Qt resource system bug in qt 4.8.3 - c++

I'm using Qt 4.8.3 Open Source with Qt Creator 2.6.0 on Windows 8 Pro x64. The compiler I'm using is MingW 4.4.
I've an old project that I built using Qt 4.8.0. The project has a resource file named Resource.qrc. The project compiled fine in Qt 4.8.0 and I could access everything that I mentioned in the resource file.
But in Qt 4.8.3 I can't compile the same project. Qt 4.8.3 doesn't seem to be able to compile resource file. Here is the part of the output that tried to compile Resource.qrc file:
bin\rcc.exe -name Resource ..\Source\Resource.qrc -o release\qrc_Resource.cpp
mingw32-make[1]: Leaving directory `E:/Programs/Version Control/Sources/Spadetrump/Release'
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, bin\rcc.exe -name Resource ..\Source\Resource.qrc -o release\qrc_Resource.cpp, ...) failed.
make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified.
mingw32-make[1]: *** [release/qrc_Resource.cpp] Error 2
mingw32-make: *** [release] Error 2
00:08:10: The process "C:\MingW\bin\mingw32-make.exe" exited with code 2.
Error while building/deploying project Spadetrump (target: Desktop)
When executing step 'Make'
It was a clean build. If I execute rcc.exe with the exact same arguments and with absolute path, qrc_Resource.cpp is generated.
I tried the above with a fresh new Qt GUI application and the result is same.
Any idea what's wrong with Qt 4.8.3?

Had the exact same issues as you with the same setup, expect for the windows version which is xp for me. The problem is that the rcc.exe cannot be found, because an incorrect path is used for that call.
There is a bugreport at qt-projects for this problem: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-27237
The workarround proposed by Daniel Frömmel did the trick for me:
1) open the qmake.conf of your platform (for me its C:\Qt\4.8.3\mkspecs\win32-g++)
2) search for QMAKE_IDC
3) add the following line after the QMAKE_IDC line:
4) save file and clsoe
5) restart all your dev tools and remove all auto generated Makefiles
6) recompile


*** internal error: unable to open jobserver semaphore '3,4': (Error 2: The system cannot find the file specified. ). Stop

I am trying to compile an existing qt application's code using mingw compiler.
During compilation I am getting an error "*** internal error: unable to open jobserver semaphore '3,4': (Error 2: The system cannot find the file specified. ). Stop".
My current project is a makefile based project. Here I have one make file (parent.mk) that compiles all primary modules and then
compilation steps
Here in this QT code directory I have another makefile (child.mk) which has following content:
cd "qtcode_compilation_out_dir"
qmake.exe "product.pro" -r -spec win32-g++
mingw32-make -w
If I try to run the make command manually for QT code then it works fine.
#Alexander: Thanks for the suggestion.
Please suggest if anyone has any idea about it.
Finally, I found out the exact reason of the problem and solution as well.
Reason for failure:
The compilation command that I am using is "make" which is been aliased to "make -j2"and along with "mingw32-make -w" it was producing the error because mingw32-make is an obsolete make command and it doesn't support multi threaded compilation.
I just replaced the mingw32-make with make.

Qt Creator project using CMake : Issues removing files

So here's a quick (and probably inane) question from someone new to CMake and Qt.
I'm currently using Qt Creator, alongside of CMake, to create some project. I have 2 C++ files that I have to remove that are no longer used anywhere within the codebase. I have removed them from the project, the CMakeLists.txt file, nuked the build and qt_build directories, and proceeded to try to rebuild. However, I seem to be getting an warning when running qmake which looks like this...
15:03:03: Running steps for project Traveler...
15:03:03: Starting: "C:\Qt\5.9.2\msvc2017_64\bin\qmake.exe" C:\Users\someone\Traveler\Traveler.pro -spec win32-msvc "CONFIG+=debug" "CONFIG+=qml_debug"**
Info: creating stash file C:\...\build-traveler-Desktop_Qt_5_9_2_MSVC2017_64bit-Debug\.qmake.stash
WARNING: Failure to find: src\XX_Exceptions.cpp
WARNING: Failure to find: include\XX_Exceptions.hpp
WARNING: Failure to find: src\XX_Exceptions.cpp
WARNING: Failure to find: include\XX_Exceptions.hpp
15:03:07: The process "C:\Qt\5.9.2\msvc2017_64\bin\qmake.exe" exited normally.
15:03:07: Starting: "C:\Qt\Tools\QtCreator\bin\jom.exe" qmake_all
It seems as if qmake exits without error, but I really don't like seeing these compiler warnings (especially duplicated, so its showing up in two places).
Then, when I proceed to try to build...
15:16:27: Running steps for project Traveler...
15:16:27: Configuration unchanged, skipping qmake step.
15:16:27: Starting: "C:\Qt\Tools\QtCreator\bin\jom.exe"
C:\Qt\Tools\QtCreator\bin\jom.exe -f Makefile.Debug
Error: dependent 'src\XX_Exceptions.cpp' does not exist.
jom: C:\Users\someone\build-Traveler-Desktop_Qt_5_9_2_MSVC2017_64bit-Debug\Makefile [debug] Error 2
15:16:28: The process "C:\Qt\Tools\QtCreator\bin\jom.exe" exited with code 2.
Error while building/deploying project Traveler (kit: Desktop Qt 5.9.2 MSVC2017 64bit)
The kit Desktop Qt 5.9.2 MSVC2017 64bit has configuration issues which might be the root cause for this problem.
When executing step "Make"
Question :: Is there any location where the specific files in the project are referenced besides the CMakeLists after I nuke the build directories?

Error when compiling Qt project. The process "/usr/bin/make" exited with code 2

I'm brand new to Qt and I tried to build a new project. I searched around and people seem to have similar problems but none of the solutions worked for me. I made New Project > Application > Qt widgets Application > created "Tester" file in /Volumes/MATT'S EHD/Qt > Kit: Desktop Qt 5.8.0 clang 64bit
I build it and this is my output:
sh: line 0: cd: /Volumes/MATTS\ EHD/Qt/build-Tester-Desktop_Qt_5_8_0_clang_64bit-Debug && /Volumes/MATT\S EHD/Qt/5.8/clang_64/bin/uic:
No such file or directory
/bin/sh: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
/bin/sh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
make: *** [main.o] Error 2
11:43:23: The process "/usr/bin/make" exited with code 2.
Error while building/deploying project Tester (kit: Desktop Qt 5.8.0 clang 64bit)
When executing step "Make"
There's some other output but these are what's outputting in red and I'm assuming what's giving me issues. I haven't changed the file at all. I'm just trying to build it to see if it works and it doesn't. I'm running on OSX and everything is stored on my external hard drive. Any help is appreciated.
Since the error message complains about a missing matching (in that case closing) single quote, I strongly suspect your “MATT'S EHD” directory is a problem. That’s not too surprising because build systems in the C and C++ world are notoriously crappy when it comes to handling paths with spaces and/or quote characters.
Try a spaceless and quoteless path, not only for your project but also for your complete toolchain, especially the Qt installation. If you can’t or dont want to move your toolchain you can also try to backslash escape all special characters in Qt Creator’s “Build & Run” options. Should work theoretically, but I’ve never tried it in practice.

When compiling get error: 'QtGui/QAction' file not found #include <QtGui/QAction>

I just installed Mac OS X 10.8.3 and Qt Creator 3, XCode, and XCode command line tools. I'm trying to compile a project that works on another computer but each time I go to "build all" I get error: 'QtGui/QAction' file not found
in #include <QtGui/QAction>
I tried adding the second and third line in the .pro file but it didn't help
QT += core gui opengl
CONFIG += qt
QT += gui
TARGET = BasicOpenGL
UPDATE: I also tried this .pro file and it didn't work
QT += core gui opengl
QT += widgets
TARGET = BasicOpenGL
I should say this is my first time attempting development on mac.
Compile Output from Qt
Versions/A/Headers -I/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.8.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/AGL.framework/Headers -I. -I. -F/Users/john/Qt/5.2.0/clang_64/lib -o mainwindow.o ../Framework/mainwindow.cpp
In file included from ../Framework/mainwindow.cpp:2:
../Framework/ui_mainwindow.h:14:10: fatal error: 'QtGui/QAction' file not found
#include <QtGui/QAction>
1 error generated.
make: *** [mainwindow.o] Error 1
15:51:32: The process "/usr/bin/make" exited with code 2.
Error while building/deploying project BasicOpenGL (kit: Desktop Qt 5.2.0 clang 64bit)
When executing step 'Make'
UPDATE: I got it to work but with all the screwing around I'm not exactly sure what did it. I started with a fresh mac image, installed system updates, installed xcode, installed xcode command line tools, installed QT Creator 3.0, installed QT libraries 4.8.1, setup the compilers in QT Creator.
Try doing a make clean followed by a make. I had this exact problem on a Windows 7 system, and this is what worked for me.
In Qt5, QAction header is in QtWidgets include sub-directory, not in QtGui (that's true for Qt4). Though you don't actually need to specify include sub-directories since qmake will handle that for you. You just need to add QT += widgets to your .pro file.
Set the version to Qt5, change all #include<QtQui/*>s into #include<QtWidgets/*>.
And add QT += widgets in your .pro file.
Rebuild the project, when you get the error again, tap into the error message, and change the #include<QtQui/*>s into #include<QtWidgets/*> too.
Some answers here say that you have to change include from <QtGui/QAction> to <QtWidgets/QAction>.
It was the case when you compile under QT-5. But after QT-6 was released you have to do the opposite in QT-6 application.
Now you have to change <QtWidgets/QAction> to <QtGui/QAction>, because now QAction is located in QtGui folder in QT-6.
Although my answer is not related to your very old question, as you had QT-4 problem, still your question pops up first in Google hence I'm posting my answer for those StackOverflow visitors who have same problem but with compiling QT-5 project under QT-6, as I did.

Slow building of a Symbian Qt Project in Qt Creator. Takes over 20 minutes

I'm trying to build a moderately sized Symbian Qt project (around 100 files) using the latest released Nokia Qt SDK (Qt 4.6.3 and Qt Mobility 1.0.2).
The build for the simulator finishes in under 3 minutes, but when I build for the device, the build takes well over 20 minutes! I can forget trying to debug on the device. It is very frustrating!
My machine specs are the following:
Windows 7 32-bit
3.24GB RAM
Intel Core 2 Duo 1.86GHz
The compiler has been stuck here for over 10 minutes:
Running build steps for project AppName...
Starting: "c:/nokiaqtsdk/symbian/sdk/bin/qmake.exe" C:/QtProjects/AppName/AppName.pro -r -spec symbian-abld -after OBJECTS_DIR=obj MOC_DIR=moc UI_DIR=ui RCC_DIR=rcc CONFIG+=release
The process "c:/nokiaqtsdk/symbian/sdk/bin/qmake.exe" exited normally.
Starting: "C:/NokiaQtSDK/Symbian/SDK/epoc32/tools/make.exe" release-gcce -w
C:\NokiaQtSDK\Symbian\SDK\epoc32\tools\make.exe: Entering directory `C:/QtProjects/AppName'
bldmake bldfiles
ABLD.BAT build gcce urel
make -r -f "\NokiaQtSDK\Symbian\SDK\EPOC32\BUILD\QtProjects\AppName\EXPORT.make" EXPORT VERBOSE=-s
make[1]: Entering directory `C:/QtProjects/AppName'
Nothing to do
make[1]: Leaving directory `C:/QtProjects/AppName'
make -r -f "\NokiaQtSDK\Symbian\SDK\EPOC32\BUILD\QtProjects\AppName\GCCE.make" MAKEFILE VERBOSE=-s
make[1]: Entering directory `C:/QtProjects/AppName'
make -s -C \QtProjects\AppName-f "MAKEFILE_0Xe001827C.MK" TO_ROOT=..\.. EPOCBLD=\NokiaQtSDK\Symbian\SDK\EPOC32\BUILD\MAKEFILE_0Xe001827C\GCCE TO_BLDINF=..\..\QtProjects\AppNamePLATFORM=GCCE MAKMAKE
perl -S makmake.pl -D \QtProjects\AppName\APPNAME_0Xe001827C GCCE
WARNING: \QtProjects\AppName\APPNAME_0Xe001827C .MMP(65) : SYSTEMINCLUDE path "\NokiaQtSDK\Symbian\SDK\epoc32\include\osextensions\stdapis\" not found
WARNING: \QtProjects\AppName\APPNAME_0Xe001827C .MMP(66) : SYSTEMINCLUDE path "\NokiaQtSDK\Symbian\SDK\epoc32\include\osextensions\stdapis\sys\" not found
WARNING: \QtProjects\AppName\APPNAME_0Xe001827C .MMP(69) : SYSTEMINCLUDE path "\NokiaQtSDK\Symbian\SDK\epoc32\include\oem\" not found
WARNING: \QtProjects\AppName\APPNAME_0Xe001827C .MMP(72) : SYSTEMINCLUDE path "\NokiaQtSDK\Symbian\SDK\epoc32\include\osextensions\" not found
WARNING: \QtProjects\AppName\APPNAME_0Xe001827C .MMP(73) : SYSTEMINCLUDE path "\NokiaQtSDK\Symbian\SDK\epoc32\include\domain\osextensions\" not found
WARNING: \QtProjects\AppName\APPNAME_0Xe001827C .MMP(74) : SYSTEMINCLUDE path "\NokiaQtSDK\Symbian\SDK\epoc32\include\domain\osextensions\loc\" not found
WARNING: \QtProjects\AppName\APPNAME_0Xe001827C .MMP(76) : SYSTEMINCLUDE path "\NokiaQtSDK\Symbian\SDK\epoc32\include\domain\osextensions\loc\sc\" not found
WARNING: \QtProjects\AppName\APPNAME_0Xe001827C .MMP(77) : SYSTEMINCLUDE path "\NokiaQtSDK\Symbian\SDK\epoc32\include\domain\middleware\loc\sc\" not found
WARNING: \QtProjects\AppName\APPNAME_0Xe001827C .MMP(82) : SYSTEMINCLUDE path "\NokiaQtSDK\Symbian\SDK\epoc32\include\osextensions\stdapis\stlport\" not found
MMPFILE "\QtProjects\AppName\APPNAME_0Xe001827C .MMP"
I solved the slow compilation problem as indicated by this thread
I added
to the project environment variables (or it could be added to Windows environment variables), and the project compilation was back to speed again.
The solution to set the environment variable 'SYMBIANBUILD_DEPENDENCYOFF = 1' as mentioned above also works for us and can result in much quicker Target (GCCE) build times.
However, be aware that you may often need to perform a full (cleaned) re-build of the source if you have modified header files, and specifically added/removed functions for classes and therefore amended the class interface. This is because using this environment variable prevents the Symbian build tools from scanning your include files for changes.
Manually deleting the relevant *.o object files from your QTSDK\Symbian\SDK\epoc32\BUILD_yourfolder_ is a way to prevent the need for a full rebuild but also ensure that affected code is rebuilt.
I believe the slow speed of the Symbian GCCE builds is due to the legacy ABLD build tools, which should be replaced by the Symbian Build System (SBS v2) soon.
I've had trouble with very slow builds due to ZoneAlarm - switching it off resulting in builds 10x quicker... Worth a try if you have an OS firewall installed.
So cool page, the slow building speed in qt creator make me very very very frustrating, I nearly give up the Qt 4.6.3 and 4.7.3, after add the system variable 'SYMBIANBUILD_DEPENDENCYOFF = 1', it is really amazing, speed back, So thanks!
By the way, there is no speed problem in qt 4.7.4 and the compiler use the sbs not the perl any more.