what is the right way to query a manytomany field in django - django

so i have a model which is,
class Category(SmartModel):
title=models.CharField(max_length=64,help_text="Title of category e.g BreakFast")
description=models.CharField(max_length=64,help_text="Describe the category e.g the items included in the category")
#show_description=check box if description should be displayed
#active=check box if category is still avialable
def __unicode__(self):
return "%s %s %s %s " % (self.item,self.title, self.description, self.display_order)
and as you may see, it has a manytomany field
i want to return all the items in a template, here is my views.py for this
def menu(request):
categorys= Category.objects.all()
items= categorys.all().prefetch_related('item')
return render_to_response('menu.html',context,context_instance=RequestContext(request))
here is how am doing it in the templates,
{% for item in items %}
<li>{{ item.item }}
{% endfor %}
after all this,this is what it is returning in my web page,
<django.db.models.fields.related.ManyRelatedManager object at 0xa298b0c>
what am i doing wrong,I have really looked around but all in vain, hoping you can help me out and thanking you in advance

Exactly, you have a many to many manager. You need to actually query something... like all()
{% for item in items %}
{% for i in item.item.all %}
{{ i }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
Based on your variable naming, I think you're confusing the results of prefetch_related as a bunch of items. It is in fact returning a QuerySet of Category objects.
So it would be more intuitive to call them categories.
{% for category in categories %}
{% for item in category.item.all %}
{{ item }} {# ...etc #}

Try to use:
categorys= Category.objects.prefetch_related('item').all()
And then in template:
{% for category in categorys %}
{% for item in category.item.all %}
{{ item }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}


Django - for each field value

I have a question.
In my view, I return a dataset which includes:
I want to say something like the below, where I show UI elements related to a category as a whole.
is it possible?
{% for item.category in products %}
Not directly. You would do
{% for item in products %}
{{ item.category}}
Or if item.category is itself an iterable you can nest loops. If it's the set of related objects you need a .all (c.f. python obj.foo_set.all() )
{% for item in products %}
{% for category in item.category.all %}
{% for item in products %}
{% endfor %}

Receiving a list of related models from the list of objects (bound by a foreign key). Django

I have two very simple classes for products and photos. I would like to present products on the main page of my store along with photos related to a foreign key. But I do not know how to do this, I found many answers to get this in the view using a join like 'prefetch_related' but my ID changes for each case. So how do you present your photos for each product? are there any Django tags about which I do not know?
my models.py
class Product(models.Model)
name = models.CharField(max_length=10)
class Image(models.Model)
image = models.ImageField()
name_related = models.ForeignKay(Product, on_delate=models.CASCADE)
def home(request):
product_list = Product.objects.all()[:12]
#img = ??
context = {'product_list': product_list,
return render(request, 'home.html', context)
{% for product in product_list %}
{{ product.name }}
<!-- {{ product.imge }} ' element presenting the first photo for each 'product' model'???-->
{% endfor %}
Any help will be appreciated.
Since a foreign relation has been established you can iterate through the related models from the parent model.
The related models are already accessible from the parent model without doing anything explicit.
In your template you can do this:
{% for product in product_list %}
{{ product.name }}
{% for product_image in product.image.all %}
<!-- Iterate through this products related images -->
{{ product_image.image.url }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
For performance reasons, you will want to prefetch the relations, or else for every product you will do an additional query, so, in your view you will want to add this:
product_list = Product.objects.all().prefetch_related('image')[:12]
Just do
{% for product in product_list %}
{{ product.name }}
{% for image in product.image.all %}
<!-- {{ image.image.url }} -->?
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

Django: Check if value in list

I have a QuerySet with several entries order.order_items.all. I want to check in my template if any of these items in my list contain the foreign_key discount. After one is found, I want to display that a discount_code was used for the order. How would you solve this?
<QuerySet [OrderItem: #k9ukvrfvjk - 1x Test Ticket 1, OrderItem: #k9ukvrfvjk - 1x Test Ticket 2]>
Rather than doing it in Template, I think its better to do it in the view. For example:
context['discount'] = order.order_items.filter(discount_id=<discount_id>).exists()
return render(request, 'template', context=context)
and in template:
{% if discount %}
// discounted related codes
{% endif %}
Maybe you can get it simply by:
{% item in order.order_items.all %}
{% if item.discount %}
{{ item.discount.discount_code }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Django Template Tag - Display only one value in nested for loop

I'm working on a Django web app and have the following query:
I have a model called 'AppQoSList' which lists the applications available to all users.
I have then another model called 'BasicAppSDWANProfiles' which has a ManyToMany relationship with 'AppQoSList' .
In short, it means a user can have multiple 'BasicAppSDWANProfiles' associated to his account and multiple AppQoS can be within a particular BasicAppSDWANProfiles:
class AppQoSList(models.Model):
app_qos_name = models.CharField(max_length=50, blank=None, null=True)
app_qos_description = models.CharField(max_length=500)
def __str__(self):
return u'%s' % self.app_qos_name
class BasicAppSDWANProfiles(models.Model):
profile_name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
profile_basic_app_qos = models.ManyToManyField(AppQoSList)
tenant_id = models.ForeignKey(Tenant, default=3)
I'm facing issue in my template when I try to display the list of apps available and the associated BasicAppSDWANProfile:
{% for app in apps %}
{% for profile_app in sdwan_prof %}
{% for specific_app in profile_app.profile_basic_app_qos.all %}
{% ifchanged specific_app.pk %}
{% if app.pk == specific_app.pk %}
<td><h4><span class="label label-primary">{{ profile_app.profile_name }}</span></h4></td>
{% else %}
<td><h4><span class="label label-warning">Not Assigned</span></h4></td>
{% endif %}
{% endifchanged %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
Issue with this code is that 'Not Assigned' is displayed 6 times on each row (which corresponds to the number of Apps found in BasicAppSDWANProfiles associated with this user) whereas I would like to display it only once:
Would you have any solution for this ?
Thanks in advance.
I was able to address this issue.
First I did clean up my view code to remove duplicate 'Not Assigned' values.
I pass to my template context a dictionary with only apps that have a profile assigned such as below:
{'citrix-static': 'DPS-BLACKLIST',
'exchange': 'DPS-BLACKLIST',
'ms-lync-audio': 'DPS-WHITELIST',
'ms-update': 'DPS-GREYLIST',
'share-point': 'DPS-WHITELIST'}
In my template, I only loop through this dictionary:
{% for k,v in app_prof_assign.items %}
{% if app.app_qos_name == k %}
<td><h4><span class="label label-primary">{{ v }}</span></h4></td>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
I then simply check if the app is not in the profile dictionary, outside the loop:
{% if app.app_qos_name not in app_prof_assign %}
<td><h4><span class="label label-warning">Not Assigned</span></h4></td>
{% endif %}
Finally, I can get the table populated as expected:

List products by category in Django template

What's the best way to generate HTML which has a heading for each Category, and Products under that category in a Django template?
I toyed with the idea of having a passing a dictionary, or an ordered list...
Take a look at the regroup template filter
With it you could do something like this:
{% regroup products by category as products_by_category %}
{% for c in products_by_category %}
{% for p in c.list %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
In addition to what #Wade suggests you can also add a method to your Category model to return the products it has.
class Category:
def get_products(self):
return Product.objects.filter(category=self)
Then in a template you can..
{% for category in categories %} # assuming categories is passed from the view.
{% for product in category.get_products %}
used a sorted list in the view code,
sorted(dom_obj.objects.all(), key=lambda d: d.sort_key)
and then used the filter tag
{% ifchanged %}<h1>{{ prod.cat }}</h1>{% endifchanged %}