C++ get hour and minutes from string - c++

I'm writing C++ code for school in which I can only use the std library, so no boost. I need to parse a string like "14:30" and parse it into:
unsigned char hour;
unsigned char min;
We get the string as a c++ string, so no direct pointer. I tried all variations on this code:
sscanf(hour.c_str(), "%hhd[:]%hhd", &hours, &mins);
but I keep getting wrong data. What am I doing wrong.

As everyone else has mentioned, you have to use %d format specified (or %u). As for the alternative approaches, I am not a big fan of the "because C++ has feature XX it must be used" and oftentimes resort to C-level functions. Though I never use scanf()-like stuff as it got its own problems. That being said, here is how I would parse your string using strtol() with error checking:
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
int main()
unsigned char hour;
unsigned char min;
const char data[] = "12:30";
char *ep;
hour = (unsigned char)strtol(data, &ep, 10);
if (!ep || *ep != ':') {
fprintf(stderr, "cannot parse hour: '%s' - wrong format\n", data);
min = (unsigned char)strtol(ep+1, &ep, 10);
if (!ep || *ep != '\0') {
fprintf(stderr, "cannot parse minutes: '%s' - wrong format\n", data);
printf("Hours: %u, Minutes: %u\n", hour, min);
Hope it helps.

Your problem is, of course, that you are using sscanf. And that
you're using some very special type for the hours and minutes, instead
of int. Since you're parsing a string of exactly 5 characters, the
simplest solution is just to ensure that all of the characters are legal
in that position, using isdigit for characters 0, 1, 3 and 4, and
comparing to ':' for character 2. Once you've done that, it's trivial
to create an std::istringstream from the string, and input into an
int, a char (which you'll ignore afterwards) and a second int. If
you want to be more flexible in the input, for example allowing things
like "9:45" as well, you can skip the initial checks, and just input
into int, char and int, then check that the char contains ':'
(and that the two int are in range).
As to why your sscanf is failing: you're asking it to match something
like "12[:]34", which is not what you're giving it. I'm not sure
whether you're trying to use "%hhd:%hhd", or if for some reason you
really do want a character class, in which case, you have to use [ as
a conversion specifier, and then ignore the input: "%hhd%*[:]%hhd".
(This would allow accepting more than one character as the separator,
but otherwise, I don't see the advantage. Also, technically at least,
using %d and then passing the address of an unsigned integral types
is not supported, %hhd must be a signed char. In practice,
however, I don't think you'll ever run into any problems for
non-negative input values less than 128.)

As mentioned by izomorphius sscanf and variants are not C++ they are C. The C++ way would be to use streams. The following works (it's not amazingly flexible but should give you an idea)
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
string str = "14:30";
stringstream sstrm;
int hour,min;
sstrm << str;
sstrm >> hour;
sstrm.get(); // get colon
sstrm >> min;
cout << hour << endl;
cout << min << endl;
return 0;
You could also use getline to get everything upto the colon.

I would do it like this
unsigned tmp_hour, tmp_mins;
unsigned char hour, mins;
sscanf(hour.c_str(), "%u:%u", &tmp_hours, &tmp_mins);
hour = tmp_hours;
mins = tmp_mins;
Less messing around with obscure scanf options. I would add some error checking too.

My understanding is that h in %hhd is not a valid format specifier. The correct specifier for decimal integers is %d.
As R.Martinho Fernandes says in his comment, %d:%d will match two numbers separated by a colon (':').
Did you want something different?
You can always read the entire text string and parse it any way you want.

sscanf with %hhd:%hhd seems to work perfectly fine:
std::string time("14:30");
unsigned char hour, min;
sscanf(time.c_str(), "%hhd:%hhd", &hour, &min);
Note that the hh length modifier is simply to allow storing the value in an unsigned char.
However, sscanf is from the C Standard Library and there are better C++ ways to do this. A C++11 way to do this is using stoi:
std::string time("14:30");
unsigned char hour = std::stoi(time);
unsigned char min = std::stoi(time.substr(3));
In C++03, we can use stringstream instead but it's a bit of a pain if you really want it in a char:
std::stringstream stream("14:30");
unsigned int hour, min;
stream >> hour;
stream >> min;


Need a constant length in strings [duplicate]

I have some numbers of different length (like 1, 999, 76492, so on) and I want to convert them all to strings with a common length (for example, if the length is 6, then those strings will be: '000001', '000999', '076492').
In other words, I need to add correct amount of leading zeros to the number.
int n = 999;
string str = some_function(n,6);
//str = '000999'
Is there a function like this in C++?
or using the stringstreams:
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
std::stringstream ss;
ss << std::setw(10) << std::setfill('0') << i;
std::string s = ss.str();
I compiled the information I found on arachnoid.com because I like the type-safe way of iostreams more. Besides, you can equally use this code on any other output stream.
char str[7];
snprintf (str, 7, "%06d", n);
See snprintf
One thing that you may want to be aware of is the potential locking that may go on when you use the stringstream approach. In the STL that ships with Visual Studio 2008, at least, there are many locks taken out and released as various locale information is used during formatting. This may, or may not, be an issue for you depending on how many threads you have that might be concurrently converting numbers to strings...
The sprintf version doesn't take any locks (at least according to the lock monitoring tool that I'm developing at the moment...) and so might be 'better' for use in concurrent situations.
I only noticed this because my tool recently spat out the 'locale' locks as being amongst the most contended for locks in my server system; it came as a bit of a surprise and may cause me to revise the approach that I've been taking (i.e. move back towards sprintf from stringstream)...
There are many ways of doing this. The simplest would be:
int n = 999;
char buffer[256]; sprintf(buffer, "%06d", n);
string str(buffer);
This method doesn't use streams nor sprintf. Other than having locking problems, streams incur a performance overhead and is really an overkill. For streams the overhead comes from the need to construct the steam and stream buffer. For sprintf, the overhead comes from needing to interpret the format string. This works even when n is negative or when the string representation of n is longer than len. This is the FASTEST solution.
inline string some_function(int n, int len)
string result(len--, '0');
for (int val=(n<0)?-n:n; len>=0&&val!=0; --len,val/=10)
if (len>=0&&n<0) result[0]='-';
return result;
stringstream will do (as xtofl pointed out). Boost format is a more convenient replacement for snprintf.
This is an old thread, but as fmt might make it into the standard, here is an additional solution:
#include <fmt/format.h>
int n = 999;
const auto str = fmt::format("{:0>{}}", n, 6);
Note that the fmt::format("{:0>6}", n) works equally well when the desired width is known at compile time. Another option is abseil:
#include <absl/strings/str_format.h>
int n = 999;
const auto str = absl::StrFormat("%0*d", 6, n);
Again, abs::StrFormat("%06d", n) is possible. boost format is another tool for this problem:
#include <boost/format.hpp>
int n = 999;
const auto str = boost::str(boost::format("%06d") % n);
Unfortunately, variable width specifier as arguments chained with the % operator are unsupported, this requires a format string setup (e.g. const std::string fmt = "%0" + std::to_string(6) + "d";).
In terms of performance, abseil and fmt claim to be very attractive and faster than boost. In any case, all three solutions should be more efficient than std::stringstream approaches, and other than the std::*printf family, they do not sacrifice type safety.
sprintf is the C-like way of doing this, which also works in C++.
In C++, a combination of a stringstream and stream output formatting (see http://www.arachnoid.com/cpptutor/student3.html ) will do the job.
From C++ 11, you can do:
string to_string(unsigned int number, int length) {
string num_str = std::to_string(number);
if(num_str.length() >= length) return num_str;
string leading_zeros(length - num_str.length(), '0');
return leading_zeros + num_str;
If you also need to handle negative numbers, you can rewrite the function as below:
string to_string(int number, int length) {
string num_str = std::to_string(number);
if(num_str.length() >= length) return num_str;
string leading_zeros(length - num_str.length(), '0');
//for negative numbers swap the leading zero with the leading negative sign
if(num_str[0] == '-') {
num_str[0] = '0';
leading_zeros[0] = '-';
return leading_zeros + num_str;

Handling Automatic Naming of Files In C++ Sprintf

I am currently writing a program in C++. I want to save a number of files continuously throughout the run of my program. The format of the filename is as such:
char fnameC[sizeof "C:\..._SitTurn_104_c2_00_00_000.bmp"];
- SitTurn is an experiment name
- 104 is an experiment number
These two will be changing after each different run of the program. Currently, my program works like this:
char fnameCVS[sizeof"C:\\Users\\Adam\\Desktop\\Skeleton_RGBDepth_DataAcquisition2013\\Skeleton_RGBDepth_DataAcquisition2013\\Skeleton_SitTurn_104_c2_02.csv"];
LARGE_INTEGER frequency;
double elapsedTime;
SYSTEMTIME comptime;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
sprintf_s(fnameCVS, "C:\\Users\\Adam\\Desktop\\Skeleton_RGBDepth_DataAcquisition2013\\Skeleton_RGBDepth_DataAcquisition2013\\Skeleton_SitTurn_104_c2_%02d.csv", comptime.wDay);
However, I tried this and I can't seem to get it to work. Can anyone help me?
...//rest of code set up
string expName = "SitStand";
string subjNumber = "101";
char fnameCVS[sizeof "C:\\Users\\Adam\\Desktop\\Skeleton_RGBDepth_DataAcquisition2013\\Skeleton_RGBDepth_DataAcquisition2013\\Skeleton_" + expName + "_" + subjNumber + "_c2_02.csv"];
LARGE_INTEGER frequency;
double elapsedTime;
SYSTEMTIME comptime;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
sprintf_s(fnameCVS, "C:\\Users\\Adam\\Desktop\\Skeleton_RGBDepth_DataAcquisition2013\\Skeleton_RGBDepth_DataAcquisition2013\\Skeleton_" + expName + "_" + subjNumber + "_c2_%02d.csv", comptime.wDay);
Since I am using this filename later in the program also, I would like to be able to just rename all files by changing the two strings: expName and subjNumber. Can someone help me explain how I can name my files using a string inputs (e.g. expName and subjNumber), so I only have to rename those corresponding string each time I change the experiment name, or subject number. Thanks!
Try this:
char fnameCVS[MAX_PATH+1];
SYSTEMTIME comptime;
sprintf_s(fnameCVS, _countof(fnameCVS), "C:\\Users\\Adam\\Desktop\\Skeleton_RGBDepth_DataAcquisition2013\\Skeleton_RGBDepth_DataAcquisition2013\\Skeleton_SitTurn_104_c2_%02d.csv", comptime.wDay);
Or this:
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
std::string expName = "SitStand";
std::string subjNumber = "101";
std::string fnameCVS;
SYSTEMTIME comptime;
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "C:\\Users\\Adam\\Desktop\\Skeleton_RGBDepth_DataAcquisition2013\\Skeleton_RGBDepth_DataAcquisition2013\\Skeleton_" << expName << "_" << subjNumber << "_c2_" << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << comptime.wDay << ".csv";
fnameCVS = oss.str();
You are mixing sprintf and std::string, which is never a good plan. You should either pick to use C's sprintf with char *, or C++'s std::string with std::stringstream.
Your fnameCVS array isn't going to be big enough: you'll take the sizeof of a std::string, which almost certainly will not be what you want.
Option 1: Use only sprintf. Allocate a big-enough string (e.g. char fnameCVS[256]) and use snprintf(fnameCVS, 256, "...Skeleton_%s_%d_c2_%02.csv", ...).
Option 2: Use only string and use a std::stringstream to build your filename.
This is a really bad idea:
char fnameCVS[sizeof"C:\\Users\\Adam\\Desktop\\Skeleton_RGBDepth_DataAcquisition2013\\Skeleton_RGBDepth_DataAcquisition2013\\Skeleton_SitTurn_104_c2_02.csv"];
The main reason is that it is very difficult to visually inspect whether you have allocated the right number of bytes. Perhaps you make a slight change to the filename later in the sprintf line but then you forget to update this line or you make a typo. Boom, buffer overflow (which may go undetected until it is time to give a presentation).
A secondary bug is that when you use %02d in printf, the 2 is a minimum field width; if the number would require more than 2 digits then it outputs more than 2 digits, causing a buffer overflow. To be safe here you'd need to check that the number is between 0 and 99 before printing it.
Finally, sprintf_s is a non-standard function, there's really no reason to use it instead of sprintf or snprintf.
In C++ the equivalent formatting is a bit more wordy, but leaves no possibility of buffer overflows:
std::string fnameCVS;
// ...
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "C:\\Users\\whatever...." << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0')
<< comptime.wDay;
fnameCVS = oss.str();
If you really want to stick with the printf family plus a static char array (note: you can use printf and a dynamically-sized char container) then to make your code safe:
char const my_format[] = "C:\\Users\\whatever.....\\%02d.csv";
char fnameCVS[ sizeof my_format - 2 ]; // "NN" is two chars shorter than "%02d"
// ...
if ( comptime.wDay < 0 || comptime.wDay > 99 )
throw std::runtime_error("wDay out of range");
snprintf(fnameCVS, sizeof fnameCVS, my_format, comptime.wDay);
Your update indicates that you want to compute various other parts of the filename at runtime too; the C++ version that I suggest is easier to extend than the C-with-static-array version where you have to calculate the amount of memory you need by hand.

How to capture length of sscanf'd string?

I'm parsing a string that follows a predictable pattern:
1 character
an integer (one or more digits)
1 colon
a string, whose length came from #2
For example:
I can see easily how to parse this with PCRE or the like, but I'd rather stick to plain string ops for the sake of speed.
I know I'll need to do it in 2 steps because I can't allocate the destination string until I know its length. My problem is gracefully getting the offset for the start of said string. Some code:
unsigned start = 0;
char type = serialized[start++]; // get the type tag
int len = 0;
char* dest = NULL;
char format[20];
switch (type) {
case 's':
// Figure out the length of the target string...
sscanf(serialized + start, "%d", &len);
// <code type='graceful'>
// increment start by the STRING LENGTH of whatever %d was
// </code>
// Don't forget to skip over the colon...
// Build a format string which accounts for length...
sprintf(format, "%%%ds", len);
// Finally, grab the target string...
sscanf(serialized + start, format, string);
That code is roughly taken from what I have (which isn't complete because of the issue at hand) but it should get the point across. Maybe I'm taking the wrong approach entirely. What's the most graceful way to do this? The solution can either C or C++ (and I'd actually like to see the competing methods if there are enough responses).
You can use the %n conversion specifier, which doesn't consume any input - instead, it expects an int * parameter, and writes the number of characters consumed from the input into it:
int consumed;
sscanf(serialized + start, "%d%n", &len, &consumed);
start += consumed;
(But don't forget to check that sscanf() returned > 0!)
Use the %n format specifier to write the number of characters read so far to an integer argument.
Here's a C++ solution, it could be better, and is hard-coded specifically to deal with your example input, but shouldn't require much modification to get working.
std::stringstream ss;
char type;
unsigned length;
char dummy;
std::string value;
ss << "s5:Helloxxxxxxxxxxx";
ss >> type;
ss >> length;
ss >> dummy;
ss >> value;
std::cout << value << std::endl;
I'm a noob at C++.
You can probably just use atoi which will ignore the colon.
e.g. len = atoi(serialized + start);
The only thing with atoi is that if it returns zero it could mean either the conversion failed, or that the length was truly zero. So it's not always the most appropriate function.
if you replace you colon with a space scanf will stop on it and you can get the size malloc the size then run another scanf to get the rest of the string`
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
char foo[20];
char *test;
scanf("%s",foo); //"hello world"
printf("foo = %s\n", foo);//prints hello
//get size
test = malloc(sizeof(char)* 10);//replace 10 with your string size
scanf("%s", test);
printf("test = %s\n", test);//prints world
return 0;
Seems like the format is overspecified... (using a variable length field to specify the length of a variable length field).
If you're using GCC, I'd suggest
if (sscanf(serialized,"%c%d:%as",&type,&len,&dest)<3) return -1;
/* use type, dest; ignore len */
return 0;

Byte from string/int in C++

I'm a beginning user in C++ and I want to know how to do this:
How can I 'create' a byte from a string/int. So for example I've:
string some_byte = "202";
When I would save that byte to a file, I want that the file is 1 byte instead of 3 bytes.
How is that possible?
Thanks in advance,
I would use C++'s String Stream class <sstream> to convert the string to an unsigned char.
And write the unsigned char to a binary file.
so something like [not real code]
std::string some_byte = "202";
std::istringstream str(some_byte);
int val;
if( !(str >> val))
// bad conversion
if(val > 255)
// too big
unsigned char ch = static_cast<unsigned char>(val);
printByteToFile(ch); //print the byte to file.
The simple answer is...
int value = atoi( some_byte ) ;
There are a few other questions though.
1) What size is an int and is it important? (for almost all systems it's going to be more than a byte)
int size = sizeof(int) ;
2) Is the Endianness important? (if it is look in to the htons() / ntohs() functions)
In C++, casting to/from strings is best done using string streams:
#include <sstream>
// ...
std::istringstream iss(some_string);
unsigned int ui;
iss >> ui;
if(!iss) throw some_exception('"' + some_string + "\" isn't an integer!");
unsigned char byte = i;
To write to a file, you use file streams. However, streams usually write/read their data as strings. you will have to open the file in binary mode and write binary, too:
#include <fstream>
// ...
std::ofstream ofs("test.bin", std::ios::binary);
ofs.write( reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&byte), sizeof(byte)/sizeof(char) );
Use boost::lexical_cast
#include "boost/lexical_cast.hpp"
#include <iostream>
int main(int, char**)
int a = boost::lexical_cast<int>("42");
if(a < 256 && a > 0)
unsigned char c = static_cast<unsigned char>(a);
You'll find the documentation at http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_43_0/libs/conversion/lexical_cast.htm
However, if the goal is to save space in a file, I don't think it's the right way to go. How will your program behave if you want to convert "257" into a byte? Juste go for the simplest. You'll work out later any space use concern if it is relevant (thumb rule: always use "int" for integers and not other types unless there is a very specific reason other than early optimization)
As the comments say it, this only works for integers, and switching to bytes won't (it will throw an exception).
So what will happen if you try to parse "267"?
IMHO, it should go through an int, and then do some bounds tests, and then only cast into a char. Going through atoi for example will result extreamly bugs prone.

Convert a number to a string with specified length in C++

I have some numbers of different length (like 1, 999, 76492, so on) and I want to convert them all to strings with a common length (for example, if the length is 6, then those strings will be: '000001', '000999', '076492').
In other words, I need to add correct amount of leading zeros to the number.
int n = 999;
string str = some_function(n,6);
//str = '000999'
Is there a function like this in C++?
or using the stringstreams:
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
std::stringstream ss;
ss << std::setw(10) << std::setfill('0') << i;
std::string s = ss.str();
I compiled the information I found on arachnoid.com because I like the type-safe way of iostreams more. Besides, you can equally use this code on any other output stream.
char str[7];
snprintf (str, 7, "%06d", n);
See snprintf
One thing that you may want to be aware of is the potential locking that may go on when you use the stringstream approach. In the STL that ships with Visual Studio 2008, at least, there are many locks taken out and released as various locale information is used during formatting. This may, or may not, be an issue for you depending on how many threads you have that might be concurrently converting numbers to strings...
The sprintf version doesn't take any locks (at least according to the lock monitoring tool that I'm developing at the moment...) and so might be 'better' for use in concurrent situations.
I only noticed this because my tool recently spat out the 'locale' locks as being amongst the most contended for locks in my server system; it came as a bit of a surprise and may cause me to revise the approach that I've been taking (i.e. move back towards sprintf from stringstream)...
There are many ways of doing this. The simplest would be:
int n = 999;
char buffer[256]; sprintf(buffer, "%06d", n);
string str(buffer);
This method doesn't use streams nor sprintf. Other than having locking problems, streams incur a performance overhead and is really an overkill. For streams the overhead comes from the need to construct the steam and stream buffer. For sprintf, the overhead comes from needing to interpret the format string. This works even when n is negative or when the string representation of n is longer than len. This is the FASTEST solution.
inline string some_function(int n, int len)
string result(len--, '0');
for (int val=(n<0)?-n:n; len>=0&&val!=0; --len,val/=10)
if (len>=0&&n<0) result[0]='-';
return result;
stringstream will do (as xtofl pointed out). Boost format is a more convenient replacement for snprintf.
This is an old thread, but as fmt might make it into the standard, here is an additional solution:
#include <fmt/format.h>
int n = 999;
const auto str = fmt::format("{:0>{}}", n, 6);
Note that the fmt::format("{:0>6}", n) works equally well when the desired width is known at compile time. Another option is abseil:
#include <absl/strings/str_format.h>
int n = 999;
const auto str = absl::StrFormat("%0*d", 6, n);
Again, abs::StrFormat("%06d", n) is possible. boost format is another tool for this problem:
#include <boost/format.hpp>
int n = 999;
const auto str = boost::str(boost::format("%06d") % n);
Unfortunately, variable width specifier as arguments chained with the % operator are unsupported, this requires a format string setup (e.g. const std::string fmt = "%0" + std::to_string(6) + "d";).
In terms of performance, abseil and fmt claim to be very attractive and faster than boost. In any case, all three solutions should be more efficient than std::stringstream approaches, and other than the std::*printf family, they do not sacrifice type safety.
sprintf is the C-like way of doing this, which also works in C++.
In C++, a combination of a stringstream and stream output formatting (see http://www.arachnoid.com/cpptutor/student3.html ) will do the job.
From C++ 11, you can do:
string to_string(unsigned int number, int length) {
string num_str = std::to_string(number);
if(num_str.length() >= length) return num_str;
string leading_zeros(length - num_str.length(), '0');
return leading_zeros + num_str;
If you also need to handle negative numbers, you can rewrite the function as below:
string to_string(int number, int length) {
string num_str = std::to_string(number);
if(num_str.length() >= length) return num_str;
string leading_zeros(length - num_str.length(), '0');
//for negative numbers swap the leading zero with the leading negative sign
if(num_str[0] == '-') {
num_str[0] = '0';
leading_zeros[0] = '-';
return leading_zeros + num_str;