C++/Qt - multiple inheritance with QGraphicsItem doesn't work as expected - c++

I recently met a strange problem of my little program and it would be great if you help me to get the reason of this behavior.
My task is quiet simple - I want to use Qt Graphics Framework to show some objects and I want Box2D to calculate bodies position. So my class hierarchy looks like the following:
I have 1 base abstract class B2DObject. It contains some Box2D staff + some common parameters for its successors (names, some flags, etc.). It also has couple of pure virtual functions that will be reimplemented in successor classes.
Then I implement some classes that represent basic shapes: circles, rectangles, polygons, etc. I am doing it in the following way:
class ExtendedPolygon : public B2DObject, public QGraphicsPolygonItem { ... };
class ExtendedCircle : public B2DObject, public QGraphicsEllipseItem { ... };
(for those who are not familiar with Qt, QGraphics***Item is inherited from QGraphicsItem).
Also I inherited QGraphicsScene and reimplemented its mousePressEvent. In this function I request an object placed at some point on the screen using QGraphicsScene::itemAt function (which returns QGraphicsItem*), convert it to B2DObject* and try to get some internal field from this object:
void TestScene::mousePressEvent (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
QGraphicsItem* item = itemAt (event->scenePos ());
if (item)
B2DObject* obj = reinterpret_cast < B2DObject* > (item);
QString objName = obj->Name(); // just for example,
// getting other internal fields has
// the same effect (described below)
// use retrieved field somehow (e.g. print in the screen)
// give the event to the ancestor
Unfortunately, dynamic_cast will not work here because these classes are completely unrelated.
Then I create necessary objects and add it to my scene:
ExtendedPolygon* polygon = new ExtendedPolygon (parameters);
polygon->setName (QString ("Object 1"));
TestScene scene;
scene.addItem (polygon);
(for those who are not familiar with Qt, here is the prototype of the last function:
void QGraphicsScene::addItem(QGraphicsItem *item);
I guess it just stores all items in internal index storage and calls QGraphicsItem::paint (...) when item needs to be repainted. I suppose QGraphicsScene doesn't make any significant changes to this item).
So my problems start when I run the program and click on an item on the screen. TestScene::mousePressEvent is called (see a piece of code above).
Mouse click position is retrieved, item is found. Casting works fine: in the debugger window (I'm using Qt Creator) I see that obj points to ExtendedPolygon (address is the same as when I add the item to the scene and in the debugger window I can see all the fields). But when I get some field, I receive garbage in any case (and it does not matter, what I'm trying to get - a QString or a pointer to some other structure).
So first of all, I would like to get any advice about my multiple inheritance. In 95% of cases I try to avoid it, but here it is very effective in the programming point of view. So I would appreciate it if you provide me with your point of view about the architecture of the classes hierarchy - does it even suppose to work as I expect it?
If on this level everything is quite fine, then it would be great if someone gets any idea why doesn't it work.
I have some ideas about workaround, but I really would like to solve this problem (just in order not to repeat the same error anymore).

Looks like I've found the root cause of my problem. It was just lack of knowledge regarding how multiple inheritance really works on data layer.
Let's assume that we have 2 basic classes, A and B. Each of them provides some internal data fields and some interfaces.
Then we create a derived class AABB, inheriting both A and B:
class AABB : public A, public B {...}
AABB could add some additional data fields and reimplement some of the interfaces, but it is not necessary.
Let's create and object of class AABB:
AABB* obj = new AABB ();
For example, obj points at address 0x8416e0. At this address starts data from ancestor class A. Data from ancestor class B starts with some offset (it should bw equal to sizeof (A)), for example, at 0x841700.
If we have some function f (B* b), and if we pass a pointer at AABB object to that function (like this: f (obj), obj is created above), actually not obj start address is passed, but rather a pointer at a start of B data section of AABB object.
Thus this misunderstanding of multiple inheritance inner works has led me to the problem I've got.

I guess Qobjects and multiple inheritance has been already treated. As an example: QObject Multiple Inheritance


Too deep hierarchy of signals-slots in Qt

I am writing GUI applicaton in Qt. Currently I waste too much time on routine. It seems something wrong with my architecture. Please tell me how can I change my approach to improve code.
What I am doing:
My program can be decomposed as hierarchy of classes (not inheritance but composition). In example:
class D { /* something */ };
class C { /* something */ };
class B { C c1; C c2; D d1; };
class A { D d1; C c1; };
So, actually it is a tree hierarchy where leaf nodes (class C, class D) are "models" in Qt terminology which hold data. At the top of hierarchy MainWindow (class A) is placed, which holds first level of "views" (class D, i.e. subwidget) and leaf node with data (class C, i.e. text field).
To pass information down from main window to data I use function calls from mainwindow (pushbuttons) to leaf nodes. After that data changes and tells parents about it with signal slot mechanism. Parents continue to pass message up with signaling.
I am really bored by establishing all these communication. Now I have up to 5 levels, however it is not that much in usual code when using composition. Please tell me how can I change my approach. Due to complexity of these connections, development of the code extremely slow, almost stopped.
It is hard to give a concrete example, because there are a lot of code, but the idea of problem which is very difficult to solve is following:
There are two QTreeView, which differently shows data from own model inherited from QAbstractItemModel (tree inside model is not that tree in previous discussion, this tree is only single level of hierarchy). I want to select objects in one QTreeView and change by that selection in second QTreeView. There are total 2 QTreeView, 2 different QAbstractItemModel instances, 2 trees of own objects (for each QAbstractItemModel), and single data.
Sounds like you might have become a victim of going through too many examples. Examples tend to cram functionality where it doesn't belong, creating the possibility to develop bad programming habits.
In actual production things need to be more compartmentalized. The main window should not be the container of the "application logic", all it needs to concern itself with is holding together the main widgets.
But that doesn't seem to be your case, judging by the necessity to delegate things "from mainwindow (pushbuttons) to leaf nodes" as you put it.
On a grander scale, it is not advisable to mix application logic with UI at all, much less cram it all in the main window. The application logic should be its own layer, designed so that it can work without any GUI whatsoever, and then the GUI is another layer that simply hooks up to the logic core.
The logic core should not be monolith either, it should be made of individual components focusing on their particular task.
Your use case doesn't really require any crazy amount of connections, just some basic handlers for the UI elements, which should target the logic core API rather than GUI elements as you appear to be doing now.
Your clarification unfortunately makes absolutely no sense to me, it is still completely unclear what you exactly you want to do.
Let's assume your situation is something like this:
Tree 1 shows a folder structure.
Tree 2 shows the file content of the folder, selected in tree 1.
Data is an editor for the file, assuming a text file, selected in tree 2.
So, in pseudocode, presuming that app is your application core logic object:
Clicking an item in tree 1 says app.setFolder(tree1.selectedItem())
Clicking an item in tree 2 says app.setFile(tree2.selectedItem())
Clicking the editor "save" button says app.save(editorUI.dataField.text())
logic layer gui layer
app mainWindow
folder <-----------select----------- tree1
file <-----------select----------- tree2
save(newData) { editor
if (file) file.rewrite(newData) textField
} saveBtn: app.save(textField.text())
Since there is only a single data source, you could do the following:
Create a general model for that data source. The model should represent the data source generally, without consideration of what the views need.
Create two proxy viewmodels that adapt the general model to the needs of the views.
Couple the selection models of the views that display the viewmodels.
Given the selection models on top of the two proxy models that map to the same source, we can propagate the selection change between them. We leverage the selection mapping provided by the proxy. The QAbstractProxyModel has a functional implementation of mapSelectionxxxx.
void applySel(const QItemSelectionModel *src, const QItemSelection &sel,
const QItemSelection &desel, const QItemSelectionModel *dst) {
// Disallow reentrancy on the selection models
static QHash<QObject*> busySelectionModels;
if (busySelectionModels.contains(src) || busySelectionModels.contains(dst))
// The models must be proxies
auto *srcModel = qobject_cast<QAbstractProxyItemModel*>(src->model());
auto *dstModel = qobject_cast<QAbstractProxyItemModel*>(dst->model());
Q_ASSERT(srcModel && dstModel);
// The proxies must refer to the same source model
auto *srcSourceModel = srcModel->sourceModel();
auto *dstSourceModel = dstModel->sourceModel();
Q_ASSERT(srcSourceModel && (srcSourceModel == dstSourceModel));
// Convey the selection
auto const srcSel = srcModel->mapSelectionToSource(sel);
auto const srcDesel = srcModel->mapSelectionToSource(desel);
auto const dstSel = dstModel->mapSelectionFromSource(srcSel);
auto const dstDesel = dstModel->mapSelectionFromSource(srcDesel);
// we would re-enter in the select calls
dst->select(dstSel, QItemSelectionModel::Select);
dst->select(dstDesel, QItemSelectionModel::Deselect);
// Allow re-entrancy
The above could be easily adapted for a list of destination item selection models, in case you had more than two views.
We can use this translation to couple the selection models of the views:
void coupleSelections(QAbstractItemView *view1, QAbstractItemView *view2) {
auto *sel1 = view1->selectionModel();
auto *sel2 = view2->selectionModel();
Q_ASSERT(sel1 && sel2);
connect(sel1, &QItemSelectionModel::selectionChanged,
[=](const QItemSelection &sel, const QItemSelection &desel){
applySel(sel1, sel, desel, sel2);
connect(sel2, &QItemSelectionModel::selectionChanged,
[=](const QItemSelection &sel, const QItemSelection &desel){
applySel(sel2, sel, desel, sel1);
The above is untested and written from memory, but hopefully will work without much ado.

Qt C++ creating an Object according to choice in combobox

Since I am not very experienced in the design of object orientated code, I have the following question:
I have a combobox cb_GRAN with 21 entries representing 21 geometries. According to the choice made in cb_GRAN I want start different calculations of the surface of my geometry (actually there is more: more complicated calculatins, on/of-switching of LineEdits etc. but to keep it simple let`s just talk about the calculation of the surface. )
To solve this problem I created a class Geometry and 21 Classes (Geo_1, Geo_2,...Geo_21) which inherit from Geometry. I also have a virtual method
virtual void calculateSurface();
To define which class Geo_x is to create and to calculate the surface I came up with the following idea:
Geometry *GEO;
QVector < Geometry*> qvec_GEO
qvec_GEO << new Geo_1()<< new Geo_2()<< new Geo_3()<<...... << new Geo_21() ;
GEO = qvec_GEO[ui->cb_GRAN->currentIndex()];
Would that be a doable approach to solve my problem or would I run into problems when doing so?
Is it a good idea to create as much as
21 objects when I would need just one?
Question 1:
Your solution will probably work well (only based on information you provided).
Question 2:
You're totally right, creating instance of all your 21 class if you are going to use only 1 or 2 of them is probably an overkill.
You have to find a solution to instantiate only the needed class. Qt provide a Meta-object system you could use for this. Basically, you will have to use the QMetaType class.
First, you have to register the "Geo_N" classes in the meta-object system. You have many solutions to do that, but maybe the best in your case is to use the declarative macro after your class definition:
class Geo_1 {
void Geo_1();
Please note that Q_OBJECT macro is mandatory if you want to register a class in the meta-object registry.
Then, you will be able to instantiate any registered type dynamically:
// The index of selected class (between 1 and 21)
int geoIndex = ui->cb_GRAN->currentIndex();
// Re-build the corresponding class name
QString typeName = "Geo_" + QString::number(geoIndex);
// Retrieve the type ID corresponding to the type name
int typeId = QMetaType::type(typeName.toStdString().c_str());
// Instantiate the corresponding class
Geometry* geo = (Geometry*) QMetaType::construct(typeId);
My Approach would be to define a factory class for your geometries
class GeoFactory{
enum GeometryType { GEO_1, GEO_2, ... );
std::uique_ptr<Geometry> create( GeometryType type );
And then add the GeometryType to your combobox items in the data role. On the current changed event you just retrieve the GeometryType from the current index and request the corresponding object from the factory.
Personally i always try to keep out Qt from the actual business logic, i just use for UI.

How to avoid cast using QToolBox?

I know that cast should be avoided and I´m trying to do it, but I can´t see how to do it using a QToolBox.
The window I´m building has a QToolBox for the user chose which operation he wants to do and inside the toolbox are the specific parameters to each operation. The apply button is outside the QToolBox.
When the user clicks the apply button I have to get which operation he has chosen and its parameters.
The problem is that QToolBox currentWidget() method returns a QWidget that is a class that I can´t change. So I can´t use virtual methods or something like that. The only way I see to get the parameters is using cast.
Here is some code to show my problem:
class BaseOperation : QWidget {
virtual int getParameter() = 0;
class Operation1 : public BaseOperation {
class Operation2 : public BaseOperation {
_ui->toolBox->addItem(new Operation1(this), "OP 1");
_ui->toolBox->addItem(new Operation2(this), "OP 2");
QWidget* curItem = _ui->toolBox->currentWidget();
BaseOperation* op = dynamic_cast<BaseOperation*>(op);
Is there a better way to do what I want? I thought of using the item index in the toolbox and a hash map to do it, but this does not seem very OOP.
You can track widget changes, map index to concrete Operation class (not using hashmap, but simple switch-case) and then static_cast<> it, but that's what dynamic cast does for you, basically.
Using dynamic cast is perfectly OK in this case, IMO.
A possible different approach that avoids casts entirely is to use setProperty("name", QVariant(value)) to associate the data you need to the widgets, and then get the data back from the current widget using property("name").toInt() - this avoids casts and defining separate classes if what you need is an integer value (or something else reasonably simple)

QGraphicsScene, error by accessing pointer in custom class

I have a pretty complex problem... In Qt I have a custom class (named FotoGebouw) that inherits from QGraphicsItem, it also contains a pointer to another custom class (named Gebouw). If I want to acces the selected items from the scene, in other words the "FotoGebouw"items, I first have to cast them to QGraphicsItems. But this way, I seem to lose the pointer (called linkGebouw) that they were pointing to.
Does anyone know a way to get the FotoGebouw items that are selected from the scene, while I can still get the
QList<QGraphicsItem *>bordSceneGebouwen=bordscene->selectedItems();
FotoGebouw *teVerplaatsenFoto=dynamic_cast<FotoGebouw *>(bordSceneGebouwen[0]);
Gebouw *teVerplaatsen=teVerplaatsenFoto->linkGebouw;

How to implement UserControl in WinRT

I have created a simple UserControl consisting solely of a Grid and an embraced Image.
Now I want to apply events such as "ManipulationDeltaEvent", etc. for touch-control. When I assign an event-handler like
pic->ActionToken = pic->ManipulationDelta +=
ref new ManipulationDeltaEventHandler(this, &MainPage::SwipeImageEventHandler);
pic->CompletedToken = pic->ManipulationCompleted +=
ref new ManipulationCompletedEventHandler(this, &MainPage::ImageManipulationCompletedEventHandler);
I receive valid EventRegistrationTokens, but when I want to swipe over the control, simply nothing happens (I debugged).
I read about overriding the OnManipulationDelta-method from Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::Control, but I here I am stuck:
void OnManipulationDelta
(Windows::UI::Xaml::Input::ManipulationDeltaRoutedEventArgs^ e) override {
Although only barely related, for C++\CLI it states on MSDN:
The OnManipulationDelta method has no default implementation. Override OnManipulationDelta in a derived class to handle the ManipulationDelta event. Be sure to call the OnManipulationDelta method of the base class so that base classes receive the event.
Please give me a hint, thank you.
The overriding is unnecessary
You need to specify ManipulationMode on the control and the control needs a non-null Background or Fill, e.g. Background="Transparent".