c++ DirectX function Present() not working - c++

I'm working on simple graphic library in DirectX. I use Dx 9 because I'm pretty new in it and I have found a good programming book written for 9th version. Anyway, I can't get anything on the screen because Device's function Present() returns E_FAIL code 0x80004005 (which what I've read mean 'Unspecified failure').
I've also checked all Dx functions used in program and none of them returns fail (except Present() obviously).
The program works fine if I comment line kAnimation.Render() from main.cpp
Here's the causing problems part of code:
if(FAILED(g_pkD3DDevice->BeginScene())) return ErrorBeginScene;
if(FAILED(g_pkD3DDevice->EndScene())) return ErrorEndScene;
hr = g_pkD3DDevice->Present(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); //Returns E_FAIL
if(FAILED(hr)) return ErrorPresent;
Error Animation::Render()
//This is what contain fX[4] and fY[4] and other variables while debugging
//float fX[4]
//float fY[4]
//fX[0] = -16; fX[1] = 16; fX[2] = -16; fX[3] = 16;
//fY[0] = 16; fY[1] = 16; fY[2] = -16; fY[3] = -16;
//m_iCellHeight = 32
//m_iCellWidth = 32
//m_iTextureWidth = 128
//m_iTextureHeight = 128
//kTextCoord.Left = 1/128; .Right = 33/128; .Top = 1/128; .Bottom = 33/128;
Rect kTextCoord = GetUV(CellID(0,0));
Vertex kVertices[] =
{ //x, y, z, w, color, texture coord (u, v)
{ fX[2], fY[2], 0, 1.0f, iColor, kTextCoord.Left, kTextCoord.Top},
{ fX[3], fY[3], 0, 1.0f, iColor, kTextCoord.Right, kTextCoord.Top},
{ fX[1], fY[1], 0, 1.0f, iColor, kTextCoord.Right, kTextCoord.Bottom},
{ fX[0], fY[0], 0, 1.0f, iColor, kTextCoord.Left, kTextCoord.Boottom},
g_D3DDevice->SetTexture(0, m_pkD3DTexture);
if(FAILED(g_D3DDevice->DrawPrimitiveUP(D3DPT_TRIANGLEFAN, 2, kVertices, sizeof(Vertex)))
return ErrorDrawPrimitive;
return NoError;
Rect Animation::GetUV(CellID kPosition)
Rect kUVRect;
kUVRect.Left = (1 + ((1 + m_iCellWidth) * kPosition.x)) / m_iTextureWidth;
kUVRect.Right = (1 + ((1 + m_iCellWidth) * kPosition.x) + m_iCellWidth) / m_iTextureWidth;
kUVRect.Top = (1 + ((1 + m_iCellHeight) * kPosition.y)) / m_iTextureHeight;
kUVRect.Bottom =(1 + ((1 + m_iCellHeight) * kPosition.y) + m_iCellHeight) / m_iTextureHeight;
return kUVRect;
Rest you need:
class Rect
float Left;
float Right;
float Top;
float Bottom;
//Position of single cell in animation texture
class CellID
unsigned long x;
unsigned long y;
My operating system is Windows 7 Ultimate. I'm using VS c++ 2010
If you would like to see entire solution there's link: http://speedy.sh/CmBRb/ConWinLib.rar
(It's a bit different than that because I wanted to make code as short as I could)
Thank you for any help!
Answering to your questions:
#tbridge The Device should be good because I created few small programs before and they were working prefectly. But anyway there's the code:
g_pkD3D = Direct3DCreate9(D3D_SDK_VERSION);
unsigned long iDeviceType = D3DDEVTYPE_REF; //I have already checked D3DDEVTYPE_HAL and it doesn't work either
ZeroMemory(&kPresentParams, sizeof(D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS));
kPresentParams.SwapEffect = D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD;
if(FAILED(g_pkD3D->GetAdapterDisplayMode(D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, &kCurrentMode)))
return ErrorGetAdapterDisplayMode;
kPresentParams.Windowed = true;
kPresentParams.BackBufferCount = 1;
kPresentParams.BackBufferFormat = kCurrentMode.Format;
if(FAILED(g_pkD3D->CreateDevice(D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, (D3DDEVTYPE)iDeviceType, hWindow,
return ErrorCreateDevice;
g_pkD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_NONE);
g_pkD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, FALSE);
g_pkD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ALPHABLENDENABLE, TRUE);
g_pkD3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_COLOROP, D3DTOP_MODULATE);
g_pkD3DDevice->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_ALPHAOP, D3DTOP_MODULATE);


GetPixel() not working correctly Windows API C++

I'm writing a program that reads each pixel of a window and store it in an array of bytes as black and white, each bit of the bytes is a black/white value.
But GetPixel() doesn't seem to work the way I expected. Here's the part of the code for reading pixels and storing them:
byte *colors = new byte[250000 / 8 + 1];
ZeroMemory(colors, 250000 / 8 + 1);
HDC hdc = GetDC(hwnd);
HDC memDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc);
HBITMAP memBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, 500, 500);
SelectObject(memDC, memBitmap);
BitBlt(memDC, 0, 0, 500, 500, hdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
for (int y = 0; y < 500; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < 500; x++) {
COLORREF pxcolor = GetPixel(memDC, x, y);
if (pxcolor == CLR_INVALID) {
MessageBox(hwnd, _T("Oops..."), NULL, NULL);
int r = GetRValue(pxcolor);
int g = GetGValue(pxcolor);
int b = GetBValue(pxcolor);
int average = (r + g + b) / 3;
bool colorBW = average >= 128;
int currentIndex = y * 500 + x;
if (colorBW) {
SetBit(colors, currentIndex);
ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc);
delete[] colors;
inline VOID SetBit(byte *bytes, int index, bool state = true) {
byte byteToSet = bytes[index / 8];
int bitNumber = index % 8;
bytes[index / 8] = state ? (byteToSet | (0b1000'0000 >> bitNumber)) : (byteToSet & ((0b1111'1111 >> (bitNumber + 1)) | (0b1111'1111 << (8 - bitNumber - 1))));
Every pixel read in by GetPixel() seems to give me 0x000000, or pure black.
My code used to call GetPixel() with the first parameter being hdc, without all the bitmap and memory DC stuff, but that way every pixel returns CLR_INVALID. I came across this question, and the above code is after I have changed it into using memory DCs and bitmaps. But it just went from returning CLR_INVALID to 0x000000 for each pixel.
If I add this line before I use GetPixel():
SetPixel(memDC, x, y, RGB(255, 255, 255));
GetPixel() returns the correct result. Why is it functioning this way?

C++, DirecX 9: Render Self-made Vertex Struct

I'm new on StackOverflow and this is my first question.
I'm very new to C++ and DirectX9 so their may be a lot of Issues in my Code!
My Question:
I would like to Render an Structure of "D3DXVECTOR3"s for making a Heightmap from a .raw.
I have a working FP Camera System and want to implement a Heightmap. I followed the Tutorial "Terrain in DirectX9 and C++" (https://www.tutorials.de/threads/tutorial-terrain-in-directx-9-und-c-teil-1.343473/), but the Code don't work properly (The Tutorial is in "Bad" German, I used It because I didn't found any Tutorial for a Heightmap in DirectX9. ...And I'm german).
All it output is This (Ignore the Cylinder, it's only a test):
Here are some relevant Parts of the Code:
BOOL LoadMapFromRAW(char* pcHMAP, UINT sizePerSide, BYTE **ppData)
BYTE *pData = NULL;
FILE *pFile = NULL;
// Open as Binary
pFile = fopen(pcHMAP, "rb");
if (!pFile)
return false;
// Memory
pData = new BYTE[sizePerSide*sizePerSide];
// Read
fread(&pData, 1, sizePerSide*sizePerSide, pFile);
*ppData = pData;
return true;
BOOL CreateVertices(UINT sizePerSide, BYTE *pVertexData, STerrainVector **ppVertices, UINT *uiTriangleCount)
UINT uiSizePerSide = sizePerSide - 1;
*uiTriangleCount = uiSizePerSide*uiSizePerSide*2;
// Memory for Vertices
STerrainVector *pVertices = new STerrainVector[(*uiTriangleCount) * 3];
// Buffer
int index = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < uiSizePerSide; x++)
for (int z = 0; z < uiSizePerSide; z++)
index += 6;
pVertices[index + 0].vPos = D3DXVECTOR3(x, pVertexData[z * sizePerSide + x], z);
pVertices[index + 1].vPos = D3DXVECTOR3(x, pVertexData[(z + 1) * sizePerSide + x], z + 1);
pVertices[index + 2].vPos = D3DXVECTOR3(x + 1, pVertexData[z * sizePerSide + x + 1], z);
pVertices[index + 3].vPos = D3DXVECTOR3(x + 1, pVertexData[(z) * sizePerSide + x + 1], z);
pVertices[index + 4].vPos = D3DXVECTOR3(x, pVertexData[(z + 1) * sizePerSide + x], z + 1);
pVertices[index + 5].vPos = D3DXVECTOR3(x + 1, pVertexData[(z + 1) * sizePerSide + x + 1], z + 1);
// Done
*ppVertices = pVertices;
return true;
gDXdevice->Clear(0, 0, D3DCLEAR_TARGET | D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER, D3DCOLOR_XRGB(160, 200, 255), 1.0f, 0);
// Get and set the view matrix
D3DXMATRIX viewMatrix;
gDXdevice->SetTransform(D3DTS_VIEW, &viewMatrix)
// Draw Heightmap
gDXdevice->DrawPrimitiveUP(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, uiTriangleCount, (void*)&pVertices, sizeof(STerrainVector));
gDXdevice->Present(0, 0, 0, 0);}
<pre> <code>
////////////////////////Part in Setup////////////////////////
bool SetupDirect3D(HWND hWnd)
// Standart Directx Init
gDX3dObject = Direct3DCreate9(D3D_SDK_VERSION);
if (!gDX3dObject)
return 0;
ZeroMemory(&presParams, sizeof(presParams));
presParams.Windowed = TRUE;
presParams.SwapEffect = D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD;
presParams.BackBufferFormat = D3DFMT_UNKNOWN;
presParams.PresentationInterval = D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_ONE;
presParams.EnableAutoDepthStencil = TRUE;
presParams.AutoDepthStencilFormat = D3DFMT_D16;
if (FAILED(hr))
return false;
// Z-Buffer
gDXdevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_TRUE);
// Create a Model to View
hr = D3DXCreateCylinder(gDXdevice, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1.0f, 10, 10, &gCylinderMesh, 0);
if (FAILED(hr))
return false;
hr = D3DXCreatePolygon(gDXdevice, 10.0f, 4, &gPlateMesh, 0);
if (FAILED(hr))
return false;
// Light for Model
gDXdevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_AMBIENT, D3DCOLOR_XRGB(20, 20, 20));
gDXdevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, TRUE);
// A light-structure
D3DLIGHT9 light;
ZeroMemory(&light, sizeof(D3DLIGHT9));
light.Diffuse.a = 1.0f;
light.Diffuse.b = 1.0f;
light.Diffuse.g = 1.0f;
light.Diffuse.r = 1.0f;
light.Range = 1000.0f;
// Direction for Light
vecDir = D3DXVECTOR3(0.0f, -0.3f, 0.7f);
D3DXVec3Normalize((D3DXVECTOR3*)&light.Direction, &vecDir);
// Turn it on!
gDXdevice->SetLight(0, &light);
gDXdevice->LightEnable(0, TRUE);
// Create World
hr = LoadMapFromRAW("heightMap.raw", 1024, &pHeightData);
if (!hr)
return false;
hr = CreateVertices(1024, pHeightData, &pVertices, &uiTriangleCount);
if (!hr)
return false;
// Set up a Matrix
RECT rect;
GetClientRect(hWnd, &rect);
float aspect = (rect.right - rect.left) / (float)(rect.bottom - rect.top);
D3DXMatrixPerspectiveFovLH(&matProj, D3DX_PI / 4, aspect, 1.0f, 100.0f);
gDXdevice->SetTransform(D3DTS_PROJECTION, &matProj);
return true;
....Had a Hard time with the Code.....
The "*pHeightData; *pVertices; uiTriangleCount" are defined at the start of the Code.
I Hope you can help me!
I apologize for the the bad english: I'm German and still in School! :-)
Thanks in Advance!
So... I solved by myself. The solution was: Complete rewrite! For anyone with the same/similar problem: http://www.riemers.net/eng/Tutorials/DirectX/C++/Series1/tut13.php That is a very good Tutorial I've found! Try It!

MapColorFrameToDepthFrame (Unhandled Exception, Access Violation)

I tried to align the depth image with color image using the MapColorFrameToDepthFrame function but there is a problem at this line of code (Unhandled Exception, Access Violation):
640 * 480,
640 * 480,
Here is the code of the Nui_GotDepthAlert:
bool CSkeletalViewerApp::Nui_GotDepthAlert( ){
bool processedFrame = true;
HRESULT hr = m_pNuiSensor->NuiImageStreamGetNextFrame(
&imageFrame );
if ( FAILED( hr ) )
return false;
m_depthTimeStamp = imageFrame.liTimeStamp;
INuiFrameTexture * pTexture = imageFrame.pFrameTexture;
pTexture->LockRect( 0, &LockedRect, NULL, 0 );
if ( 0 != LockedRect.Pitch )
INuiCoordinateMapper* pMapper;
depthPoints = new NUI_DEPTH_IMAGE_POINT[640 * 480];
//NUI_DEPTH_IMAGE_PIXEL* pdepthpixel = (NUI_DEPTH_IMAGE_PIXEL*)LockedRect.Pitch;
640 * 480,
640 * 480,
//memcpy(m_depthD16, LockedRect.pBits, LockedRect.size);
DWORD frameWidth, frameHeight;
NuiImageResolutionToSize( imageFrame.eResolution, frameWidth, frameHeight );
// draw the bits to the bitmap
BYTE * rgbrun = m_depthRGBX;
const USHORT * pBufferRun = (const USHORT *)LockedRect.pBits;
depthData = (USHORT *)LockedRect.pBits;
// end pixel is start + width*height - 1
const USHORT * pBufferEnd = pBufferRun + (frameWidth * frameHeight);
assert( frameWidth * frameHeight * g_BytesPerPixel <= ARRAYSIZE(m_depthRGBX) );
USHORT depth;
USHORT* depth1=(USHORT *)LockedRect.pBits;
USHORT realDepth;
while ( pBufferRun < pBufferEnd )//&& pDepth < depthEnd)
/**depthValues = pDepth->depth;
//USHORT depth = *pBufferRun;
depth = *pBufferRun;
USHORT realDepth = NuiDepthPixelToDepth(depth);
USHORT player = NuiDepthPixelToPlayerIndex(depth);
// transform 13-bit depth information into an 8-bit intensity appropriate
// for display (we disregard information in most significant bit)
BYTE intensity = static_cast<BYTE>(~(realDepth >> 4));
// tint the intensity by dividing by per-player values
*(rgbrun++) = intensity >> g_IntensityShiftByPlayerB[player];
*(rgbrun++) = intensity >> g_IntensityShiftByPlayerG[player];
*(rgbrun++) = intensity >> g_IntensityShiftByPlayerR[player];
// no alpha information, skip the last byte
m_pDrawDepth->Draw( m_depthRGBX, frameWidth * frameHeight * g_BytesPerPixel );
processedFrame = false;
OutputDebugString( L"Buffer length of received texture is bogus\r\n" );
pTexture->UnlockRect( 0 );
if(m_pDepthStreamHandle != NULL)
m_pNuiSensor->NuiImageStreamReleaseFrame( m_pDepthStreamHandle, &imageFrame );
return processedFrame;
Could someone tell me how to fix this problem?
Thank you
I was having some similar problems, after struggling long time on it and finally find the trick of it.
First problem i found in your code is in the MapColorFrameToDepthFrame function, the fifth parameter seems should be LockedRect.pBits.
Second problem is how to define the pTexture,
INuiFrameTexture* pTexture = imageFrame.pFrameTexture;
will not work. You have to use
m_pNuiSensor->NuiImageFrameGetDepthImagePixelFrameTexture(m_hDepthStreamHandle, &imageFrame, &bNearMode, &pTexture)
remember to check if you succeeded on this function. I have dig deep to find why.
Third problem is, you have to
delete[] depthPoints;
after use to release to memory for it, because you used new operator on it.
After all of this, my code finally is working. Hope it will be helpful for you.

How to unlock a locked bitmap

I want to unlock a locked ID2D1Bitmap I have tried m_pBitmap1->Release(); but it doesn't seem to work
hr=m_pBitmap1->CopyFromRenderTarget(nullptr, m_pRenderTarget2, nullptr); gives an access violation error:
"Unhandled exception at 0x00fb2a46 in dent_detection_sys.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000024."
WICRect rcLock = { 0, 0, sc_bitmapWidth , sc_bitmapHeight };
IWICBitmapLock *pILock=NULL;
hr =pWICBitmap->Lock(&rcLock, WICBitmapLockWrite, &pILock);
static_cast<void *>(pILock),
hr=m_pBitmap1->CopyFromRenderTarget(nullptr, m_pRenderTarget2, nullptr);
To unlock the WIC bitmap, release the IWICBitmapLock:
You should only release m_pBitmap1 when you don't want to use it anymore.
hr=m_pBitmap1->CopyFromRenderTarget(nullptr, m_pRenderTarget2, nullptr);
According to the MSDN to use a shared WIC bitmap the render target type must be D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_TYPE_SOFTWARE when the render target is created.
cdemo is a structure object with basic d2d, wic, dwrite interface pointers.
example: cdemo->d2d.factory->CreateSomething(), cdemo->wic.factory->CreateSomething(), cdemo->dwrite.factory->CreateSomething, cdemo->xaudio.factory->CreateSomething, etc.
cbmp is a pointer to a structure that has interfaces and properties related to a WIC bitmap
The following example does not work as is without some tweaks and typo fixes, but it can be used to demonstrate how to use wic for editing a bitmap and directly accessing pixels
This code assumes that the cdemo->d2d.factory and cdemo->wic.factory are already created.
#define DEBUG_FAILED_GOTO(a,b) MessageBox(m_hwnd, a, L"FAILED", MB_OK); goto b
#define DEBUG_DISPLAY(a) MessageBox(m_hwnd, a, L"DEBUG", MB_OK)
struct COMMON_WIC_BGRA { BYTE b, g, r, a };
//// Miscelaneous variables
bool ready;
bool using_d2d_bmp;
bool using_shared_bmp;
bool using_render_tgt;
bool ready_d2d_bmp;
bool ready_shared_bmp;
bool ready_render_tgt;
UINT BPPPP; // Bit-Per-Pixel-Per-Plane
UINT stride; // cbStride = row size;
UINT buff_size; // (org_size.y * stride);
POINT org_size, clip_TpLt, padding;
POINT cur_size, clip_BtRt;
D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES props_bmp; // = D2D1::BitmapProperties();
D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_PROPERTIES props_tgt; // = D2D1::RenderTargetProperties();
WICPixelFormatGUID formatGUID; // = GUID_WICPixelFormat32bppPBGRA;
WICRect rc_lock; // the lock region, usually the entire
//// Interfaces
IWICBitmap* ifc_bmp; // WIC bitmap: lock and unlock bmp data;
IWICBitmapLock* ifc_lock; // Used to access the pixels to read/write
ID2D1RenderTarget* ifc_render_tgt; // Creates a d2d render target
ID2D1Bitmap* ifc_d2d_bmp; // creates an d2d bitmap for display
ID2D1Bitmap* ifc_shared_bmp; // creates a shared bitmap for display
ID2D1SolidColorBrush* ifc_render_brush; // This is needed for the render target
//// Data pointers
BYTE* byte; // Points to a pixel's byte; 8 bits
COMMON_WIC_BGRA* wpixel; // Points to a pixel; 32 bits
BOOL Lock_Release (COMON_WIC_BMP *cbmp);
void Create_BMP_n_Stuff (
int org_xsize,
int org_ysize)
DEBUG_DISPLAY(L"Gate 0-1 Open: started xxx process");
if (cbmp == NULL) { return E_FAIL; }
if (cdemo == NULL) { return E_FAIL; }
DEBUG_DISPLAY(L"Gate 0-2 Open: passed the sanity test");
ZeroMemory(cbmp, sizeof(COMMON_WIC_BMP));
// Create a Direct2D render target.
if (cdemo->d2d.hwnd_tgt == NULL)
RECT rc;
GetClientRect(m_hwnd, &rc);
D2D1_SIZE_U size = D2D1::SizeU((rc.right - rc.left), (rc.bottom - rc.top));
cdemo->d2d.props_tgt = D2D1::HwndRenderTargetProperties(m_hwnd, size);
cdemo->d2d.props_tgt_type = D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_TYPE_SOFTWARE;
cdemo->d2d.props_bmp = D2D1::BitmapProperties();
hr = cdemo->d2d.factory->CreateHwndRenderTarget(
if (FAILED(hr)) { goto CleanUp; }
DEBUG_DISPLAY(L"Gate 1 Open: hwnd_tgt created");
cbmp->ready = false; // type is: bool
// this option is compatible to D2D bitmap without conversion
cbmp->formatGUID = GUID_WICPixelFormat32bppPBGRA; // type is: WICPixelFormatGUID
cbmp->buff_size = 0; // type is: UINT32
cbmp->stride = 0; // type is: UINT32
cbmp->clip_TpLt.x = 0; // type is: POINT or POINTS
cbmp->clip_TpLt.y = 0;
cbmp->clip_BtRt.x = cbmp->org_size.x = org_xsize; // type is: POINT or POINTS
cbmp->clip_BtRt.y = cbmp->org_size.y = org_ysize;
cbmp->byte = NULL; // type is: pointer to BYTE, BYTE*
cbmp->pixel = NULL; // type is: pointer to COMMON_WIC_BGRA, COMMON_WIC_BGRA*
cbmp->ifc_bmp = NULL; // type is: IWICBitmap*
cbmp->ifc_d2d_bmp = NULL; // type is: ID2D1Bitmap*
cbmp->ifc_lock = NULL; // type is: IWICBitmapLock*
cbmp->ifc_shared_bmp = NULL; // type is: ID2D1Bitmap*
cbmp->ifc_render_tgt = NULL; // type is: ID2D1RenderTarget*
cbmp->ifc_render_brush = NULL; // type is: ID2D1SolidColorBrush*
//D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES props_bmp; = D2D1::BitmapProperties();
//D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_PROPERTIES props_tgt; = D2D1::RenderTargetProperties();
//bool ready;
//bool using_d2d_bmp;
//bool using_shared_bmp;
//bool using_render_tgt;
//bool ready_d2d_bmp;
//bool ready_shared_bmp;
//bool ready_render_tgt;
//UINT BPPPP; // Bit-Per-Pixel-Per-Plane
if (cdemo->wic.factory == NULL)
{ // (re)create the WIC factory
hr = CoCreateInstance(
reinterpret_cast<void **>(&cdemo->wic.factory));
if (FAILED(hr)) { goto CleanUp; }
hr = cdemo->wic.factory->CreateBitmap(
// Experimental debug
//if (FAILED(hr)) { DEBUG_FAILED_GOTO(L"FAILED creating wic bitmap", CleanUp); }
if (FAILED(hr)) { goto CleanUp; }
DEBUG_DISPLAY(L"Gate 2 Open: created the WIC bitmap");
// type is: WICRect;
cbmp->rc_lock = { 0, 0, (UINT)cbmp->org_size.x, (UINT)cbmp->org_size.y };
hr = cbmp->ifc_bmp->Lock(&cbmp->rc_lock, WICBitmapLockWrite, &cbmp->ifc_lock);
hr = cbmp->ifc_lock->GetStride(&cbmp->stride); //row size = (xsize*BPPP) + xpadding
hr = cbmp->ifc_lock->GetDataPointer(&cbmp->buff_size, &cbmp->byte);
cbmp->wpixel = (COMMON_WIC_BRGA *)cbmp->byte;
// clear the bitmap
ZeroMemory(cbmp->byte, cbmp->buff_size);
cbmp->props_bmp = D2D1:BitmapProperties();
hr = demo->d2d.hwnd_tgt->CreateSharedBitmap(
if (SUCCEDED(hr))
cbmp->using_shared_bmp = true;
DEBUG_DISPLAY(L"Gate 4-1 Open: created shared wic bitmap");
hr = cdemo->d2d.factory->CreateBitmapFromWicBitmap(
if (SUCCEDED(hr))
cbmp->using_d2d_bmp = true;
DEBUG_DISPLAY(L"Gate 4-2 Open: created d2d bitmap ");
cbmp->props_tgt = D2D1::RenderTargetProperties();
cbmp->props_tgt.type = D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_TYPE_SOFTWARE;
hr = cdemo->d2d.factory->CreateWicBitmapRenderTarget(
if (SUCCEDED(hr))
hr = cbmp->ifc_render_tgt->CreateSolidColorBrush(
{ 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }, // Solid white
cbmp->using_shared_bmp = true;
DEBUG_DISPLAY(L"Gate 4-3 Open: created wic render target and brush");
if (FAILED(hr)) { goto CleanUp; }
cbmp->ready = true;
// Rules of engagement if using all possible combinations above
// 1) After SafeRelease(&cbmp->ifc_lock) you cannot use cbmp->byte or cbmp->wpixel
// 2) To use cbmp->ifc_render_tgt you must first SafeRelease(cbmp->ifc_lock) and
// SafeRelease(&cbmp->ifc_shared_bmp). Later reinitialize them as needed.
// 3) To display the wic bitmap (cbmp->ifc_bmp) onto cdemo->d2d.hwnd_tgt:
// you cannot copy the wic bitmap (cbmp->ifc_bmp) directly to an hwnd render target
// option 1: This is whole point of creating the shared bmp
// cdemo->d2d.hwnd_tgt->DrawBMP( [ &dst_rc, ] cbmp->ifc_shared_bmp);
// option 2: Copy the pixels to the d2d bitmap, copy the d2d bitmap to the target
// cbmp->ifc_d2d_bmp->CopyFromMemory(cbmp->byte, &dst_rc, cbmp->stride);
// cdemo->d2d.hwnd_tgt->DrawBMP( [ &dst_rc, ] cbmp->ifc_d2d_bmp);
// option 3: Copy from the render target to the d2d bitmap
// cbmp->ifc_d2d_bmp->CopyFromRenderTarget(&pt_dst, cbmp->ifc_render_tgt, &src_rc);
// cdemo->d2d.hwnd_tgt->DrawBMP( [ &dst_rc, ] cbmp->ifc_d2d_bmp);
// 4) When drawing directly to the wic bitmap either use cbmp->ifc_render_tgt or
// cbmp->ifc_lock + cbmp->byte + your own algorithms to draw shapes
// 5) for simplicty: it can get confusing when trying to use all methods
option 1: use the ifc_lock with the ifc_shared_bmp + your own algorithms
option 2: use the ifc_render_tgt with the ifc_d2d_bmp
// Example: Draw a filled 12x15 rectangle example:
int x = 20, byte_col = 0, wpixel_col = 0, sizey = 12;
int y = 35, byte_row = 0, wpixel_row = 0, sizex = 15;
D2D1_COLOR_F d2d_colr = { 0.50f, 0.10f, 0.80f, 1.00f }; //some random color
COMMON_WIC_BGRA wic_colr = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
D2D1_POINT_2U d2d_pt_dst_f = { 0, 0 };
D2D_RECT_F d2d_outputrect = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
D2D1_RECT_F d2d_dst_rcf =
{ 0.0f, 0.0f, (FLOAT)cbmp->org_size.x, (FLOAT)cbmp->org_size.y };
D2D1_RECT_U d2d_src_rcu =
{ 0, 0, (UINT32)cbmp->org_size.x, (UINT32)cbmp->org_size.y };
WIC_RECT_U wic_dst_rcu =
{ 0, 0, (UINT32)cbmp->org_size.x, (UINT32)cbmp->org_size.y };
WIC_RECT_U wic_src_rcu = wic_dst_rcu
// must release the lock and shared bitmap before using the render target
// This should look familiar
d2d_outputrect = { (FLOAT)x, (FLOAT)y, (FLOAT)(x+sizex-1), (FLOAT)(y+sizey-1) };
cbmp->ifc_render_tgt->FillRectangle(&d2d_outputrect, cbmp->ifc_render_brush);
hr = cbmp->ifc_render_tgt->EndDraw();
// display the wic bitmap on the hwnd render target
hr = cbmp->ifc_d2d_bmp->CopyFromRenderTarget(
hr = cdemo->d2d.hwnd_tgt->DrawBMP(&d2d_dst_rc, cbmp->ifc_d2d_bmp);
// Alternative: using the ifc_lock with the ifc_shared_bmp + home grown algorithms
if (!Lock_Start(cdemo, cbmp, WICBitmapLockWrite)) { goto CleanUp; }
// convert D2D1_COLOR_F { b, g, r, a} to BYTE { b, g, r, a }
wic_colr.b = (BYTE)ceil(d2d_colr.b * 255);
wic_colr.g = (BYTE)ceil(d2d_colr.g * 255);
wic_colr.r = (BYTE)ceil(d2d_colr.r * 255);
wic_colr.a = (BYTE)ceil(d2d_colr.a * 255);
for (int run_y = 0; run_y < sizey; ++run_y)
// clipping for the y values
if (((run_y + y) < cbmp->clip_TpLt.y) || ((run_y + y) >= clip_BtRt.y))
{ continue; }
// convert the y to a byte position
byte_row = ((run_y + y) * cbmp->stride);
wpixel_row = ((run_y + y) * cbmp->org_size.x) + cbmp->padding.x; //optional
for (int run_x = 0; run_x < sizex; ++run_x)
// clipping for the x values
if (((run_x + x) < cbmp->clip_TpLt.x) || ((run_x + x) >= clip_BtRt.x))
{ continue; }
// convert the x to an offset position
byte_col = ((run_x + x) * 4); // must multiply by 4 bytes (b, g, r, a)
wpixel_col = (run_x + x); // cbmp->wpixel points to every 4 bytes
// access the pixels by means of pointer[(y_position + x_offset)]
cbmp->byte[(byte_row + byte_col + 0)] = wic_colr.b;
cbmp->byte[(byte_row + byte_col + 1)] = wic_colr.g;
cbmp->byte[(byte_row + byte_col + 2)] = wic_colr.r;
cbmp->byte[(byte_row + byte_col + 3)] = wic_colr.a;
cbmp->wpixel[(wpixel_row + wpixel_col)] = wic_colr; // Alternative
// Another method
cbmp->wpixel[(wpixel_row + wpixel_col)].b = wic_colr.b; // Alternatives
cbmp->wpixel[(wpixel_row + wpixel_col)].g = wic_colr.g; // Alternatives
cbmp->wpixel[(wpixel_row + wpixel_col)].r = wic_colr.r; // Alternatives
cbmp->wpixel[(wpixel_row + wpixel_col)].a = wic_colr.a; // Alternatives
// display the wic bitmap on the hwnd render target
cdemo->d2d.hwnd_tgt->DrawBMP(&dst_rc, cbmp->ifc_shared_bmp);
// Optionally release the lock after every use
// Lock_Release(cbmp);
return; // commnent out if cleanup is required
// SafeRelease everything that needs to be released
BOOL Lock_Start (
DWORD flags)
if (cdemo == NULL) { return FALSE; }
//if (!cdemo->ready) { CreateResouces(cdemo); }
if (cbmp == NULL) { return FALSE; }
if (cbmp->ifc_lock != NULL) { return TRUE; }
hr = cbmp->ifc_bmp->Lock(&cbmp->rc_lock, flags, &cbmp->ifc_lock);
if (FAILED(hr)) { return FALSE; }
hr = cbmp->ifc_lock->GetStride(&cbmp->stride);
hr = cbmp->ifc_lock->GetDataPointer(&cbmp->buff_size, &cbmp->byte);
cbmp->wpixel = (COMMON_WIC_BGRA *)cbmp->byte;
// recreate the shared bitmap
hr = cdemo->d2d.factory->CreateSharedBitmap(
return TRUE;
BOOL Lock_Release (COMON_WIC_BMP *cbmp)
if (cbmp == NULL) { return FALSE; }
if (cbmp->ifc_lock == NULL) { return TRUE; }
cbmp->byte = NULL;
cbmp->wpixel = NULL;
if (cbmp->using_render_tgt) { cbmp->ready_render_tgt = true; }
return TRUE;

Using Direct 3D's index buffer

I am writing a program that generates a sphere and renders it using a Direct 3D device. I am using an Index buffer and I am having trouble figuring out why my triangles are so messed up. I tested the positions of the vertices sent to the vertex buffer, and they all look like they are in perfekt position.
The primitive type used is D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP.
I'd be really happy if someone could point out where in my understanding of index buffers I fail horribly, and maybe tell me how shizzle works.
This is my Code:
bool CGameApp::CreateSphere( ULONG nColor, LPDIRECT3DVERTEXBUFFER9 * ppVertexBuffer, LPDIRECT3DINDEXBUFFER9 * ppIndexBuffer, ULONG & nNumVertices, ULONG & nNumFaces )
float x, y = 0.0f, z = 0.0f;
float r = 0.0f; // the radius calculated for each circle
CVertex * pVertex = NULL;
ULONG * pIndex = NULL;
ULONG nSlices, nStacks, jump= 10;
ULONG nStack, nSlice;
if (ppVertexBuffer != NULL) *ppVertexBuffer = NULL;
if (ppIndexBuffer != NULL) *ppIndexBuffer = NULL;
// Validate parameters
if (ppVertexBuffer == NULL | ppIndexBuffer == NULL )
return false;
// The Poles are hardcoded, the rest generated using trigonometry
x = -1.0f;
m_aSphere.push_back(CVertex(x, y, z, 0xFF0000FF));
for (int degreesX = 180; degreesX >= 0; degreesX -= 10) //stack ( 18 stacks )
x = (float)cos(D3DXToRadian(degreesX));
for (int degreesY = 0; degreesY < 360; degreesY+= 10) // slices ( 36 slices )
r = (float)sin(D3DXToRadian(degreesX));
y = (float)sin(D3DXToRadian(degreesY)) * r; // regulate each unit circle
z = (float)cos(D3DXToRadian(degreesY)) * r; // by multiplying with radius
m_aSphere.push_back(CVertex(x, y, z, nColor));
nStacks = 180 / jump;
nSlices = 360 / jump;
x = 1.0f; y = 0.0f; z = 0.0f;
m_aSphere.push_back(CVertex(x, y, z, 0xFF0000FF));
//m_aSphere.push_back(CVertex(0, 0, 0, 0xFF0000FF));
nNumFaces= nStacks * nSlices * 2;
nNumVertices = m_aSphere.size();
VERTEXPROCESSING_TYPE vp = m_D3DSettings.GetSettings()->VertexProcessingType;
hRet = m_pD3DDevice->CreateVertexBuffer(sizeof(CVertex)* m_aSphere.size(), D3DUSAGE_WRITEONLY,
if (FAILED(hRet)) return false;
// Lock the vertex buffer ant run in the array generated.
hRet = pVertexBuffer->Lock(0, sizeof(CVertex)* m_aSphere.size(), (void**)&pVertex, 0);
if (FAILED(hRet))
return false;
// Load the Vertices into the vertex buffer
for (int i = 0; i <= m_aSphere.size() - 1; i++)
*pVertex++ = m_aSphere[i];
pVertexBuffer->Unlock(); // Unlock the Vertex Buffer yet again.
// Initialize the Index Buffer
hRet = m_pD3DDevice->CreateIndexBuffer( nNumFaces * 3 * sizeof(ULONG) , nUsage, D3DFMT_INDEX16,
D3DPOOL_MANAGED, &pIndexBuffer, NULL );
if (FAILED(hRet))
return false;
//Try to Lock the index buffer to apply the index stream
hRet = pIndexBuffer->Lock(0, 0, (void**)&pIndex, 0);
if (FAILED(hRet))
pIndex= NULL;
return false;
} // Lock was Successful!
// Here the vertices will be awesomely interpreted by the Index Buffer!!!!!!
// This is where things go wrong apparently
for (nStack = 10; nStack < nStacks; nStack++)
for (nSlice = 10; nSlice < nSlices; nSlice++)
*pIndex++ = nStack * nSlice;
*pIndex++ = (nStack + 1) * nSlice;
*pIndex++ = (nStack + 1) * nSlice; // Make degenerate triangle, then start new stack!
pIndexBuffer->Unlock(); // unlock the index buffer;
//return pointers
*ppVertexBuffer = pVertexBuffer;
*ppIndexBuffer = pIndexBuffer;
// Success!
return true;
This is the outcome showed in fillmode Wireframe.:
Thank you in advance :)