AppHarbor: Communication between Web App and Background Worker - web-services

I have two questions, but let me set the stage first:
Say you have a typical scenario where you have a web application and a mid-tier web service.
The web application receives a request from the user, queries the web service and sends a response to the user.
If the web service and the web application were running on the same machine, the web app would go through localhost:port to access the web service.
(I do understand that AppHarbor web and background workers are not running on traditional machines but it's easier to use that metaphor)
To make this slightly complex, the web service is actually a console app running a HTTP server and thus acting as a web service, let's call it webservice.exe.
My first question is: will AppHarbor run webservice.exe on the same machine as the web application and so enable the web application to access the web service via localhost:port.
If not, will the machine name where the console app is running always be static (which allows web app to reliably access machinename:port). If so, will the webservice.exe machine allow incoming connections from the web application machine?
My second question is if both apps run on the same machine (the localhost scenario), will external users be able to access webservice.exe via ?

AppHarbor does not currently support background workers (which is where your console application would be running) attaching to ports.
If you instead decide to host the service in an ASP.NET application and run it in a web worker on AppHarbor (as a normal web site), then it would be available at or using a custom hostname if you decide to add one.
If the service-abstraction is not needed, you might also want to just do away with it and fold it into the main web site.


Do I need a web service in this case? When do we use them?

my issue is about web services and all the stuff around that. I've developed a java web app, using hibernate (to connect with a mysql DB), jsf and primefaces. The only thing I have to show to the user is the index.xhtml which will search a data in a database. All of this is running on my PC with my local apache server.
But a doubt comes to my mind when I wonder if I deploy this web app in the apache server of the company, do we need something such as a web service o something like that o they just can access to the index.xhtml and start the queries?
Sorry for this but I'm totally new repesct web services, web app, web server and all these stuff.
PS. So, when do we use web services? and web server?
Thanks in advance :)
A web service is typically used as an API that might be integrated into another application. For example, if you have a way to accept payment information. You could make that a web service that would let some other application (e.g. an auction site) make calls into your web service to do some work.
Think of it a bit like a DLL that is accessible on the web. It won't have an interface, it is a collection of methods that either return data or execute some code. It will not return a UI.
So when you use a web service would be a similar question to when you need to break code out into a separate assembly.
On your specific question above, you would not need a web service, if your web application is doing everything you need it to do, then all you need is a web application.

Sharing sessions between webapps in Jetty 8

I am looking into migrating from Tomcat to Jetty 8 for a custom web application that will essentially be a portal (though it won't be using a JSR-168 or similar portal container). The key concept for the purposes of this post is that the user will only need to log in once, and then he will need to access URLs from several different web applications all running on the same Jetty server. Once the user has logged in they should automatically be authenticated to any other web application running on the server.
Tomcat has the org.apache.catalina.authenticator.SingleSignOn valve which accomplishes this exact task. Once you log into a web application, the SingleSignOn valve will automatically log you into any other web applications.
So, is there a similar way to provide this same functionality in Jetty 8? It seems that there is a separate SessionManager for each web application. Can you configure or programatically assign the same SessionManager instance to each web application? Is there some other solution that is provided by Jetty out of the box?
HashSSORealm provides a simple way to use SingleSign on with Jetty. See:

how to deploy web application and web service in glassfish server

I want to deploy web application and web service in a glassfish server . How can I do it?
can I deploy two applications on different port? I can't combine the web application and RESTful web service.
Web apps and Jersey web services are both deployed in WARs. So, you have several options.
You can combine the two in to a single web app, and deploy a single WAR.
You can deploy them in separate WARs, with separate contexts (i.e. /war1, /ws2).
You can create a new virtual server (which can listen on any port) and one WAR to each, and then they can both be using the same context, they're just use different hosts and/or ports.
It's not clear what problem you're having or what you're trying to do, but those are the three main options available to you.

How to expose locally installed application as Web Service?

Suppose I have 2 web services A and B in SOA project. Both web services are running on a remote servers. Web Service A depends on information available from only a locally installed desktop application on a human actor machine and thats all web service A does i.e. provide this information). There are hundreds of such human actors with the same locally installed application providing its own information that web service A needs. Web service B needs this information from web service A, the result of which (which is the whole benefit of this project) is provided to that human actor who originated this process (by loging into system and clicking some command button). So this human actor is acting like the consumer of Web service B. The question is how can I make this locally installed application act as Web Service A (in the context of SOA project)?
This question could best be answered by some one with extensive experience in Web services and SOA.
This SOA project uses java, like ESB based on Java and there is no Microsoft specific services running although the desktop application is a Windows application. The application provides c/C++ API for an external process to call and retrieve the information needed by Web service A. What I want is the both web services A and B are hosted on remote server and interacting with each other via ESB but the problem is how to make local application information available to Web Service A?
There are two types of solutions
The first: have the original client application add a parameter with the address of web service A, and use this address for calling the service.
The second: pass a more abstract user identifier from the client (actually, there's a good chance you have such a field in the service). and use a translation service to retrieve the physical address corresponding to this id.
To allow such translation, the desktop application that acts as a server needs to "register" with the translation service when starting up.
If you are using an ESB, or other SOA infrastructure (like a service directory, message queuing service) it will include much of the functionality you need to build the translation service.
regarding the actual hosting of the service in the client machine.
the simplest solution is to use a different process from the actual application, and just access the files or DB the application uses.
In this case you can use any infrastructure you like to develop the service.
a more complex scenario is when you need the actual application to supply the service. in this case you will need to have a thread in the application that listens to service requests.
if you are using WCF see Hosting Services about how to host a web service in your application.
some additions regarding you clarification.
as I understand, the desktop application exposes a C\C++ API that is available for external processes on the same machine.
You can either write a web service that will use this API. Googling "C++ Web Services Windows" will give yo several relevant pointers on implementing those.
Another good option is to use a messaging infrastructure. most JMS providers provide API's in languages other then Java - including C++.
Your application will be a C++ windows service that listens and sends messages to you JMS provider.

What are the differences between a web service and a Windows service?

What are the differences between a web service and a Windows service?
My experience has mostly been with Windows services, and I have never created a web service.
Do web services behave similarly to Windows services?
Can they have scheduling, run at certain times, etc.?
When you would use a web service in place of a Windows service, and vice versa?
They're about as different as two things can be.
A Windows service is an application that runs without a user being logged into the system, usually to process some data on the machine that needs no user intervention to work with.
A Web service is a website that, when contacted, returns XML (typically) in one of several standard formats for the service consumer to process.
One can't be substituted for the other. They are fundamentally different.
You are asking us to compare apples and oranges. I am posting definitions as well as links to further reading for you so you can see why these two things are exclusive and cannot be compared like you are trying to do.
Web service:
Web services are frequently just Internet application programming interfaces (API) that can be accessed over a network, such as the Internet, and executed on a remote system hosting the requested services
Windows service:
A Windows service is a long-running executable that performs specific functions and which is designed not to require user intervention.
A web service is an HTTP interface to a system. For example: the Twitter API or the Google Maps API are REST web services.
A Windows Service is a background process that runs without user interaction.
The two are not related.
Webservices are simply a way of exposing services for consumption. They are about interaction between components.
A windows service is an executable that runs for a long time on a machine to perform some task.
You wouldn't use one in place of the other - they perform two entirely different functions.
For (a simple) example (to highlight the difference), if you wanted a method to pass control messages to your service, you could expose a webservice as the protocol through which third parties would communicate with your service.
A web service is software system used for machine to machine communication over a network.
Here's the wiki for Web Service.
A windows service, in contract, is a service that runs on an local machine.
Here's the wiki for Windows Service.
They are independent technologies, one would not replace the other.
I don't think there is a very large difference, a web service runs in IIS or Apache, a windows service doesn't. You can call windows service methods by using remoting and you can create windows service with WCF. The methods of a windows service can return xml or json too.
IIS 6 doesn't support all the WCF possibilities so we have build WCF windows services (this is called self hosting).
Both a web service and a windows service are apps that run in the background. You can use WCF to build both kind of services.
web service was mostly used in application integration between systems.
windows service was mostly used in background tasks, scheduled tasks.
A windows service program can call web service methods.
web service program cannot call window service methods.
A Web Service is a dll hosted by a web server and run as a web application and can be spun up upon request.
A windows service is an exe hosted by the operating system and runs continuously waiting on a request.