how can i use regex with locate command in linux - regex

I want to use the locate command with regex but i am not able to use it.
I want to find pip file which is in /usr folder. i am trying this
locate -r "/usr/*pip"

To use globbing characters in your query you shouldn't specify regex (as you do with -r option), so just do:
locate "/usr/*pip"
From the man page:
If --regex is not specified, PATTERNs can contain globbing characters.
If any PATTERN contains no globbing characters, locate behaves as if
the pattern were *PATTERN*.

I would do so: locate -r '/usr/.*pip'


Find and replace pattern in large number of files

I want to replace text in about 80.000 log files using a regex. I love the batch search and replace of VSCode. I was unable to do this with VSCode, because it did not seem to handle this amount of data well. Any suggestion how I could do this with VSCode? Are there suggestions for alternatives?
Instead of depending on a GUI based tool, it might be easier to for a CLI tool for this.
If you're using Linux, or willing to install any of the tools like sed and find if you're on Windows then it should be relatively simple.
You can use sed which is a command line tool on all (or at least most) distributions of Linux, and can be installed on Windows.
Usage (for this use case):
sed -i s/{pattern}/{replacement}/g {file}
Use sed to replace the matched pattern with a replacement, using the global modifier to match all results, and the file to do the replacement and overwrite.
To target all files in a directory you can do:
find -type f -name "*.log" exec sed -i s/{pattern}/{replacement}/g {};
Find items recursively starting from the current directory where it's type is file, and it has a name ending with .log. Then use sed to replace the pattern with the contents you want for each matched file.
You can find how to get tools like sed and find for Windows on the following question:

Git Grep Multiple line Regex

I wrote a regex to find any file containing space Word [ and here is the regex.
and I want to use this regex in git grep,
so I set up a file in my repo that matched the regex and runs it.
here is what I run
git grep '^\s+Word\[' -- '*.cs'
but it returns nothing. I'm really new to git and regex any reference or suggestion to solve this problem?
It looks like you are trying to use Perl regular expressions syntax with git grep. Just add -P (perl-regexp) option and it will work.
UPD: for those who comes here to find about multi line patterns to git grep (just like me): Git Grep Multiple Words on Multiple Lines

Find a string in multiple files using grep

I have a folder with sub-folders inside, all have many types of files. I want to search for a word inside the .css-files. I am using Windows 7 and I have grep.
How I can use grep to :
Find pattern and print it
Give file name (and path) if pattern found
Actually you don't need find. Just use:
grep -R --include=*.css -H pattern .
this will recurse and look for all *.css in subdirectories, while -H will show the filename.
find folder/ -name "*.css" |xargs grep "your-pattern"
You will need to install cygwin to do this.
if the files in which we have to look for, has pattern then we can use this.
Consider I'm looking for pattern "cardlayout" in files named chap1.lst chap2.lst and so on.
then the command
grep -e 'cardlayout' ` find . -name "chap??.lst"`
hope this would help

How to use regular expressions in wget for rejecting files?

I am trying to download the contents of a website using wget tool. I used -R option to reject some file types. but there are some other files which I don't want to download. These files are named as follows, and don't have any extensions.
for example:
How I can tell wget not to download these files (the files which their names start with specified string)?
Since (apparently) v1.14 wget accepts regular expressions : --reject-regex and --accept-regex (with --regex-type posix by default, can be set to pcre if compiled with libpcre support).
Beware that it seems you can use --reject-regex only once per wget call. That is, you have to use | in a single regex if you want to select on several regex :
wget --reject-regex 'expr1|expr2|…'
You can not specify a regular expression in the wget -R key, but you can specify a template (like file template in a shell).
The answer looks like:
$ wget -R 'newsbrief-*' ...
You can also use ? and symbol classes [].
For more information see info wget.

Howto: Searching for a string in a file from the Windows command line?

Is there a way to search a directory and its subdirectories' files for a string? The string is rather unique. I want to return the name of the string and hopefully the line that the string is on in the file. Is there anything built into Windows for doing this?
You're looking for the built-in findstr command.
The /S option performs a recursive search.
There is the find.exe command, but it's pretty limited in its capabilities. You could install Cygwin or Unxutils and use a pipeline including its Unix-style find and grep:
find . -type f | xargs grep unique-string