Problems passing source command to bash from c++ application - c++

I am developing an application for work that allows the users to quickly set environment variables on a terminal basis. By setting the path in each terminal we ensure files with the same name in different directories aren't causing application testing to be problematic. I am Using Qt to build the program which is c++ based and all the datatypes are foundationally the same.
I am using the following code to invoke commands in the terminal from which the application launches from using system(). I can run commands into the bash just fine with code; however, I run into a problem when I attempt to use a command with arguments. This is probably why source doesn't seem to work right as the source command is followed by the filename. It would appear that I drop the argument appended after the bash command.
My Code:
void assignTerminalToPath(QString path)
QString data = "";
QString currentUsersHomeDirectory = QDir::homePath();
QString tmpScriptLocation = currentUsersHomeDirectory;
QByteArray ba;
tmpScriptLocation += "/.tmpSourceFile";
QFile tmpSourceFile(tmpScriptLocation);
if( | QFile::Truncate))
QTextStream output(&tmpSourceFile);
data.append("export PATH=.:");
output << QString("#!/bin/bash\n");
output << data;
data.append("/bin/bash -c source ");
ba = data.toLatin1();
const char *cStr =;
Perhaps I'm not referencing bash correctly and I need something outside of -c?
Reference Execute shell/bash command using C/C++
Thanks for any help in advance!

source is not a program that you can call, it is embedded bash command. It is designed to be processed by bash without invoking another copy of bash, such that environment variables can be changed in current bash copy.
However, you cannot call source as part of system(). And even if you did succeed at that, its effects to change environment variables would be completely lost for caller app once system() has returned.

Try a command to envelop with parameters in double quotes ("command - arg1 - to arg2") to transfer in the function system().
char *com = "\"command -arg1 -arg2\"";


What is the correct way to execute a CMD command with QProcess to get the output as QString?

I'm new using QT, I need to execute a CMD command on windows and get the output of this command as a string to later process and get specific data. The following code works well (it seems to work well). The only problem is that I get the following warning: "start is deprecated", I think this warning message is because the start method needs an arguments list as parameter.
QString command = "tasklist /FI \"IMAGENAME eq notepad.exe\"";
QProcess *executeCommand = new QProcess();
QString output = executeCommand->readAllStandardOutput();
qDebug() << commandOutput;
how can I remove this warning message?
Also I found in the web that I can use system() to execute a CMD command, but I'm not able to catch the output as string.
Another question: which of the above options is better to achieve what I'm trying to do, the QProcess or System (if is possible to get the output as QString)?
Thanks in advance!
There is an answer read QProcess output to string recommending static method QProcess::readAllStandardOutput() returning QByteArray. Then just instantiate QString from QByteArray implicitly.
If you are working on Qt application, it is better to stay inside Qt API to keep the code more or less portable.

how to pass on some output from a c++ program to the shell so that it can be used in the shell

Is there any good way i can make some data created by my c++ program available to the shell after exiting the program?
I have a c++ program, inside which i have a string containing a path:
std::string path = "/home/some/path"
I want this path to be available after the c++ program exits main and i am returned to the shell, so that i can use that path (e.g. cd to that path).
I have considered/tried the following approaches:
I tried making an environment variable in c++ program using setenv(). However the environment variable only exists while in the c++ program, and it is apparently not possible to make those changes visible in the shell after exiting the program.
(considered) writing the path to a temporary file, so that a bash script could later access the details of the path from it. However i have read many suggestions to not do that due to security vulnerabilities.
I tried calling the bash script from within the c++ program, using system(). This does not work if i try to cd to that directory (exiting the program will keep me in the same directory as before).
I figure that if i am desperate, i could have my program cout the path, and use the solutions as described here:
$ ./program | tee output.txt
Then the path is stored inside the file. This works technically, but has the undesirable effect of creating a file and printing the path to the screen, and is basically creating a temporary file.
another option to, again, cout in my program, and use command substitution. running in the shell
$ var=$(./program)
storing the path in var. This didnt work because my program does many things including requiring user input before calling
std::cout<< path << std::endl;.
Particularly, i have observed this approach to not display a curses window, which is required for the program.
the only solution that has worked is piping the output to tee.
Environment variables are only an input, they cannot be used to return any information from a program.
You are already using std::cin and std::cout for user input, and std::cerr should be reserved for error messages. However, you can have the shell open more filedescriptors, and have your program write to those. However, doing this with pure C++ is not possible. But if you don't mind using POSIX C functions:
#include <cstdio>
int main() {
FILE *f = fdopen(3, "w");
fprintf(f, "some path\n");
And then use it like so:
./program 3> output.txt
This of course creates an undesirable file. I don't think there is any way to store the output from an extra filedescriptor directly to a variable in bash. However, you could create a temporary file inside /dev/shm, so it will never be written to disk, or create a FIFO object and redirect the output from the program to the FIFO, and then read it back. For some examples of how to do this, see this question.
You could write the output that you want the user to see to stderr instead of stdout. Only output what you need your shell script to see to stdout:
#include <iostream>
int main() {
std::clog << "Enter data: "; // clog prints to stderr like cerr
std::string line;
std::getline(std::cin, line);
std::cout << line << '\n';
Then this will work:

How do I keep a command executed by QProcess when the process ends?

I'm trying to find a way to keep the commands executed by QProcess after GUI program is terminated in Linux system. Now, when the process ends, all the commands executed are gone. Is there a way to keep that after QProcess is terminated?
// code which executes command in linux
QProcess *mproc = new Qprocess(this);
QStringList args;
args << "-c" << "source tool_def1.env; source tool_def2.env; myProg";
mproc->start("/bin/csh", args);
The tool_def1.env and tool_def2.env file are included some environment variables for executing myProg, like set path = (~~~~).
In GUI Program, this code is well done. And, I want to execute myProg program in terminal which GUI program is run after GUI program is terminated.
But, if GUI Program is terminated, I can't run myProg because the environment variables of tool_def1.env and tool_def2.env file is disappear.
Is it possible to keep the environment variables? Or, is it possible to execute myProg program in other process with environment variables of mproc process as following?
QProcess *mproc2 = new QProcess(this);
The overload of QProcess::startDetached you are using is a static method, so it will not take into consideration attributes of particular instances, i.e., mproc->setWorkingDirectory("/home/test") doesn't set the working directory for the static method, only for mproc. When you launch the process, as the working directory is not set for the static call, the program cannot be found and it fails.
As you can see in the documentation, the static startDetached also admits the working directory as a parameter, so you can change your code to:
QStringList args;
args << "-c" << "source tool_def1.env; source tool_def2.env; myProg";
QProcess::startDetached("/bin/csh", args, "/home/test");
Another way is using the non-static version, which requires the program to be specified separately:
QProcess mproc(this);
QStringList args;
args << "-c" << "source tool_def1.env; source tool_def2.env; myProg";
qint64 pid; // to store the process ID (will become invalid if the child process exits)
Regarding your second question, take a look at QProcess::setProcessEnvironment. Just that you'll have to use the non-static way to set the environment of the process. You can get the environment variables of the current process using QProcess::systemEnvironment.
Update from comments: if you want to always use the environment variables active when the GUI application was running (is it some kind of configurator?) you can just save them to a file (a JSON for example), then load and set them manually from the second process.
To extract them, you can do something like:
const auto env_vars = QProcess::systemEnvironment().toStringList();
Now env_vars will be a list of strings with format NAME_OF_ENVAR=VALUE_OF_ENVAR. You can save such list to the file (you will need to prepend an export at the beginning of each line to be usable with source).
I've tested the static version in Windows (VS 15.8.2 and Qt 5.10.0) and it worked as expected. Code used:
#include <qprocess.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
QProcess::startDetached("cmd", QStringList() << "/c" << "test.exe", "../test/");
return 0;
where test.exe's code is basically a never ending process.
Note: An interesting fact, and as a note for developer using VS. For the same program and build, if it is executed from the command line it works correctly: application ends and the second process keeps running in the background, but if executed from the VS IDE then the console window keeps alive, and if I close it, the the second process is killed too. When debugged, the debugger ends but the console is still shown. I suppose it is because VS somehow tracks all created processes when launched from the IDE.

Show environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH

I have simple console application that prints environment variables:
int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp)
printf("Scanning for LD_LIB_PATH\n");
for (char **env = envp; *env != 0; env++)
char *thisEnv = *env;
std::string s= *env;
if (s.find("LD_LIBRARY_PATH")!=std::string::npos)
printf("!!!!!!! %s\n", thisEnv);
printf("%s\n", thisEnv);
Before run executable I run script that sets LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/aaa/bbb/Debug:~/ccc/ddd/Debug
echo "searching:"
export | grep LD_LIBRARY
echo "done"
Script run fine with output:
declare -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/home/vicp/aaa/bbb/Debug:/home/vico/ccc/ddd/Debug"
I run executable and it finds many variables but no environment variable LD_LIB_PATH. Why?
As recommended I script . ./
Then double check with command:
export |grep LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Got output:
declare -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/home/vicp/aaa/bbb/Debug:/home/vico/ccc/ddd/Debug"
But still don't see LD_LIBRARY_PATH in my programm.
Depending on how you run the script, the env variable will only be added to the environment of the subshell running the script.
If you run the script like this:
$ ./
This will spawn a new shell wherein the script is run. The parent shell, i.e. the one you started the script from, will not be affected by what the script does. Changes to the environment will therefore not be visible (changing the working directory or similar will also not work).
If the script is intended to modify the environment of the current shell, the script needs to be sourced using the . or source commands:
$ . ./
$ source ./
From help source in bash:
Execute commands from a file in the current shell.
Then there seems to be a problem with the code:
As a commenter stated previousy, there are a lot of exclamation points in the success case printf. I presume these were meant to highlight the found variable name. Since they are outside of the opening quote of the format string, they are interpreted as logical not operators.
The result is that the format string literal (a pointer) is negated, resulting in false due to the number of operators. This usually maps to 0, which would mean the format string becomes a null pointer. What happens when handing a null pointer to printf as the format string depends, as far as I can tell, on the implementation. If it doesn't crash, it most certainly will not print anything however.
So the code may actually work, but there is no visible output due to that bug. To fix it, move the exclamation points into the format string, i.e. after the opening quote.
Look at the line printf(!!!!!!!"%s\n", thisEnv);
Change to printf("!!!! %s\n", thisEnv);
It has nothing to do with your C/C++ application.
try the following:
$ ./
And you'll see that LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not set
When you launch your script, bash creates a new process with its environment inherited from the original bash process. In that newly created process, you set the process environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH=xxxx
When finalized your exits, and its environment dies with it.
Meaning the LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not set in your original shell.
As mentioned here above you need to run your script in the current shell
Either with . or with source.
I tested with your C/C++ and it works

How to start a Shell Script with QProcess?

How can I start a Shell Script using QProcess?
The Shell Script has eight different commands in it, some with arguments others without.
I tried to start the Shell Script with (using Ubuntu 11.10):
QProcess *Prozess = new QProcess();
Prozess->start("/bin/sh", QStringList() << "");
But this doesn't work, that means nothing happens. How to make it work?
Code is fine. Problem is at run-time.
Either your program can't run /bin/sh for some reason (test if you can run gedit instead?), or the MainDirectory variable has wrong directory path (debug it), or the does not exist in that directory (capitalization mistakes? What about "./"?), or you don't have enough privileges to run or modify target directory/files (are they owned by you?).
The process you have started is running in background. if you want to see any explicit output from the running script you have to connect to void readyReadStandardOutput() or/and void readyReadStandardError() and read from the process explicitly. For example:
void onReadyRead() {
QByteArray processOutput = Prozess->readAllStandardOutput();
This should work:
QProcess::ProcessError Error = myProcess->readAllStandardError();
return Error;
QProcess ().execute ("/bin/sh " + MainDirectory + "/");
will do the job.