How do I use Procmail with PHP? - procmail

I'm trying to use procmail to send emails to a PHP script so the script will check a MySQL database and edit the subject line based on the sender email. I believe I've got a working procmail to do this:
* ^To:.*
! '/usr/local/bin/php-5.2 -f $HOME/ticket/emailcustcheck.php'
However, I'm not sure exactly how procmail executes the command. How does the email get passed to the PHP script, and therefore, how do I refer to it inside the script?

The correct syntax for piping to a script is
:0 # no lock file
* ^To:.*#barrett\.com
| /usr/local/bin/php-5.2 -f $HOME/ticket/emailcustcheck.php # no quotes, use pipe
The ! action would attempt to forward to an email address, but of course, the long quoted string with the path to your PHP interpreter is not a valid email address.
If you need locking (i.e. no two instances of this PHP script are allowed to run at the same time), you need to name a lock file; Procmail cannot infer a lock file name here, so the lock action you had would only produce an error message anyway. If you are uncertain, adding a named lock file is the safer bet, but if you don't have concurrency issues (such as, the script needs to write to a database while no other process is using the database) it should not be necessary, and could potentially slow down processing.
The condition regex also looks somewhat imprecise, but I can only speculate that you might want to trigger on Cc mail as well as direct To:. Look up the ^TO_ macro in the documentation if so.
The script gets the message as its standard input; it should probably read all input lines to an array, or split into two arrays so that everything before the first empty line goes into the "headers" array and the rest goes into the "body" array. Or perhaps PHP has some class which can read an email message into an object from standard input.

:0 wf
* ^To:.*#barrett\.com
| /usr/local/bin/php-5.2 -f $HOME/ticket/emailcustcheck.php
The f tells procmail that you are going to filter the message ie change it.
The w Wait for the filter or program to finish and check its exitcode.
If you want to work only on the body of the message you must add the flag b
If you want to work only on the header of the message you must add the flag h


procmail - using {} won't deliver to mbox

I'm trying to use procmail to tidy up some old email into my thunderbird mbox file, however I can't seem to get it to file into an mbox file when using braces. Doing the simple test below with and without braces provides different outcomes - what am I missing, please:
# --- OPTIONAL, USED FOR DEBUGGING (comment out)
MAILDIR=/home/jake/windows/Thunderbird/Mail/Local\ Folders
# goes into MAILDIR/processed
# goes into DEFAULT/msg.gAmAAAAA4F/etc.
Your second recipe is basically a syntax error, though the Procmal parser actually parses it into an expression which however means something totally different than you intended. Here's what you have actually written, spelled out in full.
So Procmail enters the braces, performs the assignment, exits the braces, and delivers to $DEFAULT when it falls through to the end of the recipe file.
To actually deliver into a file, you need a full recipe like
... but obviously the outer recipe with the braces is completely redundant here.
The fact that a symbol on its own gets parsed as an empty variable assignment which clears the variable named by that symbol is unobvious and wildly confusing not only to beginners, so don't feel particularly bad that you couldn't figure this one out.
With VERBOSE=yes you should actually find that the log file shows you exactly this chain of events. Your log file will end up in your MAILDIR so perhaps you didn't find it...?

Applescript to delete message conversation that matches regex

I'm trying to create an AppleScript to delete messages conversations that match a particular regex pattern. I tried to follow an example I found, but it seems to be using code that no longer works (perhaps High Sierra limitations).
The following is the code doesn't seem to work.
set chatsToKill to {}
tell application "Messages"
set allChats to every chat
repeat with eachChat in allChats
-- The example fails because ScriptEditor would error saying it could get participants of the value returned for the first (or any of eachChat).
set thePeeps to participants of eachChat
repeat with oneParticipant in thePeeps
set theHandle to handle of oneParticipant
do shell script "echo " & quoted form of theHandle & " | egrep '^SMS;-;141'"
if chatsToKill does not contain eachChat's id then set end of chatsToKill to eachChat's id
end try
end repeat
end repeat
repeat with deathChat in chatsToKill
-- This should be a delete of the deathChat
end repeat
end tell
Perhaps things have changed since that script was written, but it is flawed and will not work, and I'm not sure it can be made to work as of macOS 10.11.6+.
Apple has greatly limited scripting access to the Messages app.
When I step through your script, I get an error on this line:
set thePeeps to participants of eachChat
The error is:
Messages got an error: Can’t get participants of text chat id
Even when I put the code in a try/catch block, it failed for all messages.
Even if that worked, I don't see how the remainder of your script would work. You execute a do shell script without assigning the results to anything.
You need something like this:
set scriptResults to do shell script "echo " & quoted form of theHandle & " | egrep '^SMS;-;141'"
-- do something with scriptResults
if chatsToKill does not contain eachChat's id then set end of chatsToKill to eachChat's id
Sorry I can't offer something better.

Change WiFi WPA2 passkey from a script

I'm using Raspbian Wheezy, but this is not a Raspberry Pi specific question.
I am developing a C application, which allows the user to change their WiFi Password.
I did not find a ready script/command for this, so I'm trying to use sed.
I pass the SSID name and new key to a bash script, and the key is replaced for the that ssid block within *etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf.*.
My application runs as root.
A sample block is shown below.
so far I've tried the following (I've copied the wpa_supplicant.conf to wpa.txt for trying) :
(1) This tries to do the replacement between a range, started when my SSID is detected, and ending when the closing brace, followed by a newline.
sed -n "1 !H;1 h;$ {x;/ssid=\"${SSID}\"/,/}\n/ s/[[:space:]]*psk=.*\n/\n psk=\"${PSK}\"\n/p;}" wpa.txt
(2) This tries to 'remember' the matched pattern, and reproduce it in the output, but with the new key.
sed -n "1 !H; 1 h;$ {x;s/\(ssid=\"${SSID}\".*psk=\).*\n/\1\"${PSK}\"/p;}" wpa.txt
I have used hold & pattern buffers as the pattern can span multiple lines.
Above, the first example seems to ignore the range & replaces the 1st instance, and then truncates the rest of the file.
The second example replaces the last found psk value & truncates the file thereafter.
So I need help in correcting the above code, or trying a different solution.
If we can assume the fields will always be in a strict order where the ssid= goes before psk=, all you really need is
sed "/^[[:space:]]*ssid=\"$SSID\"[[:space:]]*$/,/}/s/^\([[:space:]]*psk=\"\)[^\"]*/\1$PSK/" wpa.txt
This is fairly brittle, though. If the input is malformed, or if the ssid goes after the psk in your block, it will break. The proper solution (which however is severe overkill in this case) is to have a proper parser for the input format; while that is in theory possible in sed, it would be much simpler if you were to swtich a higher-level language like Python or Perl, or even Awk.
The most useful case is update a password or other value in configuration is to utilize wpa_cli. E.g.:
wpa_cli -i "wlan0" set_network "0" psk "\"Some5Strong1Pass"\"
wpa_cli -i "wlan0" save_config
The save_config method is required to update cfg file: /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

Bash, Netcat, Pipes, perl

Background: I have a fairly simple bash script that I'm using to generate a CSV log file. As part of that bash script I poll other devices on my network using netcat. The netcat command returns a stream of information that I can pipe that into a grep command to get to certain values I need in the CSV file. I save that return value from grep into a bash variable and then at the end of the script, I write out all saved bash variables to a CSV file. (Simple enough.)
The change I'd like to make is the amount of netcat commands I have to issue for each piece of information I want to save off. With each issued netcat command I get ALL possible values returned (so each time returns the same data and is burdensome on the network). So, I'd like to only use netcat once and parse the return value as many times as I need to create the bash variables that can later be concatenated together into a single record in the CSV file I'm creating.
Specific Question: Using bash syntax if I pass the output of the netcat command to a file using > (versus the current grepmethod) I get a file with each entry on its own line (presumably separated with the \n as the EOL record separator -- easy for perl regex). However, if I save the output of netcat directly to a bash variable, and echo that variable, all of the data is jumbled together, so it is cumbersome to parse out (not so easy).
I have played with two options: First, I think a perl one-liner may be a good solution here, but I'm not sure how to best execute it. Pseudo code might be to save the netcat output to a a bash variable and then somehow figure out how to parse it with perl (not straight forward though).
The second option would be to use bash's > and send netcat's output to a file. This would be easy to process with perl and Regex given the \n EOL, but that would require opening an external file and passing it to a perl script for processing AND then somehow passing its return value back into the bash script as a bash variable for entry into the CSV file.
I know I'm missing something simple here. Is there a way I can force a newline entry into the bash variable from netcat and then repeatedly run a perl-one liner against that variable to create each of the CSV variables I need -- all within the same bash script? Sorry, for the long question.
The second option would be to use bash's > and send netcat's output to
a file. This would be easy to process with perl and Regex given the \n
EOL, but that would require opening an external file and passing it to
a perl script for processing AND then somehow passing its return value
back into the bash script as a bash variable for entry into the CSV
This is actually a fairly common idiom: save the output from netcat in
a temporary file, then use grep or awk or perl or what-have-you as
many times as necessary to extract data from that file:
# create a temporary file and arrange to have it
# deleted when the script exists.
tmpfile=$(mktemp tmpXXXXXX)
trap "rm -f $tmpfile" EXIT
# dump data from netcat into the
# temporary file.
nc somehost someport > $tmpfile
# extract some information into variable `myvar`
myvar=$(awk '/something/ {print $4}' $tmpfile)
That last line demonstrates how to get the output of something (in this case, an awk script) into a variable. If you were using perl to extract some information you could do the same thing.
You could also just write the whole script in perl, which might make your life easier.

shell script pattern matching?

I think I've written maybe one shell script my entire life, and I'm not even sure if it's possible to do this, but I'm trying to write a script that will ftp the contents of a directory, one at a time. That is, it'll ftp one and then close the connection, then ftp the second, and close that etc. This is because there may be up to five files in a directory all of which are a minimum of 2GB each. FTPing them all at once always results in a reset connection. I thought that if I could match by partial filename, then perhaps that will help, as they are all named the same way.
So, in a directory, it'll have:
I'd like to ftp SampleFileA_xxxx_1 first, then SampleFileA_xxxx_2, etc. This is the current ftp script, which tries to download everything all at once...
date >> $FTPLOG
ftp -in $REMOTE <<EOF
quote USER $USER
cd download
mget *
based on your question I think you need something like
files=`ls Sample*txt`
for file in $files
run_ftp_function $file
you'll need to setup "run_ftp_function" to do the send (like you already have) using $1 as the file to send