I implemented A* and JPS(Jump Point Search) using VS2008.
Then i tried comparing time cost of these code.
On debug mode, (my) JPS is faster than A* about 2.0~50 times .
But on release mode, JPS is faster than A* about 0.6~3.0 times.
Especially, almost cases of test on release mode, JPS slower than A*.
Why results are so different?
In the paper( "Online Graph Pruning for Pathfinding on Grid Maps", 2011 ),
JPS is faster than A* about 20~30 times.
If i want to get a similar results in the paper, what should i do?
I just call map1.A_star() and map2.JPS() in main.cpp.
and I used prioiry_queue(STL) for A* and JPS.
↓ pathfinding.cpp
#include "util.h"
using namespace std;
int DIR_X[8] = { 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1 };
int DIR_Y[8] = { -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1 };
// diagonal index {1, 3, 5, 7}
template<class T>
void vector_clear(vector<T>& vecObj)
vector<T> tempObj;
bool operator<(const Node& a, const Node& b)
return a.getPriority() > b.getPriority();
void read_scenario(char* path, char(*scenarios)[256], int& total) {
ifstream scen_file(path);
char buffer[256];
int num = 0;
scen_file.getline(buffer, 256);
while (!scen_file.eof()) {
scen_file.getline(buffer, 256);
int index1;
int index2;
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i<256; i++) {
if (buffer[i] == ' ')
if (buffer[i] == ' ' && count == 4)
index1 = i;
if (buffer[i] == ' ' && count == 8)
index2 = i;
for (int i = index1 + 1; i <= index2 - 1; i++) {
scenarios[num][i - (index1 + 1)] = buffer[i];
scenarios[num][index2] = NULL;
std::cout << num << " 개의 시나리오가 있습니다." << endl;
total = num;
Map::Map(int* START_GOAL, char* IN_PATH, char* OUT_PATH, string MODE) {
sx = START_GOAL[0];
sy = START_GOAL[1];
gx = START_GOAL[2];
gy = START_GOAL[3];
mode = MODE;
in_path = IN_PATH;
out_path = OUT_PATH;
ifstream map_file(in_path);
if (!map_file.is_open()) {
std::cout << "there is no map_file" << endl;
char buffer[128];
char ch[4];
char cw[4];
map_file.getline(buffer, 128);
map_file.getline(buffer, 128);
for (int i = 7; i < strlen(buffer); i++) {
ch[i - 7] = buffer[i];
h = atoi(ch);
std::cout << "height = " << h << endl;;
map_file.getline(buffer, 128);
for (int i = 6; i < strlen(buffer); i++) {
cw[i - 6] = buffer[i];
w = atoi(cw);
std::cout << "width = " << w << endl;;
map_file.getline(buffer, 128);
std::cout << "Start at (" << sx << " " << sy << ")" << endl;
std::cout << "Goal is (" << gx << " " << gy << ")" << endl;
std::cout << endl;
in_map = new char*[h];
direction_map = new int*[h];
visit_map = new bool*[h];
out_map = new char*[h];
parent_map = new int*[h];
open_node_map = new double*[h];
for (int j = 0; j<h; j++) {
in_map[j] = new char[w];
direction_map[j] = new int[w];
visit_map[j] = new bool[w];
out_map[j] = new char[w];
parent_map[j] = new int[w];
open_node_map[j] = new double[w];
for (int i = 0; i <= w; i++) {
char tmp;
if (w == i)
in_map[j][i] = tmp;
direction_map[j][i] = -1;
visit_map[j][i] = false;
out_map[j][i] = tmp;
open_node_map[j][i] = 0.0;
Map::~Map() {
for (int i = 0; i<h; i++) {
delete[] parent_map[i];
delete[] in_map[i];
delete[] direction_map[i];
delete[] visit_map[i];
delete[] out_map[i];
delete[] open_node_map[i];
delete[] parent_map;
delete[] in_map;
delete[] direction_map;
delete[] visit_map;
delete[] out_map;
delete[] open_node_map;
int Map::getGx() const { return gx; }
int Map::getGy() const { return gy; }
int Map::getSx() const { return sx; }
int Map::getSy() const { return sy; }
int Map::getHeight() const { return h; }
int Map::getWidth() const { return w; }
double Map::getOptimalLength() const { return optimal_length; }
char Map::getInMapData(int x, int y) { return in_map[y][x]; }
int Map::getDirectionData(int x, int y) { return direction_map[y][x]; }
bool Map::getVisitMapData(int x, int y) { return visit_map[y][x]; }
int Map::getParentMapData(int x, int y) { return parent_map[y][x]; }
double Map::getOpen_NodeData(int x, int y) { return open_node_map[y][x]; }
char Map::getOutMapData(int x, int y) const { return out_map[y][x]; }
void Map::setVisitMap(int x, int y, bool data) { visit_map[y][x] = data; }
void Map::setDirectionMap(int x, int y, int data) { direction_map[y][x] = data; }
void Map::setOutMap(int x, int y, char data) { out_map[y][x] = data; }
void Map::setParentMap(int x, int y, int data) { parent_map[y][x] = data; }
void Map::setOpen_NodeMap(int x, int y, double data) { open_node_map[y][x] = data; }
void Map::initialize() {}
void Map::draw_map() {
ofstream out_file(out_path);
for (int j = 0; j<h; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i<w; i++) {
if (j == sy && i == sx)
out_map[j][i] = 'S';
if (j == gy && i == gx)
out_map[j][i] = 'G';
out_file << out_map[j][i];
out_file << "\r\n";
void Map::A_star() {
priority_queue<Node> search_q[2];
Node startPoint(sx, sy, gx, gy, -1, 0, mode);
int pqi = 0;
Map::setOpen_NodeMap(sx, sy, startPoint.getPriority());
while (!search_q[pqi].empty()) {
int cx = search_q[pqi].top().getX(); // current x, y
int cy = search_q[pqi].top().getY();
double passedLength_c = search_q[pqi].top().getPassedLength();
Map::setVisitMap(cx, cy, true);
Map::setOpen_NodeMap(cx, cy, search_q[pqi].top().getPriority());
if (cx == gx && cy == gy) {
double shortestLength = 0;
while (1) {
if ((cx == sx) && (cy == sy)) break;
int tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_dir;
tmp_x = cx;
tmp_y = cy;
tmp_dir = getDirectionData(tmp_x, tmp_y);
cx -= DIR_X[tmp_dir];
cy -= DIR_Y[tmp_dir];
setOutMap(cx, cy, '#');
if (tmp_dir % 2 == 1)
shortestLength += sqrt(2.0);
shortestLength += 1.0;
cout << "A_star find!" << endl;
cout << "Path Length = " << shortestLength << endl;
optimal_length = shortestLength;
while (!search_q[pqi].empty()) {
for (int dir = 0; dir<8; dir++) {
// next_node
int nx = cx + DIR_X[dir];
int ny = cy + DIR_Y[dir];
if (!(nx >(w - 1) || nx < 0 || ny >(h - 1) || ny < 0 || getInMapData(nx, ny) == '#' || getVisitMapData(nx, ny) == true)) {
Node next_node(nx, ny, gx, gy, passedLength_c, dir, mode, 1);
if (Map::getOpen_NodeData(nx, ny) == 0) {
Map::setOutMap(nx, ny, 'I');
Map::setOpen_NodeMap(nx, ny, next_node.getPriority());
Map::setDirectionMap(nx, ny, dir);
else if (Map::getOpen_NodeData(nx, ny) > next_node.getPriority()) {
Map::setOpen_NodeMap(nx, ny, next_node.getPriority());
Map::setDirectionMap(nx, ny, dir);
while (!(search_q[pqi].top().getX() == nx && search_q[pqi].top().getY() == ny))
search_q[1 - pqi].push(search_q[pqi].top());
if (search_q[pqi].size() > search_q[1 - pqi].size()) {
pqi = 1 - pqi;
while (!search_q[pqi].empty()) {
search_q[1 - pqi].push(search_q[pqi].top());
pqi = 1 - pqi;
void Map::JPS() {
priority_queue <Node> JumpPoints;
Node startPoint(sx, sy, gx, gy, 0, -1, mode, 1);
while (!JumpPoints.empty()) {
int x = JumpPoints.top().getX();
int y = JumpPoints.top().getY();
if (x == gx && y == gy) {
cout << "JPS find!!!" << endl;
double shortestLength = 0;
while (!(x == Map::getSx() && y == Map::getSy())) {
int fix_x = x;
int fix_y = y;
int tmp_dir = getDirectionData(fix_x, fix_y);
int px = Map::getParentMapData(fix_x, fix_y) % 512;
int py = Map::getParentMapData(fix_x, fix_y) / 512;
//while(!(Map::getOutMapData(x, y) == 'J')){
while (!(px == x && py == y)) {
if (Map::getParentMapData(fix_x, fix_y) == (y * Map::getWidth() + x)) break;
//if(!(Map::getOutMapData(x, y) == 'J')){
if (!(Map::getOutMapData(x, y) == 'J')) {
setOutMap(x, y, '#');
x -= DIR_X[tmp_dir];
y -= DIR_Y[tmp_dir];
if (tmp_dir % 2 == 1)
shortestLength += sqrt(2.0);
shortestLength += 1.0;
optimal_length = shortestLength;
cout << "Path Length = " << shortestLength << endl;
//cout<<"Path Length = "<< passedLength_c << endl;
while (!JumpPoints.empty()) {
cout << "not found" << endl;
Node Map::jump(Node const node, int dir, int& off) {
int nx = node.getX() + DIR_X[dir];
int ny = node.getY() + DIR_Y[dir];
if (nx > (w - 1) || nx < 0 || ny >(h - 1) || ny < 0) {
// Map::setOutMap(nx, ny, 'B');
Node NULL_node(-100, -100, 0, 0, 0, 0, "OCTILE", 1);
return NULL_node;
char n_MapData = Map::getOutMapData(nx, ny);
if (n_MapData == '#') {
Node NULL_node(-100, -100, 0, 0, 0, 0, "OCTILE", 1);
return NULL_node;
Node n_node(nx, ny, gx, gy, node.getPassedLength(), dir);
if (n_MapData == 'I')
Map::setOutMap(nx, ny, 'X');
if (nx == gx && ny == gy) {
off = 1;
return n_node;
int forced_neighbours_bits = Map::forced_neighbours(nx, ny, dir);
if (forced_neighbours_bits > 0) {
//Map::setOutMap(nx, ny, 'F');
return n_node;
if (dir % 2 == 1) {
// Algorithm 2 function jump 8th line)
if (Map::jump(n_node, (dir + 7) % 8, off).getX() != -100)
return n_node;
if (Map::jump(n_node, (dir + 1) % 8, off).getX() != -100)
return n_node;
if (n_MapData != 'S' && n_MapData != 'I' && n_MapData != 'G' && n_MapData != '#' && n_MapData != 'J')
Map::setOutMap(nx, ny, 'I');
return Map::jump(n_node, dir, off);
int Map::jump(int index, int dir, int& off) {
int x = index % w;
int y = index / w;
int nx = x + DIR_X[dir];
int ny = y + DIR_Y[dir];
int n_index = ny * w + nx;
if (nx > (w - 1) || nx < 0 || ny >(h - 1) || ny < 0) {
// Map::setOutMap(nx, ny, 'B');
return -1;
char n_MapData = Map::getOutMapData(nx, ny);
if (n_MapData == '#') {
return -1;
if (n_MapData == 'I')
Map::setOutMap(nx, ny, 'X');
if (nx == gx && ny == gy) {
off = 1;
return n_index;
int forced_neighbours_bits = Map::forced_neighbours(nx, ny, dir);
if (forced_neighbours_bits > 0) {
//Map::setOutMap(nx, ny, 'F');
return n_index;
if (dir % 2 == 1) {
// Algorithm 2 function jump 8th line)
if (Map::jump(n_index, (dir + 7) % 8, off) != -1)
return n_index;
if (Map::jump(n_index, (dir + 1) % 8, off) != -1)
return n_index;
if (n_MapData != 'S' && n_MapData != 'I' && n_MapData != 'G' && n_MapData != '#' && n_MapData != 'J')
Map::setOutMap(nx, ny, 'I');
return Map::jump(n_index, dir, off);
void Map::identifySuccessors(priority_queue <Node>& successors) {
int x = successors.top().getX();
int y = successors.top().getY();
if (x == gx && y == gy)
int index = y * Map::getWidth() + x;
int dir = successors.top().getDirection();
double passedLength = successors.top().getPassedLength();
Node start(x, y, gx, gy, passedLength, dir, mode, 1);
vector<int> candidate_dir;
if (dir == -1) {
for (int i = 0; i<8; i++) {
int dx = x + DIR_X[i];
int dy = y + DIR_Y[i];
if (!(dx < 0 || dx >(w - 1) || dy < 0 || dy >(h - 1) || Map::getOutMapData(dx, dy) == '#'))
else {
int bits = Map::forced_neighbours(x, y, dir);
for (int i = 0; i<8; i++) {
if (bits & (1 << i))
if (dir % 2 == 1) {
int dx = x + DIR_X[(dir + 1) % 8];
int dy = y + DIR_Y[(dir + 1) % 8];
if (!(dx < 0 || dx >(w - 1) || dy < 0 || dy >(h - 1) || Map::getOutMapData(dx, dy) == '#'))
candidate_dir.push_back((dir + 1) % 8);
dx = x + DIR_X[(dir + 7) % 8];
dy = y + DIR_Y[(dir + 7) % 8];
if (!(dx < 0 || dx >(w - 1) || dy < 0 || dy >(h - 1) || Map::getOutMapData(dx, dy) == '#'))
candidate_dir.push_back((dir + 7) % 8);
dx = x + DIR_X[dir];
dy = y + DIR_Y[dir];
if (!(dx < 0 || dx >(w - 1) || dy < 0 || dy >(h - 1) || Map::getOutMapData(dx, dy) == '#'))
else {
int dx = x + DIR_X[dir];
int dy = y + DIR_Y[dir];
if (!(dx < 0 || dx >(w - 1) || dy < 0 || dy >(h - 1) || Map::getOutMapData(dx, dy) == '#'))
for (int i = 0; i<candidate_dir.size(); i++) {
int nx, ny, n_index;
int n_dir = candidate_dir[i];
nx = x + DIR_X[n_dir];
ny = y + DIR_Y[n_dir];
int jx, jy;
double j_passedLength, s_dist = 0.0, d_dist = 0.0;
int off = 0;
int j_index = Map::jump(index, n_dir, off);
if (j_index == -1)
jx = j_index % w;
jy = j_index / w;
j_passedLength = passedLength + sqrt((x - jx)*(x - jx) + (y - jy)*(y - jy));
Node j_node(jx, jy, gx, gy, j_passedLength, n_dir, mode, 1);
if (Map::getOpen_NodeData(jx, jy) == 0) {
Map::setOutMap(jx, jy, 'J');
Map::setParentMap(jx, jy, y * Map::getWidth() + x);
Map::setDirectionMap(jx, jy, n_dir);
Map::setOpen_NodeMap(jx, jy, j_node.getPriority());
else if (Map::getOpen_NodeData(jx, jy) > j_node.getPriority()) {
Map::setOpen_NodeMap(jx, jy, j_node.getPriority());
Map::setDirectionMap(jx, jy, n_dir);
Map::setParentMap(jx, jy, y * Map::getWidth() + x);
cout << "not found" << endl;
bool Map::is_obstacle(int x, int y, int dir) {
int nx = x + DIR_X[dir];
int ny = y + DIR_Y[dir];
if (nx < 0 || nx >(w - 1) || ny < 0 || ny >(h - 1))
return false;
if (Map::getInMapData(nx, ny) == '#')
return true;
return false;
int Map::forced_neighbours(int x, int y, int dir) {
int bits = 0;
if (dir == -1)
return -1;
if (dir % 2 == 0) {
// straight
int ndir1 = (dir + 2) % 8;
int ndir2 = (dir + 6) % 8;
if (Map::is_obstacle(x, y, ndir1)) {
if (!Map::is_obstacle(x, y, (dir + 1) % 8))
bits = bits | 1 << ((dir + 1) % 8);
if (Map::is_obstacle(x, y, ndir2))
if (!Map::is_obstacle(x, y, (dir + 7) % 8))
bits = bits | 1 << ((dir + 7) % 8);
else {
int ndir1 = (dir + 3) % 8;
int ndir2 = (dir + 5) % 8;
if (Map::is_obstacle(x, y, ndir1))
if (!Map::is_obstacle(x, y, (dir + 1) % 8))
bits = bits | 1 << ((dir + 1) % 8);
if (Map::is_obstacle(x, y, ndir2))
if (!Map::is_obstacle(x, y, (dir + 7) % 8))
bits = bits | 1 << ((dir + 7) % 8);
return bits;
Node::Node(int const x, int const y, int const gx, int const gy, double const passedLength, int const direction, string const mode, int const k) {
this->x = x; this->y = y;
this->direction = direction;
this->passedLength = passedLength;
this->gx = gx; this->gy = gy;
this->mode = mode;
if (k == 1) {
Node::~Node() {}
int Node::getX() const { return x; }
int Node::getY() const { return y; }
int Node::getDirection() const { return direction; }
double Node::getPriority() const { return priority; }
double Node::getPassedLength() const { return passedLength; }
double Node::getDistanceToGoal() const { return distanceToGoal; }
void Node::calculateDistanceToGoal() {
double xd = abs(x - gx);
double yd = abs(y - gy);
if (mode.compare("MANHATTAN") == 0)
distanceToGoal = abs(xd) + abs(yd);
else if (mode.compare("EUCLIDIAN") == 0)
distanceToGoal = sqrt((xd*xd) + (yd*yd));
else if (mode.compare("CHEBYSHEV") == 0)
distanceToGoal = max(abs(xd), abs(yd));
else if (mode.compare("OCTILE") == 0)
distanceToGoal = max(xd, yd) + (sqrt(2.0) - 1) + min(xd, yd);
cout << "plz input mode" << endl;
void Node::updatePassedLength() {
if (direction == -1);
else if (direction % 2 == 1)
passedLength += (sqrt(2.0));
passedLength += (1);
void Node::updatePriority() {
priority = passedLength + distanceToGoal;
void Node::setPassedLength(double data) {
passedLength = data;
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <queue>
#include <math.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <istream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class Node {
int x;
int y;
int gx;
int gy;
int direction; // direction from past node
double passedLength;
double distanceToGoal;
double priority;
string mode; // mode -> "MANHATTAN", "EUCLIDIAN", CHEBYSHEV", "OCTILE"
Node(int const x, int const y, int const gx, int const gy, double const passedLength, int const direction = 0, string const mode = "MANHATTAN" , int const k = 0 );
int getX() const;
int getY() const;
int getDirection() const;
double getPriority() const;
double getPassedLength() const;
double getDistanceToGoal() const;
void setPassedLength(double data);
void calculateDistanceToGoal();
void updatePassedLength();
void updatePriority();
class Map {
int gx, gy, sx, sy, w, h;
char* in_path, *out_path;
string mode;
char** in_map;
int** direction_map;
bool** visit_map;
char** out_map;
int** parent_map;
double** open_node_map;
double optimal_length;
Map(int* START_GOAL, char* IN_PATH, char* OUT_PATH, string MODE);
int getGx() const;
int getGy() const;
int getSx() const;
int getSy() const;
char getInMapData(int x, int y);
int getDirectionData(int x, int y);
bool getVisitMapData(int x, int y);
int getParentMapData(int x, int y);
double getOpen_NodeData(int x, int y);
int getHeight() const;
int getWidth() const;
double getOptimalLength() const;
char getOutMapData(int x, int y) const;
void setVisitMap(int x, int y, bool data);
void setDirectionMap(int x, int y, int data);
void setOutMap(int x, int y, char data);
void setParentMap(int x, int y, int data);
void setOpen_NodeMap(int x, int y, double data);
void initialize();
void draw_map();
void A_star();
void JPS();
//int identifySuccessors(int x, int y);
void identifySuccessors(priority_queue <Node>& successors);
//int jump(int node_index, int dir, double& s_distance, priority_queue <Node>& successors, double& d_distance, int& trig, int& fx_fy);
//Node Map::jump(Node node, int dir, int& off);
int Map::jump(int index, int dir, int& off);
bool is_obstacle(int x, int n, int dir);
int Map::forced_neighbours(int x, int y, int dir);
void read_scenario(char* path, char(*scenarios)[256], int& total);
Without an individual review of each line of code, it appears that the speed difference is due to your programming style.
To take just the first two examples: vector_clear is a poor reimplementation of std::vector::clear and operator<(Node a, Node b) makes unnecessary copies of both nodes. And glancing at the rest of the code, these do not appear to be exceptions.
Measuring the speed of a debug executable is pointless. The compiler settings used for debugging do not take speed of the resulting executable into account. And you've further complicated it by using a debug version of new. Only the speed in release mode is reasonable, and then only if you have good code to start with.
So I'm trying to make a Tetris game and I've come across something odd that I'm unsure about.
I have an array called bottom which stores the value of the lowest block - so, if there is no block in the first column, "bottom" will be 20.
If there's a square block occupying that first column, bottom would be 18. The weird thing is, when I set a breakpoint in my code to try to view the values for bottom, it says there is only one value in the array. In addition, my board, which is a 25 by 10 array, has the same problem, it only displays one dimension.
It seems the problem has to do with some kind of pointer issue, because it says (int (*)[10]) and (int *), where I think it should be a (int [25][10]) and (int [10]). I tried looking up array pointers and references, but the main thing I found was how to make an array of pointers and I'm not really quite sure how to word my searches.
If someone might know what's going wrong please let me know!
#include <chrono>
#include "makeboard.h"
int main() {
//declares and defines board
int board[24][10];
for (int y = 0; y < 24; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++) {
board[y][x] = 0;
#ifndef tiles_h
#define tiles_h
class O {
int board[24][10];
int x, y;
void set_O (int[24][10], int, int);
void O::set_O (int board[24][10], int y, int x) {
board[y][x] = 1;
board[y][x+1] = 1;
board[y-1][x] = 1;
board[y-1][x+1] = 1;
class I {
int board[24][10];
int x, y, d;
void set_I (int[24][10], int, int, int);
void I::set_I (int board[24][10], int d, int y, int x) {
if (d == 1 || d == 3) {
board[y-3][x] = 1;
board[y-2][x] = 1;
board[y-1][x] = 1;
board[y][x] = 1;
if (d == 2 || d == 4) {
board[y][x-1] = 1;
board[y][x] = 1;
board[y][x+1] = 1;
board[y][x+2] = 1;
class S {
int board[24][10];
int x, y, d;
void set_S (int[24][10], int, int, int);
void S::set_S (int board[24][10], int d, int y, int x) {
if (d == 1 || d == 3) {
board[y-1][x] = 1;
board[y-1][x+1] = 1;
board[y][x] = 1;
board[y][x-1] = 1;
if (d == 2 || d == 4) {
board[y-2][x] = 1;
board[y-1][x] = 1;
board[y-1][x+1] = 1;
board[y][x+1] = 1;
class Z {
int board[24][10];
int x, y, d;
void set_Z (int[24][10], int, int, int);
void Z::set_Z (int board[24][10], int d, int y, int x) {
if (d == 1 || d == 3) {
board[y][x] = 1;
board[y][x-1] = 1;
board[y+1][x] = 1;
board[y+1][x+1] = 1;
if (d == 2 || d == 4) {
board[y-1][x+1] = 1;
board[y][x+1] = 1;
board[y][x] = 1;
board[y+1][x] = 1;
class T {
int board[24][10];
int d, x, y;
void set_T (int[24][10], int, int, int);
void T::set_T (int board[24][10], int d, int y, int x) {
if (d == 1 && (board[y+1][x-1] != 1 || board[y+1][x] != 1 || board[y+1][x+1] != 1)) {
board[y-1][x] = 1;
board[y][x-1] = 1;
board[y][x] = 1;
board[y][x+1] = 1;
if (d == 2 && (board[y+2][x] != 1 || board[y+1][x+1] != 1)) {
board[y-1][x] = 1;
board[y][x] = 1;
board[y][x+1] = 1;
board[y+1][x] = 1;
if (d == 3 && (board[y+1][x-1] != 1 || board[y+2][x] != 1 || board[y+1][x+1] != 1)) {
board[y][x-1] = 1;
board[y][x] = 1;
board[y][x+1] = 1;
board[y+1][x] = 1;
if (d == 4 && (board[y+1][x-1] != 1 || board[y+2][x] != 1)) {
board[y-1][x] = 1;
board[y][x-1] = 1;
board[y][x] = 1;
board[y+1][x] = 1;
class J {
int board[24][10];
int d, x, y;
void set_J (int[24][10], int, int, int);
void J::set_J (int board[24][10], int d, int y, int x) {
if (d == 1) {
board[y-1][x-1] = 1;
board[y-1][x] = 1;
board[y-1][x+1] = 1;
board[y][x+1] = 1;
if (d == 2) {
board[y-2][x] = 1;
board[y-1][x] = 1;
board[y][x] = 1;
board[y][x-1] = 1;
if (d == 3) {
board[y][x-1] = 1;
board[y][x] = 1;
board[y][x+1] = 1;
board[y-1][x-1] = 1;
if (d == 4) {
board[y-2][x] = 1;
board[y-2][x+1] = 1;
board[y-1][x] = 1;
board[y][x] = 1;
class L {
int board[24][10];
int d, x, y;
void set_L (int[24][10], int, int, int);
void L::set_L (int board[24][10], int d, int y, int x) {
if (d == 1) {
board[y-1][x-1] = 1;
board[y-1][x] = 1;
board[y-1][x+1] = 1;
board[y][x-1] = 1;
if (d == 2) {
board[y-2][x] = 1;
board[y-1][x] = 1;
board[y][x] = 1;
board[y][x-1] = 1;
if (d == 3) {
board[y-1][x-1] = 1;
board[y-1][x] = 1;
board[y-1][x+1] = 1;
board[y][x+1] = 1;
if (d == 4) {
board[y-2][x] = 1;
board[y-1][x] = 1;
board[y][x] = 1;
board[y][x+1] = 1;
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <thread>
#include "makeboard.h"
#include "clearscreen.h"
#include "isBottom.h"
#include "isPressed.h"
#include "tiles.h"
using namespace std;
string icon[3] = { " ", " o ", " o " };
void makeboard(int board[24][10]) {
time_t srand( time(NULL) );
int block = srand % 7 ;
block = 3;
//declares pieces
O o;
I i;
S s;
Z z;
T t;
J j;
L l;
//declares and defines initial bottom
int bottom[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) bottom[i] = 23;
//declares and defines initial block position
int y = 3;
int x = 4;
int d = 1;
while (!isBottom(board, block, y, x, d, bottom)) {
if (isPressed(0) && x > 0) {
if (isPressed(2) && x < 10) {
if (isPressed(1)) {
d += 1;
if (d == 4) {
d = 1;
//moves tile down
//clears screen
//clears non set pieces
for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
if (board[i][j] == 1) {
board[i][j] = 0;
//adds blocks to board
switch (block) {
case 1:
o.set_O(board, y, x);
case 2:
i.set_I(board, d, y, x);
case 3:
s.set_S(board, d, y, x);
case 4:
z.set_Z(board, d, y, x);
case 5:
t.set_T(board, d, y, x);
case 6:
j.set_J(board, d, y, x);
case 7:
l.set_L(board, d, y, x);
//builds board
cout << "╔══════════════════════════════╗" << endl;
for (int i = 4; i < 24; i++) {
cout << "║";
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
cout << icon[board[i][j]] ;
cout << "║" << endl;
cout << "╚══════════════════════════════╝" << endl;
cout << " 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 " << endl;
//resets initial tile position
if (isBottom(board, block, y, x, d, bottom)) {
y = 2;
//block = srand % 7;
//ends game
if (isBottom(board, block, 3, x, d, bottom)) {
cout << "You lose!";
this_thread::sleep_for (chrono::milliseconds(100));
#include <unistd.h>
#include <term.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "clearscreen.h"
void clearscreen()
if (!cur_term)
void *a;
int result;
setupterm( NULL, STDOUT_FILENO, &result );
a = malloc(sizeof(int) *result);
free (a);
if (result <= 0) free (a); return;
putp( tigetstr( "clear" ) );
#include "isBottom.h"
bool isBottom(int board[24][10], int block, int y, int x, int d, int bottom[10]) {
switch (block) {
case 1:
if (y == bottom[x] || y == bottom[x+1]) {
board[y][x] = 2;
board[y][x+1] = 2;
board[y-1][x] = 2;
board[y-1][x+1] = 2;
bottom[x] -= 2;
bottom[x+1] -= 2;
return true;
return false;
case 2:
if (d == 1 || d == 3) {
if (y == bottom[x]) {
board[y-3][x] = 2;
board[y-2][x] = 2;
board[y-1][x] = 2;
board[y][x] = 2;
bottom[x] -= 4;
return true;
return false;
if (d == 2 || d == 4) {
if (y == bottom[x-1] || y == bottom[x] || y == bottom[x+1] || y == bottom[x+2]) {
board[y][x-1] = 2;
board[y][x] = 2;
board[y][x+1] = 2;
board[y][x+2] = 2;
return true;
return false;
case 3:
if (d == 1 || d == 3) {
if (y == bottom[x-1] || y == bottom[x] || y == bottom[x+1]) {
board[y-1][x] = 2;
board[y-1][x+1] = 2;
board[y][x] = 2;
board[y][x-1] = 2;
bottom[x-1] = 23 - y;
bottom[x] -= 2;
bottom[x+1] -= 2;
return true;
return false;
if (d == 2 || d == 4) {
if (y == bottom[x-1] || y == bottom[x]) {
board[y-2][x] = 2;
board[y-1][x] = 2;
board[y-1][x+1] = 2;
board[y][x+1] = 2;
bottom[x] -= 1;
return true;
return false;
case 3:
s.set_S(board, d, y, x);
case 4:
z.set_Z(board, d, y, x);
case 5:
t.set_T(board, d, y, x);
case 6:
j.set_J(board, d, y, x);
case 7:
l.set_L(board, d, y, x);
return true;
#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
#include "isPressed.h"
bool isPressed( unsigned short inKeyCode )
unsigned char keyMap[16];
GetKeys((BigEndianUInt32*) &keyMap);
return (0 != ((keyMap[ inKeyCode >> 3] >> (inKeyCode & 7)) & 1));
It depends on the scope of your array. For example:
int GetBottom(int* bottom);
int GetBottom2(const int (&bottom)[20]);
int main()
int localArray1d[20] = {};
int localArray2d[10][25] = {};
// putting a breakpoint here will allow you to see the full dimensions of the array because this function KNOWS what the object is (e.g. a 1d and 2d array respectively)
int lastBrick = GetBottom(localArray1d);
// When the array is passed to GetBottom, it's passed just as a pointer. Although it IS an array, the function GetBottom doesn't know that. We could just as simply pass it a single int*
int n = 0;
GetBottom(&n); // here we are only passing a single int pointer. GetBottom has no idea that your object is an array, it only knows it has an int*
lastBrick = GetBottom2(localArray1d);
// GetBottom2 only takes an array of 20 elements, so inspecting the object in that function allows you to see all the elements.
return 0;
int GetBottom(int* bottom)
// Having a breakpoint here will not allow you to see all the elements in an array since this function doesn't even know bottom IS an array.
int GetBottom2(const int (&bottom)[20])
// A breakpoint here will allow you to fully inspect bottom.
It's a little tricky when you refer to arrays the way you do, but an array like int array[5] degrades to int* array when you branch outside the scope in which it is defined. It's because arrays are r-values and need to degrade into a reference or pointer l-value (which lacks that info about how many elements there are) to pass them around. The gotcha part here is that you can still write a function which accepts int parameter[5] and the compiler will accept it, but will silently treat it like int* parameter. The same goes for the debugger.
So depending on your debugger, there's different ways to look at all the elements through a pointer anyway. For example, with this code:
int* ptr = some_array;
... in MSVC, I can only see the first element pointed to by ptr in the watch window. However, if I know that some_array has 10 elements, I can type ptr,10 in the watch window and it'll show me all 10 elements.
Also, again this is debugger-specific, but some debuggers are conveniently programmed to show the contents of standard containers no matter what in a beautifully-readable format. So if you can use contaners like std::vector, it'll make your debugging life easier if you're using such a debugger.