Deleting a file from sharepoint using web service - web-services

I am trying to delete a file from a sharepoint document library.
My application is in C#, which uses the web services of sharepoint.
Would like to know how this can be done.
Thanks in advance.

Delete a Document in SharePoint using Web Services
1.Add Web Reference to http://[your site]/_vti_bin/Lists.asmx
2.You need Document ID, Library Name, and Url to the document to be deleted
var spWebServiceLists = "http://[your site]/_vti_bin/Lists.asmx";
var listService = new Lists
Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials,
Url = spWebServiceLists
string id = 10;
string library = #"Shared Documents";
string url = #"http://[your site]/Shared Documents/Test.docx";
string xml = "<Method ID='1' Cmd='Delete'>" +
"<Field Name='ID'>" + id + "</Field>" +
"<Field Name='FileRef'>" + HttpUtility.UrlDecode(url) + "</Field>" +
/*Get Name attribute values (GUIDs) for list and view. */
System.Xml.XmlNode ndListView = listService.GetListAndView(library, "");
string strListID = ndListView.ChildNodes[0].Attributes["Name"].Value;
string strViewID = ndListView.ChildNodes[1].Attributes["Name"].Value;
/*Create an XmlDocument object and construct a Batch element and its
attributes. Note that an empty ViewName parameter causes the method to use the default view. */
System.Xml.XmlDocument doc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();
System.Xml.XmlElement batchElement = doc.CreateElement("Batch");
batchElement.SetAttribute("OnError", "Continue");
batchElement.SetAttribute("ListVersion", "1");
batchElement.SetAttribute("ViewName", strViewID);
/*Specify methods for the batch post using CAML. To update or delete,
specify the ID of the item, and to update or add, specify
the value to place in the specified column.*/
batchElement.InnerXml = xml;
XmlNode item;
item = listService.UpdateListItems(library, batchElement);
I just tested this code and works well.
For more information please see following links
Lists.UpdateListItems Method
How to: Update List Items

If you work with SharePoint 2010, you can use CSOM to access SharePoint web services. This link could be helpful to execute crud operations. If you work with SharePoint 2013 there is also CSOM API, it has similar funcitonality as in 2010.


Search custom property in SharePoint User Profile

I created a custom property in the user profile.
I want to search through all the user profiles and output those profiles in which the custom property contains a certain string
For example:
User1- Custom Property value is 1,2,3
User2- Custom Property value in 2,4,5
User3- Custom Property value is 4,6,8
I want to output all the profiles in which Custom Property contains 2
(using c# code)
So the output should have User1 and User2
Can someone suggest the best way to implement this?
I did find some links in the internet for searching user profiles use KeyWord search but and not sure if those methods could be used to search through Custom Properties.
I am using SharePoint 2013
We ended up promoting the Custom Property that we added to the User profile to a Managed property.
Also it seems like we can do wildcard searches on managed properties so we do People searches like "CustomProperty:*,2,*" so that it would return all the user profiles which have the number 2 in the custom property of their user profile
Interestingly the wildcard works only on the end for OOTB properties like FirstName so we cant do things like FirstName:oh and expect it would return John Doe's profile
But we can certainly do this - FirstName:joh* and that would return all the people whose first name starts with Joh (which would include John Doe)
But it seems like the wildcard works both at the beginning and the end for the custom managed properties (which helped a great deal for us)
On how to return the results of the search using c# we used this-
private DataTable GetPeople(SPSite spSite, string queryText)
var keywordQuery = new KeywordQuery(spSite)
QueryText = queryText,
KeywordInclusion = KeywordInclusion.AllKeywords,
SourceId = System.Guid.Parse("b09a7990-05ea-4af9-81ef-edfab16c4e31")
keywordQuery.RowLimit = this.MaxProfilesToDisplay;
SearchExecutor e = new SearchExecutor();
ResultTableCollection rt = e.ExecuteQuery(keywordQuery);
var tab = rt.Filter("TableType", KnownTableTypes.RelevantResults);
var result = tab.FirstOrDefault();
DataTable DT = result.Table;
return DT;
and we would invoke this like
DataTable dt = GetPeople(SPContext.Current.Site, "CustomProperty:*,2,*" );

Rally Web Services API: How do I get the URL link of the user story? (getDetailUrl() method)

Please be patient and Do Not flag this as duplicate: Using the Rally REST API, how can I get the non-API (website) URL for a user story?
I want to be able to generate a link for the user story.
Something like this:*********
As opposed to this:
The link will be integrated into another application for the managers to see the user story.
I did read about the getDetailUrl() method, but in my case I am creating the user stories by parsing email and linking that to a notification service in Slack.
I am aware of the formattedID and (_ref), but I would have to query for it again, and I am creating batches of userstories through a loop. I need the actual web site link to the user story.
Here is my sample code:
public void CreateUserStory(string workspace, string project, string userstoryName){
//authenticate with Rally
//DynamicJsonObject for HierarchicalRequirement
DynamicJsonObject toCreate = new DynamicJsonObject();
toCreate[RallyConstant.WorkSpace] = workspace;
toCreate[RallyConstant.Project] = project;
toCreate[RallyConstant.Name] = userstoryName;
//Create the User Story Here
CreateResult createUserStory = _api.Create(RallyConstant.HierarchicalRequirement, toCreate);
Console.WriteLine("Created Userstory: " + "URL LINK GOES HERE");
catch (WebException e)
We don't have a method in the .NET toolkit for doing this, but it's easy to create.
The format is this:<type>/<objectid>
Just fill in the type (hierarchicalrequirement turns into userstory, but all the others are the same as the wsapi type) and the objectid from the object you just created.
var parameters = new NameValueCollection();
parameters["fetch"] = "FormattedID";
var toCreate = new DynamicJsonObject();
var createResult = restApi.create("hierarchicalrequirement", toCreate, parameters);
var type = Ref.getTypeFromRef(createResult.Reference);
var objectID = Ref.getOidFromRef(createResult.Reference);
var formattedID = createResult.Object["FormattedID"];
And you can specify fetch fields to be returned on the created object so you don't have to re-query for it.

WebApplication to Delete file in Sharepoint

I am trying to delete a file in Sharepoint from my ASP.NET web application.
For which i have added List.asmx web reference which has Delete attachment method. This method has to be passed with three parameters.
DeleteAttachment(String ListName,String ListItemID, String url);
If my file location is below Documents/yyy/zzz/Review comments_docx.doc
What would be the ListName, ListItemID, url.
Below is my code. Can anyone suggest also correct if i am doing anything wrong.
wsLists.Lists objList = new wsLists.Lists();
objList.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(GlobalVariablesBO.UserID, GlobalVariablesBO.Password, GlobalVariablesBO.Domain);
objList.Url = string.Concat("");
string url = Convert.ToString(item.GetDataKeyValue("SharePointURL"));
objList.DeleteAttachment("Shared Documents", "3", url);
UpdateListItems(String ListName, XMLNode updates)
is a actual method to delete a document in sharepoint.

How to search for Items that doesn't contain certain keywords using Sitecore Advanced Database Crawler?

I have millions of items in the database. And user can search those items based on the keyword. In the search function, I need to provide a feature that search for NOT that keyword.
For example Item A has a field called msg and the value is Sitecore is awesome and great.
In the search box, user can check the checkbox that indicates to show any item that doesn't contain the keyword. Maybe user key in is keyword, so Item A will not be displayed or retrieved by ADC.
Edit: Currently I'm using sitecore6.6, thus Search method has been deprecated. I have tried the Not keyword by using Occurrence.MustNot, but it doesn't return any result.
The Sitecore Advanced Database Crawler is an extension of the Sitecore.Search API and Sitecore.Search API is a wrapper around Lucene.
In Lucene you can user queries with NOT or - to exclude something like "Sitecore NOT awesome" or "Sitecore -awesome".
To exclude something you need at least one include term.
Not sure if it works, but give it a try.
This is untested, but you might have luck by using a MatchAllDocsQuery and supplying the keywords in the form of a Filter.
BooleanQuery booleanQuery = new BooleanQuery();
QueryParser queryParser = new QueryParser("msg", new StandardAnalyzer());
Query userQuery = queryParser.Parse("Sitecore is awesome and great");
booleanQuery.Add(userQuery, reverseQuery.Checked ? BooleanClause.Occur.MUST_NOT : BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);
MatchAllDocsQuery matchAllQuery = new MatchAllDocsQuery();
Filter filter = new QueryFilter(booleanQuery);
using (QueryRunner queryRunner = new QueryRunner("myIndex"))
var skinnyItems = queryRunner.RunQuery(matchAllQuery, filter, ...)
What I have done to NOT include the keywords associated with the result item set is this:
protected List<Item> getSearchResults(string queryToSearch, string selectedFilter, string notToSearch)
Database db = Sitecore.Context.Database;
var index = SearchManager.GetIndex("siteSearchIndexName");
using (SortableIndexSearchContext context = new SortableIndexSearchContext(index))
if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query))
CombinedQuery cq = new CombinedQuery();
QueryBase qbKeyword = new FieldQuery("_orderkeywordpair", query);
QueryBase qbContent = new FieldQuery("_content", query);
QueryBase qbHtml = new FieldQuery("html", query);
if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(selectedFilter) && selectedFilter.ToLower() != "all")
QueryBase qbFilter = new FieldQuery("_pagetype", selectedFilter);
cq.Add(qbFilter, QueryOccurance.Must);
cq.Add(qbKeyword, QueryOccurance.Should);
cq.Add(qbContent, QueryOccurance.Must);
cq.Add(qbHtml, QueryOccurance.MustNot);
SearchHits hits = context.Search(cq);

Salesforce - Data type for webservice response

Im trying to execute/consume a webservice and wondering if I am using the correct data type to return the results. String seems to work, but I receive an empty string. The service should be returning a simple string value without XML. There is a working version written in JS below, I have been asked to recreate it in Apex.
JS version (Working) - executed when a button is clicked
var xfolder = "TestFolder"
var parentid = "22K22"
var myvar = sforce.apex.execute("myWS","invokeWs", {folderName:xfolder,ObjectID:parentid});
window.alert('LiveLink folder created: ' + myvar);
APEX version (not working)
public with sharing class myTest {
public String getWSXMLResult() {
String tmpFolderName2 = 'TestFolder';
String tmpObjectID2 = '22K22';
String myWSXMLResult = myWS.invokeWs(tmpFolderName2,tmpObjectID2);
System.debug('XIXWS|' + myWSXMLResult);
return myWSXMLResult;
One thing I just noted while typing this out. I didn't specify the argument names for invokeWs, just the I need to specify those values in the call to the WS? Such as..
myWS.invokeWs(folderName=tmpFolderName2,ObjectID=tmpObjectID2); -- this errors out btw
Thanks again everyone.