Why does my redirect middleware fail? - django

I have a middleware that redirects mobile users to a mobile site, but I want to direct them to the the full site if the url is /property/. The mobile redirect is working, but /property/ is not being excluded.
Here is the current middleware.
# Adapted from http://djangosnippets.org/snippets/2001/
import re
from django.conf import settings
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect
class MobileRedirectMiddleware(object):
Redirects mobile users to a different site.
def process_request(self, request):
if self._is_mobile(request):
return HttpResponseRedirect(settings.MOBILE_SITE_URL)
def _is_mobile(self, request):
is_mobile = False
if request.path in NON_MOBILE_REDIRECT_URLS:
return False
if request.META.has_key('HTTP_USER_AGENT'):
user_agent = request.META['HTTP_USER_AGENT']
# Test common mobile values.
pattern = "(up.browser|up.link|mmp|symbian|smartphone|midp|wap|phone|windows ce|pda|mobile|mini|palm|netfront)"
prog = re.compile(pattern, re.IGNORECASE)
match = prog.search(user_agent)
if match:
is_mobile = True
# Nokia like test for WAP browsers.
# http://www.developershome.com/wap/xhtmlmp/xhtml_mp_tutorial.asp?page=mimeTypesFileExtension
if request.META.has_key('HTTP_ACCEPT'):
http_accept = request.META['HTTP_ACCEPT']
pattern = "application/vnd\.wap\.xhtml\+xml"
prog = re.compile(pattern, re.IGNORECASE)
match = prog.search(http_accept)
if match:
is_mobile = True
if not is_mobile:
# Now we test the user_agent from a big list.
user_agents_test = ("w3c ", "acs-", "alav", "alca", "amoi", "audi",
"avan", "benq", "bird", "blac", "blaz", "brew",
"cell", "cldc", "cmd-", "dang", "doco", "eric",
"hipt", "inno", "ipaq", "java", "jigs", "kddi",
"keji", "leno", "lg-c", "lg-d", "lg-g", "lge-",
"maui", "maxo", "midp", "mits", "mmef", "mobi",
"mot-", "moto", "mwbp", "nec-", "newt", "noki",
"xda", "palm", "pana", "pant", "phil", "play",
"port", "prox", "qwap", "sage", "sams", "sany",
"sch-", "sec-", "send", "seri", "sgh-", "shar",
"sie-", "siem", "smal", "smar", "sony", "sph-",
"symb", "t-mo", "teli", "tim-", "tosh", "tsm-",
"upg1", "upsi", "vk-v", "voda", "wap-", "wapa",
"wapi", "wapp", "wapr", "webc", "winw", "winw",
test = user_agent[0:4].lower()
if test in user_agents_test:
is_mobile = True
return is_mobile
in settings.py I have this:
MOBILE_SITE_URL = 'http://mobile.somesite.com/'

It may not be enough just to avoid redirecting to mobile. at the given url. If the user is already coming from mobile.somesite.com/..../, you will need to actively redirect them to www. to get away from the mobile site.
This is untested, but should be pretty close:
class MobileRedirectMiddleware(object):
Redirects mobile users to a different site.
def process_request(self, request):
was_mobile = settings.MOBILE_SITE_URL in request.META.HTTP_REFERER
if request.path in NON_MOBILE_REDIRECT_URLS and was_mobile:
# redirect them to 'www.somesite.com/.../'
return HttpResponseRedirect(settings.MAIN_SITE_URL + request.path.lstrip('/'))
if self._is_mobile(request):
return HttpResponseRedirect(settings.MOBILE_SITE_URL)
def _is_mobile(self, request):
is_mobile = False
# no longer need to check urls in here
if request.META.has_key('HTTP_USER_AGENT'):


Django redirect and modify GET parameters

I am implementing magic tokens and would like clean URLs. As a consequence, I would like to remove the token from the URL upon a successful user authentication. This is my attempt:
def authenticate_via_token(get_response):
def middleware(request):
if request.session.get('authenticated', None):
token = request.GET.get('token', None)
if token:
mt = MagicToken.fetch_by_token(token)
if mt:
request.session['authenticated'] = mt.email
if not request.GET._mutable:
request.GET._mutable = True
request.GET['token'] = None
request.GET._mutable = False
print("invalid token")
response = get_response(request)
return response
return middleware
IE, I would like to send /products/product-detail/3?token=piyMlVMrmYblRwHcgwPEee --> /products/product-detail/3
It's possible that there may be additional GET parameters and I would like to keep them. Any input would be appreciated!
This is the solution I ended up going for:
from django.urls import resolve, reverse
import urllib
def drop_get_param(request, param):
'helpful for redirecting while dropping a specific parameter'
resolution = resolve(request.path_info) #simulate resolving the request
new_params = request.GET.copy() # copy the parameters
del new_params[param] # drop the specified parameter
reversed = reverse(resolution.url_name, kwargs=resolution.kwargs) # create a base url
if new_params: #append the remaining parameters
reversed += '?' + urllib.parse.urlencode(new_params)
return reversed

Django Middleware that redirects to https

I'm trying to build some middleware in my Django project that redirects the user to a 'https' link if their request isn't initially to https. The code below is not redirecting the user under any of the tests that I've run (i.e. user enters 'www.example.com', 'http://example.com,', http://www.example.com', etc.
Can any of you spot the problem with this code? Normally, I'd use print statements to see what the path is being set to, but I can't do that on my live server (or at least I don't know how to):
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect
from django.utils.deprecation import MiddlewareMixin
class RedirectMiddleware(MiddlewareMixin):
def process_request(self, request):
host = request.get_host()
if host == 'www.example.com' or 'example.com':
path = request.build_absolute_uri()
domain_parts = path.split('.')
if domain_parts[0] == 'http://www':
path = path.replace("http://www","https://www")
return HttpResponseRedirect(path)
elif domain_parts[0] == 'www':
path = path.replace("www","https://www")
return HttpResponseRedirect(path)
elif domain_parts[0] == 'http://example':
path = path.replace("http","https")
return HttpResponseRedirect(path)
elif domain_parts[0] == 'example':
path = path.replace("example","https://www.example")
return HttpResponseRedirect(path)
Thanks again guys
You can add the following to your settings file
See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.1/ref/middleware/#ssl-redirect
You'll also need to add the following to your middlewares
It's a settings available from Django 1.8+

How to work with a very large "allowed_domains" attribute in scrapy?

The following is my scrapy code:
def get_host_regex(self, spider):
"""Override this method to implement a different offsite policy"""
allowed_domains = getattr(spider, 'allowed_domains', None)
if not allowed_domains:
return re.compile('') # allow all by default
regex = r'^(.*\.)?(%s)$' % '|'.join(re.escape(d) for d in allowed_domains if d is not None)
return re.compile(regex)
def spider_opened(self, spider):
self.host_regex = self.get_host_regex(spider)
self.domains_seen = set()
Because the allowed_domains is very big, it throws this exception:
regex = r'^(.*.)?(%s)$' % '|'.join(re.escape(d) for d in allowed_domains if d is not None)
How do I solve this problem?
You can build your own OffsiteMiddleware variation, with a different implementation checking requests to domains not in the spider's allowed_domains.
For example, add this in a middlewares.py file,
from scrapy.spidermiddlewares.offsite import OffsiteMiddleware
from scrapy.utils.httpobj import urlparse_cached
class SimpleOffsiteMiddleware(OffsiteMiddleware):
def spider_opened(self, spider):
# don't build a regex, just use the list as-is
self.allowed_hosts = getattr(spider, 'allowed_domains', [])
self.domains_seen = set()
def should_follow(self, request, spider):
if self.allowed_hosts:
host = urlparse_cached(request).hostname or ''
# does 'www.example.com' end with 'example.com'?
# test this for all allowed domains
return any([host.endswith(h) for h in self.allowed_hosts])
return True
and change your settings to disable the default OffsiteMiddleware, and add yours:
'scrapy.spidermiddlewares.offsite.OffsiteMiddleware': None,
'myproject.middlewares.SimpleOffsiteMiddleware': 500,
Warning: this middleware is not tested. This is a very naive implementation, definitely not very efficient (testing string inclusion for each of 50'000 possible domains for each and every request).
You could use another backend to store the list and test a hostname value, like sqlite for example.

django-nocaptcha-recaptcha always shows additional verification box

I installed django-nocaptcha-recaptcha and integrated it into my form:
from nocaptcha_recaptcha.fields import NoReCaptchaField
class ClientForm(forms.ModelForm):
captcha = NoReCaptchaField()
It shows up fine on the form, but whenever I click on it an additional dialog pops up asking to enter some text and verify. It happens every time. I tested it from another computer on another network and it still asks for additional verification after clicking the box.
This is what it looks like: additional verification dialog box
Here's how I'm handling the form:
def registration(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
clientform = ClientForm(request.POST)
# check whether it's valid:
if clientform.is_valid():
new_client = clientform.save()
What am I doing wrong? Is it a problem with django-nocaptcha-recaptcha? Should I use something else?
P.S. I'm using django 1.7.1 with python 3.4
Another alternative: Minimalist and non framework dependant.
This is the code, in case you want to rewrite it.
import json
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
from urllib.parse import urlencode
VERIFY_SERVER = "www.google.com"
class RecaptchaResponse(object):
def __init__(self, is_valid, error_code=None):
self.is_valid = is_valid
self.error_code = error_code
def __repr__(self):
return "Recaptcha response: %s %s" % (
self.is_valid, self.error_code)
def __str__(self):
return self.__repr__()
def displayhtml(site_key, language=''):
"""Gets the HTML to display for reCAPTCHA
site_key -- The site key
language -- The language code for the widget.
return """<script src="https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?hl=%(LanguageCode)s" async="async" defer="defer"></script>
<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="%(SiteKey)s"></div>
""" % {
'LanguageCode': language,
'SiteKey': site_key,
def submit(response,
Submits a reCAPTCHA request for verification. Returns RecaptchaResponse
for the request
response -- The value of response from the form
secret_key -- your reCAPTCHA secret key
remote_ip -- the user's ip address
if not(response and len(response)):
return RecaptchaResponse(is_valid=False, error_code='incorrect-captcha-sol')
def encode_if_necessary(s):
if isinstance(s, str):
return s.encode('utf-8')
return s
params = urlencode({
'secret': encode_if_necessary(secret_key),
'remoteip': encode_if_necessary(remote_ip),
'response': encode_if_necessary(response),
params = params.encode('utf-8')
request = Request(
url="https://%s/recaptcha/api/siteverify" % verify_server,
"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"User-agent": "reCAPTCHA Python"
httpresp = urlopen(request)
return_values = json.loads(httpresp.read().decode('utf-8'))
return_code = return_values['success']
if return_code:
return RecaptchaResponse(is_valid=True)
return RecaptchaResponse(is_valid=False, error_code=return_values['error-codes'])
Restart the server and don't forget to clear your browser's cache. Hope this helps.

How to detect iPad using django-mobile

I just gave django-moble a try.
I really like the concept and helps my project to detect mobile device.
However, I am trying to find when the request is made by iPad browser.
I have added the following to the Settings.py
FLAVOURS = ('full', 'mobile','ipad')
But it is not working.
Can anybody kindly gave me how I can proceed from here?
What else do I need to do?
The following is my view.
if get_flavour()=='full':
t = loader.get_template('index.html')
elif get_flavour()=='ipad':
t = loader.get_template('ipad.html')
t = loader.get_template('mobile.html')
Thank you for your time in advance.
Out of the box, Django-mobile only provides two flavours. From the github page:
Note: By default django-mobile only distinguishes between full and mobile flavour.
In order to actually detect iPad vs any other device, you will need to replace the existing MobileDetectionMiddleware with MyMobileDetectionMiddleware in MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES in your settings.py. You can use the existing MobileDetectionMiddleware class as a guide, and there is some information on customization on the same github page
If you want a quick and easy fix to include an ipad as a 'mobile' flavor, then you can modify the middleware class by commenting out (or removing) the user_agents_exception_search on line 42. Also comment out self.user_agents_exception_search_regex at line 51. Then on line 60, remove the 'and not' from the 'if statement'.
Here's a simple modified code for the lazy:
import re
from django_mobile import flavour_storage
from django_mobile import set_flavour, _init_flavour
from django_mobile.conf import settings
class SetFlavourMiddleware(object):
def process_request(self, request):
if settings.FLAVOURS_GET_PARAMETER in request.GET:
flavour = request.GET[settings.FLAVOURS_GET_PARAMETER]
if flavour in settings.FLAVOURS:
set_flavour(flavour, request, permanent=True)
def process_response(self, request, response):
flavour_storage.save(request, response)
return response
class MobileDetectionMiddleware(object):
user_agents_test_match = (
"w3c ", "acs-", "alav", "alca", "amoi", "audi",
"avan", "benq", "bird", "blac", "blaz", "brew",
"cell", "cldc", "cmd-", "dang", "doco", "eric",
"hipt", "inno", "ipaq", "java", "jigs", "kddi",
"keji", "leno", "lg-c", "lg-d", "lg-g", "lge-",
"maui", "maxo", "midp", "mits", "mmef", "mobi",
"mot-", "moto", "mwbp", "nec-", "newt", "noki",
"xda", "palm", "pana", "pant", "phil", "play",
"port", "prox", "qwap", "sage", "sams", "sany",
"sch-", "sec-", "send", "seri", "sgh-", "shar",
"sie-", "siem", "smal", "smar", "sony", "sph-",
"symb", "t-mo", "teli", "tim-", "tosh", "tsm-",
"upg1", "upsi", "vk-v", "voda", "wap-", "wapa",
"wapi", "wapp", "wapr", "webc", "winw", "xda-",)
user_agents_test_search = u"(?:%s)" % u'|'.join((
'up.browser', 'up.link', 'mmp', 'symbian', 'smartphone', 'midp',
'wap', 'phone', 'windows ce', 'pda', 'mobile', 'mini', 'palm',
'netfront', 'opera mobi', 'ipad',
#user_agents_exception_search = u"(?:%s)" % u'|'.join((
# 'ipad',
http_accept_regex = re.compile("application/vnd\.wap\.xhtml\+xml", re.IGNORECASE)
def __init__(self):
user_agents_test_match = r'^(?:%s)' % '|'.join(self.user_agents_test_match)
self.user_agents_test_match_regex = re.compile(user_agents_test_match, re.IGNORECASE)
self.user_agents_test_search_regex = re.compile(self.user_agents_test_search, re.IGNORECASE)
#self.user_agents_exception_search_regex = re.compile(self.user_agents_exception_search, re.IGNORECASE)
def process_request(self, request):
is_mobile = False
if request.META.has_key('HTTP_USER_AGENT'):
user_agent = request.META['HTTP_USER_AGENT']
# Test common mobile values.
if self.user_agents_test_search_regex.search(user_agent):
is_mobile = True
# Nokia like test for WAP browsers.
# http://www.developershome.com/wap/xhtmlmp/xhtml_mp_tutorial.asp?page=mimeTypesFileExtension
if request.META.has_key('HTTP_ACCEPT'):
http_accept = request.META['HTTP_ACCEPT']
if self.http_accept_regex.search(http_accept):
is_mobile = True
if not is_mobile:
# Now we test the user_agent from a big list.
if self.user_agents_test_match_regex.match(user_agent):
is_mobile = True
if is_mobile:
set_flavour(settings.DEFAULT_MOBILE_FLAVOUR, request)
set_flavour(settings.FLAVOURS[0], request)