Same Program code with same compiler leads to different binaries - c++

I have an issue with my code that has some very strange symptoms.
The code is compiled on my computer with the following versions:
a. GCC Version: 4.4.2
b. CMAKE verson: 2.8.7
c. QNX (operating system) version: 6.5.0
And the code has a segfault whilst freeing some memory and exiting from a function (not dying on any code, just on the exit from a function).
The weird things about this are:
The code does it in release mode but not debug mode:
a. The code is threaded so this indicates a race condition.
b. I cannot debug by putting it in debug mode.
The code when compiled on a workmates machine with the same versions of everything, does not have this problem.
a. The wierd things about this are that the workmates code works, but also that the binary created from compiling on his machine, which is the same, is about 6mB bigger.
Now annoyingly I cannot post the code because it is too big and also for work. But can anyone point me along a path to fixing this.
Since I am using QNX I am limited for my debug tools, I cannot use Valgrind and since it is not supported in QNX, GDB doesn't really help.
I am looking for anyone who has had a similar/same problem and what the cause was and how they fixed it.
Sooo... I found out what it was, but im still a bit confused about how it happened.
The culprit code was this:
Eigen::VectorXd msBb = data.modelSearcher->getMinimumBoundingBox();
where the definition for getMinimumBoundingBox is this:
Eigen::VectorXd ModelSearcher::getMinimumBoundingBox();
and it returns a VectorXd which is always initialised as VectorXd output(6, 1). So I immediately thought, right it must be because the VectorXd is not being initialised, but changing it to this:
Eigen::VectorXd msBb(6, 1); msBb = data.modelSearcher->getMinimumBoundingBox();
But this didn't work. In fact I had to fix it by changing the definition of the function to this:
void ModelSearcher::getMinimumBoundingBox(Eigen::MatrixXd& input);
and the call to this
Eigen::VectorXd msBb(6, 1); data.modelSearcher->getMinimumBoundingBox(msBb);
So now the new question:
What the hell? Why didn't the first change work but the second did, why do I have to pass by reference? Oh and the big question, how the hell didn't this break when my co-worker compiled it and I ran it? Its a straight out memory error, surely it shouldn't depend on which computer compiles it, especially since the compiler and all the other important things are the same!!??
Thanks for your help guys.

... the binary created from compiling on his machine, which is the same, is about 6mB bigger
It's worth figuring out what the difference is (even if it's just the case that his build hides, while yours exposes, a real bug):
double-check you're compiling exactly the same code (no un-committed local changes, no extra headers in the include search path, etc.)
triple-check by adding a -E switch to your gcc arguments in cmake, so it will pre-process your files with the same include path as regular compilation; diff the pre-processor output
compare output from nm or objdump or whatever you have to for your two linked executables: if some system or 3rd-party library is a different version on one box, it may show up here
compare output from ldd if it's dynamically linked, make sure they're both getting the same library versions
compare the library versions it actually gets at runtime too, if possible. Hopefully you can do one of: run pldd, compare the .so entries in /proc/pid/map, run the process under strace/dtrace/truss and compare the runtime linker activity
As for the code ... if this doesn't work:
Eigen::VectorXd ModelSearcher::getMinimumBoundingBox();
// ...
Eigen::VectorXd msBb(6, 1); msBb = data.modelSearcher->getMinimumBoundingBox();
and this does:
void ModelSearcher::getMinimumBoundingBox(Eigen::MatrixXd& input);
// ...
Eigen::VectorXd msBb(6, 1); data.modelSearcher->getMinimumBoundingBox(msBb);
you presumably have a problem with the assignment operator. If it does a shallow copy and there is dynamically-allocated memory in the vector, you'll end up with two vectors holding the same pointer, and they'll both free/delete it.
Note that if the operator isn't defined at all, the default is to do this shallow copy.

You said you have to change from:
void ModelSearcher::getMinimumBoundingBox(Eigen::MatrixXd& input);
What was it before?
If it was:
void ModelSearcher::getMinimumBoundingBox(Eigen::MatrixXd input);
and the copy constructors / assignment operators weren't implemented properly it might have caused the problem.
Please do check how they are both implemented. Here's some info that might help.


C++ What could cause a line of code in one place to change behavior in an unrelated function?

Consider this mock-up of my situation.
in an external header:
class ThirdPartyObject
my code: (spread among a few headers and source files)
class ThirdPartyObjectWrapper
ThirdPartyObject myObject;
class Owner
Owner() {}
void initialize();
ThirdPartyObjectWrapper myWrappedObject;
void Owner::initialize()
//not weird:
//ThirdPartyObjectWrapper testWrappedObject;
//ThirdPartyObject testObject;
ThirdPartyObject is, naturally, an object defined by a third party (static precompiled) library I'm using. ThirdPartyObjectWrapper is a convenience class that eliminates a lot of boiler-plating for working with ThirdPartyObject. Owner::initialize() is called shortly after an instance of Owner is created.
Notice the two lines I have labeled as "weird" and "not weird" in Owner::initialize(). All I'm doing here is creating a couple of objects on the stack with their default constructors. I don't do anything with those objects and they get destroyed when they leave scope. There are no build or linker errors involved, I can uncomment either or both lines and the code will build.
However, if I uncomment "weird" then I get a segmentation fault, and (here's why I say it's weird) it's in a completely unrelated location. Not in the constructor of testObject, like you might expect, but in the constructor of Owner::myObjectWrapper::myObject. The weird line never even gets called, but somehow its presence or absence consistently changes the behavior of an unrelated function in a static library.
And consider that if I only uncomment "not weird" then it runs fine, executing the ThirdPartyObject constructor twice with no problems.
I've been working with C++ for a year so it's not really a surprise to me that something like this would be able happen, but I've about reached the limit of my ability to figure out how this gotcha is happening. I need the input of people with significantly more C++ experience than me.
What are some possibilities that could cause this to happen? What might be going on here?
Also, note, I'm not asking for advice on how to get rid of the segfault. Segfaults I understand, I suspect it's a simple race condition. What I don't understand is the behavior gotcha so that's the only thing I'm trying to get answers for.
My best lead is that it has to do with headers and macros. The third party library actually already has a couple of gotchas having to do with its headers and macros, for example the code won't build if you put your #include's in the wrong order. I'm not changing any #include's so strictly this still wouldn't make sense, but perhaps the compiler is optimizing includes based on the presence of a symbol here? (it would be the only mention of ThirdPartyObject in the file)
It also occurs to me that because I am using Qt, it could be that the Meta-Object Compiler (which generates supplementary code between compilations) might be involved in this. Very unlikely, as Qt has no knowledge of the third party library where the segfault is happening and this is not actually relevant to the functionality of the MOC (since at no point ThirdPartyObject is being passed as an argument), but it's worth investigating at least.
Related questions have suggested that it could be a relatively small buffer overflow or race condition that gets tripped up by compiler optimizations. Continuing to investigate but all leads are welcome.
Typical culprits:
Some build products are stale and not binary-compatible.
You have a memory bug that has corrupted the state of your process, and are seeing a manifestation of that in a completely unrelated location.
Fixing #1 is trivial: delete the build folder and build again. If you're not building in a shadow build folder, you've set yourself up for failure, hopefully you now know enough to stop :)
Fixing #2 is not trivial. View manual memory management and possible buffer overflows with suspicion. Use modern C++ programming techniques to leverage the compiler to help you out: store things by value, use containers, use smart pointers, and use iterators and range-for instead of pointers. Don't use C-style arrays. Abhor C-style APIs of the (Type * array, int count) kind - they don't belong in C++.
What fun. I've boiled this down to the bottom.
//#include <otherthirdpartyheader.h>
#include <thirdpartyobject.h>
int main(...)
ThirdPartyObject test;
return 0;
This code runs. If I uncomment the first include, delete all build artifacts, and build again, then it breaks. There's obviously a header/macro component, and probably some kind of compiler-optimization component. But, get this, according to the library documentation it should give me a segfault every time because I haven't been doing a required initialization step. So the fact that it runs at all indicates unexpected behavior.
I'm chalking this up to library-specific issues rather than broad spectrum C++ issues. I'll be contacting the vendor going forward from here, but thanks everyone for the help.

Output of program depends on arbitrary print statements?

I have a Fortran 95 code whose output seems to be a function of things that it shouldn't be a function of. Specifically, the following scenerio is happening:
Run code with version A; it doesn't work (I mean, it works as in it compiles and runs, but it doesn't give the result I expect)
Run code with Version B; it works. Version B contains only trivial modifications to version A such as print statements or small changes in numerical values of variables.
Run code with version A; all of a sudden, it works.
I think there's some issue with memory or using variables before they're initialized, so I was wondering whether or not there was a way to check this sort of thing with gfortran, or if any one knows what the problem might be. I've tried gfortran my_program.f95 -Wall - Wextra, but it just gives me a bunch of complaints about nonconforming tab characters.
This was a while ago, but I fixed the problem so I figured I might as well post it. To be honest, I'm not sure whether or not these steps in particular are what fixed it, but it works, so here they are:
Put all procedures in modules (this also helps to organize the code) as opposed to just "out in the open."
Declare the intent (in, out or inout) of all variables via real, intent(in) :: foo. This is obviously useful for optimization and organization but apparently it has something to do with interfaces as well ... no idea what that's about.
And that's it!

Boost threads: in IOS, thread_info object is being destructed before the thread finishes executing

Our project uses a few boost 1.48 libraries on several platforms, including Windows, Mac, Android, and IOS.
We are able to consistently get the IOS version of the project to crash (nontrivially but reliably) when using IOS, and
from our investigation we see that ~thread_data_base is being called on the thread's thread_info while its thread is still running.
This seems to happen as a result of the smart pointer reaching a zero count, even though it is obviously still
in scope in the thread_proxy function which creates it and runs the requested function in the thread.
This seems to happen in various cases - the call stack is not identical between crashes, though there are a few
variations which are common.
Just to be clear - this often requires running code which is creating hundreds of threads, though there are
never more than about 30 running simultaneously. I have "been lucky" and got it very very early in the
run also, but that's rare.
I created a version of the destructor which actually catches the code red-handed:
in libs/thread/src/pthread/thread.cpp:
boost::detail::thread_data_base* const thread_info=detail::get_current_thread_data();
void *void_thread_info = (void *) thread_info;
void *void_this = (void *) this;
// is somebody destructing the thread_data other than its own thread?
// (remember that its own which should no longer point to it anyway,
// because of the call to detail::set_current_thread_data(0) in thread_proxy)
if (void_thread_info) { // == void_this) {
I should note that (as seen from the commented-out code) I had previously checked to see that void_thread_info == void_this because I
was only checking for the case where the thread's current thread_info was killing itself.
I have also seen cases where the value returned by get_current_thread_data is non-zero and
different from "this", which is really weird.
Also when I first wrote that version of the code, I wrote:
if (((void*)thread_info) == ((void*)this))
and at run-time I got some very weird exception that said I something about a virtual function table
or something like that - I don't remember. I decided that it was trying to call "==" for this object type
and was unhappy with that, so I rewrote as above, putting the conversions to void * as separate
lines of code. That in itself is quite suspicious to me. I am not one to run to rush to blame compilers, but...
I should also note that when we did catch this happening the trap, we saw the destructor for
~shared_count appear twice consecutively on the stack in Xcode source. Very doubleweird.
We tried to look at the disassembly, but couldn't make much out of it.
Again - it looks like this is always a result of the shared_count which seems to be owned by
the shared_ptr which owns the thread_info reaching zero too early.
Update: it seems that it is possible to get into situations which reach the above trap without the situation doing any harm. Since fixing the issue (see answer) I have seen it happen, but always after thread_info->run() has finished executing. Don't yet understand how...but it's working.
Some additional info:
I should note that the from Pete Goodliffe (and modified by others) that is commonly used to compile boost for IOS
has the following note in the header:
# The EXTRA_CPPFLAGS definition works around a thread race issue in
# shared_ptr. I encountered this historically and have not verified that
# the fix is no longer required. Without using the posix thread primitives
# an invalid compare-and-swap ARM instruction (non-thread-safe) was used for the
# shared_ptr use count causing nasty and subtle bugs.
# Should perhaps also consider/use instead: -BOOST_SP_USE_PTHREADS
I use those flags, but to no avail.
I found the following which is very tantalizing - it looks like they had the same issue in std::thread:
That was suggestive of using an alternate implementation inside boost for arm processors which seems also to directly address this issue:
The version included with boost 1.48 uses outdated arm assembly.
I took the updated version from boost 1.52, but I'm having trouble compiling it.
I get the following error:
predicated instructions must be in IT block
I found a reference to what looks to be a similar use of this instruction here:
I was able to use the same idea to get the 1.52 code to compile by modifying
the code as follows (I inserted an appropriate IT instruction)
__asm__ __volatile__(
"ldrex %0, [%2]; \n"
"cmp %0, %1; \n"
"it ne; \n"
"strexne %0, %1, [%2]; \n"
"=&r"( r ): // outputs
"r"( 1 ), "r"( &v_ ): // inputs
"memory", "cc" );
But in any case, there are ifdefs in this file which look for the arm architecture, which is not defined that way in my environment. After I simply edited the file so that only ARM 7 code
was left, the compiler complains about the definition of BOOST_SP_ARM_BARRIER:
In file included from ./boost/smart_ptr/detail/spinlock.hpp:35:
./boost/smart_ptr/detail/spinlock_gcc_arm.hpp:39:13: error: instruction requires a CPU feature not currently enabled
./boost/smart_ptr/detail/spinlock_gcc_arm.hpp:13:32: note: expanded from macro 'BOOST_SP_ARM_BARRIER'
# define BOOST_SP_ARM_BARRIER "dmb"
Any ideas??
Figured this out. It turns out that the script that I mention in the question chose the incorrect boost flag to address this problem - instead of BOOST_SP_USE_PTHREADS (and the other flag there with it, BOOST_AC_USE_PTHREADS) it turns out that what is needed on IOS is BOOST_SP_USE_SPINLOCK. This ends up giving pretty much the identical solution used in the std::thread issue referred to in the question.
If you are compiling for any modern IOS device which uses ARM 7, but using an older boost (we are using 1.48), you need to copy the file spinlock_gcc_arm.hpp from a more recent boost (like 1.52). That file is #ifdef'd for the different arm architectures, but it is not clear to me that the defines it is looking for are defined in the IOS compile environment using the script. So you can either edit the file (violent but effective) or invest some time to figure out how to make this tidy and correct.
In any case, you may need to insert the extra assembly instruction that I did above in the question:
"it ne; \n"
I have not yet gone back to see if I can delete that now that I have my compile environment working problem.
However, we're not done yet. The code used in boost for this option includes, as discussed, ARM assembly language instructions. The ARM chips support two instruction sets which can't be mixed in a given module (not sure of the scope, but evidently file by file is an acceptable granularity when compiling). The instructions used in boost for this locking include non-Thumb instructions, but IOS by default uses the Thumb instruction set. The boost code, aware of the instruction set issue, checks to see that you have arm enabled but not thumb, but by default in IOS, thumb is on.
Getting the compiler to generate non-thumb ARM code depends on which compiler you are using in IOS - Apple's LLVM or LLVM GCC. GCC is deprecated, and Apple's LLVM is the default when you use XCode.
For the default Clang + Apple LLVM 4.1, you need to compile using the -mno-thumb flag. Also any files in your IOS app which use any part of boost which uses smart pointers will also have to be compiled using -mno-thumb.
To compile boost like this, I think you can just add -mno-thumb to the EXTRA_CPP_FLAGS in the script. (I modified the user-config.jam directly while experimenting and haven't yet gone back to clean up.)
For your app, in Xcode you need to select your target, then go into the Build Phases tab, and there select Compile sources. There you have the option of adding compile flags, so for each relevant file (which includes boost), add the -mno-thumb flag. You can do this directly in project.pbxproj also where each file has
settings = { COMPILER_FLAGS = ""; };
you just change this to
settings = { COMPILER_FLAGS = "-mno-thumb"; };
But there's a little more. You also have to modify the darwin.jam file in the tools/build/v2/tools directory. In boost 1.48, there is a code that says:
case arm :
options = -arch armv6;
This has to be modified to
case arm :
options = -arch armv7 ;
Finally, in the script, in the function writeBjamUserConfig(), you should remove the references to -arch armv6.
If somebody knows how to do this a little more generally and cleanly, I'm sure we'd all benefit. For now, this is where I've gotten to, and I hope that this will help other IOS boost threads users. I hope that the various variants on the IOS script out there will be updated. I plan to add some more links to this answer later.
Update: For a great article which describes the issue on the processor level,
see here:
I use boost.asio, boost.thread, boost.smart_ptr etc. on iOS platform, the app always crash when run in release mode, which throws signal sigabrt. The crash call stack is :
![when create a asio work with creating new thread and io_service][1]
When trying to solve the problem, I found the following articles:
[The issue of spin_lock and thumb on iOS][3]
Then I try to add -mno-thumb to my project compile flag, and the problem occured in release mode is gone.
However, a new bug bring out : EXC_ARM_DA_ALIGN, which crashed at where I try to convert network data to host-endian.
As[this article][4] says, the ARM instructions strict that the memory data must be aligned.
And follow the article [Exc_arm_da_align][5], I fix it by using memcpy for the data convert, instead of directly converting from the pointer.

Segmentation fault when adding a vector. (C++)

So I've got a pretty basic class that has a few methods and some class variables. Everythings working great up until I add a vector to the member variables in the header file:
std::vector <std::string> vectorofstuff;
If all I do is add this line then my program run perfectly but at the end, after all the output is there, I get a message about a seg fault.
My first guess is that I need to call the destructor on the vector, but that didn't seem to work. Plus my understanding is I don't need to call the destructor unless I use the word 'new'.
Any pushes in the right direction? Thanks bunches!
I guess the following either happened to you, or it was something similar involving unrealised dependencies/headers. Either way, I hope this answer might show up on Google and help some later, extremely confused programmer figure out why they're suddenly observing arbitrary crashes.
So, from experience, this can happen if you compile a new version of SomeObject.o but accidentally have another object file #include an old version of SomeObject.hpp. This leads to corruption, which'll be caused by the compiler referring to outdated member offsets, etc. Sometimes this mostly works and only produces segfaults when destructing objects - either related or seemingly distant ones - and other times the program segfaults right away or somewhere in-between; I've seen several permutations (regrettably!).
For anyone wondering why this can happen, maybe this is just a reflection of how little sleep I get while programming, but I've encountered this pattern in the context of Git submodules, e.g.:
/ GuiSubmodule
/ HelperSubmodule
/ / GuiSubmodule
If (A) you have a new commit in GuiSubmodule, which has not yet been pulled into HelperSubmodule's copy, (B) your makefile compiles MyRepo/uiSubmodule/SomeObject.o, and (C) another translation unit - either in a submodule or in the main repo via the perils of #include - links against an older version of SomeObject.hpp that has a different class layout... You're in for a fun time, and a lot of chasing red herrings until you finally realise the simple mistake.
Since I had cobbled together my build process from scratch, I might've just not been using Git/make properly - or strictly enough (forgetting to push/pull all submodules). Probably the latter! I see fewer odd bugs nowadays at least :)
You are probably corrupting the memory of the vectorofstuff member somewhere within your class. When the class destructor is called the destructor of the vector is called as well, which would try to point and/or delete to invalid memory.
I was fooling around with it and decided to, just to be sure, do an rm on everything and recompile. And guess what? That fixed it. I have no idea why, in the makefile I do this anyway, but whatever, I'm just glad I can move on and continue working on it. Thanks so much for all the help!

Visual Studio 2005 C compiler problem when optimizing a switch statement

General Question which may be of interest to others:
I ran into a, what I believe, C++-compiler optimization (Visual Studio 2005) problem with a switch statement. What I'd want to know is if there is any way to satisfy my curiosity and find out what the compiler is trying to but failing to do. Is there any log I can spend some time (probably too much time) deciphering?
My specific problem for those curious enough to continue reading - I'd like to hear your thoughts on why I get problems in this specific case.
I've got a tiny program with about 500 lines of code containing a switch statement. Some of its cases contain some assignment of pointers.
double *ptx, *pty, *ptz;
double **ppt = new double*[3];
//some code initializing etc ptx, pty and ptz
ppt[1]=pty; //<----- this statement causes problems
The middle statement seems to hang the compiler. The compilation never ends. OK, I didn't wait for longer than it took to walk down the hall, talk to some people, get a cup of coffee and return to my desk, but this is a tiny program which usually compiles in less than a second. Remove a single line (the one indicated in the code above) and the problem goes away, as it also does when removing the optimization (on the whole program or using #pragma on the function).
Why does this middle line cause a problem? The compilers optimizer doesn't like pty.
There is no difference in the vectors ptx, pty, and ptz in the program. Everything I do to pty I do to ptx and ptz. I tried swapping their positions in ppt, but pty was still the line causing a problem.
I'm asking about this because I'm curious about what is happening. The code is rewritten and is working fine.
Almost two weeks later, I check out the closest version to the code I described above and I can't edit it back to make it crash. This is really annoying, embarrassing and irritating. I'll give it another try, but if I don't get it breaking anytime soon I guess this part of the question is obsolete and I'll remove it. Really sorry for taking your time.
If you need to make this code compilable without changing it too much consider using memcpy where you assign a value to ppt[1]. This should at least compile fine.
However, you problem seems more like another part of the source code causes this behaviour.
What you can also try is to put this stuff:
ppt[1]=pty; //<----- this statement causes problems
in another function.
This should also help compiler a bit to avoid the path it is taking to compile your code.
Did you try renaming pty to something else (i.e. pt_y)? I encountered a couple of times (i.e. with a variable "rect2") the problem that some names seem to be "reserved".
It sounds like a compiler bug. Have you tried re-ordering the lines? e.g.,
Also what happens if you juggle about the values that are assigned (which will introduce bugs in your code, but may indicator whether its the pointer or the array that's the issue), e.g.:
ppt[0] = pty;
ppt[1] = ptz;
ppt[2] = ptx;
(or similar).
It's probably due to your declaration of ptx, pty and ptz with them being optimised out to use the same address. Then this action is causing your compiler problems later in your code.
static double *ptx;
static double *pty;
static double *ptz;