Limit on number of Graph API calls - facebook-graph-api

I am planning to get an app developed but the developer has told me that there is a limit of 600 calls per 600 seconds per IP. The app has plenty of scenarios in which this would not suffice. Is there a way to increase the limit somehow? Or does Facebook offer any premium account or something probably with a yearly fee that does not have such a limit?

If you exceed, or plan to exceed, any of the following thresholds please contact us as you may be subject to additional terms: (>5M MAU) or (>100M API calls per day) or (>50M impressions per day).
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100M API Queries per day should be for a single app. So that should restrict you, but I dont think that matters.
Another thing, what you mentioned in your question, and I have read that elsewhere as well.
I've found 600 calls per 600 seconds, per token & per IP to be about where they stop you.
Pulled from :
Note, it is per token. Every other user has a different access token and IP as well. If it happens to be a cron running from the server, still I dont think they would catch you for the IP as long as you keep changing the tokens.
Another thing to implement is the Real time updates API, which will ping you when something changes so you dont have to run a 24*7 monitoring script.
P.S : Real Time Updates is Buggy! Have experienced it myself.


Is it still possible to utilize a GPU on GCP on a individual account?

I have already activated billing but every time I tried to expand the quota it tells me:
'Unfortunately, we are unable to grant you additional quota at this time. If this is a new project please wait 48h until you resubmit the request or until your Billing account has additional history'
I used to be able to get a GPU, but I can't seem to get one right now.
The message is quite clear. The GPU quota increase will be gradually allowed as your Billing account will accumulate additional history
If you want to speed up the process, you might want to get in touch with the
Google Sales Team
As previously mentioned. There is really not much that you can do except for two things:
Reply back to that email so your case gets reopened and you get to talk with a real person and not a bot.
If the real person still tells you that it's not possible to grant you the quota, then consider requesting a lower quantity, if you're already requesting only 1 GPU, then yes, go to the Sales Team and explain your need, they may be able to vouch for you.

How does the quota limit for Google Civic Information API work?

I ask because the errors don't seem to line up with what the documentation says.
We have a daily limit of 1 million requests. Upon reaching about 995,000 requests, we started getting errors about hitting the limit and requests flat-lined. This happened around 7:20pm. The dashboard says "Daily quotas reset at midnight Pacific Time (PT)". However, requests started going through again at about 8:30pm.
Since 995,000 < 1,000,000 and 8:30pm != midnight, this leaves me with the feeling that we can't actually predict and prevent hitting the rate limit, or know when it will reset.
What do I need to know in order to do occasional heavy-use of the API while staying under the limits? Nothing in the documentation or dashboards gives me what I need.
You can see all your API quotas on the Google Cloud Console's "IAM & admin" page's "Quotas" tab. It should contain the details on how much you have used and whether or not you hit the limit. If you only used 995,000 / 1,000,000 and it show as such in your quota page (give it a bit of time to update since it might have delay) and it doesn't work, there's something wrong and should be reported to us directly.
I suspect you might be hitting a rate limit, which temporary prevented you from making further requests. You just have to bring your rate below the limit to have it working again. The quota page contain information on the rate limit (per 100 seconds) as well.
Your official support channels for Civic Information API is here.

Audit Report API Limit Increase

I need to access Google Docs Audit Activity for my domain. The limit for the same is 1000 records in a single API call. Also, the number of API calls per day is 10K.
What is the way to increase the limits for API calls per day? Google Support is unable to answer this question and redirected me to Stack Overflow.
You may want to refer with this thread regarding quota increase for Report API:
There are several quotas for the Google Analytics APIs and Google APIs in general.
requests/day 0 of 50,000
requests/100seconds/user 100
requests/perView 10000
Your application can make 50000 requests per day by default. This can be extended but it takes a while to get permission when you are getting close to this limit around 80% its best to request an extension at that time.
Your user can max make 100 requests a second which must be something that has just gone up last I knew it was only 10 requests a second. User is denoted by IP address. There is no way to extend this quota more then the max you cant apply for it or pay for it.
Then there is the last quota the one you asked about. You can make max 10000 requests a day to a view. This isn't just application based if the user runs my application and your application then together we have only 10000 requests that can be made. This quota is a pain if you ask me. Now for the bad news there is no way to extend this quota you cant apply for it you cant pay for it and you cant beg the Google Analytics dev team (I have tried)
Answer: No you cant extend the per view per day quota limit.
If you encountered error, it is recommended to catch the exception and, using an exponential backoff algorithm, wait for a small delay before retrying the failed call.

Requesting AWS limit increase of EC2 instances - how long does it take?

I need a few p2 instances but my limit is 0, I submitted a request about 7 hours ago but it's still 'unassigned', so probably no one ever paid it any attention. How long does it normally take to increase my instance limit and is there a way to expedite it?
I'm going to say it depends on your support level. Assuming the basic level, it's 24 hours I believe. If you are an enterprise you can expedite by going to your account team (which they now do have for larger customers or opportunities).
Just do document my experience: it took Amazon 17 hours just to acknowledge my request, which they escalated to the Service Team so it will take another 24/48 hours.
I signed up for AWS and immediately requested a limit increase for p2. It took them about 48 hours to acknowledge my request and escalate to the service team. The email says that the service team could take up to 48 hours from now.
Request limits don't take that long except pre-warming of load balancers.
Best way is to fill up the request increase form and then choose contact method as phone. This way, you get a call from AWS, an assistant is assigned to you and your request is taken care in max 15 minutes.

Using geobytes web service to get cities list

I wanted a free web service to get cities list and found geobytes. Its good. I wanted to know What is the meaning of 50000 request? On every key pressed it makes a HTTP request.So do they count this way?
but if you expect to be performing more than 50,000 requests per day (your average unique visitors X 5), then please tell us
Anyone who has used this please help.
I would imagine what it means is that going over 50,000 requests can be penalized in someway. A key press is not a request - but entering a city and fetching that cities' details would constitute 1 of the 50,000 requests.
Hope this helps.
I am the author and administrator of Goebytes'AutoCompleteCity API and there is now no practical limit to genuine use, and the reference to 50,000 lookup per day has been removed from the web site. I say practical, because it does have DOS attack prevention measures, but as the API is intended to be called from the browser (as opposed to a server - for that you would use the GetCityDetails API) its DOS protection measure of "1024 look ups per IP Address, per hour", should never cut in under any circumstances that I can imagine.