Why sqlite3 can't work with NFS? - c++

I switch to using sqlite3 instead of MySQL because I had to run many jobs on a PBS system which doesn't not have mysql. Of course on my machine I do not have a NFS while there exists one on the PBS. After spending lots of time switching to sqlite3, I go to run many jobs and I corrupt my database.
Of course down in the sqlite3 FAQ it is mentioned about NFS, but I didn't even think about this when I started.
I can copy the database at the beginning of the job but it will turn into a merging nightmare!
I would never recommend sqlite to any of my colleagues for this simple reason: "sqlite doesn't work (on the machines that matter)"
I have read rants about NFS not being up to par and it being their fault.
I have tried a few workarounds, but as this post suggests, it is not possible.
Isn't there a workaround which sacrifices performance?
So what do I do? Try some other db software? Which one?

You are using the wrong tool. Saying "I would never recommend sqlite ..." based on this experience is a bit like saying "I would never recommend glass bottles" after they keep breaking when you use them to hammer in a nail.
You need to specify your problem more precisely. My attempt to read between the lines of your question gives me something like this:
You have many nodes that get work through some unspecified path, and produce output. The jobs do not interact because you say you can copy the database. The output from all the jobs can be merged after they are finished. How do you effectively produce the merged output?
Given that as the question, this is my advice:
Have each job produce its output in a structured file, unique to each job. After the jobs are finished, write a program to parse each file and insert it into an sqlite3 database. This uses NFS in a way it can handle (single process writing sequentially to a file) and uses sqlite3 in a way that is also sensible (single process writing to a database on a local filesystem). This avoid NFS locking issues while running the job, and should improve throughput because you don't have contention on the sqlite3 database.


How to keep the SQLite database file in RAM?

Okay I know this question feels weird, but let me present my problem. I am building Qt based application with SQLite as my database. I noticed a few things. Whenever you are performing operations like manipulating row one by one directly on the sqlite file, it seems slow. That is because it is doing I/O operations on a file which is stored in hard drive. But when I use SSD instead of HDD, the speed is considerably improved, that is because SSD has high IO speed. But if I load a table into QSqlTableModel, we can make all the changes and save it the speed is good. That is because in one query the data is fetched from sqlite file and stored in RAM memory. And So the IO operations are less. So it got me thinking is it possible to save the sqlite file in RAM when my application launches, perform all my opeartions and then when user chooses to close, at that instant i can save the file to HDD? One might think why don't I just use qsqltablemodel itself, but there are some cases for me which involves creating tables and deleting tables, which qt doesnt support out of box, we need to execute query for that. So if anyone can point me if there's a way to achieve this in Qt, that would be great!

Should I store a list in memory or in a database and should I build a class to connect to DB?

I am writing a C++ program, I have a class that provides services for the rest of the clases in the program.
I am writing now the clases and the UML.
1) the class that I refer to has a task list that is changing over time and conditions are being checked on this list, I am thinking to keep it in a table in a databasse that every line in the table would represent a task, this way in case that the program crashes or stops working I can restore the last situation, the other option is to keep the task list in memory and keep a copy in the database.
the task list should be searched every second
Which approach is more recommended?
2) In order to write and to read to the database I can call the database directly from the class or build a database communication class, if I write a data communication class I need to give specific options and to build a mini server for this,
e.g. write a line to the database, read a line to the database, update only the first column etc..
what is the recommended approach for this?
First, if the database is obvious and easy, and there are no performance problems, just do that. You're talking about running a query once/second, and maybe marking a task done or adding a new one every so often; even sqlite on a slow SMB share should be able to handle that just fine.
If you do need to optimize it, then there are two approaches: Either still with the database and cache it in-memory, or use memory as your primary storage and come up with a persistence mechanism that uses the database. But until you need to optimize it, don't.
Next, how should you do it? Your question makes it sound like you're thinking in terms of a whole three-tier system, with a "mini-server" sitting between the database server and your task list. There's really no need for that. What you want is a bespoke ORM, but that makes it sound more complicated than it is. All you're doing is writing a class that wraps a database connection and provides a handful of methods—get_due, mark_done, add, get_next_id—each of which maps SQL parameters to Task members. For example (with no error handling):
void mark_done(Task task) {
db.execute("UPDATE Task SET done=true WHERE id=%s", task.id);
Three more methods like that, plus a constructor to connect to the database (including creating the Task table if it didn't already exist), and your class is done.
The reason you don't want to write the database stuff directly into Task is that you don't really have anywhere to store shared information like the database connection object; either you need globals (or class attributes, which are effectively globals), or you need copies in every single Task instance (or, really, weak references—which you're going to fake with either a reference or a raw pointer, either way leading to shutdown problems somewhere down the line).
Finally, your whole reason for doing this is error recovery, and databases do a great job of journaling so nothing ever gets inconsistent, but you do have to make sure to structure your app to take advantage of that. For example, you may want to mark all the now-due tasks "in process", then process them, then mark them all "done"; that way, at recovery time, you know exactly which tasks may or may not have been done, and can act appropriately. The more steps you can commit to the database, the less data loss you have to deal with—but of course the more code you have to write, and the slower it gets. So, do as much as necessary, but no more.
Saving information in Database just to recover crashed information may be bit of an overkill.
You ideally want to serialize the list and save it - as binary, xml or csv based values. This can be done based on a timer or certain events in your applications.
Databases may also be used if you can come up with a structure that looks exactly similar to tables - so that you can do one-to-one mapping between the objects and probably write SQL queries easily. But keep that on a separate layer for abstraction.

Process queue as folder with files. Possible problems?

I have an executable that needs to process records in the database when the command arrives to do so. Right now, I am issuing commands via TCP exchange but I don't really like it cause
a) queue is not persistent between sessions
b) TCP port might get locked
The idea I have is to create a folder and place files in it whose names match the commands I want to issue
Then, after the command has been processed, the file will be deleted or moved to Errors folder.
Is this viable or are there some unavoidable problems with this approach?
P.S. The process will be used on Linux system, so Antivirus problems are out of the question.
Yes, a few.
First, there are all the problems associated with using a filesystem. Antivirus programs are one (though I cannot see why it doesn't apply to Linux - no delete locks?). Disk space, file and directory count maximums are others. Then, open file limits and permissions...
Second, race conditions. If there are multiple consumers, more than one of them might see and start processing the command before the first one has [re]moved it.
There are also the issues of converting commands to filenames and vice versa, and coming up with different names for a single command that needs to be issued multiple times. (Though these are programming issues, not design ones; they'll merely annoy.)
None of these may apply or be of great concern to you, in which case I say: Go ahead and do it. See what we've missed that Real Life will come up with.
I probably would use an MQ server for anything approaching "serious", though.

DLL uses sqlite3 to write to same database file from different processes

I am currently writting a .dll that uses sqlite3 to talk to a database on a windows system.
Right now, it is very simple and I have just written a test program that does inserts and selects from the database.
This issue however, is that my dll will be used by multiple programs on the same system, each writing to the same database file. This of course brings mutex issues with it.
I want to know the extent of which the sqlite3 library supports this before I go ahead and write a complicated connection pool for it. According to the doco there are things like "Shared Caches" and "No Mutex" Modes as specified by a paramater given to the sqlite3_open_v2 function: http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/open.html
I have also hunted around for a few sqlite3 wrappers but I cannot find anything that suits my multi-access needs.
Does anyone have any experience with writing to sqlite3 db files from multiple processes that use the same .dll? Or has anyone had any luck with using their SHARED_CACHES - I seem to run into all sorts of issues.
Any help on the matter would be great, thanks!
~ Dan
As long as you're accessing the same database file through SQLite3, it should be fine. Indeed, SQLite3 is designed specifically to handle multiple processes accessing the same DB file.
SQL, as a specification, already deals with multiple accesses, and it provides controls for atomic accessing and so forth (transactions, that sort of thing). As long as you properly use those controls, you should be file.
It's multiple threads that SQLite3 has an issue with.

How to create a program which is working similar like RAID1 (mirroring)?

I want to create a simple program which is working very similar to RAID1. It should work like this:
First i want to give the primary HDD-s drive letter and than the secondary one. I will only write to the primary HDD! If any new data is copied to the primary HDD it should automatically copy it to the secondary one.
I need some help where should i start all this? How to monitor the written data in the primary HDD? Obviously there are many ways to do what i want (i think), but i need the simpliest way.
If this isn't so complicated, than how can i handle that case if the primary HDD has two or more partition, because then i should check the secondary HDD's partition too, and then create/resize them if necessary?
Thanks in advance!
The concept of mirroring disk writes to another disk in real time is the basis for high availability, and implementing these schemes are not trivial.
The company I work for makes DoubleTake, which does real time mirroring & replication of file based IO to local or remote volumes. This is a little different than what you are describing, which appears to be block based disk/volume replication, but many of the concepts are similar.
For file based replication, there are a quite a few nasty scenarios, i'll describe a few:
Synchronizing the contents of one volume to another volume, keeping in mind that changes can occur while you are doing this. I suppose you could simply this by requiring that volumes start out totally formatted. But for people that have data that will not be a good solution!
keeping up with disk changes: What if the volume you are mirroring to is slower than the source volume? Where do you buffer? To Disk? Memory?
Anyways we use a kernel mode file system filter driver to capture the disk IO, and then our user mode service grabs this IO and forwards it to a local or remote disk.
If you want to learn about file system filtering, one of the best books (its old but good) is File System Internals, by Rajeev Nagar. Its a must read for doing any serious work with file system filters.
Also take a look at the file system filter samples on the Windows 7 WDK, its free, and they have good file mon examples that will get you seeing disk changes pretty quickly.
Good Luck!