Important: I am only allowed to use List.head, List.tail and List.length
No List.rev ...........etc
Only List.hd, and List.length
How to duplicate the elements of a list in a list of lists only if the length of the list is odd
Here is the code I tried:
let rec listes_paires x =
if x=[] then []
else [List.hd (List.hd x)]
# ( (List.hd x))
# listes_paires ( x);;
(* editor's note: I don't know where this line is supposed to go*)
if List.length mod 2 = 1 then []
For exemple:
lists_odd [[]; [1];[1;2];[1;2;3];[];[5;4;3;2;1]];;
[[]; [1; 1]; [1; 2]; [1; 2; 3; 1; 2; 3]; []; [5; 4; 3; 2; 1; 5; 4; 3; 2; 1]]
Any help would be very appreciated
thank you all
It looks like that your exercise is about writing recursive functions on lists so that you can learn how to write functions like List.length, List.filter, and so on.
Start with the most simple recursive function, the one that computes the length to the list. Recall, that you can pattern match on the input list structure and make decisions on it, e.g.,
let rec length xs = match xs with
| [] -> 0 (* the empty list has size zero *)
| hd :: tl ->
(* here you can call `length` and it will return you
the length of the list hing how you can use it to
compute the length of the list that is made of `tl`
prepended with `hd` *)
The trick is to first write the simple cases and then write the complex cases assuming that your recursive function already works. Don't overthink it and don't try to compute how recursion will work in your head. It will make it hurt :) Just write correctly the base cases (the simple cases) and make sure that you call your function recursively and correctly combine the results while assuming that it works correctly. It is called the induction principle and it works, believe me :)
The above length function was easy as it was producing an integer as output and it was very easy to build it, e.g., you can use + to build a new integer from other integers, something that we have learned very early in our lives so it doesn't surprise us. But what if we want to build something more complex (in fact it is not more complex but just less common to us), e.g., a list data structure? Well, it is the same, we can just use :: instead of + to add things to our result.
So, lets try writing the filter function that will recurse over the input list and build a new list from the elements that satisfy the given predicate,
let rec filter xs keep = match xs with
| [] -> (* the simple case - no elements nothing to filter *)
| x :: xs ->
(* we call filter and it returns the correctly filtered list *)
let filtered = filter xs keep in
(* now we need to decide what to do with `x` *)
if keep x then (* how to build a list from `x` and `filtered`?*)
else filtered (* keep filtering *)
The next trick to learn with recursive functions is how to employ helper functions that add an extra state (also called an accumulator). For example, the rev function, which reverses a list, is much better to define with an extra accumulator. Yes, we can easily define it without it,
let rec rev xs = match xs with
| [] -> []
| x :: xs -> rev xs # [x]
But this is an extremely bad idea as # operator will have to go to the end of the first list and build a completely new list on the road to add only one element. That is our rev implementation will have quadratic performance, i.e., for a list of n elements it will build n list each having n elements in it, only to drop most of them. So a more efficient implementation will employ a helper function that will have an extra parameter, an accumulator,
let rev xs =
(* we will pump elements from xs to ys *)
let rec loop xs ys = match xs with
| [] -> ys (* nothing more to pump *)
| x :: xs ->
let ys = (* push y to ys *) in
(* continue pumping *) in
loop xs []
This trick will also help you in implementing your tasks, as you need to filter by the position of the element. That means that your recursive function needs an extra state that counts the position (increments by one on each recursive step through the list elements). So you will need a helper function with an extra parameter for that counter.
I want to create a non-recursive function for my minimum
but I have some troubles with it
Can you help me please.
`let min_list lst=
let n=list.length lst ;;
let a=list.nth lst ;;
for i = 1 to n-1 ;;
let b=list.nth lst i;;
if a >b then a=b lst done ;;`
Honesly,It's difficult with non recursive fonction.So this is just for learning.I still have erreur in ligne 6
let min_list lst=
let a=List.hd lst in
let n=List.length lst in
for j =1 to n-1 do
let b=List.nth lst j in
if a > b then (let a=b) done ;;
Thank you it's useful It help me a lot .I have one other question what the difference between this
let min_array a =
let min =ref (List.hd a) in
for i = 1 to List.length a -1 do
if List.nth a i < !min then min := List.nth a i
print_int (min_array [ 10 ; 5 ; 7 ; 8 ; 12 ]);;
let min_array a =
let min =ref (List.hd a) in
for i = 1 to List.length a -1 do
if ref (List.nth a i) < min then min := List.nth a i
print_int (min_array [ 10 ; 5 ; 7 ; 8 ; 12 ]);;
It's the same ?I think
Why don't you want to use a recursive function ?
Liste are made to be crossed by recursive function. Everytime you use List.nth l n Ocaml has to cross n values until he found the nth element.
In Ocaml you can't change variable value as you do in other languages. You want a to be a ref.
Also your function won't return anything you'll have to put a !a between the done and the ;;. There will be a ! Because a will be a ref.
But if you want to practice use arrays instead because what you do here is in complexity O(n²) instead of O(n).
As said in the answer from Butanium, this kind of non-recursive function might be more relevant with arrays. And to work with mutable values, you need to use a reference.
A solution might then be something like (without dealing with case of an empty array):
let min_array a =
let min = ref a.(0) in
for i = 1 to Array.length a -1 do
if a.(i) < !min then min := a.(i)
The last line is important here, because it gets the value to be returned by the function.
Can then be used like that:
# min_array [| 10 ; 5 ; 7 ; 8 ; 12 |];;
- : int = 5
If you really do want to use lists instead of arrays, just use List.nth a i instead of a.(i) and List.length instead of Array.length.
Edit after question update
As Shawn and Jeffrey Scofield said in their respective comment, you should try to understand a bit better OCaml's syntax. And please don't use ;; in your programs, just keep it for the REPL.
As described in the documentation,
ref returns a fresh reference containing the given value.
Which means that when you write ref (List.nth a i) < min,
you create a fresh reference containing the i-th value the list, then compare it to min (which is also a reference). Luckily, mutable structures are compared by contents, which means that OCaml will access to your fresh reference's value, then access to min's value, and compare them. Thus, it will produce the same result as the direct comparison List.nth a i < !min, with a bit of useless memory allocation/access.
You can do this quite concisely by taking advantage of some features of the OCaml stdlib:
(* 'a list -> 'a option *)
let min_list l =
if List.length l > 0 then
Some (List.fold_left min (List.hd l) l)
Thanks to the min built-in, this works for lists of any type.
e.g. in a utop shell we can see:
min_list [99; 33; -1];;
- : int option = Some (-1)
min_list [99.1; 33.2; -1.3];;
- : float option = Some (-1.3)
min_list ["z"; "b"; "k"];;
- : string option = Some "b"
First we recognise that the list may be empty, in which case we cannot return a meaningful value. This implies the function should return an option type, so either Some <value> or None.
Next we can use List.fold_left to iterate through the list.
Unfortunately the docs for List.fold_left are almost completely unhelpful:
val fold_left : ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b list -> 'a
fold_left f init [b1; ...; bn] is f (... (f (f init b1) b2) ...) bn.
It's as if they assume that if you're using OCaml you're already an elite master of functional programming, who naturally knows what a "fold left" does.
I'm not an elite master of functional programming, but I've been around long enough to know that fold_left is basically the same as the reduce function in Python.
It's a function that iterates through a list, applies a function to each value as it goes, and returns a single value.
So we can start to make sense of the signature of fold_left...
It takes three arguments:
The first arg, f, is a function which itself takes two args - the first or 'left' arg is the 'accumulated' value, and the second arg is the current value from the list as we iterate through. Whatever value you return from this function will be passed back into it as the left 'accumulated' value on the next iteration. When the list is exhausted the accumulated value will be returned from fold_left.
The second arg, init is an initial value. It is passed to f as the left 'accumulated' arg in the first step, when nothing has been otherwise accumulated yet.
Third arg is our list of values
So when we return:
Some (List.fold_left min (List.hd l) l)
...we are passing the min function as f and (List.hd l) as init.
List.hd l just returns the first element of the list l. We could use any element from the list as an initial value, but List.hd exists and gives us the first.
So fold_left is going to iterate through the list and f will return min <accumulated> <current>. So at each iteration step the accumulated value passed forward is the lowest value seen so far.
I did wonder if perhaps the fold_left method does not count as non-recursive somehow, since no one else had suggested it. Even though we have not used let rec anywhere, maybe somewhere internally it is secretly recursive?
For fun I decided to try writing the reduce/fold function from scratch:
let reduce f init l =
let acc = ref init in
List.iter (fun el -> acc := f !acc el) l;
(* we can directly substitute `reduce` for `List.fold_left` *)
let min_list l =
if List.length l > 0 then
Some (reduce min (List.hd l) l)
...again, no let rec needed so I guess it counts as non-recursive.
I'm having a problem with understanding how F# works. I come from C# and I think that I'm trying to make F# work like C#. My biggest problem is returning values in the correct format.
Let's say I have function that takes a list of integers and an integer.
Function should print a list of indexes where values from list match passed integer.
My code:
let indeks myList n = myList |> List.mapi (fun i x -> if x=n then i else 0);;
indeks [0..4] 3;;
However it returns:
val it : int list = [0; 0; 0; 3; 0]
instead of just [3] as I cannot ommit else in that statement.
Also I have targeted signature of -> int list -> int -> int list and I get something else.
Same goes for problem no. 2 where I want to provide an integer and print every number from 0 to this integer n times (where n is the iterated value):
MultiplyValues 3;;
output: [1;2;2;3;3;3]
Best I could do was to create list of lists.
What am I missing when returning elements?
How do I add nothing to the return
example: if x=n then n else AddNothingToTheReturn
Use List.choose:
let indeks lst n =
|> List.mapi (fun i s -> if s = n then Some i else None)
|> List.choose id
Sorry, I didn't notice that you had a second problem too. For that you can use List.collect:
let f (n : int) : list<int> =
[1 .. n]
|> List.collect (fun s -> List.init s (fun t -> s))
printfn "%A" (f 3) // [1; 2; 2; 3; 3; 3]
Please read the documentation for List.collect for more information.
Following s952163's lead, here is another version of the first solution without the Option type:
let indeks (lst : list<int>) (n : int) : list<int> =
|> List.fold (fun (s, t) u -> s + 1, (if u = n then (s :: t) else t)) (0, [])
|> (snd >> List.rev)
This one traverses the original list once, and the (potentially much shorter) newly formed list once.
The previous answer is quite idiomatic. Here's one solution that avoids the use of Option types and id:
let indeks2 lst n =
|> List.mapi (fun i x -> (i,x))
|> List.filter (fun x -> (fst x) % n = 0 )
|> snd
You can modify the filter function to match your needs.
If you plan to generate lots of sequences it might be a good idea to explore Sequence (list) comprehensions:
[for i in 1..10 do
yield! List.replicate i i]
If statements are an expression in F# and they return a value. In this case both the IF and ELSE branch must return the same type of value. Using Some/None (Option type) gets around this. There are some cases where you can get away with just using If.
I'm trying to write a method that splits a list into two. The function should return a tuple of the two lists and the arguments that the function takes are the # of items on the first list, and then the list. Here's what I mean
list [1,2,3,4]
split(1,list)-> ([1],[2,3,4])
split (3,list) -> ([1,2,3],[4])
Here's what I have so far:
let rec mysplit = function
|(n,x::xs)-> mysplit(n-1,xs)
I'm not exactly sure how to "catch" the tuple back from the recursive call. Not sure where to have an extra let statement in there to temporarily save the list I'm building up. New to the language so a couple of different approaches would be good to learn.
Skip and take are your friends here. I don't think you need to do any sort of matches or recursive calls when there's a direct approach.
let split n l = (l |> Seq.take n, l |> Seq.skip n)
As for possible edge cases, skip will return an empty sequence if there are > n elements in the list, and take will return the first n elements if there are < n elements in the sequence.
Tried it in with your examples and it works as expected.
A straightforward implementation would be:
let rec mysplit = function
|(n,x::xs)-> let (f, s) = mysplit(n-1,xs) in (x::f, s)
You could also write a tail-recursive version:
let mysplit (n, l) =
let rec mysplit' n' (f, s) = function
| [] -> (f, s)
| (x::xs) as l' -> if n' = 0 then (f, l') else mysplit' (n'-1) (x::f, xs) xs
let (f', s) = mysplit' n ([], []) l in (List.rev f', s)
Lee's answer shows you a working solution, but to answer your specific question, you can capture values returned to you in a tuple like so:
let before, after = mysplit (2, [1;2;3;4;5])
You can also use this trick to declare multiple variables in a single let statement:
let i, j, k = (1, 2, 3)
I'm really new to F#, and I need a bit of help with an F# problem.
I need to implement a cut function that splits a list in half so that the output would be...
cut [1;2;3;4;5;6];;
val it : int list * int list = ([1; 2; 3], [4; 5; 6])
I can assume that the length of the list is even.
I'm also expected to define an auxiliary function gencut(n, xs) that cuts xs into two pieces, where n gives the size of the first piece:
gencut(2, [1;3;4;2;7;0;9]);;
val it : int list * int list = ([1; 3], [4; 2; 7; 0; 9])
I wouldn't normally ask for exercise help here, but I'm really at a loss as to where to even start. Any help, even if it's just a nudge in the right direction, would help.
Since your list has an even length, and you're cutting it cleanly in half, I recommend the following (psuedocode first):
Start with two pointers: slow and fast.
slow steps through the list one element at a time, fast steps two elements at a time.
slow adds each element to an accumulator variable, while fast moves foward.
When the fast pointer reaches the end of the list, the slow pointer will have only stepped half the number of elements, so its in the middle of the array.
Return the elements slow stepped over + the elements remaining. This should be two lists cut neatly in half.
The process above requires one traversal over the list and runs in O(n) time.
Since this is homework, I won't give a complete answer, but just to get you partway started, here's what it takes to cut the list cleanly in half:
let cut l =
let rec cut = function
| xs, ([] | [_]) -> xs
| [], _ -> []
| x::xs, y::y'::ys -> cut (xs, ys)
cut (l, l)
Note x::xs steps 1 element, y::y'::ys steps two.
This function returns the second half of the list. It is very easy to modify it so it returns the first half of the list as well.
You are looking for list slicing in F#. There was a great answer by #Juliet in this SO Thread: Slice like functionality from a List in F#
Basically it comes down to - this is not built in since there is no constant time index access in F# lists, but you can work around this as detailed. Her approach applied to your problem would yield a (not so efficient but working) solution:
let gencut(n, list) =
let firstList = list |> Seq.take n |> Seq.toList
let secondList = list |> Seq.skip n |> Seq.toList
(firstList, secondList)
(I didn't like my previous answer so I deleted it)
The first place to start when attacking list problems is to look at the List module which is filled with higher order functions which generalize many common problems and can give you succinct solutions. If you can't find anything suitable there, then you can look at the Seq module for solutions like #BrokenGlass demonstrated (but you can run into performance issues there). Next you'll want to consider recursion and pattern matching. There are two kinds of recursion you'll have to consider when processing lists: tail and non-tail. There are trade-offs. Tail-recursive solutions involve using an accumulator to pass state around, allowing you to place the recursive call in the tail position and avoid stack-overflows with large lists. But then you'll typically end up with a reversed list! For example,
Tail-recursive gencut solution:
let gencutTailRecursive n input =
let rec gencut cur acc = function
| hd::tl when cur < n ->
gencut (cur+1) (hd::acc) tl
| rest -> (List.rev acc), rest //need to reverse accumulator!
gencut 0 [] input
Non-tail-recursive gencut solution:
let gencutNonTailRecursive n input =
let rec gencut cur = function
| hd::tl when cur < n ->
let x, y = gencut (cur+1) tl //stackoverflow with big lists!
hd::x, y
| rest -> [], rest
gencut 0 input
Once you have your gencut solution, it's really easy to define cut:
let cut input = gencut ((List.length input)/2) input
Here's yet another way to do it using inbuilt library functions, which may or may not be easier to understand than some of the other answers. This solution also only requires one traversal across the input. My first thought after I looked at your problem was that you want something along the lines of List.partition, which splits a list into two lists based on a given predicate. However, in your case this predicate would be based on the index of the current element, which partition cannot handle, short of looking up the index for each element.
We can accomplish creating our own equivalent of this behavior using a fold or foldBack. I will use foldBack here as it means you won't have to reverse the lists afterward (see Stephens excellent answer). What we are going to do here is use the fold to provide our own index, along with the two output lists, all as the accumulator. Here is the generic function that will split your list into two lists based on n index:
let gencut n input =
//calculate the length of the list first so we can work out the index
let inputLength = input |> List.length
let results =
List.foldBack( fun elem acc->
let a,b,index = acc //decompose accumulator
if (inputLength - index) <= n then (elem::a,b,index+1)
else (a,elem::b,index+1) ) input ([],[],0)
let a,b,c = results
(a,b) //dump the index, leaving the two lists as output.
So here you see we start the foldBack with an initial accumulator value of ([],[],0). However, because we are starting at the end of the list, the 0 representing the current index needs to be subtracted from the total length of the list to get the actual index of the current element.
Then we simply check if the current index falls within the range of n. If it does, we update the accumulator by adding the current element to list a, leave list b alone, and increase the index by 1 : (elem::a,b,index+1). In all other cases, we do exactly the same but add the element to list b instead: (a,elem::b,index+1).
Now you can easily create your function that splits a list in half by creating another function over this one like so:
let cut input =
let half = (input |> List.length) / 2
input |> gencut half
I hope that can help you somewhat!
> cut data;;
val it : int list * int list = ([1; 2; 3], [4; 5; 6])
> gencut 5 data;;
val it : int list * int list = ([1; 2; 3; 4; 5], [6])
EDIT: you could avoid the index negation by supplying the length as the initial accumulator value and negating it on each cycle instead of increasing it - probably simpler that way :)
let gencut n input =
let results =
List.foldBack( fun elem acc->
let a,b,index = acc //decompose accumulator
if index <= n then (elem::a,b,index-1)
else (a,elem::b,index-1) ) input ([],[],List.length input)
let a,b,c = results
(a,b) //dump the index, leaving the two lists as output.
I have the same Homework, this was my solution. I'm just a student and new in F#
let rec gencut(n, listb) =
let rec cut n (lista : int list) (listb : int list) =
match (n , listb ) with
| 0, _ -> lista, listb
| _, [] -> lista, listb
| _, b :: listb -> cut (n - 1) (List.rev (b :: lista )) listb
cut n [] listb
let cut xs = gencut((List.length xs) / 2, xs)
Probably is not the best recursive solution, but it works. I think
You can use List.nth for random access and list comprehensions to generate a helper function:
let Sublist x y data = [ for z in x..(y - 1) -> List.nth data z ]
This will return items [x..y] from data. Using this you can easily generate gencut and cut functions (remember to check bounds on x and y) :)
check this one out:
let gencut s xs =
([for i in 0 .. s - 1 -> List.nth xs i], [for i in s .. (List.length xs) - 1 -> List.nth xs i])
the you just call
let cut xs =
gencut ((List.length xs) / 2) xs
with n durationn only one iteration split in two