installing Qt for VS2010 - c++

after finding that its too hard to write GUI applications with WIN32API today im going to learn Qt. so I installed qt as follows.
first I installed VS 2010 express. its OK.
then downloaded Qt libraries 4.8.3 for Windows (VS 2010, 235 MB) from and installed it as a normal software. (in C:\Qt\4.8.3) it automatically installed assistant, designer ... ect.
then downloaded Qt Creator 2.6.0 for Windows (51 MB) from and installed it also as a normal program.
now in qt creater when I try to creat a Qt project it says that no valide kits found.
here are some screenshots of the issue im facing.
what should I do now to start qt. please I need someones help to procced.

You don't need QtCreator AND visual studio.
QtCreator is Qt's own IDE and uses g++/mingw as the compiler (included in the download).
Qt includes QtDesigner - the graphical UI designer that you can use with visual studio or QtCreator.
If you want to use VS, install the qt-vs-addin and download the VS builds of the Qt libs.
If you want to use QtCreator, download the mingw builds of Qt.
Or in both cases you can download the source and build it from scratch using wither QtCreator or VS.
edit: You can make QtCreator use the VS compiler backend - in which case you should download the VS build of Qt. Personally I have never done this - if you are using VS then you may as well use the VS ide.
edit2: The free express version of VS can't use plugins - so its a bit of pain to use with Qt. In this case you should probably use QtCreator.


Setting up Qt for use in a project in Visual Studio

I am trying to use Qt to make a simple GUI program in C++ using Microsoft Visual Studio. It's for a school project, but my professor has given very little guidance on how to get the Qt library working in Visual Studio, and I can't seem to follow the information given on the website. I know it's a big ask, but would anyone be able to walk me through how to get things up and running?
I recently installed and used QT at home using VS19 Community and latest QT Open Source.
The following YouTube video should help you get started.
Configure VS19 to create QT5 Apps
The Summary:
Install QT: Choose advanced, and install the latest version of QT + the support for version of Visual Studio you are using.
Install the "QT Visual Studio Tools" extension via the Visual Studio "Manage Extensions"
After installed, From inside VS, set the QT version under the Extensions-->QT VS Tools-->QT Options.
Create a new project.
-- Search for "QT" as it may not appear in the list.
And you're off.

Which Qt to download?

I am new to C++ and have been working with MS VISUAL STUDIO 2010 Express. However, I am in need to shift to Qt as my university recommends. Unfortunately, the is redirecting to another site
Since everything in that site is not free, I found the following link called "Qt Open Source Version". Is this is the site to download Qt?
When I go there, I can see various options, which means number of downloads. I have windows 7 ultimate and got visual studio 2010 express installed in my machine. But, this site got number of windows downloads. I prefer the one which claims to come with the Qt IDE (Qt Creator??). If you need further more information, I will be using this Qt GUI C++ applications with OpenCV.
I have already installed OpenCV and it works with VS so if you can, please tell me how to set it up with Qt as well.
Please help me to download the correct version of Qt. Thanks
Answering to these kind of question is always hard and dangerous!
I know you had experiences with VS but
I'm going to offer you to choose MinGW instead.
Download link
qt-project is the correct place to get open source Qt.
There are prebuilt binaries of Qt 5.0 for VS2012, but if you want to use Qt 4.8 with VS2012 you'll need to compile it yourself, as there are no prebuilt binaries for VS2012 (yet?). Compiling Qt is not difficult, just open command prompt for VS2012, run configure --help to find out how you can customize your Qt build. Then run configure with appropriate parameters, then nmake.
If you decide to use Qt Creator as an IDE you are welcome to do it - Qt Creator can compile projects using different compilers, including VS2012 compiler. But in order to debug projects compiled with VS2012 compiler you'll either need to use VS2012 or install Debugging Tools for Windows (which Qt Creator will find and use to debug VS2012-generated executables).
Qt 5.0
Select the file according to your operating system from the list below to get the latest Qt 5.0 for your computer. The binary packages include Qt 5.0.2 libraries and Qt Creator 2.7.0
Qt 5.0.2 for Windows 32-bit (VS 2010, 485 MB)

Qt with OpenCV - Which one to download

This must be a very common issue, but I need to download Qt because I am going to learn OpenCV in C++. When I go to Qt-project, there were lot of links, even there are lot of links for the same windows platform! Currently I am coding in C++ with MS Visual Studio Express 2010 (Yes, I am using windows 7 ultimate). I am new to C++ as well.
In order to do OpenCV in Qt, what should I download? My book is using a Qt IDE as well. Can you provide direct links please? Please help!
When using QT there is a IDE named QT Creator. This gives the option of creating various type of projects such as plain C and Plain c++ projects and many more. So you may not need any other c++ IDE as MSVS express. Download the QT SDK to get all the libraries and the IDE together.
For example for windows download the exe in named as "Qt libraries 5.0 Beta 2 for Windows (501MB)"
If you are going to use OpenCV with QT i recommend OpenCV tutorial 4: OpenCV and Qt on youtube.
you can download qt as many ways. the complete SDK. (you must purchase this)
2.get the qt libraries the source and build it. (little hard and take a lit of time)
im sure you will go with the 2nd option. so you can download Qt libraries 4.8.4 for Windows (minGW 4.4, 317 MB) or Qt libraries 4.8.4 for Windows (VS 2010, 234 MB). 1st one is for mingw compiler and the other one is for vc 2010 compiler. you can download this one because already you have vc compiler installed. note that applications build with vc++ are not cross platform. if you need your applications to be cross platform go with mingw compiler. (prebuilt mingw librarys are only compatible with mingw 4.4 version. if you are going to download this first install mingw 4.4 in your computer)
then download and install Qt Creator 2.6.0 for Windows (51 MB). this is a cool IDE for using qt, c++.

Cannot open include file :'stddef.h' No such file or directory found error when creating a sample Qt application

stddef.h file is there in installed Nokia Qt SDK include folder, but still I am getting compile error on running Qt Simulator. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
This error message happened with me when I tried to compile for Windows with the VS2008 version of Qt, but Visual C++ 2008 was in fact not installed to my computer. (VS2010 was, but that didn't matter.)
I have the following ideas for you:
Try installing Visual C++ 2008
Try using MinGW instead of VS2008
The Qt simulator itself is not of much use though, so don't feel bad if you don't manage to make it work. Running your application on the target device itself is the best, and for debugging purposes, you can also compile your stuff for desktop OSes.
Some details to "Try using MinGW instead of VS2008": It is not enough having Visual Studio 2008 Visual C++ (compiler) installed. You'll need the Windows platform SDK too. But there is an easier way to compile a Qt application under Windows: MinGW
If having Qt Creator already installed (otherwise: --> Qt_SDK_Win_online_v1_1_3_en.exe --> custom installation --> Qt SDK / Development Tools / Qt 4.7.4 / **Desktop Qt 4.7.4 - MinGW):
Start Qt Creator
Menu: Help | Start Updater
Package manager (Maintain Qt SDK)
In the tree view : Qt SDK / Development Tools / Qt 4.7.4 / Desktop Qt 4.7.4 - MinGW
--Harald-René Flasch (aka hfrmobile)

Qt 4.7.1, Qt Creator and VS 2010 installation problems

On my computer (Win7 32, VS2010 Ultimate) I would like to use Qt Creator and Qt Visual Studio add in, both LGPL versions.
There are minGW and VS2008 versions of Qt frameworks on the Nokia websites, I did not find VS 2010 version.
So I have installed Qt 2010.05 SDK and in the VS 2010 Command prompt the following steps have been performed:
configure -static
nmake sub-src
I checked Qt Creator and it successfully runs. After the translation has been finished I installed VS 2010 add I tried to add new Qt version int the path
But the following error message has been appeared:
Qt in the given path was built using minGW
It do not understand why because the translation has been performed for the VS2010.
Where is the error? How to install it correctly?
I found out from a German Qt forum that, VS add-in looks for libqtmain.a and libqtmaind.a files to determine if it is built with MinGW. Guess what? Qt ships with those files.
Delete them, and you will be fine.
FWIW, The Vs2008 version works fine with VS2010. I didn't need to build it or anything. You can install that and then just run the latest version of the VS plug-in installer and you should see the Qt menu options in VS2010.
AFAIR your command line is incomplete: I remember one had to specify the build platform. It could be that it's using mingw to build Qt since you didn't specify the VS version in the parameters. The following post might be of interest to you: Building Qt 4.5 with Visual C++ 2010