compile <json/json.h> in eclipse using c++ - c++

I'm trying to include and compile
#include <json/json.h>
However even though I've installed it and included it on the project settings it wouldn't find the path.
here's what I've so far done:
path to libjson:
options in eclipse gcc c++ compiler:
-Ijson_linux-gcc-4.5.2_libmt -O0 -g3 -Wall -c -fmessage-length=0 -ljson_linux-gcc-4.5.2_libmt
libraries in gcc c++ linker:
Anything else I forgot to do to make it work?

try adding -I/usr/include/jsoncpp-src-0.5.0 to compiler options

-L indicates where to find shared libraries (e.g. .so)
-I is the search path for the header files.
If the problem occurs during compilation (json.h not found), then you have indicated the wrong -I
If it occurs during linking (symbol not found), then you have indicated a wrong -L, a wrong -l, or forgot to run ldconfig


Using c++ library on linux [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to install c++ library on linux
(2 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I'm new to c++ and don't understand how to install a library on Linux (Mint). I want to use the GNU GMP library:
I downloaded the tar.lz file and installed it with
sudo make install
If I try to compile it, I get the error message that the header file "gmpxx.h" wasn't found. Where can I find this file? How do I compile it with the -lgmpxx -lgmp flags? I tried something like:
g++ test.cpp -o test -lgmpxx -lgmp
If the library is using the Autoconf system (which your does) then the default installation prefix is /usr/local.
That means libraries are installed in /usr/local/lib, and header files in /usr/local/include. Unfortunately few Linux systems have those added for the compiler to search by default, you need to explicitly tell the compiler to do it.
Telling the compiler to add a header-file path is done using the -I (upper-case i) option. For libraries the option is -L.
Like so:
g++ test.cpp -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -lgmpxx -lgmp
The above command will allow your program to build, but it's unfortunately not enough as you most likely won't be able to run the program you just built. That's because the run-time linker and program loader doesn't know the path to the (dynamic) libraries either. You need to add another linker-specific flag -rpath telling the build-time linker to embed the path inside your finished program. The front-end program g++ doesn't know this option, so you need to use -Wl,-rpath:
g++ test.cpp -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -lgmpxx -lgmp -Wl,-rpath=/usr/local/lib
The options can be found in the GCC documentation (for the -I and -L and -Wl options), and the documentation for ld (the compile-time linker) for the -rpath option.
If you install a lot of custom-build libraries, you might add the path /usr/local/lib to the file /etc/ and then run the ldconfig command (as root). Then you don't need the -rpath option.
Now with all of that said, almost all libraries you would usually use for development will be available in your distributions standard repository. If you use them the libraries will be installed with paths that means you don't have to add flags.
So I recommend you install your distributions development packages for the libraries instead.

Linking against a c/c++ library

I have some basic questions regarding linking against a C/C++ library. I am trying to understand the difference in using the two different usages -L/usr/local/lib -lm usage and /usr/local/lib/libm.a usage. E.g., when I compile and link an example from the [SUNDIALS] library, both of the following work
gcc -Wall cvRoberts_dns.c -o cvRoberts_dns.exe -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib/ -lsundials_cvode -lsundials_nvecserial -lm
gcc -Wall cvRoberts_dns.c -o cvRoberts_dns.exe /usr/local/lib/libsundials_cvode.a /usr/local/lib/libsundials_nvecserial.a
However, to compile and link an example from the library [libsbml], the following works
g++ -Wall readSBML.cpp -o readSBML.exe -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -lsbml
but the this does not
g++ -Wall readSBML.cpp -o readSBML.exe /usr/local/lib/libsbml.a
If required, I can post the complete error message I get, but the last line of the message is as follows
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
My questions are as follows:
In the second style of linking (of the first example), there is no information regarding where to find the include files (header files), how does the compiler know the information supplied in -I/usr/local/include which is provided in the first style of the first example?
In the second style of first example there is no /usr/local/lib/libm.a (it actually gives an error message that libm.a cannot be found if I try to include it), then why -lm is required in the first style?
How do I compile the second example in the second style (i.e., using /usr/local/lib/libsbml.a)? I do see that there are files - libsbml.a and libsbml-static.a in the /usr/local/lib folder, but none of them work.
If it helps, I am on an OS X machine.
I would be very thankful if any one could help in this regard.
Just an update - I tried
g++ -Wall readSBML.cpp -o readSBML.exe /usr/local/lib/libsbml.5.dylib
and that compiled and linked just fine.
In general
The -L option is meant to find where the libraries themselves are. Each library is a collection of one or more object code (machine language) files. There is no need to find the include files.
The -I option has nothing to with linker, it helps the compiler resolve the header files used in your driver programme( eg Roberts_dns.c). This happens during the pre-processing stage.
In the second style of linking (of the first example), there is no
information regarding where to find the include files (header files),..
If the compilation worked as you expected,it may be because /usr/local/include is in the default include path for gcc. To check the default include path for gcc do gcc -xc -E -v -.
In the second style of first example there is no
/usr/local/lib/libm.a(it actually gives an error message that libm.a
cannot be found if I try to include it), then why -lm is required in
the first style?
In Linux, some libraries like libc.a are directly linked to your execultable by default while libm.a is not. In Mac (your environment), though, libm is directly link to the executable by default. So you don't have to explicitly link it. It is less likely that libm.a is located in /usr/local/lib/. So you got an error. But why link it in the first place?

why self built g++ compiler fails to compile my code

I wanted to use latest g++ compiler(4.9.1) on suse linux, but suse only supports an older g++ version. So, I took a latest source code from one of the gnu mirror sites and compiled it myself. Everything went fine. But when I tried to compile my test code using the built g++, the compilation fails with error,
"/root/home/include/c++/4.9.1/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/bits/os_defines.h:39:22: fatal error: features.h: No such file or directory".
I can find a "features.h" in "/root/home/include/c++/4.9.1/parallel", but I feel that it should be there in "/root/home/include/c++/4.9.1/" itself.
I copied "/root/home/include/c++/4.9.1/parallel/features.h" to "/root/home/include/c++/4.9.1/" just to see what happens. Now it complains with error "whcar.h" not found.
Have I missed something.
Here are the steps I followed to build g++.
1. /root/home/gcc_build/objdir# ../gcc-4.9.1/configure --prefix=/root/home/ --disable-multilib
2. /root/home/gcc_build/objdir# make -j16
3. /root/home/gcc_build/objdir# make install
4. /root/home/gcc_build/test# /root/home/bin/g++ --sysroot /root/home -m64 test.cpp
I resolved the issue by removing sysroot option and pointing c++ include and library path to my home directory. One thing I noticed was that the g++ source does not come with libc and c header files, and libc has to be installed seperately. But with sysroot option, g++ was trying to look all the header files in my home directory.
Below is the command I used to successfully compile the code.
/root/home/bin/g++ -I /root/home/include/c++/4.9.1 -L /root/home/lib64 -Wl,--rpath=/root/home/lib64 --std=c++0x -m64 test.cpp
Take a look at the GCC Directory Options. It is important to use the correct "specifier" as well (-isystem, -L, -B, -I etc)

G++ linking batch PATH

I have 2 different g++ compilers on my computer:
one in the standard directory (C:\MinGW),
and one is a portable distribution.
Now I'm trying to link a c++ project.
The problem is, it is linked against boost libraries
compiled with the portable distribution of g++. The standard
installation directory is ofcourse included in the PATH environment
variable. So when I try to compile my project it will produce linker errors.
I tried to create a batch file which added the portable version's directory at the beginning of the PATH variable. With no luck. Maybe some one can help me out?
#echo off
set PATH=%~dp0..\c++\compiler\bin;%PATH%
REM cd /d "%~dp0"
..\c++\compiler\bin\g++ main.cpp ^
-std=c++0x -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ ^
-I"../c++/include" ^
-L"../c++/lib" ^
-l"boost_serialization-mgw46-mt-1_52" ^
-l"boost_system-mgw46-mt-1_52" ^
-o output.exe -W -O2
Note: I used "..\c++\compiler\bin\" befor the g++ command because I wanted to be sure it it used the right path, but ofcourse it doesn't work the way I expected.
Solved it by recompiling boost with the installed version of GCC.

Using the c++ Boost regex libraries in Arch Linux

I'm having trouble building a simple c++ program that tests out regex's from the boost library. The problem that I'm having is occurring in the linking stage and I don't know enough to fix the error on my own.
In the .cpp program that uses regexes I used the following include line.
#include <boost/regex.hpp>
I don't know enough to figure out what command I should use to build the program using g++. I tried using the following command line (and variations of it) to build the program.
g++ -I/usr/include/regex -L/usr/lib -llibboost_regex main.cpp -o regex_test
Other information that might be relevant:
Operating system: Arch linux
g++ version: 4.6.2 20120120 (prerelease)
Any help would be appreciated.
Assume you have installed Boost with the boost and boost-libs packages,
The header <boost/regex.hpp> should exist in /usr/include/boost/regex.hpp. You don't need to use any -I flags since /usr/include should be included by default.
You shouldn't need the -L flag either since /usr/lib should also be included by default when linking.
When using the -l flag to link with a library, the leading "lib" part should be removed.
The command line should therefore be:
g++ main.cpp -o regex_test -lboost_regex