OpenSceneGraph 3D Programming Toggle Mouse Sensitivity - c++

I have a requirement to put code in to toggle the sensitivity of the mouse - increase or decrease the speed of my Camera’s walk speed in the scene. Currently, I have an eventhandler wired up to intercept keyboard commands, and process them accordingly. What is missing is the right code to slow/increase speed by selected amount.
I have the enum below to depict the acceptable increase/decrease values.
enum CameraSpeed {_WALK = 10, _BRISK_WALK = 17, _JOG = 23, _RUN = 31, _RUN_FAST = 34, _FLY=60};
CameraSpeed _current_camera_speed;
I tried overwriting the CameraManipulator’s base class’s bool performMovement() method like so, but on careful examination, this does not seem to be the code I need to override or use for this purpose. I would appreciate some help in not only getting to the right method but also modifying it so I can control sensitivity even more.
bool WalkingCameraManipulator::performMovement()
// return if less then two events have been added
if( _ga_t0.get() == NULL || _ga_t1.get() == NULL )
return false;
// get delta time
double eventTimeDelta = _ga_t0->getTime() - _ga_t1->getTime();
if( eventTimeDelta < 0. )
OSG_WARN << "Manipulator warning: eventTimeDelta = " << eventTimeDelta << std::endl;
eventTimeDelta = 0.;
// get deltaX and deltaY
float dx = (_ga_t0->getXnormalized() - _ga_t1->getXnormalized()/_current_camera_speed);
float dy = (_ga_t0->getYnormalized() - _ga_t1->getYnormalized())/_current_camera_speed;
// return if there is no movement.
if( dx == 0. && dy == 0. )
return false;
// call appropriate methods
unsigned int buttonMask = _ga_t1->getButtonMask();
if( buttonMask == GUIEventAdapter::LEFT_MOUSE_BUTTON )
return performMovementLeftMouseButton( eventTimeDelta, dx, dy );
else if( buttonMask == GUIEventAdapter::MIDDLE_MOUSE_BUTTON ||
buttonMask == (GUIEventAdapter::LEFT_MOUSE_BUTTON | GUIEventAdapter::RIGHT_MOUSE_BUTTON) )
return performMovementMiddleMouseButton( eventTimeDelta, dx, dy );
else if( buttonMask == GUIEventAdapter::RIGHT_MOUSE_BUTTON )
return performMovementRightMouseButton( eventTimeDelta, dx, dy );
return false;


How to make trigger area in Cocos2d

I am doing a Flappy Bird game following some tutorials. To count up the score, I have set PhysicsBody among the score area, but it is just like a Rigibody in Unity, other objects cannot get through it.
You can take reference at, it is the result that I want. I followed it but I don't know why here comes a difference.
In my situation, the score line blocks my flying bird. As the score lines and pipes are moving backward, my flappy bird is pushed by the score line until it reaches the screen edge and turns out a gameover.
I want something like a Trigger Collider in Unity. Is there any similar thing in cocos2d?
Also attach my code here, it spawns the pipes as well as the score line:
void Pipe::Spawn(Layer* pipeLayer) {
auto upperPipe = Sprite::create("pipe_upper.png");
auto upperPipeBody = PhysicsBody::createBox(upperPipe->getContentSize());
auto bottomPipe = Sprite::create("pipe_bottom.png");
auto bottomPipeBody = PhysicsBody::createBox(bottomPipe->getContentSize());
float randomPosIndex = CCRANDOM_0_1();
if (randomPosIndex < PIPE_BOTTOM_THRESHOLD) {
else if (randomPosIndex > PIPE_UPPER_THRESHOLD) {
float gapHeight = Sprite::create("flappybird1_01.png")->getContentSize().height * spriteScale * PIPE_GAP_INDEX;
Size visibleSize = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize();
//setup bottom pipe
bottomPipe->setPosition(Point(visibleSize.width, visibleSize.height * randomPosIndex));
//setup upper pipe
upperPipe->setPosition(Point(visibleSize.width, bottomPipe->getPositionY() + gapHeight));
//setup score area
auto scoreNode = Node::create();
auto scoreNodeBody = PhysicsBody::createBox(Size(1, gapHeight));
scoreNode->setPosition(Point(bottomPipe->getPositionX(), bottomPipe->getPositionY() + gapHeight / 2));
auto bottomPipeAction = RepeatForever::create(MoveBy::create(1, Vec2(-PIPE_MOVE_SPEED, 0)));
auto upperPipeAction = RepeatForever::create(MoveBy::create(1, Vec2(-PIPE_MOVE_SPEED, 0)));
auto scoreNodeAction = RepeatForever::create(MoveBy::create(1, Vec2(-PIPE_MOVE_SPEED, 0)));
CCLOG("Spawn Pipe");
Credits to ryemoss's reference. Simply return false in the collision callback function solves everything!
bool GameScene::onContactBegin(PhysicsContact &contact)
PhysicsBody* a = contact.getShapeA()->getBody();
PhysicsBody* b = contact.getShapeB()->getBody();
if ( (a->getCollisionBitmask() == FLAPPYBIRD_COLLISION_BITMASK && b->getCollisionBitmask() == OBSTACLE_COLLISION_BITMASK) ||
(b->getCollisionBitmask() == FLAPPYBIRD_COLLISION_BITMASK && a->getCollisionBitmask() == OBSTACLE_COLLISION_BITMASK)
auto gameoverScene = GameOverScene::createScene();
Director::getInstance()->replaceScene(TransitionFade::create(SCENE_TRANSITION_DURATION, gameoverScene));
else if ((a->getCollisionBitmask() == FLAPPYBIRD_COLLISION_BITMASK && b->getCollisionBitmask() == SCORE_COLLISION_BITMASK) ||
(b->getCollisionBitmask() == FLAPPYBIRD_COLLISION_BITMASK && a->getCollisionBitmask() == SCORE_COLLISION_BITMASK))
CCLOG("Score Count: %i", score);
return false;
return true;

Sphere-cube collision detection in Opengl?

I am trying to build a game in Opengl. Before I start making better movement mechanics I want to get collision working. I have cube-cube collision working and I have sphere-sphere collision working, but can't figure out cube-sphere collision. Since I want it in 3d I have the pivot at the center of the objects. Anyone have any suggestions?
EDIT: This is the code I currently have:
bool SphereRectCollision( Sphere& sphere, Rectangle& rect)
//Closest point on collision box
float cX, cY;
//Find closest x offset
if( sphere.getCenterX() < rect.GetCenterX())//checks if the center of the circle is to the left of the rectangle
cX = rect.GetCenterX();
else if( sphere.getCenterX() > rect.GetCenterX() + rect.GetWidth()) //checks if the center of the circle is to the right of the rectangle
cX = rect.GetCenterX() + rect.GetWidth();
else //the circle is inside the rectagle
cX = sphere.getCenterX();
//Find closest y offset
if( sphere.getCenterY() > rect.GetCenterY() + rect.GetHeight() )
cY = rect.GetCenterY();
else if( sphere.getCenterY() < rect.GetCenterY() - rect.GetHeight() )
cY = rect.GetCenterY() + rect.GetHeight();
cY = sphere.getCenterY();
//If the closest point is inside the circle
if( distanceSquared( sphere.getCenterX(), sphere.getCenterY(), cX, cY ) < sphere.getRadius() * sphere.getRadius() )
//This box and the circle have collided
return false;
//If the shapes have not collided
return true;
float distanceSquared( float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2 )
float deltaX = x2 - x1;
float deltaY = y2 - y1;
return deltaX*deltaX + deltaY*deltaY;
I found the solution. I had the right idea, but didn't quite know how to execute it:
bool SphereRectCollision( Sphere& sphere, Rectangle& rect)
float sphereXDistance = abs(sphere.X - rect.X);
float sphereYDistance = abs(sphere.Y - rect.Y);
float sphereZDistance = abs(sphere.Z - rect.Z);
if (sphereXDistance >= (rect.Width + sphere.Radius)) { return false; }
if (sphereYDistance >= (rect.Height + sphere.Radius)) { return false; }
if (sphereZDistance >= (rect.Depth + sphere.Radius)) { return false; }
if (sphereXDistance < (rect.Width)) { return true; }
if (sphereYDistance < (rect.Height)) { return true; }
if (sphereZDistance < (rect.GetDepth)) { return true; }
float cornerDistance_sq = ((sphereXDistance - rect.Width) * (sphereXDistance - rect.Width)) +
((sphereYDistance - rect.Height) * (sphereYDistance - rect.Height) +
((sphereYDistance - rect.Depth) * (sphereYDistance - rect.Depth)));
return (cornerDistance_sq < (sphere.Radius * sphere.Radius));
This algorithm doesn't work when a hit happen on an edge, the 2nd set of if conditions triggers but a collision isn't occuring

Openscenegraph - How to create an invisible boundary beyond which camera does not go

I am new to 3d programming so here goes. I am trying to simulate a room. I don't have images for the walls loaded but I want to in code simulate the boundaries. How do I accomplish this please?
Below is the code that handles the movement of the camera
bool calcMovement()
// return if less then two events have been added.
if (_ga_t0.get()==NULL || _ga_t1.get()==NULL) return false;
double dt = _ga_t0->getTime()-_ga_t1->getTime();
if (dt<0.0f)
OSG_INFO << "warning dt = "<<dt<< std::endl;
dt = 0.0;
double accelerationFactor = _height*10.0;
double dy = _ga_t0->getYnormalized();
_velocity = _height*dy;
unsigned int buttonMask = _ga_t1->getButtonMask();
//add cases here for finding which key was pressed.
if (buttonMask==GUIEventAdapter::LEFT_MOUSE_BUTTON || wPressed)
// pan model.
_velocity += dt*accelerationFactor;
else if (buttonMask==GUIEventAdapter::MIDDLE_MOUSE_BUTTON ||
_velocity = 0.0;
else if (buttonMask==GUIEventAdapter::RIGHT_MOUSE_BUTTON || sPressed)
_velocity -= dt*accelerationFactor;
osg::CoordinateFrame cf=getCoordinateFrame(_eye);
osg::Matrixd rotation_matrix;
osg::Vec3d up = osg::Vec3d(0.0,1.0,0.0) * rotation_matrix;
osg::Vec3d lv = osg::Vec3d(0.0,0.0,-1.0) * rotation_matrix;
osg::Vec3d sv = osg::Vec3d(1.0,0.0,0.0) * rotation_matrix;
// rotate the camera.
double dx = _ga_t0->getXnormalized();
double yaw = -inDegrees(dx*50.0*dt);
double pitch_delta = 0.5;
if (_pitchUpKeyPressed) _pitch += pitch_delta*dt;
if (_pitchDownKeyPressed) _pitch -= pitch_delta*dt;
#if defined(ABOSULTE_PITCH)
// absolute pitch
double dy = _ga_t0->getYnormalized();
_pitch = -dy*0.5;
#elif defined(INCREMENTAL_PITCH)
// incremental pitch
double dy = _ga_t0->getYnormalized();
_pitch += dy*dt;
osg::Quat yaw_rotation;
_rotation *= yaw_rotation;
sv = osg::Vec3d(1.0,0.0,0.0) * rotation_matrix;
wPressed = false;
sPressed = false;
// movement is big enough the move the eye point along the look vector.
if (fabs(_velocity*dt)>1e-8)
double distanceToMove = _velocity*dt;
double signedBuffer;
if (distanceToMove>=0.0) signedBuffer=_buffer;
else signedBuffer=-_buffer;
// check to see if any obstruction in front.
osg::Vec3d ip, np;
if (intersect(_eye,_eye+lv*(signedBuffer+distanceToMove), ip, np))
if (distanceToMove>=0.0)
distanceToMove = (ip-_eye).length()-_buffer;
distanceToMove = _buffer-(ip-_eye).length();
_velocity = 0.0;
// check to see if forward point is correct height above terrain.
osg::Vec3d fp = _eye + lv*distanceToMove;
osg::Vec3d lfp = fp - up*(_height*5.0);
if (intersect(fp, lfp, ip, np))
if (up*np>0.0) up = np;
else up = -np;
_eye = ip+up*_height;
lv = up^sv;
return true;
// no hit on the terrain found therefore resort to a fall under
// under the influence of gravity.
osg::Vec3d dp = lfp;
dp -= getUpVector(cf)* (2.0*_modelScale);
if (intersect(lfp, dp, ip, np))
if (up*np>0.0) up = np;
else up = -np;
_eye = ip+up*_height;
lv = up^sv;
return true;
// no collision with terrain has been found therefore track horizontally.
lv *= (_velocity*dt);
_eye += lv;
return true;

How to make mouse movement work with no delay?

I'm making a program that let me click on the center of two concentric circles and, by mouse move, change it's position and i can do the same with it's radii.
The thing is that the mouse movement is followed by a delay response from the circles drawing making the radius follow the mouse instead of being exactly in the same position during the movement.
Would you guys know how to make it work like that? pin point following by the drawing.
a bit of the code that treats the mouse clicking and movements:
void DemoApp::OnLButtonDown(FLOAT pixelX, FLOAT pixelY)
mouseRegion = DPIScale::PixelsToDips(pixelX, pixelY);
FLOAT xDifference = centerCircles.x - mouseRegion.x;
FLOAT yDifference = centerCircles.y - mouseRegion.y;
FLOAT distanceToCenter = sqrtf(xDifference*xDifference + yDifference*yDifference);
if(distanceToCenter < 10.0f)
centerMove = true;
minimumRadiusCircleMove = false;
maximumRadiusCircleMove = false;
else if((distanceToCenter > (minimumRadius - 1.0f)) && (distanceToCenter < (minimumRadius + 1.0f)))
minimumRadiusCircleMove = true;
centerMove = false;
maximumRadiusCircleMove = false;
else if((distanceToCenter > (maximumRadius - 1.0f)) && (distanceToCenter < (maximumRadius + 1.0f)))
maximumRadiusCircleMove = true;
centerMove = false;
minimumRadiusCircleMove = false;
centerMove = false;
minimumRadiusCircleMove = false;
maximumRadiusCircleMove = false;
InvalidateRect(m_hwnd, NULL, FALSE);
void DemoApp::OnMouseMove(int pixelX, int pixelY, DWORD flags)
if (flags & MK_LBUTTON)
centerCircles = DPIScale::PixelsToDips(pixelX, pixelY);
FLOAT distanceLeftToCenterCircles = abs(centerCircles.x - bitmapTopLeft);
FLOAT distanceTopToCenterCircles = abs(centerCircles.y - bitmapTopRight);
percentageFromLeft = distanceLeftToCenterCircles / displaySizeWidth;
percentageFromTop = distanceTopToCenterCircles / displaySizeHeight;
else if(minimumRadiusCircleMove)
radiusSelection = DPIScale::PixelsToDips(pixelX, pixelY);
FLOAT xDifference = centerCircles.x - radiusSelection.x;
FLOAT yDifference = centerCircles.y - radiusSelection.y;
minimumRadius = sqrtf(xDifference*xDifference + yDifference*yDifference);
minimumRadiusPercentage = minimumRadius/(displaySizeWidth/2);
else if(maximumRadiusCircleMove)
radiusSelection = DPIScale::PixelsToDips(pixelX, pixelY);
FLOAT xDifference = centerCircles.x - radiusSelection.x;
FLOAT yDifference = centerCircles.y - radiusSelection.y;
maximumRadius = sqrtf(xDifference*xDifference + yDifference*yDifference);
maximumRadiusPercentage = maximumRadius/(displaySizeWidth/2);
InvalidateRect(m_hwnd, NULL, FALSE);
void DemoApp::OnLButtonUp()
According to MSDN ( ) InvalidateRect doesn’t cause the window to be repainted until the next WM_PAINT and "The system sends a WM_PAINT message to a window whenever its update region is not empty and there are no other messages in the application queue for that window." so it’s not immediate.
I found a possible solution on MSDN here Drawing Without the WM_PAINT Message
i've found a solution to that problem!
It's way simple than expected, all you got to do is add a flag while creating the render target, that way the mousemove will respond way faster:
// Create Direct2d render target.
hr = m_pD2DFactory->CreateHwndRenderTarget(
D2D1::HwndRenderTargetProperties(m_hwnd, size, D2D1_PRESENT_OPTIONS_IMMEDIATELY),

SFML Sprite moving violently down on 2nd tick

I am working on an SFML game and for some reason after spawning the player, the player gets teleported down. On the first tick he is correctly positioned, but after wards, he is moved down. Any idea on how to diagnose this problem? I set up breakpoints in the move mechanism, the only place where the player's co-ordinates change, and it seems to happen right after the function ends. This is the main function:
int main(){
while (App.IsOpened())
sf::Event Event;
while (App.GetEvent(Event))
if (Event.Type == sf::Event::Closed)
float time = App.GetFrameTime();
void cmainchar::move(float t){
if (App.GetInput().IsKeyDown(sf::Key::S));
if (App.GetInput().IsKeyDown(sf::Key::R));
if (App.GetInput().IsKeyDown(sf::Key::A)) A = true;
else A = false;
if (App.GetInput().IsKeyDown(sf::Key::D)) D = true;
else D = false;
if (App.GetInput().IsKeyDown(sf::Key::W)) first = true;
if ((App.GetInput().IsKeyDown(sf::Key::I)) && (keyreleased)){
if (mainchinventory.drawmain){
mainchinventory.drawmain = false;, 3);
mainchinventory.drawmain = true;
keyreleased = false;
else if (!App.GetInput().IsKeyDown(sf::Key::I))
keyreleased = true;
if(App.GetInput().IsKeyDown(sf::Key::Num1)), 3);
else if(App.GetInput().IsKeyDown(sf::Key::Num2)), 3);
else if(App.GetInput().IsKeyDown(sf::Key::Num3)), 3);
else if(App.GetInput().IsKeyDown(sf::Key::Num4)), 3);
else if(App.GetInput().IsKeyDown(sf::Key::Num5)), 3);
else if(App.GetInput().IsKeyDown(sf::Key::Num6)), 3);
else if(App.GetInput().IsKeyDown(sf::Key::Num7)), 3);
else if(App.GetInput().IsKeyDown(sf::Key::Num8)), 3);
else if(App.GetInput().IsKeyDown(sf::Key::Num9)), 3);
else if(App.GetInput().IsKeyDown(sf::Key::Num0)), 3);
else if ((App.GetInput().IsMouseButtonDown(sf::Mouse::Button::Left)) && (mainchinventory.drawmain) && (buttonreleased)){
buttonreleased = false;
else if (!App.GetInput().IsMouseButtonDown(sf::Mouse::Button::Left))
buttonreleased = true;
int xmap = (View.GetCenter().x - 320) / 40;
int ymap = (View.GetCenter().y - 240) / 40;
if ((xmap != xmapold) || (ymap != ymapold));
xmapold = xmap;
ymapold = ymap;
for(std::list<cspell>::iterator i = mainch.spells.begin(); i != mainch.spells.end(); i++)
if (i->move(t))
if (A && left){
animate(2, t);
you.Move(-160 * t, 0);
if (D && right){
animate(1, t);
you.Move(160 * t, 0);
if (!D && !A)
animate(0, t);
if (up){
if(grounded && first){
jump = 1.25;
first = false;
if (jump > 0){
you.Move (0,-250 * t * jump);
jump = jump - 1 * t;
if (jump <= 0){
jump = 0.f;
first = false;
jump = 0.f;
if (down){
fall = fall + 10 * t;
you.Move(0, 25 * fall * t);
grounded = false;
fall = 0.f;
grounded = true;
mainchinventory.spawn = true;
fall = 0.f;
jump = 0.f;
teleport = false;
You don't show the code where you're manipulating the sf::Sprite object, so I (or anyone else, really) can't say for certain, but...that said, I have a strong guess as to what's happening.
I've been familiarizing myself with SFML recently, too, and I encountered this issue myself. What I think is happening is you're calling sf::Sprite::Move(x,y) to move the sprite to position (x,y). This is incorrect; what you should be calling is sf::Sprite::SetPosition(x,y). (Both these functions take will take a 2d vector as an argument instead, btw).
I'm operating under the assumption you're using SFML 1.6, yes? Looks that way...version 2.0 changes the API somewhat, so in case you're using that Sprite::Move() becomes Sprite::move() and Sprite::SetPosition() becomes Sprite::setPosition().
Anyways, to wrap this up: the difference between Move(x,y) and SetPosition(x,y) is that Move adjusts the sprite's position relative to its current position, whereas SetPosition moves the sprite to a new position regardless of where it was before.
Again, this is a blind guess since the relevant code was not was my shot in the dark correct?
Unfortunately, you haven't provided enough code for a straightforward diagnosis. With what you provided however, my best guess is that your fall variable hasn't been initialized. If it hasn't been initialized, its values can be completely random, likely being much larger than expected. This would explain your 'teleporting' behavior.