OpenSceneGraph FirstPerson Walking Camera - c++

I am new to OpenSceneGraph and would appreciate help figuring out which of the existing CameraManipulator classes, or even any out there, I would need to use for Walking/Running/Jogging simulations. So far I have checked out about 10 of the manipulators but none of them seem to do what I need here which is simulate walking/jogging/running with ease.
Thanks in advance.

How about FirstPersonManipulator (formerly DoomLikeManipulator)


How to add an image file as a header to every print job programmatically in C/C++/C#?

So basically, I have no idea where to start since I'm not actually a desktop developer.
I'm a web dev but we need this functionality in our current project with a client but sadly we don't have background knowledge for this and we have been searching for ways how to do it and so far we are convinced that we need C/C++/C# for this.
But the problem is how or in where do we start? The use case for this is very few and thus too little Documentation is available especially in forums.
We would appreciate any help. Thanks in advance.

OSMdroid point of interest

Hy I am new to osmdroid and i have code to point my location, now I am trying to mark poi(point of interest ect. cinema, bus station...) on map but I don't know how to do it. Is there anyone who had done it or knows some good tutorial where is explained how to do it? Thanks in advance!
OsmBonusPack should cover your need.

Global Movement Estimation of squence of images in C++

I need to find a C++ library to find the global movement estimation for a project of super resolution of medical images. But I'm not aware of any of them. Does anyone know a library that could help me do this? I've heard of OpenCV but haven't found anything, maybe I wasn't looking at the right thing.
Thank you.
This looks like a good starting point:
although I'm surprised to not see VXL on the list:
Have fun!

Problem with displaying graphs on a Qt canvas

Let's say I'm a Qt newbie.
I want a good Qt library for displaying simple graphs. I've found the quanava library. But there is a problem. When I compiled a basic example it looks like graph edges are not painted properly when moving nodes. I don't have any idea where is a bug but this code seems to be rather simple. I think this is a problem with paint method in NodeItem class. Maybe someone has already solved this problem because this library is quite popular.
I usually go for Qwt for my graphing needs - a bit technical for "office graphs", but still, it works.
+1 for Qwt. It gets the job done, and is pretty configurable. The documentation is weak, but the number of examples are extensive enough to make up for it.
Ok, first of all saying graph i mean mathematical concept G=(V,E).
I improved quanava library, which is a very good starting point for graph visualization.

3d max integration with c++, Cal3D where to start?

okay i'm making a game using c++ (for the engine) and openGL, now i've had lots of trouble using cal3d library for importing my 3d max models into my c++ project,
as a matter of fact i dunno where to even start, i can't find any decent guide and their documentation is pure shit really. i've been searching and trying stuff in this for over a month, but i don't even understand the file structure it uses so far :S
i really need some help, r there any other libraries? any decent guide i can use? i'm stuck
thnx alot
Rather than write your own exporter, consider using one of the built-in exporters for FBX, COLLADA, Crosswalk (.XSI), the Quake/Doom3 .MD3/.MD4 format, or even OBJ. It'll be much easier to parse the resulting file format on your end than to write and maintain a brand-new exporter.
Max is a complete pain for any kind of scripting or plugin. I'd suggest using maya instead if at all possible. You'll get better results for animation and rigging, too. I know it's not a direct answer to your question but part of the problem is the info for stuff like this is not easy to come by.