Server not receiving UDP packets, been spending hours trying to figure out what's wrong - c++

So for our first assignment we made a basic ftp program using TCP, now we have to modify it to use UDP, also sending it to a router program (that we cannot modify, but have the code to look at) that will randomly drop and delay packets and handle it with a simple stop and wait protocol. But that's not the problem.
I modified the Client and Server to use UDP using the notes from my lab teacher ( and all I'm doing is sending a packet and when I receive it on the other end print a line of text. I followed the instructions in the slides, running it on localhost (have no other machines to test with) and it sends, and the router confirms it receives and forwards the packet, but the server never prints the line of text. Knowing that UDP drops packets a lot I made a while(true) loop that sends packets forever, the server still does nothing.
Here's the code so far:
Unmodifiable Router given to us:
For the client i left in everything after the connection starts from the old one, the send line is 175, in server I commented out everything in the run loop except the receive part which is at line 181
I'm going absolutely crazy trying to fix this. I had to cancel plans and ruin my entire day because I can't get this one thing working. :(

From what i can tell you're using the wrong ports. Here's what the router.h defines:
// router.h
#define ROUTER_PORT1 7000 //router port number 1
#define ROUTER_PORT2 7001 //router port number 2
#define PEER_PORT1 5000 //port number of peer host 1
#define PEER_PORT2 5001 //port number of peer host 2
And here's what you're defining:
// client.cpp
#define REQUEST_PORT 0x5000 // hexadecimal, that's port 20480
// server.cpp
#define REQUEST_PORT 0x5001 // hexadecimal, that's port 20481
I didn't check the rest of the code, but the server appeared to receive something after correcting the port numbers (as in removing the 0x prefix)
Maybe this will help illustrate how the router works:
// the router does (pseudocode):
recvfrom(7000), sendto(PEER2:5001)
recvfrom(7001), sendto(PEER1:5000)


Server programming in C++

I'd like to make a chatting program using win socket in c/c++. (I am totally newbie.)
The first question is about how to check if the client receives packets from server.
For instance, a server sends "aaaa" to a client.
And if the client doesn't receive packet "aaaa", the server should re-send the packet again.(I think). However, I don't know how to check it out.
Here is my thought blow.
First case.
Server --- "aaaa" ---> Client.
Server will be checking a sort of time waiting confirm msg from the client.
Client --- "I received it" ---> Server.
Server won't re-send the packet.
The other case.
Server --- "aaaa" ---> Client.
Server is waiting for client msg until time out
Server --- "aaaa" ---> Client again.
But these are probably inappropriate.
Look at second case. Server is waiting a msg from client for a while.
And if time's out, server will re-send a packet again.
In this case, client might receive the packet twice.
Second question is how to send unlimited size packet.
A book says packet should have a type, size, and msg.
Following it, I can only send msg with the certain size.
But i want to send msg like 1Mbytes or more.(unlimited)
How to do that?
Anyone have any good link or explain correct logic to me as easy as possible.
Use TCP. Think "messages" at the application level, not packets.
TCP already handles network-level packet data, error checking & resending lost packets. It presents this to the application as a "stream" of bytes, but without necessarily guaranteed delivery (since either end can be forcibly disconnected).
So at the application level, you need to handle Message Receipts & buffering -- with a re-connecting client able to request previous messages, which they hadn't (yet) correctly received.
Here are some data structures:
class or struct Message {
int type; // const MESSAGE.
int messageNumber; // sequentially incrementing.
int size; // 4 bytes, probably signed; allows up to 2GB data.
byte[] data;
class or struct Receipt {
int type; // const RECEIPT.
int messageNumber; // last #, successfully received.
You may also want a Connect/ Hello and perhaps a Disconnect/ Goodbye handshake.
class Connect {
int type; // const CONNECT.
int lastReceivedMsgNo; // last #, successfully received.
// plus, who they are?
short nameLen;
char[] name;
If you can be really simple & don't need to buffer/ re-send messages to re-connecting clients, it's even simpler.
You could also adopt a "uniform message structure" which had TYPE and SIZE (4-byte int) as the first two fields of every message or handshake. This might help standardize your routines for handling these, at the expense of some redundancy (eg in 'name' field-sizes).
For first part, have a look over TCP.
It provides a ordered and reliable packet transfer. Plus you can have lot of customizations in it by implementing it yourself using UDP.
Broadly, what it does is,
1. Numbers each packet and sends it
2. Waits for acknowledge of a specific packet number. And then re-transmits the lost packets.
1. Receives a packet and maintains a buffer (sliding window)
2. It keeps on collecting packets in buffer until the buffer overflows or a wrong sequenced packet arrives. As soon as it happens, the packets with right sequence are 'delivered', and the sequence number of last correct packet is send with acknowledgement.
For second part:
I would use HTTP for it.
With some modifications. Like you should have some very unique indicator to tell client that transmission is complete now, etc

boost::asio::async_read_until - Does not read until four messages have been sent

I'm trying to learn boost::asio by writing a simple client which sends strings to an echo server. I have tested the echo server with telnet and it works great, but my boost::asio client is acting weird. async_read_until doesn't seem to read/call handler until four messages have been sent (and returned by the echo server). The output of the client maybe explain this better (I removed the newline after each value):
gurka#x:~/private/code/test$ ./test localhost 2001
Hostname resolved.
Connected to server.
Starting write
Starting read_until
When the connection have been made I have two calls:
boost::asio::async_write(mSocket, mOutgoingBuffer, boost::bind(&Connection::writeToServer, this, boost::asio::placeholders::error));
boost::asio::async_read_until(mSocket, mIncomingBuffer, "\n", boost::bind(&Connection::readFromServer, this, boost::asio::placeholders::error));
writeToServer and readFromServer just prints Writting/Read and the value it's writting/read and then does the async_write/async_read_until call again, with exacly same parameters. The writeToServer takes it messages to send from a queue which I have filled with "1\n".."6\n".
I don't think the error is in the echo server since I can see that it read and writes back all 6 values, in order. And it as I said before, it works perfect using telnet. So, why is async_read_until "delayed" by 4 messages? I've tried sending longer strings and it's the same thing.

flush buffer in a boost::asio program

Basically I am writing a simple program using the boost socket library... I have two programs a client and a server. the server waits for a connection from the client and when it finds one the client sends the server a message and the server prints out, this works the first time the client queries the server but after a while an strange pattern begins lets say our server was running and I used the client program two times by executing:
./client localhost name message
./client localhost name test
the output 0f the server would first be:
name: message
however next it would display
name: testage
I don't know why this is happening but I know it must be the server, because the the clients each send a packet independently the server just prints it out... I'm thinking that this has something to do with the socket buffer not being flushed or something of that nature...
anyway heres the sourcecode:
The read_some call in the server returns the number of bytes read. You should use that value and use it to null terminate the buffer. Something along these lines:
int len = connection.read_some(boost::asio::buffer(buf), error);
buf[len] = '\0';
In the first message, the buffer may have been initialized with zeros. The next time, though, it would contain the same contents as the previous iteration. Note that the strcpy(buf,""); call only ends up setting the first byte of buf to zero.

talking between python tcp server and a c++ client

I am having an issue trying to communicate between a python TCP server and a c++ TCP client.
After the first call, which works fine, the subsequent calls cause issues.
As far as WinSock is concerned, the send() function worked properly, it returns the proper length and WSAGetLastError() does not return anything of significance.
However, when watching the packets using wireshark, i notice that the first call sends two packets, a PSH,ACK with all of the data in it, and an ACK right after, but the subsequent calls, which don't work, only send the PSH,ACK packet, and not a subsequent ACK packet
the receiving computers wireshark corroborates this, and the python server does nothing, it doesnt have any data coming out of the socket, and i cannot debug deeper, since socket is a native class
when i run a c++ client and a c++ server (a hacked replica of what the python one would do), the client faithfully sends both the PSH,ACk and ACK packets the whole time, even after the first call.
Is the winsock send function supposed to always send a PSH,ACK and an ACK?
If so, why would it do so when connected to my C++ server and not the python server?
Has anyone had any issues similar to this?
client sends a PSH,ACK and then the
server sends a PSH,ACK and a
There is a FIN, so could it be that the Python version of your server is closing the connection immediately after the initial read?
If you are not explicitly closing the server's socket, it's probable that the server's remote socket variable is going out of scope, thus closing it (and that this bug is not present in your C++ version)?
Assuming that this is the case, I can cause a very similar TCP sequence with this code for the server:
import socket
from time import sleep
def f(s):
r,a = s.accept()
print r.recv(100)
s = socket.socket()
# wait around a bit for the client to send it's second packet
and this for the client:
import socket
from time import sleep
s = socket.socket()
s.send('hello 1')
# wait around for a while so that the socket in goes out of scope
s.send('hello 2')
Start your packet sniffer, then run and then, Here is the outout of tcpdump -A -i lo, which matches your observations:
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on lo, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 96 bytes
12:42:37.683710 IP localhost:33491 > localhost.1234: S 1129726741:1129726741(0) win 32792 <mss 16396,sackOK,timestamp 640881101 0,nop,wscale 7>
12:42:37.684049 IP localhost.1234 > localhost:33491: S 1128039653:1128039653(0) ack 1129726742 win 32768 <mss 16396,sackOK,timestamp 640881101 640881101,nop,wscale 7>
12:42:37.684087 IP localhost:33491 > localhost.1234: . ack 1 win 257 <nop,nop,timestamp 640881102 640881101>
12:42:37.684220 IP localhost:33491 > localhost.1234: P 1:8(7) ack 1 win 257 <nop,nop,timestamp 640881102 640881101>
&3..&3..hello 1
12:42:37.684271 IP localhost.1234 > localhost:33491: . ack 8 win 256 <nop,nop,timestamp 640881102 640881102>
12:42:37.684755 IP localhost.1234 > localhost:33491: F 1:1(0) ack 8 win 256 <nop,nop,timestamp 640881103 640881102>
12:42:37.685639 IP localhost:33491 > localhost.1234: . ack 2 win 257 <nop,nop,timestamp 640881104 640881103>
12:42:42.683367 IP localhost:33491 > localhost.1234: P 8:15(7) ack 2 win 257 <nop,nop,timestamp 640886103 640881103>
&3%W&3..hello 2
12:42:42.683401 IP localhost.1234 > localhost:33491: R 1128039655:1128039655(0) win 0
9 packets captured
27 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel
What size of packets do you send?
If they are small - may be Nagle's Algorith & Delayed ACK Algorithm is your headache? From what you described think Delayed ACK is involved...

Socket in use error when reusing sockets

I am writing an XMLRPC client in c++ that is intended to talk to a python XMLRPC server.
Unfortunately, at this time, the python XMLRPC server is only capable of fielding one request on a connection, then it shuts down, I discovered this thanks to mhawke's response to my previous query about a related subject
Because of this, I have to create a new socket connection to my python server every time I want to make an XMLRPC request. This means the creation and deletion of a lot of sockets. Everything works fine, until I approach ~4000 requests. At this point I get socket error 10048, Socket in use.
I've tried sleeping the thread to let winsock fix its file descriptors, a trick that worked when a python client of mine had an identical issue, to no avail.
I've tried the following
int err = setsockopt(s_,SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR,(char*)TRUE,sizeof(BOOL));
with no success.
I'm using winsock 2.0, so WSADATA::iMaxSockets shouldn't come into play, and either way, I checked and its set to 0 (I assume that means infinity)
4000 requests doesn't seem like an outlandish number of requests to make during the run of an application. Is there some way to use SO_KEEPALIVE on the client side while the server continually closes and reopens?
Am I totally missing something?
The problem is being caused by sockets hanging around in the TIME_WAIT state which is entered once you close the client's socket. By default the socket will remain in this state for 4 minutes before it is available for reuse. Your client (possibly helped by other processes) is consuming them all within a 4 minute period. See this answer for a good explanation and a possible non-code solution.
Windows dynamically allocates port numbers in the range 1024-5000 (3977 ports) when you do not explicitly bind the socket address. This Python code demonstrates the problem:
import socket
sockets = []
while True:
s = socket.socket()
s.connect(('some_host', 80))
print len(sockets)
print "Lowest port: ", sockets[0][1], " Highest port: ", sockets[-1][1]
# on Windows you should see something like this...
Lowest port: 1025 Highest port: 5000
If you try to run this immeditaely again, it should fail very quickly since all dynamic ports are in the TIME_WAIT state.
There are a few ways around this:
Manage your own port assignments and
use bind() to explicitly bind your
client socket to a specific port
that you increment each time your
create a socket. You'll still have
to handle the case where a port is
already in use, but you will not be
limited to dynamic ports. e.g.
port = 5000
while True:
s = socket.socket()
s.bind(('your_host', port))
s.connect(('some_host', 80))
port += 1
Fiddle with the SO_LINGER socket
option. I have found that this
sometimes works in Windows (although
not exactly sure why):
socket.SO_LINGER, 1)
I don't know if this will help in
your particular application,
however, it is possible to send
multiple XMLRPC requests over the
same connection using the
multicall method. Basically
this allows you to accumulate
several requests and then send them
all at once. You will not get any
responses until you actually send
the accumulated requests, so you can
essentially think of this as batch
processing - does this fit in with
your application design?
I tossed this into the code and it seems to be working now.
if(::connect(s_, (sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof(sockaddr)))
int err = WSAGetLastError();
if(err == 10048) //if socket in user error, force kill and reopen socket
WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,0), &info);
s_ = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0);
Basically, if you encounter the 10048 error (socket in use), you can simply close the socket, call cleanup, and restart WSA, the reset the socket and its sockopt
(the last sockopt may not be necessary)
i must have been missing the WSACleanup/WSAStartup calls before, because closesocket() and socket() were definitely being called
this error only occurs once every 4000ish calls.
I am curious as to why this may be, even though this seems to fix it.
If anyone has any input on the subject i would be very curious to hear it
Do you close the sockets after using it?