Reverse y axis and bars in MS Chart - mschart

I am trying to reverse the Y Axis in MSChart
The scale from left to right would be 5 - 1
So if a bar has a value of 2 it will fill from 5 until 2 on the scale with the score to the right of the filled bar.
This link shows exactly what I am trying to achieve
Is this possible with MS Chart?

Have you tried using IsReversed property on the Y axis.


yAxis control for stacked bar chart

I have been looking online and in the source code of Chart.js to find a way to use the stacked bar chart without stacking (summing) the values.
My data points are 1, 2, 2.5, 3, 4 for the stacked bar. The chart y axis by default will sum that up to 12.5 (standard stacked bar behaviour).
What I would like is that each stack only go to its literal value, not the summed value.
In the example above, I would expect stack 1 to go to 1 on the y, 2 to 2 and so on until 4.
Is this possible OTB? Or will I need to write a custom chart renderer to achieve the desired result.
Note: The sequences will always be in order, and never have duplicates.
Found the solution. I had set stacked on both x and y axes where all I needed to do was stack on the x axes.

Power BI - Show only values > 0 in chart

Is it possible to show only values > 0 in a chart? On the X - axis I have several fields with a 0 and that's why I want to hide them. So can I set anywhere a minimum value?
Try using the "Y" axis instead of "X" - It has the effect you may be looking for.
If you want to start at your highest value, enter a 1 for 100% in the Y axis start box and leave the end at auto, and the graph will automatically size from your lowest value greater than zero

Chart.js place y value position and its x-label position relative to the x-value

Is it possible for me to supply a chart.js chart with a list of Y values that have a corresponding label/X value and place them vertically and horizontally relative to their own value.
For example: I have a list of values at a certain time (unix timestamp) that I want to show on a chart, with its Y value positioned relative, but also its horizontal position and its label relative on the x-scale.
At this moment it always spaces out my labels, completely over the entire x axis, at equal distances, without taking into account the values of the labels itself. Is there way to automatically accomplish this with chart.js ?
A line or scatter chart will do the job. The main criteria is that the data is a series of x and y coordinates. Each point in the array is in the form:
x: xValue,
y: yValue
here is a jsfiddle that reproduces your image.

Google Charts not displaying correctly

I am generating a URL that needs to create a PNG Graph, using Google Charts API.
I thought that I had all the parameters in the right position however the graph is not displaying correctly? It is only displaying one of the series, and even then, the series data is wrong.
If anyone can point me in the right direction, it would be much appreciated!
cht=lc&chs=800x350& // CHART SIZE
chco=6a6572,6a6572,6a6572,6a6572& // SERIES COLOURS
chxr=1,-11519.670000,19297.010000& // Y AXIS RANGE
chxt=x,y& // X & Y AXIS
chxl=0:|January%2017|February%2017|March%2017|April%2017|May%2017& // X AXIS VALUES
chtt=Sales+Year+To+DateYYYY& // CHART TITLE
chts=000000,24& // CHART COLOR AND FONT SIZE
I finally figured it out. For some reason the series values parameters were taking a percentage value? So once I converted the values to a percentage of the total, it displayed fine.

How to Mark 0 line for X axis and Y axis in MSChart c#

I have implemented a MsChart which displays the values properly. Everything is running fine. My problem is i need to highlight grid line for 0 on X axis and 0 on Y axis. all other grid lines will be in different color other than there 2. Please suggest Thanks in advance.
I have figured it out.
if someone need reference here it is:
Area.axisX.Linecolor = color.Red;