How to make Windows Timer running in background thread - c++

Question : How do you make a timer tick in the background? That is the thread that create the timer thread can still do something else while clock is ticking.
-Using _beginthreadex() --> It seems to have race condition
class Timer{
static unsigned __stdcall tick(void *param){
return 1;
HANDLE time_thread = (HANDLE) _beginthreadex(0, 0, &Timer::tick,0,0,NULL);
//test for 20 seconds
//want to do something while the clock is not 20 seconds
//the mainthread here still has to receive input
//What is the proper way to do it?
while (Timer::getTime() != 20){
cout << Timer::getTime()
NOTE: Iam using Visual Studio 2008, not 11 so I do not have C++11 support.

I'm not sure what's wrong with what you have here. You've created a thread that updates a member variable timer forever and your main use of it is a tight/fast loop that prints (presumably) that time until it reaches 20. What is it not doing? Technically there's a race condition of incrementing that value versus checking it in another thread, but for the purposes of this example it should be fine...
EDIT: try this for non-blocking input with full input control:
while ( true ) {
if ( WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject( hStdIn, 1000 ) ) {
// read input
INPUT_RECORD inputRecord;
DWORD events;
if ( ReadConsoleInput( hStdIn, &inputRecord, 1, &events ) ) {
if ( inputRecord.EventType == KEY_EVENT ) {
printf( "got char %c %s\n",
inputRecord.Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown ? "down" : "up" );
printf( "update clock\n" );

I'm afraid you've misunderstood how the system timers work and how to use them - the whole point is that they automatically run in the background, so you don't have to do your own thread management.
This has examples and explanations of Windows timers in general, and you can use it if you're trying to roll your own Timer class: Timers Tutorial
This is the Timer class that comes with Windows.NET, with a code example at the bottom: Timer Class
Edited to add:
Here's a version of the Win32 timer example (from the turorial page) adapted for a non-MFC app:
int nTimerID;
void Begin(HWND hWindow_who_gets_the_tick)
// create the timer to alert your window:
nTimerID = SetTimer(hWindow_who_gets_the_tick, uElapse, NULL);
void Stop()
// destroy the timer
See MSDN: Timer functions for details.
Then inside your window procedure, you get the WM_TIMER message and respond as you like.
Alternatively, the timer can call a user-defined procedure. See SetTimer function for details.


Using timer with zmq

I am working on a project where I have to use zmq_poll. But I did not completely understand what it does.
So I also tried to implement it:
zmq_pollitem_t timer_open(void){
zmq_pollitem_t items[1];
if( items[0].socket == nullptr ){
printf("error socket %s: %s\n", zmq_strerror(zmq_errno()));
items[0].socket = gsock;
items[0].fd = -1;
items[0].events = ZMQ_POLLIN;
// get a timer
items[0].fd = timerfd_create( CLOCK_REALTIME, 0 );
if( items[0].fd == -1 )
printf("timerfd_create() failed: errno=%d\n", errno);
items[0].socket = nullptr;
int rc = zmq_poll(items,1,-1);
if(rc == -1){
printf("error poll %s: %s\n", zmq_strerror(zmq_errno()));
return items[0];
I am very new to this topic and I have to modify an old existing project and replace the functions with the one of zmq. On other websites I saw examples where they used two items and the zmq_poll function in an endless loop. I have read the documentation but still could not properly understand how this works. And these are the other two functions I have implemented. I do not know if it is the correct way to implement it like this:
void timer_set(zmq_pollitem_t items[] , long msec, ipc_timer_mode_t mode ) {
struct itimerspec t;
timerfd_settime( items[0].fd , 0, &t, NULL );
void timer_close(zmq_pollitem_t items[]){
if( items[0].fd != -1 )
items[0].socket = nullptr;
I am not sure if I need the zmq_poll function because I am using a timer.
void some_function_timer_example() {
// We want to wait on two timers
zmq_pollitem_t items[2] ;
// Setup first timer
ipc_timer_set_(&items[0], 1000, IPC_TIMER_ONE_SHOT);
// Setup second timer
ipc_timer_set_(&items[1], 1000, IPC_TIMER_ONE_SHOT);
// Now wait for the timers in a loop
while (1) {
//ipc_timer_set_(&items[0], 1000, IPC_TIMER_REPEAT);
//ipc_timer_set_(&items[1], 5000, IPC_TIMER_REPEAT);
int rc = zmq_poll (items, 2, -1);
assert (rc >= 0); /* Returned events will be stored in items[].revents */
if (items [0].revents & ZMQ_POLLIN) {
// Process task
std::cout << "revents: 1" << std::endl;
if (items [1].revents & ZMQ_POLLIN) {
// Process weather update
std::cout << "revents: 2" << std::endl;
Now it still prins very fast and is not waiting. It is still waiting only in the beginning. And when the timer_set is inside the loop it waits properly, only if the waiting time is the same like: ipc_timer_set(&items[1], 1000,...) and ipctimer_set(&items[0], 1000,...)
So how do I have to change this? Or is this the correct behavior?
zmq_poll works like select, but it allows some additional stuff. For instance you can select between regular synchronous file descriptors, and also special async sockets.
In your case you can use the timer fd as you have tried to do, but you need to make a few small changes.
First you have to consider how you will invoke these timers. I think the use case is if you want to create multiple timers and wait for them. This would be typically the function in yuor current code that might be using a loop for the timer (either using select() or whatever else they might be doing).
It would be something like this:
void some_function() {
// We want to wait on two timers
zmq_pollitem items[2];
// Setup first timer
ipc_timer_set(&item[0], 1000, IPC_TIMER_ONE_REPEAT);
// Setup second timer
ipc_timer_set(&item[1], 5000, IPC_TIMER_ONE_SHOT);
// Now wait for the timers in a loop
while (1) {
int rc = zmq_poll (items, 2, -1);
assert (rc >= 0); /* Returned events will be stored in items[].revents */
Now, you need to fix the ipc_timer_open. It will be very simple - just create the timer fd.
// Takes a pointer to pre-allocated zmq_pollitem_t and returns 0 for success, -1 for error
int ipc_timer_open(zmq_pollitem_t *items){
items[0].socket = NULL;
items[0].events = ZMQ_POLLIN;
// get a timer
items[0].fd = timerfd_create( CLOCK_REALTIME, 0 );
if( items[0].fd == -1 )
printf("timerfd_create() failed: errno=%d\n", errno);
return -1; // error
return 0;
Edit: Added as reply to comment, since this is long:
From the documentation:
If both socket and fd are set in a single zmq_pollitem_t, the ØMQ socket referenced by socket shall take precedence and the value of fd shall be ignored.
So if you are passing the fd, you have to set socket to NULL. I am not even clear where gsock is coming from. Is this in the documentation? I couldn't find it.
And when will it break out of the while(1) loop?
This is application logic, and you have to code according to what you require. zmq_poll just keeps returning everytime one of the timer hits. In this example, every second the zmq_poll returns because the first timer (which is a repeat) keeps triggering. But at 5 seconds, it will also return because of the second timer (which is a one shot). Its up to you to decide when you exit the loop. Do you want this to go infinitely? Do you need to check for a different condition to exit the loop? Do you want to do this for say 100 times and then return? You can code whatever logic you want on top of this code.
And what kind of events are returned back
ZMQ_POLLIN since timer fds behave like readable file descriptors.

How do I interrupt xcb_wait_for_event?

In a separate thread (std::thread), I have an event loop that waits on xcb_wait_for_event. When the program exits, I'd like to shut things down nicely by interrupting (I have a solution that sets a thread-local variable, and checkpoints in the loop throw an exception), and then joining my event thread into the main thread. The issue is xcb_wait_for_event; I need a way to return from it early, or I need an alternative to the function.
Can anyone suggest a solution? Thanks for your help!
I believe I've come up with a suitable solution. I've replaced xcb_wait_for_event with the following function:
xcb_generic_event_t *WaitForEvent(xcb_connection_t *XConnection)
xcb_generic_event_t *Event = nullptr;
int XCBFileDescriptor = xcb_get_file_descriptor(XConnection);
fd_set FileDescriptors;
struct timespec Timeout = { 0, 250000000 }; // Check for interruptions every 0.25 seconds
while (true)
FD_SET(XCBFileDescriptor, &FileDescriptors);
if (pselect(XCBFileDescriptor + 1, &FileDescriptors, nullptr, nullptr, &Timeout, nullptr) > 0)
if ((Event = xcb_poll_for_event(XConnection)))
return Event;
Making use of xcb_get_file_descriptor, I can use pselect to wait until there are new events, or until a specified timeout has occurred. This method incurs negligible additional CPU costs, resting at a flat 0.0% (on this i7). The only "downside" is having to wait a maximum of 0.25 seconds to check for interruptions, and I'm sure that limit could be safely lowered.
A neater way would be to do something like this (the code snippet is extracted from some code I am currently working on):
void QXcbEventQueue::sendCloseConnectionEvent() const {
// A hack to close XCB connection. Apparently XCB does not have any APIs for this?
xcb_client_message_event_t event;
memset(&event, 0, sizeof(event));
event.response_type = XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE;
event.format = 32;
event.sequence = 0;
event.window = m_connection->clientLeader();
event.type = m_connection->atom(QXcbAtom::_QT_CLOSE_CONNECTION);[0] = 0;
xcb_connection_t *c = m_connection->xcb_connection();
xcb_send_event(c, false, m_connection->clientLeader(),
XCB_EVENT_MASK_NO_EVENT, reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&event));
xcb_flush(c); }
For _QT_CLOSE_CONNECTION use your own atom to signal an exit and in my case clientLeader() is some invisible window that is always present on my X11 connection. If you don't have any invisible windows that could be reused for this purpose, create one :)
With this you can terminate the thread with xcb_wait_for_event when you see this special event arriving.

Creating C++ Blocking Function for Existing Asynchronous code

I have a C++ plugin I have written for a proprietary software which makes an asynchronous call to a function called OpenLibrary. To know when the library load has completed, I must register for a specific event. Then, when that event is triggered, an OnEvent routine is called. This logic is somewhat sterilized for proprietary reasons, but the asynchronous call and onEvent trigger works correctly. Unfortunately, since the OpenLibrary call is asynchronous, the loop is not blocked and continues without waiting for the EVENT_LIBRARY_LOADED event. I need to process the files serially.
void MyApp::main()
for(int i=0; i<total; ++i) {
pData->RegisterEvent( EVENT_LIBRARY_LOADED, this );
pData->OpenLibrary("c:/path/file.dat"); // asynchronous call
void MyApp::OnEvent( ID eventType )
if (eventType == EVENT_LIBRARY_LOADED) {
qDebug() << "Library load has completed";
The plugin requires VS2008 and also takes advantage of the Qt library.
I would like to create a function called waitForEvent, where subsequent code is blocked until the event has occurred then waitForEvent can return control back to the calling routines loop. This way, I can stay inside my main routines loop and simply wait for the event before continuing. Any suggestions appreciated.
UPDATE: I have tried both excellent suggestions below by Tas, but in either case, I get the same result. The WaitForSingleObject OR the condition_variable.wait BOTH prevent the EVENT_LIBRARY_LOADED event from triggering the OnEvent function from being called, which freezes the loop.
Any more suggestions appreciated.
If boost libraries are an option, use boost::condition_variable
You've already made it clear C++11 isn't an option (otherwise you could use std::condition_variable). boost::condition_variable will accomplish what you need to do, and it's very simple to use. You only need to call wait and notify_one:
void MyApp::main()
for(int i=0; i<total; ++i) {
pData->RegisterEvent( EVENT_LIBRARY_LOADED, this );
pData->OpenLibrary("c:/path/file.dat"); // asynchronous call
condition_variable.wait(); // wait until we've been signaled
void MyApp::OnEvent( ID eventType )
if (eventType == EVENT_LIBRARY_LOADED) {
qDebug() << "Library load has completed";
// signal completion:
Otherwise you could use Windows Event objects
These work very similar to the above but are a little more complicated to use (and also OS specific).
HANDLE hEvent = ::CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
void MyApp::main()
for(int i=0; i<total; ++i) {
// Prepare signal (otherwise if the signal has been Set already, Wait will return instantly)
pData->RegisterEvent( EVENT_LIBRARY_LOADED, this );
pData->OpenLibrary("c:/path/file.dat"); // asynchronous call
// wait for event to signal:
::WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, INFINITE);
void MyApp::OnEvent( ID eventType )
if (eventType == EVENT_LIBRARY_LOADED) {
qDebug() << "Library load has completed";
// Signal event:

Exit an infinite looping thread elegantly

I keep running into this problem of trying to run a thread with the following properties:
runs in an infinite loop, checking some external resource, e.g. data from the network or a device,
gets updates from its resource promptly,
exits promptly when asked to,
uses the CPU efficiently.
First approach
One solution I have seen for this is something like the following:
void class::run()
if (resource_ready)
This satisfies points 1, 2 and 3, but being a busy waiting loop, uses 100% CPU.
Second approach
A potential fix for this is to put a sleep statement in:
void class::run()
if (resource_ready)
We now don't hammer the CPU, so we address 1 and 4, but we could wait up to a_short_while unnecessarily when the resource is ready or we are asked to quit.
Third approach
A third option is to do a blocking read on the resource:
void class::run()
This will satisfy 1, 2, and 4 elegantly, but now we can't ask the thread to quit if the resource does not become available.
The best approach seems to be the second one, with a short sleep, so long as the tradeoff between CPU usage and responsiveness can be achieved.
However, this still seems suboptimal, and inelegant to me. This seems like it would be a common problem to solve. Is there a more elegant way to solve it? Is there an approach which can address all four of those requirements?
This depends on the specifics of the resources the thread is accessing, but basically to do it efficiently with minimal latency, the resources need to provide an API for either doing an interruptible blocking wait.
On POSIX systems, you can use the select(2) or poll(2) system calls to do that, if the resources you're using are files or file descriptors (including sockets). To allow the wait to be preempted, you also create a dummy pipe which you can write to.
For example, here's how you might wait for a file descriptor or socket to become ready or for the code to be interrupted:
// Dummy pipe used for sending interrupt message
int interrupt_pipe[2];
int should_exit = 0;
void class::run()
// Set up the interrupt pipe
if (pipe(interrupt_pipe) != 0)
; // Handle error
int fd = ...; // File descriptor or socket etc.
while (!should_exit)
// Set up a file descriptor set with fd and the read end of the dummy
// pipe in it
fd_set fds;
FD_SET(fd, &fds);
FD_SET(interrupt_pipe[1], &fds);
int maxfd = max(fd, interrupt_pipe[1]);
// Wait until one of the file descriptors is ready to be read
int num_ready = select(maxfd + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (num_ready == -1)
; // Handle error
if (FD_ISSET(fd, &fds))
// fd can now be read/recv'ed from without blocking
read(fd, ...);
void class::interrupt()
should_exit = 1;
// Send a dummy message to the pipe to wake up the select() call
char msg = 0;
write(interrupt_pipe[0], &msg, 1);
// Clean up pipe etc.
If you're on Windows, the select() function still works for sockets, but only for sockets, so you should install use WaitForMultipleObjects to wait on a resource handle and an event handle. For example:
// Event used for sending interrupt message
HANDLE interrupt_event;
int should_exit = 0;
void class::run()
// Set up the interrupt event as an auto-reset event
interrupt_event = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
if (interrupt_event == NULL)
; // Handle error
HANDLE resource = ...; // File or resource handle etc.
while (!should_exit)
// Wait until one of the handles becomes signaled
HANDLE handles[2] = {resource, interrupt_event};
int which_ready = WaitForMultipleObjects(2, handles, FALSE, INFINITE);
if (which_ready == WAIT_FAILED)
; // Handle error
else if (which_ready == WAIT_OBJECT_0))
// resource can now be read from without blocking
ReadFile(resource, ...);
void class::interrupt()
// Signal the event to wake up the waiting thread
should_exit = 1;
// Clean up event etc.
You get a efficient solution if your obtain_ressource() function supports a timeout value:
if (resource_ready)
This effectively combines the sleep() with the obtain_ressurce() call.
Check out the manpage for nanosleep:
If the nanosleep() function returns because it has been interrupted by a signal, the function returns a value of -1 and sets errno to indicate the interruption.
In other words, you can interrupt sleeping threads by sending a signal (the sleep manpage says something similar). This means you can use your 2nd approach, and use an interrupt to immediately wake the thread if it's sleeping.
Use the Gang of Four Observer Pattern:
Callback, don't block.
Self-Pipe trick can be used here.
Assuming that you are reading the data from file descriptor.
Create a pipe and select() for readability on the pipe input as well as on the resource you are interested.
Then when data comes on resource, the thread wakes up and does the processing. Else it sleeps.
To terminate the thread send it a signal and in signal handler, write something on the pipe (I would say something which will never come from the resource you are interested in, something like NULL for illustrating the point). The select call returns and thread on reading the input knows that it got the poison pill and it is time to exit and calls pthread_exit().
EDIT: Better way will be just to see that the data came on the pipe and hence just exit rather than checking the value which came on that pipe.
The Win32 API uses more or less this approach:
someThreadLoop( ... )
MSG msg;
int retVal;
while( (retVal = ::GetMessage( &msg, TaskContext::winHandle_, 0, 0 )) > 0 )
::TranslateMessage( &msg );
::DispatchMessage( &msg );
GetMessage itself blocks until any type of message is received therefore not using any processing (refer). If a WM_QUIT is received, it returns false, exiting the thread function gracefully. This is a variant of the producer/consumer mentioned elsewhere.
You can use any variant of a producer/consumer, and the pattern is often similar. One could argue that one would want to split the responsibility concerning quitting and obtaining of a resource, but OTOH quitting could depend on obtaining a resource too (or could be regarded as one of the resources - but a special one). I would at least abstract the producer consumer pattern and have various implementations thereof.
void AbstractConsumer::threadHandler()
process( dequeNextCommand() );
catch( const base_except& ex )
log( ex );
if( ex.isCritical() ){ throw; }
//else we don't want loop to exit...
catch( const std::exception& ex )
log( ex );
while( !terminated() );
virtual void /*AbstractConsumer::*/process( std::unique_ptr<Command>&& command ) = 0;
// Either may or may not block until resource arrives, but typically blocks on
// a queue that is signalled as soon as a resource is available.
virtual std::unique_ptr<Command> /*AbstractConsumer::*/dequeNextCommand() = 0;
virtual bool /*AbstractConsumer::*/terminated() const = 0;
I usually encapsulate command to execute a function in the context of the consumer, but the pattern in the consumer is always the same.
Any (welln at least, most) approaches mentioned above will do the following: thread is created, then it's blocked wwiting for resource, then it's deleted.
If you're worried about efficiency, this is not a best approach when waiting for IO. On Windows at least, you'll allocate around 1mb of memory in user mode, some in kernel for just one additional thread. What if you have many such resources? Having many waiting threads will also increase context switches and slow down your program. What if resource takes longer to be available and many requests are made? You may end up with tons of waiting threads.
Now, the solution to it (again, on Windows, but I'm sure there should be something similar on other OSes) is using threadpool (the one provided by Windows). On Windows this will not only create limited amount of threads, it'll be able to detect when thread is waiting for IO and will stwal thread from there and reuse it for other operations while waitting.
Also, for more fine-grained control bit still having ability give up thread when waiting for IO, see IO completion ports (I think they'll anyway use threadpool inside):

force exit from readline() function

I am writing program in c++ which runs GNU readline in separate thread. When main thread is exited I need to finish the thread in which readline() function is called. The readline() function is returned only when standart input came (enter pressed).
Is there any way to send input to application or explicitly return from readline function?
Thanks in advance.
Instead of returning from main thread, call exit(errno). All other threads will be killed nastily!
Or, if you wanted to be nicer, and depending on your OS, you could send a signal to the readline thread, which would interrupt the syscall.
Or, if you wanted to be cleverer, you could run readline in async mode, using a select() loop with a timeout so that your thread never blocks in readine functions, and your thread can clean up after itself.
I experimented with this situation as well. I thought perhaps one could call close(STDIN_FILENO), which does cause readline to return on the other thread, but for some reason it leaves the terminal in a bad state (doesn't echo characters so you can't see what you're typing). However, a call to the 'reset' command will fix this, so the full alternative is:
pthread_join(...); // or whatever to wait for thread exit
system("reset -Q"); // -Q to avoid displaying cruft
However, the final better solution I used, inspired by the other suggestions, was to override rl_getc:
rl_getc_function = getc; // stdio's getc passes
and then you can use pthread_kill() to send a signal to interrupt the getc, which returns a -1 to readline, which returns a NULL to the calling thread so you can exit cleanly instead of looping for the next input (the same as would happen if the user EOF'd by ctrl-D)
Now you can have your cake (easy blocking readlines) and eat it too (be able to stop by external event without screwing up the terminal)
C++ standard input is not designed to be thread safe. So, even if there was a method to programatically stop it from waiting input, you wouldn't be able to call it from another thread. Of course, there could be an implementation specific way to do so.
Old thread but still readline API seems not explored.
In order to interrupt readline first I disabled readline signal handlers.
Do not look at the ugly global_buffer I'm using - it's just an example
Reader Thread:
pthread_mutex_t lock;
int isBufferReady = 0;
char global_buffer[2500]; /// Assuming that reads will not be any bigger
void *reader_thread(void *arg)
rl_getc_function = getc;
rl_catch_signals = 0;
rl_catch_sigwinch = 0;
char *input;
while ( (input = readline( NULL )) )
i = strlen(input)-1;
if ( input[i] == '\0' )
return NULL;
/// Due to TAB there might be a whitespace in the end
while ( i > 0 )
if ( isspace(input[i]) )
input[i] = '\0';
read_file_function( input, buffer );
isBufferReady = 1;
printf( "Im closed \n" );
return NULL;
Signal handler:
volatile int keepRunning = 1;
void SIG_handler(int signal)
int static sig_count = 0;
switch ( signal )
case SIGUSR2:
/// Yeah I know I should not printf in a signal handler
printf( "USR2: %d \n", sig_count++);
printf( " SIGHANDLE\n" );
keepRunning = 0;
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
pthread_t file_reader;
{ /// Signal Handler registration
struct sigaction sigact = {{0}};
sigact.sa_handler = SIG_handler;
// sigact.sa_flags = SA_RESTART;
sigaction(SIGINT , &sigact, NULL);
sigaction(SIGQUIT, &sigact, NULL);
sigaction(SIGTERM, &sigact, NULL);
sigaction(SIGHUP, &sigact, NULL);
// sigaction(SIGUSR1, &sigact, NULL);
sigaction(SIGUSR2, &sigact, NULL);
pthread_create( &file_reader, NULL, reader_thread, NULL );
if( !isBufferReady )
... fill in global_buffer according to some algorithm
isBufferReady = 0;
... some operation on the 'global_buffer' like write its contents to socket
signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL);
pthread_cancel( file_reader );
pthread_join( file_reader, NULL);
return 0;
With this (nowhere near perfect) code snippet I was able to finally interrupt readline without described prevously flakiness.
Used this code snippet for interactive debug purposes where I had prepared packets in simple text files and read-in those files with the help of readline.