reduce code duplication using macros - c++

I was wondering if someone out there could give me a pointer to reducing duplication when coding.
im required to call a function a number of times to populate a structure, for example:
typedef struct {
uint16_t u16_a;
bool b_org;
char* c_c;
uint16_t u16_d;
} TEntry;
I need to populate each value of these with a function call, although the return values vary, the same function is used for all.
Would a macro be sufficient to create a template in some way, so that the return type would be dependent on the specific parameter ("string")
for example:
TPoint* u_apoint = Insufficient::FindValue("A");
if (u_bpoint != NULL) {
int a = u_apoint;
TPoint* p_apoint = Insufficient::FindValue("borg");
if (p_bpoint != NULL) {
bool b = p_bpoint;
TPoint* p_cpoint = Insufficient::FindValue("C");
if (etc != NULL) {
char* c = etc;
TEct* etc = Insufficient::FindValue("ETC");
if (etc != ETC) {
etc = etc;
TEntry entry = {a,
this code is not compiled or accurate, im just trying to illustrate. Im weak in C++ and new to macros, but would anyone know a way to have a macro solve this?
Thank you for your time

You could do something like this, although I don't know what it really buys you.
#define QuickFindValue(NAME, TYPE, FUNCTION) \
TYPE *NAME##Value = Insufficient::FindValue(#NAME); \
if (NAME##Value == NULL) { FUNCTION; }
You would use it like so:
QuickFindValue(C, TPoint, {
char *c = CValue;
// Do stuff..

Recently I had the same kind of issue, I'm not sure what kind of source you use for your inputs.
Personnaly, I used XML as input.
Then I have A Builder class that parses the XML call a factory funciton to build every struct in the c++ using the data from the parser.
I don't think that MACRO or templtes would be of any help (or it would be a bad solution).
Note that an external resource (like xml) is nice if ever you want to change without recompiling.


How to use custom C++ attributes with Clang libTooling without modifying Clang code?

I'm writing some kind of tool that extracts the interface definitions of C++ code.
In process of writing, I decided to restrict the parser to process only the code that was explicitly marked for processing, and I thought that C++ attributes are the best way to do it.
I'd prefer to add e.g. [[export]] annotations to entities I want to export, but I realised that libTooling is unable to see custom attributes without registering them in Clang code itself (I mean adding the attribute to tools/clang/include/clang/Basic/
Thus, my question is: is there a way to register the attribute without modifying that file (e.g. by registering the attribute programmatically or writing own file)?
UPD: I'm using ASTMatchers library for source code analysis, so visitor-based approach probably does not work for me.
From what I can tell it is not possible to register custom attributes without directly modifying libtooling.
If you're willing to use pre-processor macros instead of attributes there is a workaround that I've done in the past. The basics are that we'll declare an empty macro, write a pre-processor callback to identify the location of the macro and store it in a queue, then in an AST visitor we'll visit records for either classes, methods, or variables, and check to see if preceeding the entity is our macro.
For the preprocessor you'll need to extend clang::PPCallbacks and implement the MacroExpands method.
void MyPreProcessorCallback::MacroExpands(const clang::Token& MacroNameTok, const clang::MacroDefinition&, const clang::SourceRange Range, const clang::MacroArgs* const Args)
// Macro is not named for some reason.
{ return; }
if(MacroNameTok.getIdentifierInfo()->getName() == "EXPORT")
// Save Range into a queue.
// If you want arguments you can declare the macro to have varargs and loop
// through the tokens, you can have any syntax you want as they're raw tokens.
// /* Get the argument list for this macro, because it's a
// varargs function all arguments are stored in argument 0. */
// const ::clang::Token* token = Args->getUnexpArgument(0u);
// // All tokens for the argument are stored in sequence.
// for(; token->isNot(::clang::tok::eof); ++token)
// {
// }
Inside your RecursiveAstVisitor you can implement visitors that will pop off the top of the queue and check to see if the top macro is before in the translation unit. IIRC visitors of a type are all executed in order of declaration, so the queue should maintain the order. It is worth noting that all Decl's of a type are visited in order, so care has to be taken when distinguishing between function, variables, and classes.
bool MyAstVisitor::VisitFunctionDecl(::clang::FunctionDecl* const function)
// If you want to handle class member methods separately you
// can check here or implement `VisitCXXMethodDecl` and fast exit here.
return true;
const ::clang::SourceLocation tagLoc = ourExportTags.front().getBegin();
const ::clang::SourceLocation declLoc = function->getBeginLoc();
if(getAstContext().getSourceManager().isBeforeInTranslationUnit(tagLoc, declLoc))
// Handle export;
return true;
I haven't used ASTMatchers before, but you could probably accomplish a similar result by writing a matcher, storing all of the declarations to a list, sorting based on location, and then comparing to the original export tag queue.
DeclarationMatcher matcher = functionDecl().bind("funcDecl");
class MyFuncMatcher : public clang::ast_matchers::MatchFinder::MatchCallback
virtual void run(const clang::ast_matchers::MatchFinder::MatchResult& Result)
if(const FunctionDecl* func = Result.Nodes.getNodeAs<clang::FunctionDecl>("funcDecl"))
// Add to list for future processing
void joinTagsToDeclarations()
// Sort the declaration list
for(auto decl : myDeclList)
const ::clang::SourceLocation tagLoc = ourExportTags.front().getBegin();
const ::clang::SourceLocation declLoc = decl->getBeginLoc();
if(getAstContext().getSourceManager().isBeforeInTranslationUnit(tagLoc, declLoc))
// Handle export;

Is it possible to export/wrap a complex Go struct to C?

I own a Go library, gofileseq, for which I would like to try and made a C/C++ binding.
It is pretty straightforward to be able to export functions that use simple types (ints, strings, ...). It is even easy enough to export data from custom Go types to C by defining a C struct and translating the Go type to it, to be used in the exported functions, since you are allocating C memory to do it. But with the go 1.5 cgo rules I am finding it difficult to figure out how to export functionality from a more complex struct that stores state.
Example of a struct from gofileseq that I would like to export somehow to a C++ binding:
// package fileseq
type FrameSet struct {
frange string
rangePtr *ranges.InclusiveRanges
func NewFrameSet(frange string) (*FrameSet, error) {
// bunch of processing to set up internal state
func (s *FrameSet) Len() int {
return s.rangePtr.Len()
// package ranges
type InclusiveRanges struct {
blocks []*InclusiveRange
type InclusiveRange struct {
start int
end int
step int
cachedEnd int
isEndCached bool
cachedLen int
isLenCached bool
As you can see, the FrameSet type that I want to expose contains a slice of pointers to an underlying type, each of which stores state.
Ideally, I would love to be able to store a void* on a C++ class, and make it just a simple proxy for calling back into exported Go functions with the void*. But the cgo rules disallow C storing a Go pointer longer than the function call. And I am failing to see how I could use an approach of defining C++ classes that could be allocated and used to operate with my Go library.
Is it possible to wrap complex types for exposure to C/C++?
Is there a pattern that would allow a C++ client to create a Go FrameSet?
One idea I can think of would be to let C++ create objects in Go that get stored on the Go side in a static map[int]*FrameSet and then return the int id to C++. Then all the C++ operations make requests into Go with the id. Does that sound like a valid solution?
For now, I am proceeding with testing a solution that uses global maps and unique ids to store objects. C++ would request a new object to be created and only get back an opaque id. Then they can call all of the methods exported as functions, using that id, including requesting for it to be destroyed when done.
If there is a better approach than this, I would love to see an answer. Once I get a fully working prototype, I will add my own answer.
Update #2
I've written a blog post about the final solution that I ended up using:
The way I ended up solving this, for lack of a better solution, was to use private global maps on the Go side (ref). These maps would associate instances of the Go objects with a random uint64 id, and the id would be returned to C++ as an "opaque handle".
type frameSetMap struct {
lock *sync.RWMutex
m map[FrameSetId]*frameSetRef
rand idMaker
func (m *frameSetMap) Add(fset fileseq.FrameSet) FrameSetId {
// fmt.Printf("frameset Add %v as %v\n", fset.String(), id)
id := FrameSetId(m.rand.Uint64())
m.m[id] = &frameSetRef{fset, 1}
return id
Then I use reference counting to determine when C++ no longer needs the object, and remove it from the map:
// Go
func (m *frameSetMap) Incref(id FrameSetId) {
ref, ok := m.m[id]
if !ok {
atomic.AddUint32(&ref.refs, 1)
// fmt.Printf("Incref %v to %d\n", ref, refs)
func (m *frameSetMap) Decref(id FrameSetId) {
ref, ok := m.m[id]
if !ok {
refs := atomic.AddUint32(&ref.refs, ^uint32(0))
// fmt.Printf("Decref %v to %d\n", ref, refs)
if refs != 0 {
if atomic.LoadUint32(&ref.refs) == 0 {
// fmt.Printf("Deleting %v\n", ref)
delete(m.m, id)
FileSequence::~FileSequence() {
if (m_valid) {
// std::cout << "FileSequence destroy " << m_id << std::endl;
m_valid = false;
m_id = 0;
m_fsetId = 0;
And all C++ interactions with the exported Go library communicate via the opaque handle:
// C++
size_t FileSequence::length() const {
return internal::FileSequence_Len(m_id);
Unfortunately it does mean that in a multhreaded C++ environment, all threads would go through a mutex to the map. But it is only a write lock when objects are created and destroyed, and for all method calls on an object it is a read lock.

Copy structure without pointers

I'm trying to create an interface between physical components (Arduinos) and flight simulator in order to control and display simulator events from self-built parts. I have started learning C++ in school, but have never been quite keen on it.
Yet the library I use to communicate with my flight simulator is written in C++ (it's called SimConnect) and so is the SDK of my payware airplane. Therefore I figured it's probably easier to get back into it than creating wrappers or such for another programming language.
Every time I receive new data from the simulator, I pass it into the function ProcessNGXData:
PMDG_NGX_Data* previousData;
bool alreadyProcessed = false;
void ProcessNGXData(PMDG_NGX_Data *data)
if (!alreadyProcessed || data->LTS_TaxiSw != previousData->LTS_TaxiSw) {
if (data->LTS_TaxiSw)
printf("Taxi Lights: [ON]\n");
printf("Taxi Lights: [OFF]\n");
if (!alreadyProcessed) {
alreadyProcessed = true;
previousData = data;
In other programming languages, this would probably work fine, hence I tried to implement it like this. However, C++ pointers are a slight bit more complicated to me.
The condition data->LTS_TaxiSw != previousData->LTS_TaxiSw never evaluates to true. From my understanding, that is because both data and previousData are pointers to exactly the same structure and thus can never be different.
With my little knowledge and not much understanding of those pointers, how would I do this? Is there a way to copy the structure, so they can differ?
Thanks in advance.
Declare previousData like this:
PMDG_NGX_Data previousData;
(without the asterisk). Now, when you want to 'save' the structure, do this:
previousData = *data;
(right hand side has an asterisk). Note that this assumes that PMDG_NGX_Data is copy-able and a fixed size. If it's an interface or an abstract class, then this won't be possible. Perhaps the API gives you a "Clone" or "Copy" method you can call.
If PMDG_NGX_Data is not too big to copy every ProcessNGXData you can try this:
PMDG_NGX_Data previousData;
bool alreadyProcessed = false;
void ProcessNGXData(PMDG_NGX_Data *data)
if (!alreadyProcessed || data->LTS_TaxiSw != previousData.LTS_TaxiSw) {
if (data->LTS_TaxiSw)
printf("Taxi Lights: [ON]\n");
printf("Taxi Lights: [OFF]\n");
if (!alreadyProcessed) {
alreadyProcessed = true;
previousData = *data;
If it is too big, you can create a struct that will hold only the fields you need to compare and will be initialized by PMDG_NGX_Data and initialize that struct every ProcessNGXData.

Using var_arg to pass parameters for function calls

I am writing an adapter to combine two APIs (one in C and another in C++).
If a function is called on the one API I need to pass the callers ID and the function's arguments to an adapter and call the according function with this information passed.
Now aparently they can not be mapped directly as one interface requires C++ compilation and the name mangling would screw the other so that is why I am using a set of adapters in the first place.
As the number of arguments varies, I looked up variadic functions and found the idea pretty useful, however I am operating on POD only and have to deal with structs, enums and a lot of different arguments per call, which might need to be put back into a struct before feeding it to the target function.
Every example I stumbled upon was far simpler and involved mostly arithmetic operations like summing stuff up , finding largest numbers or printing. Mostly done with for loops on the var_list.
Maybe I got stuck on the idea and it won't work at all, but I am just curious...
Say I wanted to assign the arguments from the list to my target functions parameters (the order of the arguments passed is the correct one), what would be a good way?
BOOL Some_Function(
/* in */ CallerId *pObjectId,
/* in */ someDataType argument1 )
BOOL ret = Adapter_Call(pFunction, pObjectId, argument1);
return ret;
and so once I made it to the right adapter I want to do
BOOL Adapter_Call(*pFunction, *pObjectId, argument1, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, argument1);
/*go over list and do `var_list[i] = pFunctionArgList[i]` which is
of whatever type so I can use it as input for my function */
Can I access the input parameters of a function to perform assignments like this?
Has anyone done something like this before? Is there a conceptual mistake in my thinking?
All I found on the net was this, due to the use of templates I am not sure if it wouldn't create another problem and so in the end implementing an adapter for each and every single functioncall may be simpler to do.
A SO search only returned this: Dynamic function calls at runtime (va_list)
First, you should heed Kerrek's advice about extern "C". This is C++'s mechanism for giving an identifier C linkage, meaning that the name won't be mangled by the C++ compiler.
Sometimes, and adapter still needs to be written for a C++ interface, because it manipulates objects that do not map to a C POD. So, the adapter gives the C interface a POD or opaque pointer type to manipulate, but the implementation of that interface converts that into an C++ object or reference and then calls the C++ interface. For example, suppose you wanted to provide a C interface for C++ std::map<int, void *>, you would have a common header file in C and C++ that would contain:
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
struct c_map_int_ptr;
// ...
// return -1 on failure, otherwise 0, and *data is populated with result
int c_map_int_ptr_find (struct c_map_int_ptr *, int key, void **data);
#ifdef __cplusplus
Then, the C++ code could implement the function like:
typedef std::map<int, void *> map_int_ptr;
int c_map_int_ptr_find (struct c_map_int_ptr *cmap, int key, void **data) {
map_int_ptr &map = *static_cast<map_int_ptr *>(cmap);
map_int_ptr::iterator i = map.find(key);
if (i != map.end()) {
*data = i->second;
return 0;
return -1;
Thus, there is no need to pass the arguments passed via the C interface through a variable argument adapter. And so, there is no need for the C++ code to tease out the arguments from a variable argument list. The C code calls directly into the C++ code, which knows what to do with the arguments.
I suppose if you are trying to implement some kind of automated C adapter code generator by parsing C++ code, you could think that using variable arguments would provide a regular mechanism to communicate arguments between the generated C code interface and the generated C++ adapter code that would call the original C++ interface. For such a scenario, the code for the above example would look something like this:
// C interface
typedef struct c_map_int_ptr c_map_int_ptr;
typedef struct c_map_int_ptr_iterator c_map_int_ptr_iterator;
c_map_int_ptr_iterator c_map_int_ptr_find (c_map_int_ptr *map, int key) {
c_map_int_ptr_iterator result;
cpp_map_int_ptr_adapter(__func__, map, key, &result);
return result;
// C++ code:
struct cpp_adapter {
virtual ~cpp_adapter () {}
virtual void execute (va_list) {}
void cpp_map_int_ptr_adapter(const char *func, ...) {
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, func);
struct cpp_map_int_ptr_find_adapter : cpp_adapter {
void execute (va_list ap) {
map_int_ptr *map = va_arg(ap, map_int_ptr *);
int key = va_arg(ap, int);
c_map_int_ptr_iterator *c_iter = va_arg(ap, c_map_int_ptr_iterator *);
map_int_ptr::iterator i = map->find(key);
//...transfer result to c_iter
Where cpp_map_int_ptr_adapter_method_lookup() returns an appropriate cpp_adapter instance based on a table lookup.

how to return multiple error codes from C++ function

What is a good way to return success or one or more error codes from a C++ function?
I have this member function called save(), which saves to each of the member variables, there are at least ten of these member variables that are saved-to, for the call to save(), I want to find out if the call failed, and if so, on which member variable (some are hard failures, some are soft).
You can either return an object that has multiple error fields or you can use 'out'parameters.
How you do this depends on your design and what exactly you are trying to return back. A common scenario is when you need to report back a status code along with a message of sorts. This is sometimes done where the function returns the status code as the return value and then returns the message status via an 'out' parameter.
If you are simply returning a set of 'codes', it might make more sense to construct a struct type and return that. In that case, I would be prone to pass it in as an out parameter and have the method internally update it instead of allocating a new one each time.
Are you planning on doing this once or many times?
I know this doesn't really answer your question, but...
In C++ you should use exceptions instead of returning error codes. Error codes are most commonly used by libraries which don't want to force the library user to use a particular error handling convention, but in C++, we already have stdexcept. Of course, there might be reasons you don't use exceptions, such as if you're writing embedded code or kernel extensions.
I usually use a boost::tuple:
typedef boost::tuple<int,int> return_value;
return_value r = my_function();
int first_value = boost::get<0>( r );
int second_valud = boost::get<1>( r );
You can also use boost::tie to extract the values from a tuple:
boost::tie( first_value, second_value ) = r;
The simplest way to return two values is with the std::pair<> template:
I would use a bitset if you're intention is to purely return error states. e.g.
const bitset<10> a_not_set(1);
const bitset<10> b_not_set(2);
const bitset<10> c_not_set(4);
bitset<10> foo(T& a, T& b, T& c, ...)
bitset<10> error_code = 0;
if ( /* a can't be set */ )
error_code |= a_not_set;
if ( /* b can't be set */ )
error_code |= b_not_set;
// etc etc
return error_code;
bitset<10> err = foo(a, b, c, ... );
if (err && a_not_set)
// Blah.
You need to return them as output parameters:
bool function(int& error1, int& error2, stringx& errorText, int& error3);
You can use an integer with bit manipulation (aka flags).
I probably try to throw an exception first but it depends on your coding paradigm. Please check some books or articles about reasons why c++ exception handling might be better.
If I really need to stick to retrun-error-code style, I would define a eunm type for specifying errors with bit operations..
enum error
MEMBER_1_NOT_SAVED = 1 << 1,
MEMBER_2_NOT_SAVED = 1 << 2,
// etc..
int save()
int ret = NO_ERROR;
// fail to save member_0
// fail to save member_1
// ....
return ret;
int main(void)
int ret = save();
if( ret == NO_ERROR)
// good.
if(ret & MEMBER_0_NOT_SAVED)
// do something
if(ret & MEMBER_1_NOT_SAVED)
// do something
// check the other errors...
This is just a rough example. It's better to put this into a class or use a namespace.
I am not familiar with the internals and constrains of your project, but if possible, try to use exceptions instead of error codes.
The reasons are listed here, at C++ FAQ lite, and they conclude with:
So compared to error reporting via return-codes and if, using try / catch / throw is likely to result in code that has fewer bugs, is less expensive to develop, and has faster time-to-market.