Like Button counts the likes of a PDF but does not actually post the activity? - facebook-like

I have implemented a Like Button on a page, attempting to allow users to "Recommend" a PDF. The button appears on the page and seems to function correctly. Clicking the button opens the comment box; and a user can enter a comment. However no activity is actually posted on the test user's page. The counter even increments correctly and the "recommend" action is disabled after the test user has clicked it. This status is remembered on reload, and the counter is never reset.
<div class="fb-like" data-href="
East_Side_Hockey_Fall2012.pdf" data-send="false" data-layout="button_count"
data-width="70" data-show-faces="false" data-action="recommend"></div>
Can this button not be applied to this type of resource (PDF)?

Well the PDF can't possible have the meta tags used by Facebook to display a story about that URL - when you put the URL into Facebook's Debug Tool you'll see.
You probably should/could have pointed the Like plugin at a URL which has a download link (or redirect) to the PDF, not to the PDF URL itself


Sitecore - Is it possible to have target="_blank" on Image SXA Component

Is it possible to send user to another page, for example in this case, when user clicks on the image? Basically right now, when someone clicks on the image itself it does not send the user to another page, even though it has the target="_blank", as you can see from the pictures.
Here is the first picture:
The link view:
This is the HTML that I get, as you can see there is not target="_blank" in console

Why doesn't {{#link-to 'home'}} refresh the page if i'm already on that linked page ('home')?

For Ember.js, I have a link on my 'home' page inside the 'home page and in my website header i have a
{{#link-to 'home'}}button{{/link-to}}.
What I thought (and what I want) is when clicking that {{#link-to}}, since it is on the linked page already, that it just refreshes the page, like most apps do.
Ex. in facebook, clicking the facebook icon will refresh the page, even if the user is already in the newsfeed.
The router will only transition to a new route if there is a non null transition to do. In you case you are transitionning to the same route, which result in a non transition and thus does nothing.
If you want to force a refresh of the page (which you should not and should try to find an alternatve solution), you can use window.location.reload() (

Facebook Like on site displays incorrectly as flag icon on timeline

I have a like button on a page that includes all open graph tags required and which is validated by the Facebook debugger. See the debugger results here:
When pressing like on the site, the page is displayed in the Facebook timeline as:
- no image, just the icon of a flag
- in the like box with likes for Facebook pages (which is separate from the like box module with pages liked on other websites)
The page requires regular visiting users to sign in but the Facebook user agent is allowed to see the page, thus the successful result from the Facebook debugger (link above).
The like button is used is the iframe one. Entering the URL for the page in the page where you generate a like button and hitting like there produces the same results however.
Has anyone experienced this issue and/or know a solution?

Facebook Like button not working for people not logged into Facebook

My Facebook Like button does not work for those not logged into Facebook. They press the "Like" button and the login window appears for Facebook. When they enter their information and submit, an HTTP 500 error pops up. I followed the Facebook developer code to put the "Like" button on the page. Any ideas?
This maight be facebook app restriction issue. Try to set peoples age who can see your app, from 18 to 13 8for example
There are a few things you could try - first of all your code is kind of mess. There are two <html> (and there should only be one) tags opened and only one gets closed for example. Also, your using
<fb:like href="" send="true" layout="button_count" width="300" show_faces="false"></fb:like>
to call your button. You might try
<div class="fb-like" data-href="" data-send="true" data-width="300" data-show-faces="false"></div>
instead (this is the format that is generated if you use to get your button).

how to send a url with facebook like button?

I have page which has the url like the following.
It has three links.
When I click on a link it details page is display. Which has the url like
But this url does not appear in the browser address bar. It displays in a textbox on its details page. The url in address bar remains the same
My page is of .tpl
Now I want to add the facebook like button to the details page which will share the link of that details page which is displaying in the textbox.
But when I click on the facebook like button, it share the link which is in the address bar of the browser.
{$url} this contains the details page url which is displaying in the textbox.
I have used the following code of the facebook like button.
<iframe src="//{$url};send=false&layout=standard&width=450&show_faces=false&action=like&colorscheme=light&font&height=35" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:35px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>
Where in href I have place the {$url}.
I don't know if this will be useful to you but I'm using a jquery plugin that is unfortunatly not free ($5) called jQuery Social Share Buttons plugin
Although I'm having problems getting the facebook like button to include a popup which allows posting the url to my feed (keep getting 'Unknown RPC service: widget-interactive' error when trying to implement), I was able to get the twitter button to post the url.