Assume, a test suite has a default expectation for a specific method call, which is what most test cases want:
class MyClass {
virtual int foo() = 0;
class MyMock {
MOCK_METHOD0(foo, int());
class MyTest: public Test {
void SetUp() {
EXPECT_CALL(m_mock, foo()).WillOnce(Return(1));
MyMock m_mock;
TEST_F(MyTest, myTestCaseA) {
EXPECT_EQ(1, m_mock.foo());
This is working fine. Some of the test cases, however, have different expectations. If I add a new expectation, as shown below, it does not work.
TEST_F(MyTest, myTestCaseB) {
EXPECT_CALL(m_mock, foo()).WillOnce(Return(2));
EXPECT_EQ(2, m_mock.foo());
I get this message:
[ RUN ] MyTest.myTestCaseB
/home/.../MyTest.cpp:94: Failure
Actual function call count doesn't match EXPECT_CALL(m_mock, foo())...
Expected: to be called once
Actual: never called - unsatisfied and active
[ FAILED ] MyTest.myTestCaseB (0 ms)
I understand why I am getting this. The question is how to cancel the default expectation, if a test case specifies its own? Does GMock allow it or what approaches can I use to achieve the intended behaviour?
No, there's no way to clear an arbitrary expectation. You can use VerifyAndClearExpectations to clear all of them, that's probably more than you want. I can think of several alternatives that avoid the issue:
You could work around your problem by simply calling m_mock.foo() once in advance, thus fulfilling the initial expectation.
TEST_F(MyTest, myTestCaseB) {
EXPECT_CALL(m_mock, foo()).WillOnce(Return(2));
EXPECT_EQ(2, m_mock.foo());
Another alternative is to change the expectation to have it return the value of a variable, then then update the variable prior to the test body, as described in the cookbook under Returning Live Values from Mock Methods. For example:
void SetUp() {
m_foo_value = 1;
EXPECT_CALL(m_mock, foo()).WillOnce(Return(ByRef(m_foo_value)));
TEST_F(MyTest, myTestCaseB) {
m_foo_value = 2;
EXPECT_EQ(2, m_mock.foo());
Yet another alternative is to specify the return value and the count separately.
void SetUp() {
ON_CALL(m_mock, foo()).WillByDefault(Return(1));
EXPECT_CALL(m_mock, foo()).Times(1);
Then, you only need to specify a new return value for the special test:
TEST_F(MyTest, myTestCaseB) {
ON_CALL(m_mock, foo()).WillByDefault(Return(2));
EXPECT_EQ(2, m_mock.foo());

Partial mocking - expectations being ignored (Rhino Mocks)

I am trying to test a class similar to the example below:
public class Service : IService
public string A(string input)
int attemptCount = 5;
while (attemptCount > 0)
return TryA(input);
catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
if (attemptCount == 0)
// Attempt 5 more times
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
public string TryA(string input)
// try actions, if fail will throw ArgumentOutOfRangeException
public void Makes_5_Attempts()
// Arrange
var _service = MockRepository.GeneratePartialMock<Service>();
_service.Expect(x=>x.TryA(Arg<string>.Is.Anything)).IgnoreArguments().Throw(new ArgumentOutOfRangeException());
// Act
Action act = () => _service.A("");
// Assert
// Assert TryA is attempted to be called 5 times
_service.AssertWasCalled(x => x.TryA(Arg<string>.Is.Anything), opt => opt.Repeat.Times(5));
// Assert the Exception is eventually thrown
The partial mocking doesn't seem to accept my expectation. When I run the test I receive an error about the input. When I debug, I see that the actual implementation of the method is being executed instead of the expectation.
Am I doing this test correctly? According to the documentation ( http://ayende.com/wiki/Rhino%20Mocks%20Partial%20Mocks.ashx ): "A partial mock will call the method defined on the class unless you define an expectation for that method. If you have defined an expectation, it will use the normal rules for this."
It's is important to note that mocking frameworks like Rhinomocks, Moq and NSubstitute use a feature in .NET called DynamicProxy that dynamically generates a derived class of the mock in memory. Classes must:
be an interface; or
non-sealed class with parameterless constructor; or
derive from MarshalByRefObject (moq has moved away from this feature)
Methods must be part of the interface or made virtual so that alternate behaviors can be substituted at runtime.