Check unsupported file name for fopen - c++

I'm trying to open a file to treat it later. My problem is that if my file name is not ANSI (Arabic, Hindi...) fopen_s and fopen refuse to open it and give me an Invalid argument error. I can't use CreateFile() to do that so I thought to check either my file name is supported by fopen or not(try to open it) and create a temporary file instead:
QString fileN=QString::fromWCharArray(fname);
QFileInfo file(DIRPath+"/"+fileN);
bool Supported=true;
if(file.exists()) {
QString temp;
char* Fname=(char*)malloc(260*sizeof(char));
FILE* Filedesc;
errno_t err=fopen_s(&Filedesc,Fname,"rb");
if(Filedesc!=NULL) {
qDebug()<<"\nfile opened ";
} else if(err==22) {
qDebug()<<"\nfail to open file error 22: Invalid argument";
} else qDebug()<<"\nfail to open file error"<<GetLastError()<<"errno"<<errno<<"strerrno"<<strerror(errno);
My question is: can anyone clarify for me the UNICODE/ANSI confusion? Am I safe so far or are there more precautions to consider? Is there a safer way to check if the given name is not ANSI?
Thank you in advance, any help will be appreciated.
I tried this but in vain : CreateFile() return an INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE and GetLastError() return 0
//WCHAR fname[]=L"D:/أحدالأنشطة.txt";
char* name="D:/أحدالأنشطة.txt";
wchar_t* nameW=(wchar_t*)malloc(sizeof(wchar_t)*17);
qDebug()<<"s :"<<mbstowcs(nameW,name,17);
//QString path=QString::fromWCharArray(fname,17);
//QString path=QString::fromLatin1(name,17);
HANDLE fileHandle = CreateFile( nameW, // file to open
GENERIC_READ, // open for reading
FILE_SHARE_READ, // share for reading
NULL, // default security
OPEN_EXISTING, // existing file only
if (fileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
qDebug()<<"CreateFile failed!\n"<<GetLastError();
return 2;
qDebug()<<"CreateFile succeeded!\n";
int fd = _open_osfhandle((intptr_t) fileHandle, _O_RDONLY);
FILE* fstr = _fdopen(fd, "r");
QFile indirect;
if (!, QIODevice::ReadOnly))
qDebug()<<"QFile open against file descriptor failed!\n";
qDebug()<<"QFile open against file descriptor succeeded!\n";
// This will fail
QFile direct(path);
if (!
qDebug()<<"QFile open of filename directly failed!\n";
qDebug()<<"QFile open of filename directly succeeded!\n";
QString fname(QFile::decodeName("D:/أحدالأنشطة.txt"));
QFile qFile(fname);
FILE* filedesc = fdopen(qFile.handle(), "rb");
char* nb=(char*)malloc(2*sizeof(char));
qDebug()<<"opened ";
size_t size=fread(nb,sizeof(char),2,filedesc);
qDebug()<<"filedesc closed size "<<size<<"nb "<<QString::fromAscii(nb,2);
}else qDebug()<<"filedesc failed error"<<strerror(errno);
qDebug()<<"qFile failed error"<<strerror(errno);

You should probably use QFile to open the file, and then pass QFile::handle() to your C function. In the C code you would then use fdopen() to associate a FILE* stream to the file descriptor. Note that the mode you use in fdopen() should be compatible with the mode you used in QFile::open(). For example:
void c_func(int fd)
FILE* file = fdopen(fd, "rb");
// ...


WinPcap creating empty .pcap file

Do you know how to create empty file pcap with winpcap dll? I buffer filtered packets in program memory and want to save when user click to export to .pcap file.
But when using pcap_open_offline(const char *fname, char *errbuf) can open file only if file exists. I tried fopen and other functions to create file previously (in binary mode too) but unsucessfully.
So how to get pcap_t handle pointer for pcap_dump_open(pcap_t *p, const char *fname) this way?
I try to use this code
fileHandle = pcap_open_offline(pcap_file_path.c_str(), errbuf);
if (errbuf == nullptr) {
fprintf(stderr, "\nUnable to open the file %s.\n", pcap_file_path.c_str());
return 1;
if (fileHandle == nullptr) {
fprintf(stderr, "\nError to open file\n");//HERE IT FAILS
return 1;
dumpfile = pcap_dump_open(fileHandle, pcap_file_path.c_str());
if (dumpfile == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "\nError opening output file\n");
return 1;
SOLUTION: (Creating a pcap file)
/*create fake handle*/
fileHandle = pcap_open_dead(DLT_EN10MB, 65535);
if (fileHandle == nullptr) {
fprintf(stderr, "\nError to open file\n");
return 1;
/* Open the dump file */
dumpfile = pcap_dump_open(fileHandle, file_path.c_str());
if (dumpfile == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "\nError opening output file\n");
return 1;
Do you know how to create empty file pcap with winpcap dll? I buffer filtered packets in program memory and want to save when user click to export to .pcap file.
So how to get pcap_t handle pointer for pcap_dump_open(pcap_t *p, const char *fname) this way?
pcap_dump_open() returns a pcap_dumper_t * handle for use when writing the file; a pcap_t * is used for capturing or reading, not writing.
What you need to do, if you want to write a pcap file, is use pcap_dump_open(). If you have a pcap_t * from which you're reading or capturing the filtered packets, you should use that pcap_t * in the call to pcap_dump_open().

C++: fopen() returns handle to empty file

I'm getting a strange file handle from fopen; the pointer itself isn't NULL, but the file it represents has no size, and feof(file) is already set... what could be causing this?
(I triple checked the file itself, it exists, has data, and the file's permissions are okay... and filename is set to "source/test_file.object.txt")
bool tagFile(const char * filename){
FILE * file = fopen(filename, "r");
if(file == NULL){ // file is not NULL
printf(" Couldn't open the file %s", filename);
return false;
int size = fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); // size is 0
.... // never executes because feof(file) fails
0x002cc410 // value of 'file' in the debugger
_ptr=0x00000000 <Bad Ptr>
_base=0x00000000 <Bad Ptr>
_flag = 1
_file = 3
The most common cause of this is simply opening a file which is empty. There are no bytes to read so EOF is immediate, but the file exists so fopen can't return NULL.

How to open a file with append mode only if it exist

The function fopen("file-name",a); will return a pointer to the end of the file. If the file exist it is opened, otherwise a new file is created.
Is it possible to use the append mode and open the file only if it already exist? (and return a NULL pointer otherwise).
Thanks in advance
To avoid race conditions, opening and checking for existence should be done in one system call. In POSIX this can be done with open as it will not create the file if the flag O_CREAT is not provided.
int fd;
FILE *fp = NULL;
fd = open ("file-name", O_APPEND);
if (fd >= 0) {
/* successfully opened the file, now get a FILE datastructure */
fp = fdopen (fd, "a")
open may fail for other reasons too. If you do not want to ignore all of them, you will have to check errno.
int fd;
FILE *fp = NULL;
do {
fd = open ("file-name", O_APPEND);
/* retry if open was interrupted by a signal */
} while (fd < 0 && errno == EINTR);
if (fd >= 0) {
/* successfully opened the file, now get a FILE datastructure */
fp = fdopen (fd, "a")
} else if (errno != ENOENT) { /* ignore if the file does not exist */
perror ("open file-name"); /* report any other error */
First check if the file already exists. A simple code to do that might be like this:
int exists(const char *fname)
FILE *file;
if ((file = fopen(fname, "r")))
return 1;
return 0;
It will return 0 if file doesn't exist...
and use it like this:

Why does this write() operation just write a single line

I have a small problem with my code in the following. I call it in my class from within a state machine this->write_file(this->d_filename);. The case in the loop gets hit a couple of times, however I only have one line of entries in the CSV file I want to produce.
I'm not sure why this is. I open the file with this->open(filename) in my write function. It returns the file-descriptor. The file is opened with O_TRUNK, and if ((d_new_fp = fdopen(fd, d_is_binary ? "wba" : "w")) == NULL). While the aba refers to write, binary and append. Therefore I expect more than one line.
The fprintf statement writes my data. It also has a \n.
fprintf(d_new_fp, "%s, %d %d\n", this->d_packet, this->d_lqi, this->d_lqi_sample_count);
I simply can't figure out why my file doesn't grow.
inline bool
cogra_ieee_802_15_4_sink::open(const char *filename)
gruel::scoped_lock guard(d_mutex); // hold mutex for duration of this function
// we use the open system call to get access to the O_LARGEFILE flag.
int fd;
if ((fd = ::open(filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | OUR_O_LARGEFILE,
0664)) < 0)
return false;
if (d_new_fp)
{ // if we've already got a new one open, close it
d_new_fp = 0;
if ((d_new_fp = fdopen(fd, d_is_binary ? "wba" : "w")) == NULL)
d_updated = true;
return d_new_fp != 0;
inline void
gruel::scoped_lock guard(d_mutex); // hold mutex for duration of this function
if (d_new_fp)
d_new_fp = 0;
d_updated = true;
inline void
cogra_ieee_802_15_4_sink::write_file(const char* filename)
if (this->open(filename))
fprintf(d_new_fp, "%s, %d %d\n", this->d_packet, this->d_lqi,
if (true)
fprintf(stderr, "Writing file %x\n", this->d_packet);
Description for O_TRUNC from man open:
If the file already exists and is a regular file and the open mode allows writing (i.e., is O_RDWR or O_WRONLY) it will be truncated to length 0. If the file is a FIFO or terminal device file, the O_TRUNC flag is ignored. Otherwise the effect of O_TRUNC is unspecified.
The file is opened in each call to write_file(), removing anything that was previously written. Replace O_TRUNC with O_APPEND.

Convert QFile to FILE*

Is there another way to convet QFile to File? Different than this:
QFile myFile("goforward.raw");
int FileDescriptor = myFile.handle();
FILE* fh = fdopen(FileDescriptor, "rb");
We had very strange problems with our application and finally traced it to the QFile/fdopen issue:
void foo(QString filename)
QFile qf(filename);;
int fd = qf.handle();
FILE* f = fdopen(fd, "rb");
// do some stuff with f
fclose(f); // !!! undefined behaviour !!!
The problem with this code is that fclose(f) is called before the QFile object is destroyed, which is the wrong order: QTBUG-20372 either destroy the QFile object before calling fclose() or duplicate the file descriptor returned by QFile::handle():
void foo(QString filename)
QFile qf(filename);;
int fd = qf.handle();
FILE* f = fdopen(dup(fd), "rb"); // !!! use dup()
// do some stuff with f
fclose(f); // correct
P.S.: Those strange problems with our app showed up only on very few systems by a 10 second delay between a return statement at the end of a function and the actual return from that function. It was really weird. So this is an example of an "undefined behaviour" manifested in the real world :o)
I think you already know that you have the various open, read, etc. methods in QFile. That said, if the file is not opened, then the handle method returns an error.
QFile myFile("goforward.raw");;
int fileHandle = myFile.handle();
After that, you might reopen it with:
FILE* fh = fdopen(fileHandle, "rb");
If you have the file name, why don't you simply use
QFile *file = fopen(filename.toLocal8Bit().data(), "rb");
Isn't it way simpler than creating the QFile, opening it, retrieving the handle, etc.?
And it is pretty bug-free...