Free UML tool with c++ code generation and doxygen support - c++

I know features such as code generation and doxygen support are usually considered commercial, but I was wondering if there are any free UML tools that support c++ code generation which supports doxygen documentation?
It would be very useful to produce a model with documentation and not have to repeat/edit this to enable the doxygen support.
EDIT: Forgot to mention I am developing under Linux (Ubuntu)

StarUML should be able to do it.

For free and very simple to use there is dia (vectorial diagram editor) with UML + dia2code
works for "ada|c|cpp|csharp|idl|java|php|php5|python|ruby|shp|sql"
First you draw your UML Class diagram, save it, and than use dia2code on the .dia file.
Since I also tried umbrello ( which has more features such as importing code, package/namespace...

Try BOUML, it's an excellent multiplatform UML toolbox


Any tool which generate C++ code against a design

I have a class diagram , I want that to draw it in some tool which can generate native C++ out of it , I wish to have design first approach to test the various data structures I am designing for my application
A lot of tools can make C++ code out of UML diagrams. Try Software Ideas Modeller for example, it's a great UML tool, and it's free for non-commercial use.
Also, wiki has a list of UML tools. You can sort them by "languages generated" column to check what they do support and chose the one that you will like.
You can also try UMLET for your work.
You can seach mofre on google by typing
From Tricky Hacker

Software for browsing classes in a C/C++ project

I have seen that some developers have a graphical representation of all their classes in an image file which comes with their project. How can I myself create these graphics?
Basically they show what classes exist in a file and how these files relate to each other.
Doxygen allows you to generate interactive class diagrams. Check out this page: how to set it up.
It might be Doxygen, a software that generates documentation with dependancy graphs.
Eclipse has the ability to generate class diagrams and export them as images.
One common tool that allows people to do that fairly easily is Dot, which comes as part of Graphviz. Dot is sort of a markup language describing graphs. You can generate Dot files manually if you like, but there are a lot of code analysis tools that will do the job for you. Doxygen is one.
Another great tool for creating UML class diagrams is Dia.

C/C++ Code Examples with HTK (Hidden Markov Toolkit)

I am trying to get started with HTK, I grabbed a copy, compiled it, grabbed the book, and all went more or less fine, little troubles here and there but nothing serious.
Now after reading the book and googling quite a while, I do not see any documentation for the essential part for me: HTKLib. Everything is described into the smallest detail for all HTK tool programs (scriptable command line interface tools) but I cannot find a single example or tutorial how to actually call the lib.
Could anyone point me into a direction?
The source code for the respective tools is included, but it would be rather cumbersome to have to extract the information for a reputable library by reading the source code... I would have expected a little more documentation , but maybe I simply overlooked it?
Any help is deeply appreciated,
I was trying to use HTK for computer vision purposes, not for NLP, and for that I required that I could link against it, and call it from within my code. Thanks for your replies.
Maybe ATK is more suitable for you. Here is the explantation from the ATK site:
"ATK is an API designed to facilitate building experimental applications for HTK. It consists of a C++ layer sitting on top of the standard HTK libraries."
In addition Microsoft Research has another research tool here for training acoustic models. This includes a set visual project for HTKlib and a set of C++ HTK wrappers, but it may only include a subset of the HTK functionality and has licence restrictions.
I have not used it but use I the language modeling toolkit. I think the main intention is to use the command line tools provided. I imagine they are very flexible tools that will enable you to build and test models. Why do you want to use the code?
Also what are you trying to do?

C++ code to class diagram

Is there is a way I can generate a hierachial class diagram from C++ code. My code is spread over 5 to 6 .cpp files.
I would like to know if there is any free tool for the same.
There's e.g. doxygen says:
Uses the dot tool of the Graphviz tool kit to generate include dependency graphs, collaboration diagrams, call graphs, directory structure graphs, and graphical class hierarchy graphs.
It creates graphs like
(from, an example listed on the doxygen site)
Since the question was about class diagrams you might also be interested in the UML_LOOK flag that makes the ouput a bit more uml-like.
Class diagrams are networks, not hierarchies. There a re quite a few tools that can generate them - my favourite is Enterprise Architect, but it isn't free (there is a trial).
Umberello is the Linux application that generate diagram from code.
Doxygen can create class-diagrams. However, I believe these diagrams are only to show the network of classes, they do not list methods and members and such.

Create class diagram from c++ source?

Is there any free tools available for generating class diagram from c++ source files and if possible for mfc source files too.
We use doxygen with graphviz support
You could try SourceNavigator. I'm not sure what the current state of the project is, but here's a place to start.
I've had some success with Umbrello (a KDE-based app). It allows you to import code to create a model, that can then be used to generate UML diagrams.
Umbrello is probably fine for projects with a limited number of classes, and certainly requires manual intervention for tuning. I imagine doxygen/graphviz is more suitable for larger projects.